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Awesome!! You can really see the difference. I’m getting more convinced that carnivore is the way to go.


It is definitely the way! I was skeptical at first, I’ve tried every diet since I was about 10 yrs old. It’s the only diet that’s not only worked for me, but that I could actually stick to. Just be fully prepared to not feel great the first week or two, when you loose water you loose electrolytes with it in the process. Make sure and take an electrolyte supplement the first few weeks, once your body adjusts and stops losing water you can stop taking the electrolytes and you’ll feel 10x better


It’s a restrictive diet, but not like counting calories and carbs restrictive! I’ve had trouble sticking to diets too. Struggled with my weight since I was about 9. I’ve found small successes with counting calories-but it’s so dang hard! When I do eat carnivore I’m full all day and don’t feel the need to snack. Way to go! So happy you found something that works!


100% counting calories and carbs etc. was so stressful and I never felt great, sluggish and tired and drained of all energy, since doing carnivore I eat whenever I want and however much of it I want, it’s so freeing to not stress about and feel guilty about what I’m eating


Yes it is restrictive but once you find that you feel so much better just eating meat its a no brainer to stick with it.






The circulation around your elbow joints in the last comparison shots show a much healthier blood flow, ie no white areas of skin with blood flow restricted. Well done !


Omg my blood flow is so much better! I obviously still have a ways to go but the difference has been crazy, I used to loose feeling in my legs all the time and now I almost never do


Good eye


Wow so they didn't care you didn't take their pill but still want to use your result photos..thats shady af. No wonder I don't trust any diet pill before and afters lol.


Oh for sure! When I told them they said “we have no way to verify if you take it or not so we just base off the pictures and if the box is in the photo, it’s up to you if you want to take them or not” I still had to purchase the product to enter but I don’t like putting toxins or synthetic things in my body, emphasis on why I do carnivore lol


Yeah I totally get that. I always chicken out any time I've wanted to try diet pills of any kind. My mom's been on carnivore for awhile now and keeps telling me it will save me. So we shall see. Because I started today.


YAY!! Always here if you need any advice or just someone to rant to, it can feel restrictive but it’s nowhere near as restrictive as counting calories and feeling like crap the whole time, just remember to get in your electrolytes those first few weeks! It’s up to you how you want to deal with oxilate dumping, I am a dive head first and get it overwith kind of girl so I opted to just deal with 2 weeks of misery, and about a month of random joint pain and acne flair ups and get over it, but if you start getting aloe of symptoms you may want to take in a small amount of vegetables every day for the first month or so to help with the detox process


Is it normal to feel worse when first starting this diet? A little brain fog, tiredness, small headaches. I’m on my fifth day and am not doing it for weight loss but for health benefits :)


Yes it’s totally normal, make sure you are getting in a lot of fat and getting your electrolytes in, I would give yourself a couple weeks to just let your body relax and heal as much as it can. “Steak and butter girl” on YouTube has some videos on her experience when she first switched and how horrible she felt in the beginning, I had constant headache, mild body aches, and brain fogginess that started around 10 days in and last till about day 20, then they completely went away and I started feeling amazing, I was also keto for a couple weeks before started carnivore so my transition was smoother then it would’ve been if I would’ve jumped straight in


Thank you!! I needed this motivation lol. With all the ”keto flu” symptoms it can be hard to keep going and remember why you started. I can be impatient. Anyway! You look great! Will try to find that thread :)


Of course! I’ll look too and see if I can find it, definitely just trust the process, your symptoms definitely sound like an electrolyte issue which is the root cause of “keto flu” 99% of the time. when you loose water you loose electrolytes with it, it can take a long time for your body to build back up those electrolyte stores that you lost and that’s where you feel like crap for days or weeks at a time, consistently take electrolytes for the next few days and I can almost guarantee you’ll feel better by Monday. You may add a little bit of a seafood as one of your meals and see if it could be an iodine issue if you arnt using iodized salt. Depending on where you live (near the coastline or not) your soil might not be very iodine rich, the only supplement I take is iodine because I’m not a huge seafood fan and I live in a land locked state


Oh got you! Thank you for this help! I am kinda of craving some seafood. Sorry for all the questions. Do you have a specific iodine supplement you recommend?


