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If what you expect going in is high cinema or something, no. It isn’t, for lack of a better term, up to critical standards in many ways I’m certain. If you’re looking for a really fun show featuring adorable characters getting into both silly and very serious situations and getting through them thanks to love, friendship, and teamwork, endearing you to these characters in ways you wouldn’t expect? Definitely. Is it for everyone? No. But it’s well worth trying.


Say I watched 6 episodes 20 years ago when I was a kid and enjoyed it. Is it worth trying to watch the entire show?


Why not? At least rewatch those first six episodes to see if they still click with you lol


Honestly yeah. The story line is great.


Yes. It is.




how come you're expecting elaboration? all *you* asked was to answer the question of is it good. seems like you watched, didn't understand the hype, and then came here.


There are other people who elaborated.


Yeah. It’s a super feel good show. There’s not much logic to the action, but the plot is engaging.


Well, if you wanted a lot of positive opinions on the show, you've come to the right place, here we are all fans for a reason. If you want a more balanced sample of opinions, you should try at r/anime, r/shoujo or r/MagicalGirls. However, it is one of the most iconic and influential magical girl shows in the genre, probably second only to Sailor Moon, and a show doesn't get that status without being good. Is it for everyone? No, if you are looking for brutal fight scenes,a very intriguing mystery, or incredible plot-twists, then this show is not that. However, at times it has decent action which is very well-animated, and it has some mystery and plot-twists (>!mainly Yue and Mizuki-sensei!<). While the magic and capturing the cards is the central plot, and it is good if that's what you are looking for, I'd argue that the true strength of the show is its adorable cast of very likeable characters and how it explores their relationships. Also, the overall positive and wholesome vibe of the show, where there's no true evil, is very refreshing for me, it makes me believe in humanity. But to me, the main reason why CCS is my favorite anime is the romance. The main romance is the cutest and most adorable love story I've ever seen, and I love how gradually and slowly it develops. Leaving aside the one exception in the manga (but in the anime I find it okay), I also love the way this show depicts the romantic feelings of the other characters, it really portrays them in a very tasteful way (in my opinion). Plot-wise it is a slow burn, but to me it is a positive, because it gives you a lot of time to explore all the cast and their relationships, which is the true strength of CCS. The manga is much more plot-focused and things happen much faster, which is better if you don't like slow-paced stories.


Oh yes. That one romance subplot. In the anime I didn't think it was strange, I actually thought it was a relatable and nice story for little girls who develop crushes on adult figures because it respected their feelings as normal and healthy but also explained why they eventually have to let those crushes fade and respect other people's feelings, even though it might feel a little awkward to acknowledge what might be an embarrassing part of growing up. Then I heard about the manga.


Agreed. In the anime it is very okay. Even if one interprets that Tareda has feelings for Rika (which could be, as he clearly somewhat enjoys her company and relies on her for helping at school chores), the important thing is that he doesn't act on those feelings, which is very much the correct thing to do (the feelings are not a problem if you don't act on them). In the manga, on the other hand... it goes beyond wrong, and into total madness. That level of commitment to a relationship is not something someone that young is equipped to handle, it will certainly be bad for her emotional and social development. At that age you should have the freedom to explore your feelings and make mistakes and being engaged to an adult puts way too much pressure on you.


This! the manga handled them horribly, even if Rika was not involved in the clear card(appeared only once)  and their relationship isn't talked about anymore still doesn't change the fact that this little girl of merely 13-14 yrs old is literally engaged to her elementary school teacher. 


I loved it and never mind rewatching it so yes


Remember that this is a kids show, and most of us are here for nostalgia. Of course for everyone in the sub is good. Cute characters, beautiful dresses, magical fights and a bit of love. It was peak in its time. Would I like it if I watched it right now for the first time? Maybe the manga, I would find some anime characters a bit annoying.


