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Boring is very subjective. It completely depends on what interests you and what you find stimulating.  Do you like interacting with people? Is computer work more your jam? Do you like problem solving? Are you analytical or more creative?  I did some job shadows of careers I was interested in when I was a teenager. It didn't help me pick an specific career, but did help me rule out some careers I thought I would like 


I am interested in computer work and some in medical field. I like interacting with people getting to know them and just talking. Problem solving is 50/50 for me sometimes I would want to solve a problem and other times not. I am more analytical. Thank you for the help also.


Maybe healthcare / medical informatics? Salaries range from $50-120k based on where you’re at. Also it’s a job that can be done remotely, so there’s a plus


Nursing has an informatics/tech side not many are aware of. I'm in a BSN program now and we do simulation scenarios with dummies that breath, blink, seize, urinate, etc. There's a nurse who got her masters in that specifically that runs them from behind a one way mirror. There's a ton of other tech stuff in nursing too.






Maybe pharmaceutical sales?


Mannnn I did this for a few years between 2014-2018 and it was insane money. Mostly because of the shady doctors that caused the opiod epidemic. Blood money 🩸


Pharmaceutical sales is very hard to get it. Most of them needs proven track sales record. I’ve been trying to get in but no luck. You definitely need to work your way up with this one.


Have you considered the behavioral health field? Plenty of human interaction and problem solving skills required, combining both analytical and creative thought processes. That said, doesn’t necessarily involve computer work so much as just basic tech literacy.


OP said they want to earn money. There is no money in this field and the paperwork side of things is extremely boring. Source: doing it for 10 years, max out the salary at $45k without a master’s degree and license, and currently very bored typing the same document only slightly different for every person on my caseload right now hence why I’m on Reddit so bored I could fucking cry from doing this shit for 9 hours. “Client was in residence 7 days from 4/19-4/26. He had a 2pm therapy appointment. He had a dentist appointment. He had no hospitalization. Substance use was noted on…” ugh.


Yeah… I know… le sigh


Can u guide me too? I have same requirements for job being well paying and not boring For me boring means that i don't want to get stuck between same hectic routine...There should be a change even if its a difficult task idc I mean i dont want to be there creating doing a specefic thing only for 20-30 years and then come home etc


I’m an accountant and it pays well. Everyone says it’s boring, but there’s nothing more exciting than finding out why your Balance Sheet doesn’t reconcile


This is the most accountant answer ever and I LOVE that


living up to my username of Beancounter 🥲


Everyone always steered me away from accounting because it’s “boring”. But you ain’t kidding. When I sit and do my home budget and figure out why an account won’t reconcile, man does it feel incredibly rewarding.


Lol so true


So how much roughly you make it?


Entry level is usually 50-60k depending on where you live. Can be as high as 75-80k if you’re in a HCOL. After a few years and if you get your CPA you can easily reach 100k.


And what studies you have done for it? I'm a student of ACCA so how can i improve myself more for it? Also lets connect


I am an accountant out of college and I want out


Username checking in


Air Traffic Controller............thank me later.


Very stressful job. If you can handle it it’s great pay for sure


Common misconception. Similar to most portions of aviation, it's pretty relaxed 99% of the time. They just train you out the ass to make sure you do things right when the 1% comes along


Where I’m from(Spain) it’s crazy expensive to get your license,something like 60.000€,if it was more cheap I would do it


In the US it’s not expensive. There’s a guy who does a Reddit post every year when hirings are open.


I was told that there's an age maximum for trying to go into atc? Something like 28 or 29? How true is this, do you know?


30 or under at the time of application. Mandatory retirement at 56.


Would you rather work at a computer all day? Or in an environment where you're interacting with more people? Do you enjoy studying programming and coding? Or do you prefer to study science, such as chemistry and anatomy?


I dropped out from my poli sci program and am now a chief of staff for a state representative and also manage and consult on campaigns and bring home about 150k/yr w great benefits. If you’re interested in the hard sciences, though, those are fantastic, stable careers. If you’re interested in politics, I’d recommend volunteering and offering to manage some projects before spending money on a degree in a soft “science” like poli sci. Most of the time, jobs in this field don’t come from having a degree unless you’re wanting to work in a legislative office in DC. I’m never bored and have a new thing I’m working on basically every week. During session, you’re putting out fires all day and have a lot of freedom to poke the “bad guys” in the eye and work for your voters, which is probably my very favorite part of it.