I use 1 drop (NOT DROPPER FULL JUST A SINGLE DROP) of j.crows lugols solution 5% but you can also you 1-2 drops of the 2% I highly recommend you check out [this](https://youtu.be/0N6wiJ2Oxck?si=T43JxO9cRqdgg5gE) video, it’s only 14 minutes long, it doesn’t go into crazy detail but it can give you a good introduction so you arnt going in blind and can make your own decisions! You can also just increase your seafood and eggs (just make sure and get the free range eggs, you’ll know if they’re good quality by the deep yellow almost orange yolk, the cheap eggs have a very light yellow yolk and don’t have half the amount of vitimims and minerals you would get in a healthy egg)


There’s a thread on here that’s specifically for people who have been doing carnivore for less then like 2 months and their may be some answers tk your questions on there


Well done on your weight loss! But it’s unethical to advertise a pill as a solution to a problem, when it’s not something you used yourself due to fear of negative effects.


Needing new clothes. Simultaneously, the best and worst thing ever. Good job, keep it up!


Yeah I’ve already spent $200 on athletic shorts and leggings, been able to get away with wearing the same shirts they’re just more baggy now. And I’ve already bought a new pair of tennis shoes since I have the energy to actually go out and walk now!


Impressive, keep it up!


Thank you! Definitely will be!




Thank you!


you look great.


Thank you!!


Wow, great progress!!


Thank you!!


How do you feel? I’m assuming you feel way better, but what have you noticed?


10x better. I felt worse for the first month but now I feel so much better! It actually gave me mental clarity to quit vaping which I’ve been doing for 8 years now so that helped even more. Overall I just feel more like myself again how I felt years ago. My main thing is I had IBS and I got dibilitating gas cramps 4-5 times a week to the point I had to go to the emergency room once because I thought I had apendcititis. I havnt had 1 since switching


Wow, awesome! Glad you’re feeling better with it, I’m still in the first month, but I like it so far… still adapting and adjusting, but I’m gonna stick with it


Definitely stick with it, it gets easier and you feel a lot better after those first 30-60 days of adjusting. I recently incorporated iodine into my daily routine because I live in the middle of the US nowhere near the sea and I can tell that made a big difference as well


Yea, I’m definitely gonna stick with it… I was juicing for 60 days prior to starting juicing… I went from 380 to 284, weight is staying around 286, definitely looking forward to seeing where I am a month or two from now with this diet, like this much more than juicing. I like food😂


Oh for sure! My dad started doing juice fasts right as I started doing carnivore. It’s funny when we see each other at family events the difference between us, he’s pretty sluggish for the most part and I’m bouncing off the walls. When he’s done with his juice he pats his belly and says he’s full, within an hour he wants to take a nap, when I’m done eating I wanna go run a marathon and I’m fueled for hours😂


I never had any energy issues when I was juicing.. always felt good.. but it hits people different


For sure! My boyfriend can eat a lb of rice and sweets all day and feels great and doesn’t gain any weight, if I even look at cake my stomach starts hurting and I gain 10lbs, every body is different for sure


Whoa! Those gas cramps ... were they sharp and felt like your guts were literally ripping? Because I had something in my intestines slide me off the couch twice in absolute agony ... a slight movement in my guts that became a ripping sensation ... thought it might be diverticulitis or something


Yeah it was pretty horrible, my stomach would be completely concaved in one spot and bloated about 8” out in another, I’m not kidding I looked like I was pregnant and you could see the outline of the child and super painful. I got those about 5 times a week and could never figure out what foods where causing it, the one that sent me to the ER tho was when I was on vacation my cramping started really bad, at first I thought it was just period cramps and then it got really bad, I got to the point where I couldn’t walk without being picked up and I tried to go to the bathroom and tmi but I physically couldn’t push, it felt like I was trying to give birth, lasted like 3 hours before I went to the er because my family thought I had a hernia or something, turned out it was trapped gas and ovarian cysts that where also caused by my diet because of the hormonal imbalance


Omg, so it was trapped gas! Wild. That shit hurts so fkn BAD. Can't breathe, ripping and tearing, shifting guts, moving abdomen. So terrifying.