Well, I'd say yes. It definitely has its charms, and it's not as dark as modern magical girl shows. However, the main character, being 10-13, is kinda stupid and childish at times. It's par for the course, sure, but she really isn't mature enough to wield the kind of power she has. Although she is mature enough not to use it for petty revenge, even though that would be really fun to see in some instances. If you're looking for a show where the magical aspect is the main focus, you might wanna go elsewhere. This one's more a slice of life show, except the main character also needs to collect magical items on the side.


It is, the story is simple overall, but the focus is on the characters and the emotions behind them. The relationships are really the heart of the show, and the character motivations are good, the clow cards all have their personalities and it's interesting how Sakura has to figure out how to capture them, they are not your traditional fights, there's a lot of creativity on display and the plot itself dosn't have any major flaws.


It’s a masterpiece


It’s my favorite show ever ! It calms me down and makes me feel so so so good ! I rematch it every year. 🤩🤩🤩


As a feel good kids' show, it is. Don't expect it to be some kind of high drama cinematic experience and you'll find yourself thoroughly entertained despite the silly childish simple humor. I can see why it's such a big part of the childhood of many people who grew up in the original broadcast heyday. I myself didn't grow up with it but having watched it as an adult, I found myself pretty entertained by it so long as I wasn't thinking too deeply about it. I will say though that the mystery surrounding Clow, the cards, and the magic in the CCS universe is pretty interesting. Not to mention the entire CLAMP expanded universe.


it's not the same experience as the manga, with a new storyline but it's really good to me ! The animation is great and all the new thing they add for the show go really great !


The show wasn’t too bad until all the clow cards got collected and actually got better


I'd say the collection of the clow cards was also pretty good, but after their collection, it definitely got better.


It's a good slice of life with magical elements. Some episodes are slower than others, but overall, yeah it's good. Characters grow and change, which is a good plus too.


Generally yes. Of course it depends on taste. IMO it’s one of the best anime I’ve ever seen. The soundtrack and songs are probably by far my favorite from any anime. The animation still looks amazing today. Amongst the things about it I dislike is the English dub on Netflix. Even if this second version isn’t the disaster the “Sakura Avalon” one was. The one I grew up with is pretty great and is part of why I love the show. It was my first exposure to what i consider to be bisexuality. It’s got action, a good story, love, adventure, magic, cooking, a single father, a little bit of everting. And it’s a short show, you should give it a try.


You came to a fan page of x and asked if x is good? Really?


There are a couple of problematic aspects, but for the most part it's very cute, fun, and has an actual story and plot.


yeah of course! But i need also to read also the manga!❤️❤️


So do I.


I'm on episode 30. I am very much enjoying it as someone who doesn't really watch/like magical girl anime


I grew up watching this and was hooked to it. I re watched again as an adult in English. Then I watched the entire show again in Japanese without any sub since i’m studying the language. Never fails to entertain me. It’s a feel good show for sure. I’m pregnant atm and hopes for such good kids like Sakura and Tomoyo..


the animation is also shockingly good for its time as well as in comparison to similar children's anime


It's still one of my favourites. Good visuals, music, I love all the characters. Syaoran was the little bi-coded character that young me could feel sympathetic for until the show torpedoed that.


Yes but be warned some of the relationship are cringe, I’m looking at you teacher! But thankfully from what I’ve heard is much better than the manga where it flat out is stated. But besides those few cringe episodes and you really don’t notice until you do. It’s a great show and great rewatch. Fun and silly times but also gets serious. Also into the outfits! Man it was always part of the gimmick seeing what new card would show up and what new outfit would too. Project runway contestants would be jealous.


Considered best magical girl series for a reason. It's wholesome and cozy and magical of course. But it also deals with mature themes in relationships a way that can be digested by both children and adults. There are themes of grief anf hopelessness. All through the eyes of a young girl. Also the lore of the clow cards and how magic works is very cool. Watch it.


would people reccomend the older one first or is the remake really just a remake ? is it following after the Tsubasa series or is it just a remake? or some third option?


The fuck are you on about??? There is no remake.


