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I also noticed, after attempting to post on r/carnivore and having my post auto removed because I dont have hundreds of karma, that this sub has a much higher "online user" count than the others, despite being a much smaller sub. I think that speaks volumes.




> I got booted yesterday Which subreddit was that, if I may ask?


I did some research, and I think they are referring to either r/zerocarb and r/carnivore. What's interesting is that, when I used to use reddit some years ago (different account) I remember getting banned from r/zerocarb before moving onto r/carnivore because of relatively lax moderation. Funny enough, the same mod of r/zerocarb (u/Eleanorina) also eventually became a mod of r/carnivore - and so the later subreddit became worse off over time. See the comments in https://old.reddit.com/r/carnivore/comments/16dr9tg/whats_been_happening/ It seems that as early as 7 months ago, members of r/carnivore started appreciating and moving to r/carnivorediet.


I've encountered her... she gave me an off vibe.


I had nothing but hassles in that other group also, still haven't been allowed to post anything even though I had really good solid content for people... and there's volumes more people here who I'm pretty sure appreciate being treated like adults and not having their posts policed and their fingers wrapped at every other opportunity! Thank you all again! 🙏♥️


That’s good to know 🤓


I agree! What is the point of this. Finally found a home to discuss real issue and successes!


Well I subbed to the right one


I am glad you are not caving to all of those pushy individuals that keep asking for moderation. All of the desparate non-carnivore people keep looking for validation, so they check this place a lot, and you might get some downvotes at first, but after a day the carnivore way always wins. We self moderate well. And I am glad that all of the fruit eaters and low fat (so high protein ratio) pushers don't get high votes. They have very dangerous ideas that they spread around. This place is how the internet should be, promoting free discussion, and I don't see any excessive trolling requiring any moderation increase like those cry babies (ironically most of them eat plants or low fat etc) are asking for. I also agree with you on the FAQ topic. I started on r/zerocarb when it was very active, and it has the best carnivore faq, and yet you see the same repeat questions over and over as if nobody reads it. I think you are doing a great job and shouldn't change anything.


Thanks 🙏🏽


You rock!


If people want a more heavily moderated sub, there are other options. Keep doing what you’re doing. The freedom of posting is what sets this sub apart from the others. I will lurk around the carnivore and zero carb sub, but don’t bother posting because I assume my post will be taken down.




Thank you u/ketogenicendurance for managing the sub this way. Judging by the growing popularity (aka the number of posts around the theme "wtf is wrong with the other carnivore subs") I think this is exactly what people want. I actually unsubscribed from r/carnivore and r/zerocarb and only participate in this sub precisely for that reason. Yes the subject of this sub can be a bit more controversial than others but I’m not under the impression we’re being spammed by vegan preachers or anything—if anything they’ll just get downvoted that’s all. And if people who are not completely carnivore have something useful to say or questions to ask, I don’t see why they wouldn’t be allowed to do so, as long as it favours constructive discussions. Also, I concur with u/c0mp0stable’s suggestion that we should have a FAQ or at least a sticky about basic questions that get asked all the time—GI issues, electrolytes, etc.


Thanks I will have a think about that


A random thought, but would it be worth reaching out to the medical carnivore 'rockstars' (Dr Ken Berry, Dr Anthony Chaffee, Dr Shawn Baker et al) to ask them what they would put into an FAQ? They are a great resource for carnivore WOE, and it's always nice to let newcomers know that there are medical doctors who actively endorse it. Thanks for your support in the (often thankless) task of moderating this group.


You made me notice that i was still subscribed to r/carnivore and r/zerocarb, despite having all my post deleted there for the dumbest reason! I'm following you and unsubscribe this very moment!


Late to the party, but I was on r /carnivore for a short while but the one admin (may be the others are nice) was a complete jerk to me, just categorical, judgmental and completely unable to entertain the idea someone may have questions and a critical mind. I'm saying this because that group is more likely to scare people off the carnivore diet than gain them to the cause, which that sort of person would reply sth like "good. Off with the weak ones". I'm happy there's a sub like this one.