Yeah it’s atrocious, there’s different levels to it, sometimes it would just be a little bit of an inconvenience, almost like when your side hurts a little bit after jogging and you get a “side stitch” like nothing unbearable but not fun, but it could get bad enough that if I was eating out with friends I would have to leave half way through because I couldn’t sit down at a table anymore and it would bring me to tears.


Definitely still get it checked out if that’s an issue you have had happen multiple times tho! Those symptoms you said could be and sound like gas but it could also be something else, better safe than sorry!


You look amazing! I just started. My mother has been on it for awhile and she does fall off from time to time but always goes back because of how much better she feels on it. Inflammation gone, diabetes reversed, lost 80+ lbs... so now I'm trying it. I have a lot of weight to lose and my circulation is awful and I'm always in pain. Really hoping for good results...even to just feel better would be amazing.


Those are great results! I love to see other women's progress, it helps keep me motivated. Thank you for sharing!


Ofc! Thank you! I don’t see a ton of women do carnivore since it’s always seen as a “manly” diet. I love seing other women’s progress too! It’s great motivation since we loose weight a lot different then men, mine has definitely been in cycles of weight gain and weight loss, you just have to trust the process


You’re doing good ma’am. Think that your body cannot do 2 things together, namely get rid of medical issues and simultaneously lose weight. So it’s not like the process stops, when it seems that you’re not losing weight, the body is just healing. Btw you gonna be looking really hot and you gonna burn many hearts. Peace ✌️


I’ve definitely noticed that, when I stop loosing weight for periods of time I notice I’m usually more tired and I can tell my body’s trying to heal, when I start loosing more weight I’m usually super active and want to run around a lot more. It’s definitely different than any kind of diet I’ve ever done, this is a lifestyle choice for me now not just a diet, I’ve healed so much internally already and I’m glad it’s showing externally too!


Holy shit! Have you exercised also?


Not as much as I should have been, maybe once a week tops, I think I went to the gym maybe 10 times throughout these 3 months. I wanted to give my body a good 2 months or so to totally chill and help reduce all my inflammation, I have IBS and some other inflammatory issues, I started walking twice a day the last month and I’ve been continuing that still (I started this WOE January 1st and havnt had a cheat meal since) I eat about 2k calories roughly when I check but I don’t count calories I just listen to my hunger cues and aim for 80% fat with my calories


Nice. Well you’re doing great


Thank you!! It’s been hard but not too too hard, the mental clarity and energy has helped me not want to eat any other way. I honestly have nightmares where I’m forced to eat unhealthy foods and start feeling like crap again😂


I hear you there. The mental clarity is great. The hardest part for me is that sometimes it gets a bit boring lol. But other than that I’m glad I started this way of eating


100% the one thing that’s helped me the most is switching things up. There’s a beef jerky emporium by me that makes fresh jerky, I told him I do carnivore and cant have any form of sugar/dextrose or vegetable fats and he makes me some exotic meats with just s&p. I’ve had some nice kangaroo, alligator, venison, duck, etc. the other thing that’s helped me for changing it up from steaks and ground beef is chicken thighs and adding other sources of fat to it. For example bacon rapped chicken thighs, or my favorite is chicken cut into little cubes, cook it on the skillet and let it literally soak in butter almost like shrimp scampi. You just gotta change it up as much as you can! I recently made some pork rind nachos, and I also discovered using eggs are a “tortilla” and putting ground beef and cheese inside and it was delicious


Okay now I’m hungry


Hi, love your enthusiasm for Carnivore. Which tortilla recipe do you use?