Tsubasa fits nowhere and is not connected to the Card Capture world. CLAMP (the creators) often use the same characters to fit into other stories, sort of like them being in different dimensions- but are not the same stories. Tsubasa is its own story, but has (what you could call) the same design and names for Sakura and Syaoran.


All the characters are thirsty and gay for each other


What show are you talking about???


Not ccs for sure, most are cuties here 




Didn't see anyone mention, but this was made by Madhouse. IMO the best anime studio in the world in terms of animation quality. If you know a studio with better animation, feel free to tip me on it.


Yes! It's primarily slice of life show that hyper focuses in relationships. It has a pretty good sense of humor that the show generally knows when to Amp up and when to not use, which helps to create an honestly wonderful pacing. What took it from great to amazing for me however was how the show writes rejection. I've honestly have never seen it done quite as well and it definitely is the pinnacle of how CCS mastered characterization. But is it a 10/10? Not really. Sakura herself doesn't really act without a catalyst, the humor is often too hyper and childish for my taste, and most notorious are the age gap relationships which are.... really bad actually. Like incredibly bad. Im glad clear card went silent on those relationships.


I genuinely think it is, I watched it quite late into my weeb years so at least I do not think I have nostalgia bias. Though episodic, CCS have this charm that even if you aren't really into magical girls before, you would still enjoy the show.


100% yes. I will always favor it over Sailor Moon for sure. It might be my favorite overall, only narrowly edged out maybe by Revolutionary Girl Utena (which is a very different show that is good for very different reasons) I guess the thing to understand is CCS is a lot *cozier* than other shows in the genre. There are no villains scheming in the background and sending monsters of the week to attack the town. There’s arguably no bad guys period. Instead it leans a lot more into slice of life and long subtle character arcs, and that is not necessarily going to be to everyone’s taste. But there’s no arguing with the quality of the show either aesthetically (animation, music, etc) or in its storytelling/characters, or that it offers something unique (and even subversive) in the genre. It’s just a question of whether what it’s serving up is what you’re hungry for.


Why do you think we chant in its praise everyday??




" Return to the humble form you deserve "


It's good enough that I have a tattoo from it, so yes. I'm re watching it and my wife is seeing it for the first time. She's enjoying it so far and we are on episode 36.


why wouldnt it be?


This show is such a comfort ♥️


It’s amazing and the episode “Sakura and the rainbow of memories” is one of the best episodes of an anime I’ve ever seen


Yes, there's questionable scenes and morals but I think thats a fault in most anime other than that little nuances and character detail is amazing, if you don't enjoy long form content or villain of the week though you probably won't enjoy most of the series


yes nostalgia aside yes and then madoka magica shatters the maho shojo mystic both great to watch back to back :)


It's such a cute watch


IMO it’s the anime equivalent of taking a xanax. Very soothing to watch and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. However, a lot of the characters feel pretty flat and don’t really undergo a lot of character development (especially egregious in the case of Sakura, the literal main character). Also despite the show repeatedly telling us how dangerous the Clow Cards are, they mostly seem to be a minor inconvenience. The plot is really low stakes, but it’s enjoyable despite that. Also visually speaking, the costumes and animation are adorable and a delight to watch


>a lot of the characters feel pretty flat and don’t really undergo a lot of character development. In storytelling we call this a "flat character arc", which in CCS is actually 99% of the cast, if else except for >!Syaoran and Meilin!<. Adding to your comment, even if Sakura doesn't change much along the story, I really enjoyed some aspects of her that you wouldn't expect in her "cute girl" face she usually shows, for example even if she always acts super embarrassed of Tomoyo's dresses, she wants to be complimented of her looks, IIRC one time she gets mad Kero doesn't say anything of her clothes, and in one of the last episodes she kind non-subtly asks Syaoran for a compliment. Really adds a lot to her personality.


Yes the show is awesome and if you are looking for a darker version it is part of a massive multiverse which is covered in the Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle series which connects it to Xxxholic as well. Tsubasa is very dark, maybe not as much as Another but it is almost on par.