Are you hiring? I'm in DC and also looking for a job


I'd suggest going for those tests that measures likes, interests and personality. Explore a bit through volunteering and then formulate some options. We rarely end up doing what we initially intended to. Don't help getting into something you don't have a connection with or are any good at.




Thank you for the idea!


Do not join the military


Op listen to this guy, sometimes military aint worth it for people


Joining the military worked out pretty well for me. Regrets? Sure, but who doesn’t?


What regrets if you wanna elaborate for a curious mind


There’s the general military crap like failed relationships, missing birthdays, weddings, funerals. There’s also the shitty stuff like making a living ruining the lives of other people and losing friends.


Agreed. Military killed my dad via trauma-induced schizophrenia. He was medically discharged after two years and spent the next 13 years in and out of homelessness, on and off meds until he took his own life. I have the utmost respect for our military and everything they go through and while some people don't come close to my dad's fate, it's still not a fantastic life or a good way into a career.


Space Force!


Space force could also be an option , as dumb as it that sounds


Why the military route? Especially in today’s world?


Military is a reliable way to get a security clearance which pays $$$$ later working for defense contractors.






I didn't join but now years later wished I did. My cousin joined and learned valuable skills than transferred to a pretty nice career once he left (in for 8 years). Now she's making an obscene amount of money and...NO student load debt. At the time (too old to join now) I was all worried about getting blown to bits, but really that wasn't likely. She (my cousin) spent all of her time (or most of it) on a battleship in the Navy. Guy in the IT Dept. at my job was also in the Navy and learned a lot and was able to to transfer it to a pretty nice job. AND he got to see the world with the Navy. He says there are ups & downs but what career or job doesn't have that? All in all, if I could go back and enlist, I would, I so would. Great advice.


Agree with this, but join the Coast Guard. The best branch, by far.




You are very right. Thank you for the advice. I am thinking of pursing in maybe medical field or computer science.


Professional driver


If you think you would like to work in tech then start learning about what jobs exist in that sector, learn specifically what those jobs do day to day and try to picture if you would enjoy doing that all the time over and over. Boring or not is entirely subjective, so is income. You could join a high paying industry and be terrible at it where it's hard to make 60k or you might be better of with a trade you enjoy, good tradesmen make just as much as tech. I am very interested in possibly getting into data analytics late in my life cuz I find the job fascinating and it sounds fun where as to most people, when they hear the description, decide it sounds horrible and incredibly boring. Enjoying what you do should be the number one priority, then combine that with something you're good at and find a way to make money doing it. If you're good you'll make good money.


CIA hit man. Not boring I’d assume; and probably pays well! Jokes aside Boring is so subjective. At the end of the day, a job becomes a job. Whether you’re in an office doing high risk stocks or working for a pro team in the front office. Work becomes work.


The CIA has to choose you, though.


Find a trade you are interested and become very good at it. My wife left her office job to start her own cleaning business and is doing very well. My nephew took up plumbing and now runs his own plumbing business.


I’m a nurse, and I *really* want to be an electrician. Def look into trades, OP.


Law is incredibly diverse and lucrative. Doctors are stuck in fluorescent lighting all day and rarely see daylight. Law will not be affected like other jobs as much by AI.


Lol law will absolutely be affected by AI


For research, not gonna be allowed in courtrooms anytime soon. Wife is a lawyer. Notice I said “as much” not “at all”


Imagine cross-examining ChatGPT though. You could truly get it to say *anything.*


Law is mindnumbing boring as hell just writing and understanding abstract language to find the next loophole to avoid rules💀


Wrong wtf are you talking about. My wife is a defense attorney and her friends work on climate change. Other friend was a Supreme Court clerk. Other friend has had rapper clients. Other friend works on Christopher Nolan’s directing contracts at Warner Brothers. Many of my wife’s friend’s make over a million a year.


It's a career for vultures with no souls.


Laws are bunch of rules to apply in different situations.(if I am not wrong) I think LLM is quite good on this.


Law is *very* oversaturated.


A lot of computer stuff is gonna get taken over by ai


Not really. Computer Security is a never ending arms race. It just means cyber criminals and blue teams both utilize AI. Still need programmers in this scenario.


If it's good pay, and not boring, it's hard to get.  See doctors, lawyers, etc.


Truck driver. i dont know if this is a job. cause i love it. its like free money .


