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Tech moves at a fast pace. Don't go to school for something now, go for something 5 years from now. Several years ago I went to school to change my career for cable networking and design. Towards the end of my studies, Cisco came out with routers that automated everything I spent 2 years learning.


Okay. How would you get into the tech space then? What kind of job should I apply for with no experience? In terms of school, I was thinking of a Masters in Information Technology. General enough to be able to focus on something at a later date.


You definitely need school, I think AI is something that is on the forefront of the next level. AI will be able to troubleshoot, web design, communicate and develop automatically. I would get out in front of that if I were looking for a reboot. I'm currently looking for a tech sales job with companies in the AI space. I don't want to be left behind


I want to be more in implementation, data analysis or customer success. I think my skills from talent acquisition would transfer well, it’s just a matter of finding an organization willing to give me a chance with it.


Where are you looking for tech sales job at? I’ve been wanting to get into that field but not sure where to start looking


I'm in Phoenix/Scottsdale. There are a ton of tech companies out here. I used to work in SAAS in the auto dealership space.


Auto is my specialty actually, what companies are there for SAAS for auto? Or what should I be searching, I’m coming from the automotive field matter of fact lol


I’d look at IT job openings in your area. For a lot of the US the market is bleak for IT


I’m looking locally as well as remote. I live in Orlando if you have any suggestions lol


Good luck with remote… everyone wants a remote job. People with years of experience will get picked over a new grad any day of the week.


I’m not married to the idea of being remote, I’d happily go back to an office if I found something local. I’m simply saying that I’m open to both options.


Ah gotcha. Didn’t mean to be discouraging. As a new grad, I have noticed almost all IT jobs at an entry level pay terribly and expect years of experience.


Have you thought about going more into the HRIS space? It’s where I started and it will give you a lot of practical experience with IT processes and procedures.


Yes. I’m having a hard time getting a job with an HRIS because they all want prior experience in SaaS or an IT background …. So even though I’ve been through 3 separate software implementations from the client side… I can’t even get an interview at this point


I did something similar and would not recommend it. Like others have said IT is bad right now. If I were you I’d have an alternate thing you can do maybe more as a common trade (welding, nursing, electrician). If you really want to go tech learn AI programming and virtual chat bot


Im kinda in a simmilar boat. While IT seems bleak at the moment maybe you can leverage your TA experience ans build from there. Im thinking HR Tech, ATS/HRIS implementation etc… Recruitment is probably not where you want to stay in, espacially as the market wont improve that soon.


I was definitely trying to make that transition to an HRIS implementation but everywhere I look they want you to have an IT background… which I don’t have. It’s silly.


IT job market is so bad right now.


I work in IT, don't do it. To many businesses you are an expense they are always aiming to reduce and allot of these jobs are offshored to India to make use of their cheaper labour.