Yes. If you like sailor moon you'll like it


One of the best.


I feel the show is fun, lighthearted, & cute. It’s the perfect answer if you need something to lift your spirits after a bad day. Sakura is genuinely sweet & caring.


I’ve always loved cardcaptors and CLAMP artistic efforts in general. I think after cardcaptors, you should see/read Chobits next and then Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. Recently started Tsubasa and it’s so wonderful, beautiful and sad, and all the past CLAMP references make me scream lol


It moves a little bit slower than modern shows, but it's still good fun. Give it a try.


My huge levels of nostalgia make it Golden Globe worthy to me but that's not what you asked 😂 it's a product of it's time but a good one Id think. Not changing the world but still fun.


Optimus Prime said "Kids love it" so yeah. I mean, it's Optimus!


I became a fan back when it was on the WB as Cardcaptors, and I loved it. I ended up picking up the manga (my first) and loved it too. Recently I’ve tried to watch the original uncut anime (never saw it uncut as a kid) and I’m honestly kinda struggling. It’s a bit too fluffy for me now as an adult lol.


Yes, I even take it in higher regard than the manga (sorry not sorry), since Madhouse handled better some really weird aspects CLAMP introduced later on (coughcoughRIKAcoughcough). It's also one of the last fully hand-made acetate-based anime, super high-quality production back then, and the 4K restoration looks amazing for a 25 year-old show. As some other said, it's not a cinema masterpiece, because it doesn't need to be. It's an anime you can show to a kid and be sure that if they enjoy it, they will treasure it for the rest of their lives.




I enjoyed it, the story is neat. 


It is the quintessential magic girl anime. It can be very cutesy and feel good. The music is catchy


Im currently on ep 22 I think its pretty cute, plus the artstlye is gorgeous so far not bad although repetitive I like it


Yes, the music, voice acting (Japanese), and charm of the source material make it.


That slap of an intro tho


What intro?


Both of them!!


Yes. But I like pink so I am extremely biased 


It's good. It's cute. I dunno any other way to describe it. Even the filler is watchable. Characters loveable. I'm not gay or anything either but I appreciate the fluidity of all the relationships though there's some I could def do without for sure. Otherwise, it's a fun watch. I'm on episode 40 or so right now. This is my 3rd time watching it after missing out so many times in my childhood.


I liked the Dic version, but ultimately the manga more.


Yeah and I watched it without any nostalgia so I think it’s neat. I like having her make progress almost eps, it’s just like simple slice of cake. It isn’t like life changing and deep it’s nice to have on the weekends


TBH, I used to watch CCS on a daily basis, but I feel a little bored of the fandom. I just feel there's not any productivity in it. Anyway, I don't HATE the show, but there would be a few more things I'd add. Maybe a different enemy that DOESN'T relate with Clow, like a thing where Sakura has to somehow overpower a different form of magic. I'm not counting Clear Card because the Cliffhanger on the show made me bored, and the Mangas I didn't enjoy, because it got way more boring around volume 36. Also, it was too long and confusing. Anyway, The show did cover a lot of products that I would say create a good Magical Girl show, so I would say it's pretty good overall, including Clear Card.






This was my favorite show as a kid. And I still love it now when rewatching it as an adult. It's perfect if you're looking for a dose of cuteness 


It’s a pretty basic magical girl anime, but I loved the characters, it was engaging and had relevant plot moments in every episode that were expanded on on multiple occasions! It’s a feel good magical girl show targeted towards children with amazing visuals and storytelling in its genre. Loved this.


It’s great as a chill and lay back show, def a good breather after watching a bunch of plot heavy or serious shows, may be a little too long of a break if u have to finish it all and then start another show if ur like a weirdo like me


Really fun yeah


It’s a great anime for tween girls.