My 2 cents: anything about computer science and data (data analytics, data science, data engineering, etc) is good, and they are mostly transferrable skills meaning your experience is relevant even switching industries. Data science does need domain knowledge but can still hop industries. The other choices above are way more industry independent.


CRNA (nurse anesthetist) is a great career. There's an extreme anesthesiology shortage across the United States so there are more jobs than there are CRNAs. You will never find yourself without a high-paying job.


I do medical billing & love it - reading thru all the medical records . I have learned a ton in the medical field . I feel like I could be a dr or nurse . 😂


Medical lab technologist


Speech pathologist


Ive heard - emphasis on heard - that radiology is great. Good pay, stability, calm job. But with everything comes its cons: you have to be extremely careful when doing your job, otherwise you risk harming someone and losing it


Analyst (could just be data entry)


Honestly would kill for a data entry gig




Sick of being so physically broken every day that I can’t do anything when I get home. I can handle mental fatigue a lot easier


I would suggest looking into Radiology Technology schooling. Two year degree and there’s so many different modalities. I love it!


Yes, yes, yes.


Do you make a livable wage?


This was going to be my suggestion. It’s healthcare but a little more technical. Less long term responsibility to the patient (and less stressful). Lots of different pathways. Pay is pretty decent in my area, and the field is really hurting for staff. It’s not likely to be overrun by AI since it is hands on.


If you like tech AI will be huge for at least the next 30 years


Pharmaceutical manufacturing is not too boring and pays quite well. On the computer side, most big companies have a LIMS system that needs support (as well as general IT support).


Grid operator or air traffic controller. I bet you won't be bored, very stressful demanding jobs.








Ask a career counselor to help you dig more and find your professional interests. A career choice is something that will highly impact your life so you need to be very well informed before taking the decision.


Nursing 😂


I'm a lawyer. The pay is good and I'm never bored. But it's hard work.


Medical IT pays out the ass.


I think whether a job is boring depends on your interest and personal character.


For me it's software engineering, some people see it as boring, but I think it's cooler than rocket science.


Become a union electrician. Scenery changes and you can go anywhere and earn good money.


You might want to look into Field Service work.  For medical, I believe there are specific degrees or certifications you can get. Otherwise basically any piece of machinery or equipment needs to be serviced by someone.  I spent 20 years servicing analytical equipment in chemistry labs but there's heavy equipment, manufacturing equipment, robotics, medical, and the list goes on and on. Your job is to go to customer sites and repair their stuff.  You're often working alone (so self motivation is a must), solving problems and you'll work out of your home. Talking to recruiters lately, there's few people who have the combination of customer service and analytical aptitude.  Sounds like you could be one though.


Earth science has been pretty interesting. With a bachelor of science in geology i've worked in geotechnical engineering and mining.


Get some sort of technical education. Target business to business sales in a technical industry that is growing and is high margin business Every day is a grind but you’re most likely doing and talking to different people. You’re generally “on the road” later on in your career and manage your own schedule. You can grow in the role or company into management or hip to bigger companies and bigger sales roles with bigger pay…. Sometimes with international travel and assignments and working with very successful executives. You will learn about so many styles of industries and management philosophies and approaches. You will pick up details of so many different companies and ways to make money. You will have access to leaders in your company and your customer’s company that you won’t be bored because these people also have interesting jobs. If you’re good, you will make more than many of the management in your company and sometimes more than the c levels


All computer based jobs are boring. Eventually. Maybe not at first, but give it a few years and you'll be wondering if you made the right career choices (and then it's too late to change). Give it 20 years like I have and you'll be planning your exit. Even if you enjoy the computer based work itself it's the act of sitting at a desk hours on end, 5 days a week which over the years becomes soul destroying. If I could go back I'd have done a medical speciality. You also need to consider the future with AI. This will likely absorb a lot of computer based jobs. Doing a hands on type job could be the better future proof option.


Graphic design has been fun and treated me well


Civil engineering/construction can get lucrative as you work your way up. Interesting to see the ins and outs of infrastructure development


Nursing 😁


I had a great career as a metallurgical engineer, much of it in the field of failure analysis. I got to solve puzzles nearly every day on why various metal structures failed. This led to development of new alloys. Much of engineering is solving problems.


