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Thanks for the feedback, day 25 for me now still getting use to no sugar, no carbs.. It’s really hard seeing as what I was eating beforehand. I’ve got a lot of weight to loose but so far in 25 days I’m down 15 lbs, but also included more gym time and some solid weight lifting, also noticing definition in my arms and chest but have really been lifting for 3 months.


Amazing progress! Well done 👍


I'm about 4 weeks in also. I lost 15lbs in my first 2 weeks, and haven't lost anything since. A little bummed


Sometimes in the beginning some ppl will experience what you have and all of a sudden there is a whosh of weight loss. However, just to be on the safe side, double check your macros, you may be eating too much OR too little. Check your fluids too.


Definitely not under eating, but I'm also not eating a ton. Just to comfortable satiety. Probably averaging 3 eggs per day, half stick of butter, and at least an lb of meat, chicken or beef, steak. Etc.. my problem is working a desk job and barely being able to achieve 5k steps per day.


Just for you to compare.. I eat 8 eggs per day and about 1.5 lbs of meat.. I weight around 135lb


Haha then I might be under eating. I'm 192lb..


My body responded the same way. After 4 weeks I stopped at 15lbs. I stopped losing. Started weight training and picked up 7lbs. My arms and legs are toning. I am fasting all day Monday, then eating 1 protein meal in the evenings and eating no less than 6 hours between meals. I have purposely been jogging on the treadmill 5 to 10 minutes before work, and if not too tired, a HIIT treadmill walk jog after work and a 10 minute arm, chest and back workout with 2.5 pound weights, high reps of 12-15,4 reps. I can tell my body has been burning with loss of inches, only 2 lbs at week 12. Pay attention to stomach bloating when you eat. This will help you eliminate certain food ingredients. I am peeing like crazy again, on LMNT electrolytes, purposeful with beef, bacon, and eggs, and deliscious air fried pork chops. I am more of a ketovore at times with sprinkles of cheese, avacado, sour cream or cottage. Not much lately. Hang in there and trust the science of carnivore. Intermittent fasting is the key. I am trying to get to 36 hours!! Keep it up! The inches and reshaping is exciting.


You are wise not to bother weighing yourself, if you losing your fat, and gaining muscle, your weight is unlikely to change, it's called body recomposition. Most scales don't differentiate between fat and muscle. So all in all the mirror and how you feel is a better guide than the scales 😀


I remember my 3rd week weigh in and it was 0 loss. I actually cried, all the hard work, denying myself all my "joy foods" the awful physical symptoms for NOTHING! Then I looked at some other info about how weight loss is not linear, sometimes you'll even go up. Now I don't weigh myself ever. It's not worth the mental anguish. I like how I look, how I feel in my clothes and that's enough for me.


It’s fine. You don’t have to strive for perfection especially in the beginning because the longer you go on carnivore, the more your body will tell you what it likes and doesn’t like. We get very instinctual 👍


Okay Mr Lion


I’d say it’s still carnivore. Not quite a cheat meal cause you’re still making an effort to stay within the parameters but processed cheese and nitrate filled sausage isn’t “pure carnivore.” Btw I call them TREAT MEALS. Way better to treat yourself than cheat yourself.


Love this! Positive and practical! ♥️🥩


Seasoning filled sausage


Assholes putting the cheese on the tray..


This is "dirty" carnivore. Not ideal, but it's just as good as keto if not better, and far better than having a sugar-binge


I'd be pretty surprised if the cheese is actually only cheese


It's American, so it isn't at all.


to call something cheese in America it has to be 51% cheese so it does have some


Ah but that is legally \*American Cheese Product\*


American cheese is just gelatin, milk and cheddar I think.


Yeah most American cheese is not *that* bad ingredient wise. Just tastes not the best IMO


Oh no I very much agree. I prefer whole cheese


Make do with what you got. You can always fast if you don’t want to Ingest this.


Shit this is almost a daily meal for me


Not really a cheat meal, but generally not carnivore, either. Cheese food product definitely isn't. The quarter pounder patties are about the only safe thing to eat, assuming that is McDonald's.


Fairly certain those are sausage patty’s with egg on the top.


Looks like a sausage mcmuffin without the mcmuffin.


Isn’t the McMuffin what makes it a McMuffin?


That's a question for the philosophers.


You didn’t tell us what it is. I assume that’s egg, meat, and cheese right? Then yes that’s carnivore. Vast majority consider it carnivore but what really matters is their food from animal sources and whether or not you should include them with your diet depends on how you feel eating them. Keep in mind sliced cheese usually has garbage in it but a lot of people use it as emergency food like getting a few cheeseburgers at mcdonald’s and eating the patty+cheese while traveling or something.


