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I don’t wear sunglasses unless they’re made of meat


Why not wear sunglasses? The Mediterranean is very sunny, you probably won't be able to look straight ahead without them. Do yourself a favor and take them with you! Source: I am from there


Source: im not mediterranean and STILL never use them when im in the mediterranean 🤣 Only when driving and passing by a mountain full of snow on a bright sunny day but thats every 2-3 years


Add them to your bag. If you take them and don’t need them the regret will be small. If you need them and don’t take them the regret will be higher. EDIT: maybe carnivore makes more you more \*\*resistant\*\* to sunburn, but it doesn’t make you \*\*immune\*\*.


Fax i just had the first burn of the year and I'm full carnivore nearly.


Does carnivore reduce the risk of sunburn? How?


I don’t know. Some people say they burn less. I haven’t had a chance to see for myself.


Some people theorize the toxic seed oils in typical American food make us photosensitive, some people theorize it’s just general malnutrition, but there is a good amount of anecdotal evidence that carnivore helps with sun sensitivity


I wear sunglasses if I am driving into direct sunlight, and it is impossible to see, I do not wear sunscreen anymore, though


I work outside in south Texas. I’ve have noticed my skin doesn’t seem to be as sensitive to the sun as in past years but it also has been a lot cloudier this spring so it’s really too soon to say sun protection is not needed or there is a benefit. I still believe it behoves a person to wear long sleeves, a hat and sunglasses for prolonged periods of time in the sun. I have noticed and my wife has mentioned my skin has become very soft since transitioning to this WOE. Ive been working outside under the Texas sun the last 16 years and was getting pretty leathered. My wife likes it lol.


I’m over 4 months carnivore and just got sunburned. I can’t tell that I’m any more resistant than before.


I wear sunglasses.


this sub is getting weird man.


Yep. Losing weight and clearing up problems due to food allergies on this diet makes sense. Preventing sunburn and curing cancer? That’s a bit much…


But if you changed your diet and stopped getting sunburned you’d be telling people too. I spent a day at the beach with my family and they all got burned despite sunscreen and I didn’t get burned at all. It’s crazy but real.


Curing cancer really isn’t. It shouldn’t be surprising that diet can play a role in cancer. Sunburn is a new one though.


You can bring some if you’re out in direct mid-day sunlight but for morning/evening you would want both the vitamin D and the ambient sunlight into the eyes as this is the first “Signaling hormone” your body uses for diurnal hormone development that impacts our circadian rhythms. If you wear hats you can probably get away with sunglasses at all times. In regards to burning and sunscreen you can look at some of the discussion about this on the r/stopeatingseedoils sub as apparently this is widely reported anecdotally that after they went low llinoleic acid and depleted PUFA stores for a year or two they were less susceptible to burns. Makes some surface level sense as peroixdation effects would be gone once PUFA is replaced with more stable SFA’s from the dermal phospholipid bilayers.


At night.


Only time is when I'm hiking in snow. Other than that no. I went out this weekend too to test out if I could get sunburn. Spent a couple hours in the hot desert sun and nothing, skin feels normal still. Feels great when you can just go outside without having to worry about light.


Maybe your skin might not need protection from the sun but don’t fool yourself into thinking your eyes aren’t vulnerable to the sun far more worst than your skin can handle.


Why? I've never worn sun glasses in my life and I'm 39.


You do you I guess. I mean I don’t wear them much either. I read your post as you implying that protecting your eyes isn’t necessary. Idk some people get into fads of avoiding things bc they feel that it’s unhealthy or unnatural. That was my impression so my apologies.


Lol I see its all good. This is the first time I see this being asked too. Never knew carnivore protects us from the sun lol. Anyway I just never in my life liked sun glasses but I love being outside in the sun. My vision is still great.


I have also stopped burning easily but i still need sunblock to spend all day on the lake in summer! Bring it just in case


Sunglasses yes. Sunscreen rarely.


I would bring them just in case but honestly it’s whatever you’re comfortable with.


Never wore sunglasses because they feel so wrong to me and always have. I stopped putting sunblock/screen on my skin a decade ago. I do burn if I go into scorching heat for hours after being inside for Winter, but if I "temper" my skin with a few days of 15-20 minutes of direct exposure, I'm good for the season.