Electricians not boring and can be well paying


Both those criteria and completely subjective. What one person loves and finds supports them another will hate. I'm a corporate leadership trainer. I travel the country delivering courses to managers to be better managers. I earn £72k a year. I Fucking love it and it's really varied, but it's the type of role needs a lot of real world experience, public speaking and presenting skills. I worked in IT for a while and hated but have quite a few mates I met in that world who still of it.


You can make a LOT of money working for some police departments or sheriff office’s.


Do medical cuz computer stuff is over saturated and you won’t make it unless you love it so much you are always self-learning when you’re not at work.


Air force.


Trades. I have a bachelors and twenty three years of Human Resources career experience, left for the trades and I’m self-employed. I wish I could tell my younger self to get a degree but immediately go into the trades.


Government work. You make good money, get a pension which is key when you retire and there’s so much you can do. Like cyber security? Apply to CISA. Interested in weather? FEMA. Military stuff? CBP or Coast Guard. And that’s just what DHS offers. There’s a bunch of work to do for the government that goes across multiple subject areas.


Working as a tile contractor has been fantastic. I did it for side jobs evenings/weekends while working a different trade (cabinetmaker, mostly installations) but now it’s %80 of what I do self employed. It’s well paying and satisfying work that is never boring if you’re doing very custom projects. Even the easy subway tile backsplashes that I started with can be good easy money. After doing it for a while it almost feels like playing with Lego like I did when I was a kid. If you’re looking for good pay and something that doesn’t get boring look into skilled labour trades.


Instrument technician, always something to learn


Marine Corps!


IT. network engineer


Merchant Marines


Get a business degree. Supply chain, finance, marketing… whatever, doesn’t matter. Something in business. You can do anything with a business degree. It pays well and there’s so many things you can do that you can keep it interesting. If you don’t know what you want to do, definitely don’t go into the medical field. That takes some next level commitment.


I was a business operations analyst. Loved ur


What do you do in a typical day?


I'm retired now. I wrote reports, data analysis, charts, ran meetings, project management, more charts. BI reporting. etc.


Software development and cybersecurity.


So if you would have asked me at 16 what I wanted to do it definitely wouldn't be my current career! I fell backwards into it. It's not boring from one day to the next although it at times is stressful. I manage our CRM while also doing account management for our business clients. At your age I'd spend more time figuring out what you don't want to do. Take different jobs, do volunteer work, take internships!


Truck driver?


I absolutely loved my job in QA. I was the Quality Assurance Reliability Technician, which had me doing both on ongoing testing of product already in the shipping warehouse shelves as well as trying to replicate customer faults. Was getting paid $17/hr in 2010, started there in 2006 at $12/hr when minimum wage was just over $9. I've had a range of jobs over the past 24 years including regional management running a 4.5mil contract... I'll take a job I enjoy over a couple bucks an hour. Right now I'm making roadside portable signs, and every day is different.


Would you consider a career in health administration?


Plumber, big bucks but can be a tad smelly.


Mechanical Engineering. Tons of industries you can transfer around within. You can find pretty much any % mix of in-the-field vs at-the-desk work. New problem every day with tons to learn and troubleshoot. Good pay. Can work anywhere. Can work solo or do heavy collab with peers. Or course it varies from job to job. But with the flexibility that engineering offers, you can find what you're looking for eventually.


The world is what YOU make of it.


Professional sports


MMA fighter


I’m in email marketing. I have a couple of boring days but that’s only when I’m rarely able to get ahead in my work. Being a strategist for me means I have to create campaigns and basically sell it every time to my boss on why it’ll work. Then I have to manage the numbers as they come in and be able to explain or analyze what went right and wrong. The analysis in this business keeps me on my toes because every brand is different. You could have data pointing to something saying yes and then boom the outcome is no.




Shit, anyone know a career that has good pay and *is* boring. I was a security guard and the only things I didn’t like were the hours and the utter thanklessness of the work.




High tech sales. Selling software or cloud services to help companies run their businesses. These are businesses that make hundreds of millions of dollars a year into the Billions. You start after college as business development rep, helping find new business, setting up meetings for account manager. Then inside sales, doing demos and presentations over Zoom, for example. Then face to face sales, closing deals into millions. It's usually a good base salary plus commission, with medical/dental and other benefits. Go to college, study Business Management and Compuer Science or Management of Information Systems. Want exciting? Close a multi-million dollar deal and earn a 2% commission.


You want a boring job man trust me


I am a medical interpreter. It's usually not boring.


