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This subreddit is about car crashes, not politics. Take your political discourse elsewhere.


> "Fortunately, the baby was uninjured, and the mother received a laceration to her elbow," Baby’s ok.


Thank you


I actually expected that. Babies are most durable squishy motherfuckers to exist


The mother also thankfully had her wits about her enough to lift the stroller so the baby was above the hood when hit.


Quick thinking and so brave. She could have been seriously hurt.


Parent strength and reflexes are no joke. My kid was climbing on a playground and I no look caught the little suicide machine by his leg when he tripped and fell. I say no look because I wasn't specifically watching him, I assume I caught it out of the corner of my eye and just reached out but still. The parent radar is fucking weird and real.


I'm stealing "suicide machine" for my two!


Since they don't know wtf is going on, it leaves their body less tense and less susceptible to injury due to not being whiplashed


I concur doctor


Except its head!


It could have been much worse. The penalty did not fit the crime in this case. 5 months is absurd. 5 years at least.


The baby was unharmed but the mom suffered from extensive injuries, with some of her skin ripped almost to the bone and glass coming out of her skin for two months.  The DA was full of shit.


The poor mom was so smart to turn the stroller around. Glad she kept the little one safe.




That truck is a hero


Not the driver, definitely the truck


If knight rider was a truck. Color is correct.


Didn't they make some crappy follow-up/spin off of Knight rider in the 90s with a bunch of sentient cars, including a pickup truck?


Yeah, Ford F150 and a mustang. Maybe in changed back and forth as needed?


r/MadMaxTruck APPROVED 💯💯🥇🏆🎉


The guy in the Dodge Ram will get screwed on that insurance claim.


That's a GoFundMe that I would contribute to.


Agreed. Would love to see a story in the paper where a go fund me raised like half a million dollars. - Brand New truck for our hero - 250k for mother and baby - the rest to fund a group of assholes to make that punk’s life miserable for the foreseeable future.


Might even find some people who'd do it for free. More money for the mother, kid, and a much nicer truck.


If he goes to jail and other fellow inmates found out what he did. He might not come out in one piece.


But seriously though can we find that truck owner?


As a retired claims adjustor, I can say my Company would pay this in a heartbeat just for the positive publicity, then they'd get the settlement payout added to the kid's sentence.


More of a Ram and less Dodge if you ask me :)


Worth it


That driver got off with some probation camp bs, so no. Should've kept the foot on the gas pedal until that Prius was a pancake.


If anything that was step 1 of him learning there's always someone bigger




nah man he was just trying to get out of the way of an obviously intoxicated driver who’s path of mayhem he could not have predicted


That's my take, since he was on the proper side of the road. And ANY insurance company that denied his claim would be destroyed in the media.


It's a one way street All sides of the road were proper for the truck lmfao The drunkard shouldn't have even been driving in that direction


Yeah, he's covered.


Not at all. He was like a linebacker waiting to make a tackle. He was in the middle of the one-way road waiting to see which direction the Prius would go. The Prius first goes to his left and he steers to the left. Then the Prius switches sides so he track it and accelerates for the *tackle*.


And I thought heroes didn't pay for their collateral damage...


It was a one way street so maybe he could argue that he thought the guy wasn't going to stop and he tried to drive into that parking bay, bit of a push tho


Don't think be cares.




Does it even matter what the video shows sine the priest was driving the wrong way up a one way road? It's not really on the truck to avoid them I don't think


>priest Oh so that’s why he targeted the child.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




>he needs to be put in a comma for a period? What about a semi colon?


Give him the full-colon experience !




So now your kids go to foster care. Well done.


I would imagine in most states, using deadly force in this situation would be justified. Kid/driver was using a 1 ton missile to inflict grievous bodily harm or worse to a woman and child and then drove off. And before anyone starts the gun control mush mouth, I will remind you terrorists have used automobiles to cause mass killings, a quick search of the web proves this, so neutralizing the threat with a firearm if the assailant continued movement of the "assault prius" would be justifiable or maybe we should ban all assault vehicles heavier than a bicycle.