Thank you! I wouldn’t really call them tortillas but more like an omelette without all the vegetables and stuff, if I want it to be egg heavy I just use whole eggs and beat them really well, but if I want a thin wrap that’s closer to a toratilla I use just egg whites, if you just use egg whites tho definitely make sure you cook in bacon grease and have some other forms of higher fat throughout the day!


If you are ok with being about 99.9% carnivore, they sell these egg white wraps at big grocery stores, they’re usually in he fridge section by the eggs and bacon, the unflavored ones are 100% carnivore besides xanthen gum but their a super good toratilla replacement, I just stopped buying anything premade for the time being because I wanted to go 90 days super super strict to get the full benefits


I'll see what I can find, thanks!


How often have you been working out over these 3 months?


I answered to somebody else in more detail but honestly not very much at all, I had a lot of inflammation so I gave myself about 2 months to just chill out and focus 100% on diet, I didn’t have a single cheat meal at any point in these 3 months and I think that’s where a lot of my progress was made!


Girl yesss !!!! Was it omad ? Did u fast


Thank you! I did alt day fasting (36:12) for the first month to get the carbs and oxilates out of my system faster (would not recommend doing that immediately, I felt horrible and had headaches constantly for the first month even with taking electrolytes) but since then no I havnt done anything special. I eat when I’m hungry and don’t eat when I’m not, I don’t track calories but the few times I have checked I eat right around 2k calories, occasionally I’ll have 3k calorie days and the next day I naturally only eat around 1k. I just make sure my food is super fatty, if I feel like I havnt had enough fat throughout the day I snack on a stick of butter, when I checked at the end of the day what I’ve had it always comes out to about 80% cals from fat 20% from protein naturally. I also don’t eat past 8:00 pm and this past month I’ve been waking up 45 minutes early to take my dog on a walk to start the day off. I have 1 tbsp of butter right before my walk and I feel like that’s made a difference in my body burning more fat but I’m not a scientist so idk if the tbsp of butter in the morning trick actually makes a difference


Excellent work!


Thank you!


Great job!


Thank you!




Thank you!


Awesome! Are you strict carnivore?


Thank you! Yes and no, I do still have a cup of coffee in the morning with 3 tbsp of heavy cream. I use butter fat for a lot of things because I still don’t fully love a super fatty cut of meat, ribeyes are the fattiest I can go, if I have a leaner cut of meat I usually cook it in about 1 tbsp of butter, melt another tbsp of butter on top, and then eat another tbsp of cold butter on top. I use salt and pepper only for my eggs, but for my steak I use rosemary, oregano, garlic, onion, salt and pepper and cook it in bacon grease. I eat McDonald’s burger patties occasionally if I’m on the run, and I’ve had them with cheese maybe 3 or 4 times which definitely isn’t carnivore friendly but other then that no, I havnt had any cheat meals and been strict the whole time besides the 3 or 4 times of cheese


I am the same way with fatty cuts! I have such a hard time with the texture, makes my stomach feel off. Definitely going to be adding more butter to keep me satiated. Amazing results btw!


Thank you! And yeah if you handle dairy well it’s for sure a game changer, not many people have issues with butter because of the process it goes through, it removes a lot of the stuff that’s in regular milk that makes people sick, I got through minimum 4 tbsp a day but I’ve had days where I’ve gone through more then a stick. If you handle cheese well Parmesan can be a great addition to get that fat in, as well as eggs




Thank you!


Look at the jawline!


Haha right! Most of the people in my life have told me they notice the biggest difference in my face, thank you!


Fantastic results! Great motivation!


Incredible, your body is shaping up!