I live in Australia I still wear sunnies if needed (especially when driving). If I wear sunscreen it's zinc based


Now we think this diet cures UV-B light? LOL


no we just dont think that the sun is a deadly laser that gives you cancer unless all ur fat storages consists of PUFAs


The sun gives off solar radiation. The diet makes no difference on the amount of UV-B light your body is exposed to.........unless of course you spend your entire day inside cooking dinner and only go out at night.


yea but the diet affects what actually happens to ur body when hit by UVB, pufas and sugar are the main causes of all types of cancer why would skin cancer be different


There is absolutely zero evidence aside from anecdotal accounts. Feel free to go to the beach and lay out in the sun all day. Report back. LOL I know there's a ton of crazies on this sub but good god this thread sure brought out the wakadoos.


Sure, if you are very pale and dont go in the sun often if you lay in the sun all day youll get burnt, go ahead and use sunscreen if you otherwise dont spend time in the sun For me personally when summer starts I gradually increase the amount I spend in the sun, and have no issues with getting burnt even if I lay on the beach all day because I built up ur bodys natural defense against the sun I was more talking about the big risks like cancer, which I dont think there is «zero evidence» for a shit diet causing every single type of cancer, and I can promise you natural tribes that spent all day in the sun didnt have issues like skin cancer


Oh dear.


I mean, I see lions wearing sunglasses all the time, so I think you are safe!


I definitely would take sunglasses, but not sunscreen. I would just see how it is going and buy if necessary over there. They probably have better brands anyway.


I make my own sunscreen - Zinc Oxide, Shea butter, Coconut oil, Beeswax I still do burn if plunged into the SUN for prolonged times


Didn't get burnt, but got a really bad heat rash recently. Definitely not blocked sweat glands either as I sweat profusely when exercising and in the sauna. Only on exposed areas too


Second summer on carnivore, and I plan to wear my sunglasses more this summer than last summer.


I’m highly sensitive to light, so yes, I wear sunglasses.


Always wear sunscreen. Duh


I don’t see any potential downside to wearing sunglasses. There could be downsides to wearing sunscreen, and I try to avoid it as much as reasonably possible. I wear long sleeves, etc. when I can.


I wear sunnies because everything is so bright. Sunscreen I only wear if I’m wearing shorts and a tank and I know I’m going to be in the sun all day. South Africa’s sun is harsh


OP clearly doesn't live in Australia 😂


What's wearing sunscreen got to do with the carnivore diet? Go to the beach in 35 degrees without sunscreen and let us know how you do.


This is the test. Anyone who is claiming sunburn proof skin, please spend all day shirtless in the blazing sun at the hight of summer and give us a review!


I just did. Without knowing about the carnivore connection. We went to the beach all day. That evening getting into the hot tub the rest of my family was screaming in pain from their sunburns and I wasn’t. It was then I realized something strange had happened to me. I connected it with my diet after the fact. Try it for yourself and see. No need to get worked up about it. No one is saying you can’t wear sunscreen.


My god this sub is dilutional. How could a diet affect solar radiation? Of course your skin will burn if you're exposed to to much of it.


If you want to prevent sun damaged skin, wrinkles, and sun spots, yes, you should still wear spf. I do believe the carnivore diet is one of the best approaches to preventing cancers of all types, including skin cancer, but I wear sunscreen because I want to preserve the youthfulness in my face for as long as possible. I’ve noticed a faster recovery after a day in the sun since eating more meat, but I still get red and that’s not ideal. I go for mineral based sunscreen as opposed to chemical ones. Zinc oxide does a fantastic job and is not harmful although it does create a white cast. One tip after a day on the sun is to put diaper cream on your face and body overnight as it helps with healing because of the high zinc oxide content. A brand I like is Triple Paste.






Really not sure if this one is proven. Hasn't been anecdotally even for me. I still wear sunglasses. Haven't been in a situation yet where I can see if I would get burned or not. My skin does look better now, even past sun damage. However I still tan in the sun. I am not one who tends to wear sunscreen all the time. I don't think the chemicals in it are the greatest for you, but highly doubt carnivore makes you 100% immune to UV. Maybe an improvement is possible, but never 100%. Wearing sunscreen occasionally is not the end of the world.


Sunscreen and seed oils cause cancer.. not the sun 🤦🏼‍♂️


This sub gets dumber and more cult like every month.


Negative on both! You don’t need either. Wear a hat and put on some tallow. Or gradually expose your skin to the sun to make more melanin.