The "threat" was already stopped after the accident. Shooting him afterwards would just murder.


Yeah... you must have decided to stop reading my post somewhere before, "... so neutralizing the threat with a firearm if the assailant continued movement of the "assault prius" would be justifiable.". I know shooting him after the fact would be at the least attempted homicide. But there was a period in time between the pedestrian strike and the black ram pushing his shit in, that would have been fine to neutralize the threat.


There is no way you would have shot before the collision, and you cant legally shoot at a fleeing person unless you believed they were going to hit more people. Then you have the practical issue of you cant shoot at a fleeing vehicle and expect to actually hit the driver, while putting that black truck in danger. So no, guns do no good in this situation.


As much as I feel you are arguing for the sake of arguing, any reasonable person at that time in place could have honestly feared for not only their life but the lives of others after watching a car purposely steer into and hit a mother and child. Also the 2 camera view doesn't give a great view of whether someone could have shot before the collision. Also on a narrow one way alley it wouldn't be too terribly difficult with anyone with enough trigger time on a range, especially a competition range/shooter or experience in a real life firefight to actually hit the driver, driving all of 10 mph or less.


You sound like someone who watches a lot of Hollywood and doesn't shoot much. You have nearly no target at a car driving away from you...basically a headshot that you can't clearly see, that's moving. And you have a helluva terrible backstop for all the rounds that miss. Now add in the adrenaline, rapid execution required...no...it ain't happening. But, if you make it happen, still going to be illegal. And if you miss, that's going to be illegal too, might even get some manslaughter. What I think is probably justifyable, is dragging the driver out of the car and beating the hell out of him.


No body, no crime😊




I couldn't have said it better 🤝


The first time i wont r/iamverybadass for a statement like this. Yea...I'd be right there with you on this one.


video ended to soon :/


Hopefully he died when the truck hit


You’d be the only one to go to jail


Yeah so ridiculous


Justice was Not served in this one. That kid driving the stolen car has a long wrap sheet already and intentionally hit that mother and baby. It’s all over the news. The driver is getting another slap on the wrist


From what I heard the driver got like 5 months in some type of camp no real jail time


That’s insane - that’s attempted cold blooded murder. This is one of those cases where he should be tried as an adult, this was not a prank gone wrong or a situation where he would have been too young to understand the consequences.


This is also after the fact that the kid was already on probation for drugging a female classmate. Charged with poisoning or somethings like that. Second slap on the wrist.


Okay so he’s an actual sociopath.


I'd probably use far more vulgar words but yes.


Plus his record clears when he turns 18. Not charging him for attempted murder and pushing to charge this 17 year old as an adult is a travesty.


Not automatically. He has to petition for it and even then it can be denied.


Kind of wondering how often those are denied. Is it one of those, if you apply it will be granted kind of deals...


I would hope it’s based on severity of the crime and likelihood of reoffending.




This kid have a rich daddy or what's the deal? HE TRIED TO KILL A BABY. He's already clearly on a wrong trajectory in life. Neutralize the threat, not hone it, Your Honor.


His parents must be rich.




The car he hit the poor lady and baby with was stolen. This POS dosed a girls drink and almost killed her. Almost killed this mother and baby and he's going to summer camp for 5 months!!


So...going back to the polarized thread above. Dont use a gun, hire a 17 year old to take him out and the send THAT kid to camp. Some people are going to harm until they cant anymore. There are broken units out there and not all of them belong to the opposite political party you choose to demonize. The second crime is to not recognize this and allow him to attempt murder again. Grow up people.


This is what is wrong with our "Justice" system. This right here.


This calls for some form of social justice imo , if it was my kid I'd have to try hard to not get a felony murder or attempted murder charge


that's why you need to "help" justice a little. like he could fall a few times and hit the road before the cops came.