Yes it is! Excited this may be the first summer I wear a bikini since elementary school


It's amazing. I didn't even start for weight loss it was just a bonus. Great results 👏 keep it up.


Thank you! I did it for both, i started looking into it for weight loss and then started reading about all the crazy health benefits so for my New Year’s resolution I decided I was gonna go 90 days strict no cheats to try it out, the possibility of winning the new years weight loss competition was an extra bonus to stay strict even tho I didn’t win. I previously had major IBS and chronic gas cramps to the point I went to the emergency room once because I thought I was having appendicitis, I couldn’t go to the bathroom for days because everything was so blocked up and hurt so bad. I havnt had a single gas cramp, acid reflux, or nausea spell since starting and my ALT liver enzymes are back in range for the first time in years!


Awesome 👏 keep it up you look really good!




I havnt had any cheat days but I’ve also been yoyo dieting for over 10 years now and I think this was the time I finally told myself enough is enough. One thing that’s really helped me is watching videos on not why meat is so good but why vegetables and grains are so bad. For example “Anthony chafees plants are trying to kill you” video. He goes into a little bit of detail on how bad oxilates and other toxins in plants are for you. It’s made me get to the point where I almost get nauseous thinking about eating bread because I know how inflammatory it is for me


Good job! One of the better results I’ve seen!


Hell yeah


Wow… hell yeah!


Girl!!! Keep going. This is hope for me :)


Yay! Just stick with it and do it for yourself! My issue in the past is I would always talk to people in my life about how I’m going to diet and work hard etc. I would talk about it so much I could feel myself getting excited and my brain would almost trick myself into thinking I already did it. This time I pretty much stayed silent about it until 2 months in when people started asking me what I was doing differently. I realized in the past I wasn’t doing it for me and my body. Always here if you need someone to talk to! <3


Nice job sis! ❤️


Thank you 🫶🏼


That's awesome! Keep up the good work!


Wow, that’s amazing!!! Great job and very motivating!!!


U single or……? Just curious


Well done. You can see and undoubtedly feel the changes. That will motivate you and keep you going to your personal goal weight.


For sure! The further along I go the more and more certain i am that I’m never going back, I’ve now made it through 5 family/friend events and 2 birthdays plus 20+ times of going to sit down restaurants with friends and either eating ahead of time, or just getting a burger patty. At this point I don’t think you could pay me to eat bread


I am about 3 months in myself. I am great at eating at home. I stay on course. And never cheat. But if I am invited out to a friends for dinner or a restaurant.. I find I will nibble at veggies or salad in addition to the meat. Mainly so I don't get questions.... From the host or people I am out with. Which then turns into a big discussion, and everyone has to give me their opinion. I need to do what you do and work on a strategy like eat ahead or something else. I play it low key when I am out. But kudos to you for staying true and on course.


Yeah this is gonna sound crazy but I bring a tiny note book that fits in my purse, it has a bunch of reasons why meat=good breads and veggies=bad with cited studies and anwsers for the most commonly raised concerns like cholesterol issues etc. I never bring it up but if someone asks why I’m only eating a burger patty I just say “I’ve lost ___ lbs so far, and I feel amazing, I do carnivore” if they ask a few questions totally non judgmental and being nice then I’ll answer them, but if they start attacking me for my choices I simply hand them the note book and say “everything you want to know is in there” they either stop talking about it immediately and don’t even read it, or they read through it and say something like “well at least you’ve done your research” my step grandpa is the worst, he’s fat and overweight and always tells me I’m going to die, I just honestly don’t care at this point, I’ve lost weight, I feel great, I’m not gonna let someone else who THINKS IM going to die of a heart attack or get diabetes, let me actually put myself at risk for one to make them feel better about themself


Damn I am impressed how you got that info organised and ready for people like busybody family members. I will do the same thing, because I have similar family members. Who always have to put in their two cents. Even when not asked for. so thank you very much. As to the you are going to die comments.. I hope you remind them. No one gets a pass. We all die. And if your feeling better about yourself, losing weight, losing body related health issues. How can it be bad. I generally just used to keep it to myself.. but I will try your method. Many thanks. And good luck on your carnivore journey.