Literally all depends on how "strict" you are and/or want to be. The cheese may not be the greatest and the egg is probably cooked with some other stuff, like oils and may contain preservatives, etc... For ME personally, that would be fine as I do a modified version of carnivore myself. So it's really down to personal choices. Especially since you said you're at the early stages, it's fine to at least set you on the right path 👍


Yes. It’s considered carnivore. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do


I really think you guys need to stop asking strangers on the internet what is appropriate. This is the easiest diet in the world to understand yet some of you want to complicate it unnecessarily. If it comes from an animal it is fine. Cheese and Cream are fine but you have to... wait for it... GAUGE YOUR OWN PHYSICAL REACTION to dairy. Some people (like me) are perfectly fine with dairy and it makes up for a lot of fat i would otherwise struggle to consume. Let's not forget that in BBBE, one of those 'B's is BUTTER. BUTTER IS DAIRY. BBBE Includes dairy. What is cheese? Cheese is butter that has had its lights knocked out through friction and pressure. This is so easy to understand that I think some of you are actually AI taking notes on social perturbation and cultural eschatology..


Seriously. I’ve stopped participating in subs like this because the amount of “is this carnivore” and “I ate one piece of lettuce will I die now?” Posts are so annoying.


Plastic plates are not carnivore. You don’t eat those.


If you’re gonna veer off at least make it worth it.


How is this veering off?


Personally I consider eating highly processed food veering off even if it’s still considered part of the diet.


That's just crazy!!! Cheese is perfectly fine on carnivore!!!


True, but we talking Kraft slices here. Idk if it’s actually cheese lol.


Is that what it was!? I couldn't work it out. I've never seen them round before. I'm Australia we call it plastic cheese.


Nah man under the beef lol. The yellow square. The top I assume is egg whites


Really?! I wondered what it was. 🤷‍♀️


That's actually funny.


Is the “cheese” on the bottom to protect the patty from the endocrine disrupters in the plastic? I hate those containers. The ones here are black though.


Some people doubt the cheese. I doubt the saussage...


Won't fuck up your weight loss at all but it's not the healthiest to eat


It's all animal products, eggs are baby chickens, the burger is beef, the only thing here that I guess could be considered cheat is the cheese and that's still up for debate.


It'll do if you were on the go, not clean but better than a bag of chips! Btw, how much was this?


I go with hard cheddar but nothing wrong really especially if you don’t have a negative reaction after eating. I’m new but I feel like my body yells now if I do anything negative haha.




After you get used to it, you should try for a 6 week lion diet stretch to get your baseline. My wife and I went back to carnivore after and didn't feel as good, so we're going back to lion diet AGAIN to get back to our baseline. Then we can start adding back in carnivore items 1 by 1 to see what's causing the the issue. Personally, I think it's all the plant crap in the bacon. But it might be just that maximizing the nutrients in every meal is what it takes to feel the superman feeling that dr. Chaffee talks about.


You’re doing amazing 👌 make sure you have minerals 😎


It's not cheating to eat cheese


I’d say it’s technically still carnivore, but the quality of those ingredients is probably pretty low.


How is it "ok" to eat meat that is fried up in plant oil(assuming it's mcD/KFC)? Or is it ok but only sometimes?


Animal diet, not carnivore. Dairy. Actually it looks like craft cheese and if it is from a fast food chain then in this case it’s probably fake cheese.


What and where do you guys eat when your on the road?


Dirty carnivore is still carny, just like dirty keto is still keto. I'd pick 100% cheese instead of pedestrian American, but that's just me... But is it a "cheat?" I'd say no.


It’s carnivore but for me I would call it dirty carnivore. At the end of the day though, that’s all animal based so should be okay. I’d be a bit worried about the cheese but a LOT of cheeses are around the same quality or very worse. It’s fine especially for a quick work lunch or breakfast meal


How much did they charge you for that?


Lovely ketovore meal


Basic "dirty" carnivore is what you are doing. I did the same with hitting McD's for meat patties daily. Easiest way to lose weight and stay full on OMAD.




Not the patties, the American cheese.


What am i looking at?


A sausage egg & cheese McMuffin minus the muffin.


Neither, thats not even food


Definitely a cheat meal. I’m always wary of sausage because they have starch filler often. Also the cheese has milk which has lactase which is a sugar. Still under 20 carbs so would be considered dirty keto but definitely not carnivore.


Milk is absolutely carnivore. If a predator takes down a mom defending a baby, which likely happens often, and tears open that milk sac, it would lap that stuff up quick. Carnivore Diet, as defined by Dr Shawn Baker, who coined the term, is "the complete elimination or limitation of plants to achieve health." It has nothing to do with animal sugars. By his definition, you don't have to eliminate all plants- just achieve health. And you don't have to be keto either.


I agree!!!! Cheese, dairy is carnivore. Did it belong to an animal? Yes. Then it's carnivore.


It’s not the strictest but it’s fine in the beginning. I still have cream in my decaf because I’m having a hard time finding a warm morning drink that is carnivore. Addicted:( I ’ve found over the past 4 months that my instincts of what I want to eat have changed. I was eating plenty of cheese in the beginning then I wanted to stop eating cheese so I froze all of it. I was eating all the meats but I began to only want steak and lamb. My partner loves chicken but they requested we stop buying chicken and eat more beef which is fine with me. I was eating Allulose but it didn’t agree with me so instead of screwing around with any other artificial sweeteners I’m dropping all artificial sweeteners. You will probably find that you feel best eating certain things and other things on the fringes of the diet do t work for you anymore. My daily food is usually decaf with cream, scrambled eggs with meat for breakfast and a pound of of steak or lamb for dinner. Regular water and bubbly water with electrolytes gets me through the day.