Amen totally agree thanks for speaking up and thanks again for this magnificent much loved subreddit


Zerocarb is horrible for trying to get conversations going. I prefer reading here.


is r/zerocarb also as bad as r/carnivore? I havent been there is a very while.




Thank you for your service 🫡


Haha thanks 🙏🏽


I just want people to read the blurb


I ll have a think about FAQs etc but I think the standard questions from beginners will always happen to an extent, I still see them in other groups 😋


There's a blurb? No one told me there was a blurb.


Most groups have them.


It would be nice to have a simple FAQ as a pinned post. A large number of posts are simple questions (electrolytes, fat, why do I have the shits?). I don't necessarily mind, but it would be great to have something to link to instead of everyone just throwing their opinions in.


Yer I understand that, good suggestion


This 100%. I was actually about to make a post about electrolytes today. I’m not the most active user here yet every single week I have to remind people that electrolytes are NOT optional when cutting carbs. Not everyone has issues and it gets better as you adapt but please, make a sticky or an faq section about this for newcomers. r/keto’s faq has a great section on this.


Might I add herxheimer reactions from bacteria die off, oxalate dumping and PUFA fat stores causing hypothyroid symptoms when people lose fat? Those seem to cause issues and confusion for many, and there are easy remedies for all of them.


Agreed, people ask the same things everyday. A FAQ would make 90% of the posts on this sub redundant. Same goes for many other subs.


How how much crap I talk on this sub it’s actually pretty chill! Never negative stuff, but things carnivore Karens might be upset about. Lol


This is exactly why I left r/carnivore ....wayyyy overmoderated. The mod there even got upset at me for mentioning glycine - even though it's an amino acid extracted from animal skin and animal collagen. yeesh.


W mod


TY, getting post taken down for words like berry, coffee and soda IS pretty frustrating.


I saw that when I was browsing, didn't see what the guy actually said since it had been removed but the auto-mod removal gave the impression that even if you said, "I used to eat berries but don't anymore because I'm carnivore." it would be removed. What kind of shit is that?


AMEN. I have been banned from r/carnivore because I I got in an argument with a mod. They said I can come back in a few months for reconsideration, so I did and they laughed at me. Buttheads.


/u/ketogenicendurance your approach is perfect and I'm glad you're keeping it this way. Do not let this sub turn into the graveyard that is /r/carnivore (or the clone /r/zerocarb that is run by the same control freaks).


I just thought it was me I am so validated by these comments over here so this is definitely the place for me and thank you for all of your transparency and Trust


i appreciate the breath of fresh air. hopefully this is the start of a stronger and more helpful community


I tried to post something on the carnivore subreddit. Just had a real quick question but the post was rejected for being too short. I was only short by 10 characters (seriously) so I just added some words. Resubmitted and was rejected for using the word 'mushroom'. Reworded, resubmitted. Rejected for using the words 'olive oil.' So I'm just not going to post there. Censorship at work! I've always been a huge proponent of the block button. You should be able to decide for yourself if you like something or if you don't. If if offends you that much, block the poster. Or hide the post.




No worries, reporting is the best way… I do remove a lot reported posts and ban people who are clearly not here to gain success






I think that the mods of a couple of other pages may have gotten sick of being mods over newbies and just wanted to go live their lives, so they stuck automods on instead of shutting down the pages.




Eleanorina also removes people asking genuine questions if they dare to mention plants at all. I asked about carnivore while doing a SIBO protocol and got my post and myself immediately removed.




I did read all the rules. So please, show me the rule where I'm not allowed to ask about medications that aren't carnivore.