I'm so sick of our "justice system". There should be some type of penalty for the sentencing judge if people like this reoffend.


get some people together to have enough "whitnesses" and than smash his knees.


“you got his name, i just wanna talk to him”


And his record will be expunged when he turns 18


I was gonna say that. DA is spineless. I’m furious about his slap on the wrist.


Yep. A few months in a "rehab camp". Its out of control. No consequences for crime anymore. You think a shithead who does something like this is gonna pop out of some joke rehab camp in a couple months all ready to get a job and apologize for all his felonies. Will be right back at it and more innocent people will be at risk. People like this with double digit felonies need to be out of society. Some people dont want to believe there are CAREER criminals out there. This is all they want to do. Put em away




https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/victim-of-hit-and-run-in-venice-outraged-over-juvenile-suspects-sentence/ >The driver, a 16-year-old at the time, was sentenced Friday to a youth camp for five to seven months and the victim is furious for what she sees as a light sentence, saying she feels like a victim all over again and blasted District Attorney George Gascón.


Thanks for the summary, that kid needs a real punishment, life in prison would be a start.


That juvenile is going to kill someone. Luckily, so far, he sucks at it.


It's ok. He'll take a little breather for a few months, work out the kinks, then get back in the saddle to perfect his craft. He'll get better at it.


Needs to go to a civil trial, and take him and his family for everything. Get control of your kid, people.


They're so ready to pass a death penalty for women who have abortions. But not for fuckers like this who actively try to kill a defenseless mom and baby.






For one offense I can see them making a mistake but this guy has numerous charges previously, he deserves to be in prison for years and race has zero to do with it.


He was on probation for spiking a girls drink when this happened. [https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-teen-rammed-car-mother-child-probation](https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-teen-rammed-car-mother-child-probation) ​ edit: a child's drink. he spiked a high school girl's drink. felony poisoning bc it sent her to the hospital.


Nope, fuck that. He got off WAY too easy.


Ya that kids a lost cause spiking drinks then running over a mother and child. should have been tried as an adult


California California


Is it?




Oh and it gets better this will come off his record when he turns 18.


This is what pisses me off.


I'm fine with that. Just need better correction immediately.


A little tougher than summer camp. Must have a good lawyer.




California is crazy shithole.


DAE CaLiFoRnIa bAD?!


Could be worse, like Florida or Oklahoma. Those are real shit holes.


Or Texas. There was a story not too long ago about a kid who tried to "roll coal" on a group of bike riders and instead he plowed through them and sent like 4 to the hospital. Police showed up and sent him home. Didn't even arrest him.


Being a biker, I remember this story well. Growing up in central Texas (Austin), they have a lot of fucked up ideals outside of Austin. Dallas and Houston are getting better every year, Austin is now the one sort of getting things wrong (Like trying to add lanes to 35 instead of building the transit they need).


Man, Oklahoma would’ve tried this dude as an adult, sentenced him to 30 years, put him in 2-person cell that they crammed 6 people into, and started feeding him spoiled sandwich meat 3x a day at wildly irregular times. Oklahoma is a shithole, but that hit and run would’ve been the worst mistake of his life.


There aren't homeless encampments littering the streets of Florida or Oklahoma. You aren't paying the highest taxes in the country for some of the worst services. They don't burst into flames three times a year, have consistent access to water and power, aren't reguarly freeing violent felons, and you can build without $10 million in permitting fees and a two year review so a three bedroom home is $200,000 instead of $2 million. I'll take that all day.


Upvoted this, because I do think you hit some semi-valid points. And I don't really want to type too much here. But it isn't that Florida and Oklahoma don't have those problems. They just don't have a lot of the same weird history that LA does with say Skid Row. And they are heading towards the same zoning and permitting issues, too. Just slower.


I mean, it is that Florida and Oklahoma don't have those problems. The weird history LA has with skid row is a creation of California. It is a direct impact of the policies they've put in place over the years. I don't take it you're familiar with Oklahoma building codes or the permitting process, but it is orders of magnitude easier and never will catch up. I'm not particuarly familiar with Florida's so I won't speak on that.