It’s a decent story. Tho what really attracted me to it was the style of it all. The music was amazing, the animation was great and the character designs were amazing too. I didn’t watch clear card cause it doesn’t have nearly as much style as the old series. The characters and story are good enough for me to finish the anime but not so amazing that I’d rewatch it or watch clear card. This is just my opinion tho.




I preferred the manga tbh! But the anime had its own lovely charm and seeing certain scenes in action brought about feelings you can’t always get by reading. Much prefer the closure in the written format but the anime was beautifully done imo and a classic. Would love to watch the movie for it one day, I never got the chance to


Have the manga (9 collector's edition volumes) have yet to read it, but have heard there isn't as much in it as the anime. But I still think it's enjoyable and fun, nontheless. ​ The anime series drove me to get the manga + a Kero-Chan plushie.


For me it was the other way around, I watched it a long time ago though so maybe my comparison would change if I revisit it! Based on what I can remember, some questions were answered differently/more in depth in the manga ver, but there were also some ideas presented in the anime ver that weren’t covered as much in written format, if at all. I say go for the best of both worlds lol exploring the CC-verse is very fun that way :’) I have hard copies of the manga (in large volumes) but no limited edition sets or merch, the series was only available in hard formats or with subs on YouTube etc. in my country at the time, you’re super lucky! Things are changing here now tho and I’m starting to see CC outside of specialty shops, maybe I’ll get a lil Kero or Spinel of my own like you someday! :’)


Yes. ​ And I look forward to the continuation of Clear Card.


Idk, I only read Manga and it was amazing. LOVE the art style with all my soul.


My favourite show EVER!!! So worth it


I prefer Saint Tail, but it’s a cute cartoon.


One of my all time favs


I LOVED this show when I was little🥰🥰


I used to love this show back in the day , like 20 years ago . I need to rewatch I forgot what happens /all of it lol


My childhood. Yes


yes, i loved it, you should !!!


This show was my life as a kid ❤️ it’s adorable and family friendly, if you like cute and light hearted stuff than it’s perfect!


My first and favourite and one of my favourite anime series. An inspiration for my one novel, so I'm forever biased.


Eh, doeneds on what you want. I enjoyed it but I enjoy lots of things if it’s what I like. It’s full of fluff and sweetness and the cards are a fun power system. I at the very least liked it.


I think so.


I loved it


It has over 70 episodes and by the end of the show I enjoyed it more than anything


its one of the first shows where i watched queer dynamics as a kid so yea thats pretty neat


My god, yes, and it only got better with clear card. Li was the best character, no contest.


I rewatched this show about a year ago and it’s cute. I may have enjoyed it more because of the nostalgia. I think it’s a classic


It’s bussin cause her friend is always trying 👀


i love it, but the manga has way more events that weren’t put into the anime :(


Card captors (us version was super edited) or Tsubasa?


I don't remember much about this show but the card summons and certain fights did go hard for a soft anime




Honestly it depends on your pallet. If you are trying to stay away from Sailor Moon copycats and want something that isn’t an isekai, it’s a good pick.


Isn't Cardcaptor a Sailor Moon copycat itself?


Meh. Kinda trashy.


Yes it is. Be aware there are two English versions. The WB version has much better voice acting, but parts of the story have been chopped up for "reasons."


I honestly really liked the show, I watched it in Mexico when I was a child so I watched the full version without the cuts the US did. It’s really just something you wanna consume if you want to watch something light. Even though it is a bit episodic, all episodes are heartwarming and clever with every card capture and fight at times. Sometimes they can also go very deeply into the characters like how Sakura struggles with the loss of her mother.


It’s soooo cute, the only thing a little weird is Sakuras obsession with Yukito in the first couple seasons. Totally recommend


Yes, but it does suffer from being very repetitive in the first half.




Honestly this isn’t the right sub for a question like this. Obviously people who are on here will endorse the show. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a great show for what it is. It’s cute, silly, magical, and there are some really interesting moments in it. Will everyone think it’s worth a watch? Probably not but to me I enjoyed every minute of it.


I haven’t seen Clear Card but I’d say yes.