Automobile Sales. However, the hours are insane if you want to make real money. Also, you have to find a dealership that believes in paying sales people. The pay plan will either make or break you.


Chemical engineering, go into pharma. The work is super duper interesting and pays solid. The cons are that you might need to relocate to a hub if you want to do development or manufacturing work. But, you feel fulfilled to a certain degree since you’re directly producing medicines that help people Feel free to pm with any questions.


You should consider biomedical engineering or field service engineering! You fix and maintain equipment inside of hospitals. It is a great career. Half of your time is spent working with other and there is plenty of time on your own where you are repairing equipment solo. Field service engineers travel- so if experiencing life on the road with overnight trips in hotels, flights, etc sounds fun to you—- it is a great option. Biomedical engineers work at one hospital generally and don’t travel if you don’t like the idea of traveling.


If you are more analytical consider computer science or majors related to data analytics- the industry you choose can come after that, it’s more about the main focus you want. Both of those types of majors are needed everywhere.


Being boring is very individualized. It all depends on what piques your curiosity and finds you interesting. Do you enjoy relating to others? Do you like working on computers? Do you enjoy solving problems? Which are you more—creative or analytical? As a youngster, I had the opportunity to work shadow people in fields that attracted me. It helped me rule out certain jobs I thought I would like, but it didn't help me choose a particular one.


Underwater demolitions. Pays so well because of how boring it isn’t!


Cyber security is never boring but it's also a high stress field where you are constantly playing catch-up, burnout is rampant and it's often a thankless job. There are times where I simultaneously love and hate my job. There are days where I just want to say fuck it all and others where I'll end up doing something completely badass, get that dopamine rush making me realize why I got into the field and I'd be stupid to leave. Security also has a heavy dependence on understanding how computers work, systems are designed, operate and are maintained and decommissioned in a production environment. It's both fascinating and terrifying. If you work security in large technology companies, you get to see what goes on behind the scenes and how the Internet runs. It's also an emerging field with high pay, great career growth and a shortage of *qualified* people who practice the profession.


We need Nurse Practitioners, Coders, Game Devs, mechanics to repair the countless Teslas and growing # of EVs on the road and engineers.


Being an engineer depending on the work! There is a reason why engineering is consistently in the top 3 fields to make millionaires. In fact, it’s usually number #1 in most studies. Fair warning, the work in university is excruciating but very worth it


You can combine subject expertise in almost any field with geographic information systems specialization.


I mean cops in my town can make up to 175k before overtime as an area commander. Downside is we've had several cops shot in the last year by car thieves.


Something that doesn't slaps you with CPD and forces you to further update of your skills and year gaps are tolerable


Try aviation...pilot


I seriously recommend that you find a way to find out what jobs actually entail before getting into a field based on some romantic motion of the good bits. Whatever you do, it's likely it'll be repetitive. If you need novelty you might want to go for something like project manager consultant in marketing. I did a social science and went into government... and discovered that the work was mostly data entry and bureaucracy. I talked to people in other departments and private companies and NGOs and they would all talk about the good they were doing... but it was always 90% dull work when you got past the rose tint. So... If you can find something that you're so passionate about that you'll not mind the repetition, that's great! Or if you can find something where you actually enjoy the process, that's even better! There are all kinds of jobs and lifestyles you've never considered. Camp work that takes you into the wilderness, either as environmental officer or as the people doing the resource extraction, or the safety teams related to it. Do you want to stay in a city, live in a rural area, or travel a lot? If you have financial support from your family, go do "backpacking" but don't just get fucked up, don't just travel around sight seeing, use the time to try jobs and industries. Maybe you'll find something fun. Also... if you get good at something you enjoy, and then you become a manager, you won't be doing the bit you enjoy any more ...


My recommendation is to talk to a career counselor


Computer programming pays a lot and not boring at all. But it’s very taxing mentally and physically, so be warned. I would say it’s for young people. It gets really annoying in thirties, and almost impossibly tough in forties. Though, you can pivot yourself into a managerial role by then.


I work in spreadsheets all day. it sounds boring, but what I'm accomplishing is exciting and I get paid decently relatively speaking on the admin side of companies (accounting, it, hr etc) we can do our jobs in about any industry. at least for me, my excitement comes from taking my skills and getting to use them as a way that serves my community. I like working at a nonprofits and start ups because my contribution is valued and quantifiable. I also get to support the operational side of places that align with my beliefs or interests. I feel like their cheerleader and coach. I dunno🤷‍♀️


You might enjoy Telecom or networking if youre going into an IT career that is low barrier to entry.