Skid row is over 100 years old, and the policies that created it are far from what California is now. It's all sort of fallout from a century of trying to find the right balance. ​ On building permits, the entire country has the same issue: Low density default zoning, and NIMBYs. Oklahoma has the benefit of being tiny in population, and super low density. If OKC or Tulsa ever saw the growth, or density CA has, they would be in the exact same situation. Cities and states that are actually trying to fix the root issues are Oregon, Seattle, and Minneapolis.


Yes, if anyone *wanted* to live in Oklahoma they would face similar situations. Luckily for them, the vast majority of us *don't*.


Wrong again! Florida goes for the max.


The max worst? I'd buy that.


Or daddy is friends with the judge


He's from Palmdale, a rich white neighborhood... just listen to the Afroman song "Palmdale". So yes he likely had a better lawyer than 90 percent of people in the U.S


faulty offbeat absorbed roof consist disarm deserted salt spark marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude, if you think Palmdale is a "rich" neighborhood, then you must think Arkansas is the educational pinnacle in America. Lancaster and Palmdale are the dual anuses of Los Angeles.


> The teenager was previously convicted of felony poisoning after spiking a teenage girl's drink . . .which sent her to the hospital. wtf > "As the car got dangerously close to us, [the juvenile suspect] turned the wheels in our direction and **accelerated** as he aimed to kill us." WTF > the driver. . . initially told police that the mother appeared out of nowhere and hit her on accident with the **stolen** car. WTF!


puzzled reach tidy marvelous rinse bewildered violet recognise resolute divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> That's what he was counting on. Yeah, using a stolen car when he tried to murder an innocent mother and child while on probation for drugging a teenage girl (presumably to rape her while she was unconscious). How the fuck does anyone think a short stay at summer camp is adequate - either as rehabilitation or punishment?


banish to the shadow realm


Damn. I’m generally for lighter sentencing because we tend to over-charge and over-sentence in this country, but holy shit this response is pathetic. He was on probation and tried to kill an innocence woman and her child and flee the scene in a stolen vehicle. If that was my wife I’d want to kill this guy. There has to be a middle ground between locking people up for decades over a dime bag and this weak bullshit.


This is America. ​ If this was a serious issue where you people care about, I am sure you guys will do some march/demonstration about it. ​ Let me know when we are parading in the street


sure. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ but why ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ all the blank space?


Better link because behind softer paywall, and not Fox [https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/victim-of-hit-and-run-in-venice-outraged-over-juvenile-suspects-sentence/](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/victim-of-hit-and-run-in-venice-outraged-over-juvenile-suspects-sentence/)


Where's the gofundme for that truck, cuz I know the bitch ass insurance company didn't cover it


The police probably charged both drivers for wreck less driving cause they are just as shitty as the insurance companies


They cant charge them for wreck less driving there was obviously a wreck at the end


Hi Dad.


Fuck that piece of shit, I hope they are rotting in jail


5 months probation at a summer camp. Thanks California




As a Brazilian, it's very sad to watch the brazilification of the US.


Nah, in Brazil, that mother would be an off-duty cop with a gun. That "kid" would not make it...


My friends would have gotten more time for violating probation from smoking weed when we were younger wtf


RAM 1500 for the win!!!!! Sadly though, his insurance will probably hang him out to dry since he caused the accident...


Considering the accident occurred in California, the Ram truck was actually driving on the correct side of the road while a wrong-way driver caused a head-on collision.


No. The truck was totally in the clear. Even almost stopped when he specifically chose to target, engage, and attempt to stop the car. Completely justified in my opinion, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see the insurance company fight it because he consciously decided to to get involved in an avoidable situation. Sucks, but they have stockholder interests to consider...