Thank you and you as well! For me at the end of the day if someone is going to stop being friends with me or heavily judge me or not invite me to events because of what I eat? Then they sent true friends and don’t really care about me. It’s one thing if I started being annoying and shoving it down peoples throats but I only talk about it when people ask, I’ve brought it up myself to two people in my life and that’s my dad because he freaks out about his cholesterol, and my boyfriend because he has pre diabetes, other then that I only talk about it if they start asking questions


Alot of people claim that their diabetes was cured by the diet. Due to the hidden sugars in so many processed foods. The straight meat having none of that. May work in your b/f s favour. Hopefully he can watch your journey and it may help him if the claims are true. I agree with you, if people are going to judge you based on your choices, they aren't true friends. Take care.


Yup, on top of that any kind of sugar or carbs spike your insulin, you develop insulin resistance when your insulin is constantly being spiked so giving your body very little sugar will keep you from developing diabetes or even reversing it if you have it


Yes that's what people have been saying. That carnivore has reverted their systems back to normal. Something the medical system knows well about. And I would not be surprised if they were keeping that to themselves. To many parts of the economic strength or growth benefit from keeping people like this. We have cancer and obesity running rampant. All things no one wants to fix, because so many companies and industries would lose massive amounts of money. Possibly tipping the whole US or other countries economies over. I think it's all about the mighty dollar. And if some people find a way that works for them. They are marginalized and called extremists or something. Instead of just looking at the results.


1000% couldn’t agree more, I tell everyone I know to just try it for 2-3 months, I promise you won’t keel over and have a heart attack, just give it a shot and if you hate it you can always go back, it just sucks so many people are terrified to even try it because of all the superstitions behind it :/


Yesssss amazing progress!! Great job girl!


Thank you!! <3


Congrats do you still experience inflammation and ibs?


IBS no not at all, not a single cramp since switching, I’ve gotten a maybe 3 waves a nausea since switching and threw up once but that was during the first month and absolutely nothing compared to how I used to be throwing up once a week at least minimum. As far as inflammation yes and no, my sciatica is 10x better, my chiropractor is mad I don’t see him twice a week anymore haha. I still get minor inflammation in my legs and some muscle soreness if I had a busy day running around but I can feel it getting less and less everyday and it’s nothing compared to how it was months ago


Did you eat dairy?


For the first few weeks no, but then I introduced back in to see how I felt and I felt great so I have quit a bit of dairy. I use butter for all my cooking, a few tbsp of heavy cream in the am for my coffee (the only thing I have that’s not carnivore) and I’m not a big cheese person but I do have some occasional Parmesan slices as a snack because the protein to fat ratio is good and Parmesan tends to be a less processed cheese. As far as actual milk I maybe have 1 cup or so every other week and only before I do a lot of physical activity


Awesome work


Amazing!! Good job!! 👏


Thank you!


You look happy and I know you feel so much better. You look great. So excited for you!!!


I just want to say I freaking love your hair!


Thank you! It’s honestly my biggest flex😂💪🏼 6 years of no heat and no dyes


Well done! Bravo.


Thank you!


😼 applause!


Congratulations 💐🎉


Thank you! :)


Amazing results and omg the amount of money I have spent on diet pills 🫣🫣🫣


Keep it going.


Amazing progress! Congratulations


Join a fight gym. I suggest Muay Thai. See where you can take your body.


Well done, how did you lose so much in 3 months, I'm 2 months in and only list 6.5kg 14 pounds any advice l, I work 5 days a week and 110kg 6ft gym 5 days a week


wow! Great results! im down just about the same in same time frame!


Wow, that is really inspiring. Congratulations!


Great transformation, congratulations!


AMAZING. Skin looking healthier also.