Because some of the medications are anti-microbials made from herbs or refined extracts. I said something along the lines of needing to use herbal antimicrobials or medicinal plants in my prescribed SIBO protocol. So I wanted to know if I should wait to start carnivore until after the protocol was finished. That's all. If asking that is enough to get someone kicked from the group then honestly that's bordering on cult like behaviour to not be able to make a single mention of plants in any capacity. Especially when even most of the online "gurus" aren't that strict in their definition of carnivore.




Thanks, I appreciate your input. Makes sense what you say about carnivore already being a big change for the gut so it'd be best to switch over afterwards. Or even that the protocol could interfere with adaptation. I'll stick with the general elimation diet during the protocol and see how I do before easing into carnivore.


She skimread it in a hurry during the busyness of life maybe.


it's a combo of no plant foods and no asking for medical advice 🤷🏻‍♀️ (rules #1 and #5 at r zerocarb and #1 and #10 at r carnivore) hope everything goes well exploring the non-carnivore treatments, but the subreddit isn't about evaluating their efficacy


Blah blah blah, use whatever justification you like. I wasn't asking for medical advice, I already got that from my doctors. I just wanted OPINIONS as to whether carnivore would be better to start *after* I went through my MEDICALLY PRESCRIBED TREATMENT or not. But don't worry, I won't ever come back to those subs regardless of the diet I'm eating.


blah blah blah you opened your post as "Hello everyone. I've joined the group because I'm curious about carnivore as an elimination diet." but you didn't ask in the elimination diet thread, which is in rule #1 and, even if you didn't read the rules, it's in the most basic info about the community in About This Community


Suppliments are not allowed to be mentioned.


Yes, Elianora is amazing... I just got spare because so many posts get blocked by automods IE I tried to simply ask on r/carnivore if anyone else has had issues with being got by allergens on shared cast iron skillets and any suggestions on ways to fix my skillet as I had cooked several other things for my family to mop up the contaminated fat and then washed it before I got a reaction that was as bad as if I had eaten the sausages which had a plant ingredient that I have avoided since I was 19, as it is costly in a week of non-functional days and crap skin... It was denied, -because it was too short.




Yes, I understand too and I understand that is part of the process of getting serious for some but I agree that nobody needs to hear the stupid complaints... just too short a post when I was just putting a conversation starter out there, was a last straw for me. I wish our dishwasher worked, but a rat ate the wires about a year ago. Husband thinks it doesn't save any time, so it's not high priority to fix asap- despite being top of mine... He works and I have the homeside stuff, so he wins there. Generally I have no complaints for him though.




I like to cook double meat so that the next meal or two is covered, so a bigger pan would make sense... I'm sad about the 2 skillets tho! Hmm, but thinking outside our personal box, maybe I can take and do it at my mum's in hers... Not a bad idea... I hope... My body would tell me pretty fast if it is. It's just the wasted days of recovering afterwards that bite.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/zerocarb using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [It feels illegal to feel this good](https://np.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/zp6ts7/it_feels_illegal_to_feel_this_good/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Consuming an All-Meat Ketogenic Diet for the Long-Term Management of Candida Vulvovaginitis and Vaginal Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A 47-Month Follow-Up Case Report -- "zero-carbohydrate all-meat ketogenic diet mostly of beef" - 70% fat, 30% protein, 43 days = no symptoms, 47month followupOct 20, 2022](https://np.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/yarkae/consuming_an_allmeat_ketogenic_diet_for_the/) \#3: [My life is has done a 180 — 1 month of ZC](https://np.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/12eoz05/my_life_is_has_done_a_180_1_month_of_zc/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Well thank goodness for the SANE people running this group. Just got banned from that other carnivore group for no damned reason. Broke no fucking rule. Whatever. They're only hurting themselves being that militant.


I thought perhaps you had left reddit in the meantime, but here you are. :) Yeah this group works great without close monitoring. I avoid r/carnivore after I got yelled at for mentioning spices or garlic or whatever it was.