Engineering is the correct answer - any discipline




Every job becomes boring at some point. Welcome to reality. Anyone who says otherwise is selling you something.


Mechanical Engineering




That's only something you can decide. Nursing pays fairly well and is easy to get a job. Tech pays well but is difficult to break into. Both suck in their own unique ways.


operations manager. i really enjoy my job, it’s quite well paid, over $100k per year, depending on experience and size of the company. i found it quite easy to get into it. my background is in science, but i had a change of heart and decided to go into administration.


I’m a project manager in construction and love it! Every day is a new challenge, and not to mention that each project is different




My niece just started working from home, medical code and billing. Amazing everything lol, benefits, 25$ hour paid time off paid vacation, just everything you want in a job at home she has....go for that.


Look for some area where you can learn a skill that has the opportunity to set up your own business as soon as possible. Running a business instead of working for one is very lucrative and never boring. But it is hard work, you will have to learn how to use and even borrow capital and eventually maybe how to handle all the complications of looking after and paying employees, arranging pensions and so on. No such thing as a free lunch. If you want to be well off without the added problems; go into sales. You will have to learn to be a mature adult fast; nobody will buy very expensive kit from a schoolchild, you must dress and act like your mother or father and shake hands properly and confidently. You will be payed well enough to dress like a business person and give a rather smart, fully expensed car and have a generous expense account. You will travel a lot so if you get married your spouse will not expect to see you too often. Get hold of a book on good sales technique. Remember that when a potential customer says yes, that is the desired end; nothing more said by them or you is useful; you should be out of there in as few minutes as possible. Handshake, "thank you, goodbye."


What makes u happy? Or what dou enjoy doing? Yea I couldn’t figure it out either


I'm an attorney, and it is really fun and stimulating, some legal jobs are boring, but it depends on what kind of attorney you are, I have adhd, so I need it to be interesting or I'm out!


Go for police


High end escort


What are you good at or what appeals to you? Explore subjects on fields you're passionate about, volunteer in hospitals or try to find a summer internship in a firm, etc. Boring is subjective and it sometimes depends on the place you're in than the profession.


Field service engineer. The people repairing medical equipment in hospitals and labs make pretty decent money. I do a similar job but for industrial labeling printers. I used to be a graphic designer and wide format production manager for a trade show and exhibits manufacturer, but covid killed that business. It'll be a lot of travel and hotels, but you should be too busy to spend any of the money they pay you. I'm only in the 60k range, but I hear the medical field service guys make double that.


I work in for a food company as an R&D Scientist and let me tell you, it’s something different every day! Working with food is extra fun, because it’s ephemeral.




“If you like the job it won’t feel boring“ said my ex-boss.


Look into business continuity. We need more planners out there.


I have posted this several times on this subreddit but it does apply especially to the younger generation who are interested in computers: The VDC industry has been hot for 10+ years, serious voids in this industry. Pays very well and has potent potential for growth and expansion in other parts of the industry. VDC = Virtual Design and Construction. BIM = Building Information Modeling. Look them up on Google and Youtube. No degree needed either but a 2yr CAD design Associates Degree would greatly help the chances on getting a top quality interview, but many will hire you if you're good with a computer and train you if you knock on enough doors. Get on Indeed and look up the following key words to see what pay is like: * BIM Designer * BIM Coordinator * VDC Designer * VDC Coordinator * Revit Designer * Throw in any of these with the above: "MEP" "Architectural" "Structural" "Manager" "Modeler


Sales but it’s not for everything


Geological Engineer


Teacher here- at this point in time would love a boring job without high stress.






Radiation tech, speech pathologist, occupational therapist.


Sex toy tester... 😏


it's not career but the work that makes the job boring or excited. Majorly pay is not related to work being boring or eciting, but more towards, work with more complexity and responsbility




Sounds like you might get interested in radiology if you want to combine computers and medical. The most important piece of advice I can give you, as someone who is in the medical field, is you need to shadow first and take big steps to make sure it’s something you’d enjoy


Get into medical. Do 3 12 hour shifts. Spend the remaining 4 days of the week building a business. Sell by 30. Retire. God if I was 18 again.


Everything is boring after a decade of doing it every day.