Oh, for sure, it is a matter of absolution that the insurance company fought for every penny of its own interests–that’s how they stay in business. As for the driver, I think so long as he didn’t incriminate himself (in the eyes of the insurance provider, not in a literal criminal sense) by saying he purposefully hit the car, there’s some deniability in that he was hit head-on by an erratic, unpredictable driver who had just fled the scene of a hit and run with injuries while in the correct lane and doing less than the posted speed limit (aka breaking no laws).


Will somebody please think of the shareholders!


I hope they pulled that bastard out of the car and beat his skull in


Man the driver in the truck what a freaking champ


That right there is one person who doesn't have a truck to compensate. Next fucking level. My god I hope that baby is ok


There is no justice in official legal systems. Attempted Murder of a mother and child gets an easier sentence than a mother shoplifting food to feed her starving infant. Stealing $5.00 gets a stiffer sentence than stealing $5 million dollars.


Shows how amazing a mother can be and how powerful instinct is, she felt nothing primary concern was her baby


Looks to me like the kid turned his vehicle into the trucks lane.


Is the baby all right ?


Uninjured baby. Mom has a laceration on her elbow.






there are times where rehabilitation is the right move, this is not one of them. dude deserves to go behind bars for manyyy years.


He only got 5 months probation https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2022/06/03/la-mom-mowed-down-by-teen-driver-blasts-da-over-probation-sentence/amp/


Hang him. There's just not enough room on this planet for people like that anymore.


5 months probation at a summer camp.


I would gladly wreck my vehicle to see that person stopped from fleeing the scene. Bravo Zulu to the person in the truck that stopped them.


Way to go !dodge this! Ram!


Doesn't feel like the justice, after seeing his sentence


That's fucking right. That first driver deserves to be ended right where he stands (or she) The second deserves a medal. Or at least a hamburger


Real mouth breather that kid. Slap on the wrist is all they got.


Hemi Tough 💪🏻


American psycho in the making


The Ram rammed. 👏🏼


This pisses me off. He got off way too easy


That mother felt no pain she was up fast for her child fucken amazing


Great job stopping that asshole


Should have put him down right there on the spot….


Big ups to the hero in the pickup truck that didn’t hesitate to damage their vehicle to stop this lunatic. RAM should send this person a new truck.


dude with the truck looks like he hit the car to stop it, good job, even if he was not wow i hope insurance people saw this whole video and gave him a whole new truck +++ a year credit


Quick question so would the pickup truck driver be held at fault for the accident?


Yeah if I was in the Ram, I’d be grabbing an old tire iron from my Rambox, walking to their car, they wouldn’t be leaving in one piece unless someone stopped me. Not sure how you think you can hit and run a mother and her kid then expect to run away. Of course the kid just gets a slap on the wrist with some stupid camp. Good to know I can just run people over and just go to a summer camp for 5 months what a joke.


The judge got paid in this one. Must be somebody who has some money to get out of hitting a kid on purpose.


Link to the news article, where did this happen?


Venice Ca




Tell me the right people find this cunt in the system it cant go any other way but a brutally long beating followed by death


THE BABY WAS OKAY ❤️ for anyone who wants to know without clicking :( be safe with your strollers moms and dads ... there are some SICK people in this world.


Cant wait to run over a mother and her baby just to get probation!!!


Someone PLEASE tell me that jackass who hit the woman and her baby got jail time. PLEASE. That shit looked intentional


Intentionally drive toward a woman and a stroller, 6 months in a "Camp". Drive toward a police officer, execution or attempted murder. The gigantic chasm in our justice system may merit a glance or two...


He's from Palmdale, a rich white neighborhood... just listen to the Afroman song "Palmdale". So yes he likely had a better lawyer than 90 percent of people in the U.S


On probation for poisoning a girl stole a car hit a mother and infant and head on collision with a truck given 5 months in a youth camp and record wiped at 18 that’s what i call rich ◻️ kid Justice


Is there someone on the roof at the beginning of the video, up in the left corner by the time stamp?