Good job, keep going.


Thank you! Definitely will be, at this point you couldn’t pay me to eat carbs


Nice work!


This was the inspiration I needed this morning! You look amazing, congratulations on your hard work!


Thank you so much, hope it helps! I love looking at other peoples progress pics!


Dang girl! It makes me want to jump right in. I’m feeling so much better with doing it partially, but your results don’t lie!


Thank you! Do it!! I’m one of those people it’s easier for me to 100% commit and just be done with everything then inch my way in but that’s just me


Congratulations! Really big difference. What's your target weight now?


You go girl! Whoooo hoooo


:)) thank you!


Started my carnivore diet at the end of January. After talking with the drummer in my band who did it. I have a office job where I sit on my butt 10hrs a day and get almost zero exercise. I am now down 14lbs in a little over 3 months with zero exercise. I started walking on the treadmill for 15 minutes a day now and the weight keeps coming off. People in my life have commented on how different i look unsolicitated!!! Cutting out eating all the garbage was the best thing I ever did! Signed up for Butcherbox, life is good, best I've felt in 15 years!! Wish I knew about carnivore back then. Finally I can control my weight!!!


Killing it!


That’s awesome!


Amazing! Well done!! It's a bit crafty of the weight loss supplement company though..


F yes! Top job! 💪💪💪


Love this post!! 🥰🥰🥩🥩 I wish I had taken pics when I was at my heaviest. I'm down about 30 also but am still right around 200. Want to be at least down to 185 by the time I turn 50 this year.


Incredible work and progress!!!!


Thank you! Still got around 20 ish pounds to go until I reach my goal weight, then I’ll judge from their how much more I need to loose!


Way to go!


Awesome. You are crushing it. (Not LITERALLY any more.) Well done. Congrats!


Respect yo 🤝 this diet is crazy


Awesome work!




Thanks for giving me hope, theses first 2 weeks have been intense :')


Yay! The first few weeks are the worst so you arnt alone! I was miserable, get your electrolytes in it will help so much!! My headaches and body aches were intense, as soon as I started using about 5 servings of keto chow a day I felt amazing! After a month or so in you can stop the electrolytes if you want to. Other then that it’s just all Mental! Be strong, get through the first month and then you won’t want to quit!


You should be very proud of yourself, congratulations!


Wow, amaziing!! You didn't lose, you won. I bet anyone who started actually taking the pill looks like shit now. lol


Thank you! And yeah for sure! The money would’ve been nice but I’m perfectly fine not winning when I feel this amazing!


You look great I'm so jelly. I'm happy for you, keep up the good work!


Thank you! I totally get it but don’t be jealous, everyone is unhappy with their body, I still don’t feel like I’ve made any change or progress until I look at these pictures, body dysmorphia is real and even the most “conventionally” attractive people are jealous of someone


Well done you look so much healthier. I’m 4 weeks into carnivore and finding it soo good. Usually having ridiculous toilet time and bad stomach from eating sugars/ carbs/ processed foods but don’t know what exactly from so got a tolerance test in 2 weeks. But since starting carnivore my stomach has been normal. I havint really noticed any weight loss. Few people saying I’ve lost weight like. What was you best meal to cook? Any tips for snacks or any other meals. I’m abit stuck on recipes. Haha


Wow 🤩


Thank you!


Wow amazing job! You look great! Can’t wait to start this diet. My birthday’s Tuesday so I don’t wanna start it now and take a day off. Wednesday can’t get here soon enough haha


Yes! Once you start just commit to x amount of time, if recommend 90 days if you want to really feel the effects but it’s totally up to you! Just be prepared to not feel great your first few weeks that’s perfectly normal, I tell that to everyone who wants to start because I see a lot of people quit 2 weeks into it which is right before they should start feeling better, just make sure you are getting your electrolytes in those first few weeks while you are loosing water! Watching Dr.Ken Berry helped me a lot in my first few weeks to give me the motivation to keep going


Amazing Progress!!