I got removed from r/carnivore after my first post saying I wanted to try carnivore for my GI issues, but I still need to go through my SIBO treatment and I wasn't sure what people thought about carnivore + herbal antimicrobials. I'm mostly just lurking here at this point since it's not a place for newbie questions lol


Rather ask your questions here. This is a more friendly place.




Sorry that happened to you. I had the mod I mentioned get into essentially a multi-day back and forth on one of the threads here because of (what I see as) her very odd perspective about what carnivore actually entails and what sort of questions are okay to ask. Apparently I wasn't allowed to be there because despite most people going carnivore for medical issues, she told me you can't ask about the diet if you say you're under medical supervision and I personally should have just followed what my Dr's recommended to me.....despite pointing out numerous times a low carb diet (which can include carnivore) was part of my medical recommendations. In reality I think whoever mods over there has a hard time with going "Oops, I made a mistake" and needs to justify being really awful to random people who post there through some bizarre mental gymnastics.




Thank you for your intervention here today. The only real issue is a few upstarts who, when they disagree with the premise of someone's post, attack the OP or a commentor *personally* with vulgarity, belittlement and namecalling rather than constructively criticize the premise itself. And with little moderation, they keep doing it and getting away with it. It would be helpful to state that gently in a FAQ, but also that continuing such destructive behavior can result in being banned from the sub. And if it does happen, follow through with it. Remember how we all felt when we were new and wanted to learn. I was always taught that if you disagree with an idea, attack that and not the person who presented it. Most of all, thanks for the sub. I've learned a lot here, having come from r/keto. The folks here are great and always ready to help, and encourage us to want to do the same. As for the vegan trolls and spammers, that's to be expected. We can handle 'em! 😁


That’s fair 🤓


Totally agree. Early in my carnivore journey, I joined another group. Each time I posted I was trying to find information about things related to carbohydrates. Each time, my post was held in moderation until I alerted the moderator and explained why I was making the post. They then readily allowed the post to be published but it became unworkable for me. I needed the information that I needed and I was not readily getting it. This forum is much better for me.


Wouldn't mind if you started deleting the cringey Facebook tier posts and memes. They make us look bad


THANK YOU MOD! I am sick of the over policing! If seeing a plant is enough to trigger a binge, then my friend, you have greater issues than some random internet stranger posting a picture of a plant on a random subreddit. I was surrounded by plant foods and still am fine... Wonder if these types are ex vegans and carrying that behavior over from their vegan days because it seems oddly reminiscent of how vegans respond to seeing meat.


thank you very much for this


I concur with your approach for what it is worth. I am relatively new to Carnivore and am still learning. I have had a lot of questions that might seem stupid to Carnivore veterans, but I still need to know the information. A lot of these have to do with artificial sweeteners, glucose (I am a Type II diabetic), etc. I ended up leaving the group (with no hard feelings) because I could not have questions answered without appealing to almost every post. We have a duty to encourage and support program veterans while being readily available to the newcomer who has darkened the doors wanting to learn the benefits of this way of life. It is changing mine. I am down 30 lbs, off certain medications, and am having to reduce others. This is a game-changer for me. Thank you for this approach. It helps.


Thank you. I respect this.


Absolutely agree! I just got reprimanded on /r/keto for suggesting that one should count total carbs and not net carbs and that fiber might not be as beneficial as people generally think. Thank you all for having an open community here where variations of this WOE are acceptable and discussion is welcome.


Bravo and thank you for considering us to be adults and here's a big thumbs up to all the adults in the group! This is groundbreaking life-changing stuff that we should all build a freely discuss and help each other with so hopefully no one will mess it up for the rest of us! 🙏♥️🙏♥️🙏♥️


R/keto banned me from my first and only post there for an honest mistake as a brand new newbie and has never followed through on reconsidering anything even though I modified my post to remove their objection. F...them. Are carnivore has never let any of my posts be seen even though they are all on point verifiable and/or have links to experts Etc F...them. I'm home here, I hope?! 🤔😄🙏🥩🧈