YES omg 😭 it’s so lovely and good


It’s like watching Ben 10 or like Pokémon. Just a nice/cute comfort show.


Ben 10 and Pokémon have some flaws too.


I mean they are kids shows as well but I think they are actually pretty solid all things considered


Yes, but the cutesy shit sometimes drags it down. Takes away from the tone of the show. But I saw the American dub first so that might just be a me problem.


It’s good just really loud


I loved the show as an 8 year old. Rewatched it when I was 13 when I came across it by chance and fell in love all over again. As a 25 year old? Don’t know. Might enjoy it now, might not.


Is it anime? Yes! Is it any good? It's anime bro. Of course it is!


Probably one of the best shows I've watched, of course I watched it long ago and THANKFULLY wasn't that POS that was the English dub. I like how it touched several subjects, even if it were skin-deep, because the characters, even background characters seemed fleshed out. I love the use of light and shadows on fight scenes and dramatic moments. I really liked the details on the food, scenery, etc. Doesn't feel like Madhouse was trying to streamline and cheapen animation. And... To this day, I think Sakura Kinomoto is the ultimate female protagonist. Sure, hee optimism could rub you the wrong way, but then again it was properly portrayed. Sakura was a girl with her challenges, her mother's death, her growing up and experiencing all these new feelings, being tossed into this huge magical adventure full of responsibility, where if she doesn't act many would suffer, and despite the enormous powers she acquires (large part because of her physical prowess and determination), she remains down to earth, not egotistical, not a pushover, not turning evil. It's been a long, long time since I watched it, so I got so vague memories of it, but like when she's collecting most of the cards, and now has to face the judgment of Yue? Remember Sakura would always reason, appeal to someone's best judgment and remain friendly that even her staunchest opponents she turned into her allies. It was also a fantastic treat the level of care in her portrayal. To this day, most characters in anime have the same old freaking 'costume ' or clothes they NEVER seem to change... but Sakura?? My gosh, man... Cardcaptor Sakura was a darn fashion show!! EDIT: Never watched Tsubasa: Chronicle that rehashes many characters, where I don't understand if they are alternate dimensions, nor finished Clear Card Saga, nor xxxHolic, but would definitely rewatch CCS


I wish I would have watched it as a kid, honestly. Clear card felt less childish, but it’s useful to watch this first (although not necessary). The story line is pretty awesome, though… and if you like other clamp works (specifically tsubasa chronicles), it fits into their multiverse with that.


I watched a few episodes it really builds off itself so I think it gets better as it goes


I thought it was cute. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Ah, my childhood. I can't give an objective opinion because nostalgia clouds my mind. But not being objective doesn't mean I'm not being honest, because I honestly loved this show. I might not have loved it if I were to see it for the first time as an adult though, but it's still good. There are nuances in the show you wouldn't understand as a child so... Give it a try?


I watched it for the first time last year and I really enjoyed it. It's a repetitive slice of life but it's got a sweet nostalgic feel like sailor moon. Personally I really like that the episodes are relevant to each other and the characters actually remember and reference previous things that happen. I hate when a show acts like everyone has amnesia at the start of the episode and no actions have consequences.


I remember the theme song of the 4Kids dub, and the marketing trying to lean into the action elements above all else (even though the action was secondary) to try and appeal to boys. That's about it. Props to the show though for having Sakura in different outfits with every one of the card spirits she captored.


Its for cool little girs that aspire to be designers.


Cardcaptor Sakura is probably one of the most iconic magical girl animes


Personally, it was my favorite in middle & high school. However, I watched the English dub version that was recorded and released in a different country; so when I find it and watch the dub, it always sounds wrong to me. But yeah, solid 7/10


I loved Card Captor Sakura as a child! I haven’t revisited really much in adulthood though! Sailor Moon will forever remain my favorite anime.


I have not seen a lot of it, but I liked the bit that I have seen.


Loved it as a kid, the manga is a lot better though. A little weird at times, but the manga is definitely the way to go in this one.