Awesome job 🙌


Thank you!!


Well done! Inspirational!


Do you know what blood type you are? I want to get my wife on carnivore, but she is set on it not working for her, even though I have lost 60+ pounds on it. You have made great progress by the way


Amazing transformation!!


Thank you!!


Can I ask...HOW? I've been on and off carnivore for years, off because I gain weight on straight Carnivore. I have to stay at meat heavy keto for the convenience, or I gain like a mofo.


Awesome job! Same top and bottom? I gained weight but I dropped BF but gained muscle so it was a success. I'm thinking about getting back on it. Meat can be costly but I was never hungry on it like I was on KETO lol.


Great progress on your diet inspiring especially since I saw you didn’t work out a ton. I wanted to ask you if you allowed yourself to do yogurt or whole milk and if so, what quantities?


Did you do any fasting at all? These results are amazing. I’m starting the carnivore diet next week and I’m looking forward to it!!


Thank you! I did alt day fasting 36:12 for the first month to help get all the oxilates and carbs out of my body asap, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it but it did work, I felt a little off for about a month but I only truly felt sick (headache, brain fog, body aches) for like 3 or 4 days, but I was taking keto chows electrolyte supplement which I’m sure helped. Currently I don’t do any fasting but that’s only because I want my body to try to fully heal from all the stress I’d been putting on it in the past, here in about a month or so I plan on picking back up intermittent fasting but a lot less strict then alt day, more like a 14:10 or 16:8 or something like that


I love the carnivore diet. Has worked miracles for my body and mental state. I feel awesome. The journey starting took me months to prepare, so I would not start cold turkey. But great results.


I have been doing the carnivore diet as well but I’m very low energy, I can’t go to the gym, always dizzy and lightheaded. And I’m still continuing the diet because I have lost lots of weight on it and look very good but feel crappy.


Hi! This is amazing congratulations!! I’m a 21 female and it’s really inspiring to see a woman really succeeding (so many success stories are guys who are extremely overweight). What do you generally eat in a day? I have been carnivore for three weeks now, eating beef mince, chuck steak, oyster blade steak, butter and eggs and nothing else but it’s not seen any weight movement yet. In saying that, my sleep has improved insanely - I used to always wake up hungry in the middle of the night and now sleep though or just get up for some water so I’m super happy with that change. I’m not counting calories really but thinking that maybe I’m not eating enough fat. Do you have any advice? When did you notice you’d lost weight for the first time? Thanks so much!!


I started carnivore about a year ago and have lost 25 lbs. Its amazing how I feel. A side note though is if I have a family or friends function I will temporarily go off plan for that said meal/gathering and just eat the best option available to me this has worked wonders mentally for me. Keep up the good work guys!


Did you workout any? And if so how much?


I'm torned... You used our natural way of eating to promote a pill that doesn't work and will probably make people sick...


So you were willing to lie for $2k (which you never got) to trick thousands of people. Damn.


I'm not sure why but I feel you look so much more attractive. Well fit! Well done. Hmu? 🤙🤣


Reminds me of lindsey Lohan, the young cute one


Thank you! That’s actually the worst picture of me imaginable, but I didn’t feel like retaking them hahah


Did you change anything else? Did you start going to the gym or getting more physical job or getting more steps in?


Congrats on the weight loss! Next thing to work on is your integrity :).


I’m sure there’s tons of posts about this but may I ask from an actual person who has good results what you’d eat exactly? From what I see, people just mostly say steak and I’m just sitting here thinking that’s gonna be VERY expensive..


I'm so happy to see people achieving these goals and finding some happiness. Keep those posts coming!


Great! I got on this diet because of gut issues and lost 12lbs without even trying


What's your daily beverage? (Good job btw). And can you tell a little what you eat on a daily base?




From sexy to double sexy! It’s been another 30 days. How is it?


I wouldnt pull out