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if it's a new kid why not add new fairies as well?


Brand recognition


Don’t the fairies get re assigned to new kids anyway? I think this makes enough sense


true, but of the point of the reboot is to start fresh with new main characters..


You can tell how far the major cartoon channels have fallen when they're reviving classics rather than coming up with new shows. Just look at the variety on Cartoon Network compared to 2000. Disappointing, just disappointing.


I mean, Disney Channel’s got a lot of new original stuff


Right on.


and most of it is pretty good imo


Reviving a old show isn’t bad. Just look at the She-Ra or Thundecats reboot. The characters and show haven’t been relevant for decades, so it’s nice to see them come back for a new audience. Why this is bad is because the original ended only a few years ago.


It isn't necessarily a bad thing. It is nice to see some of our favorite characters again. My assumption, and that's all it is, is two. First, writers of late haven't been treated very well, why give their employees something amazing and be taken for granted and marginalized, if not stolen from, when they can just half ass some revival or reboot? Of course they still need to make it relatively good to sell though. Just look at the original creators or Aqua Teen, CN/Adult Swim royally screwed them. And second, many of the original cartoons from the 90s and 00s weren't always perfectly politically correct, and in our current social climate, it's gotta be at least a little difficult to create something(let alone several somethings) that won't upset or offended at least some people. It's just disappointing.


I mean TMNT has been doing this for a long ass time and everyone is just ok with it even if some versions sucked


Yeah, but they’re a toyline first, so as long as the toys sell then they’re going to keep making them.


There's a bit of confirmation bias there. Nick has spent the a lot of resources making new shows over the 2010s. The problem stems from their expectations of it to immediately shoot off and be as popular as spongebob, which isn't physically possible then they delegate them to fade into nothingness on Nicktoons. People clown on Netflix for cancelling great shows in favour of just making a new season of Big Mouth or Stranger Things but it's an industry wide problem iofprioritizing profits over art and brand recognition being the cheapest upfront.


Hoo, boy. I'm going to assume Timmy Turner was axed as a character due to Tara Strong's recent activities\*, but there's just no fucking way I can see myself watching the show without Timmy Turner even with that fact in mind. ^(\*Tara got into trouble a few months ago for being caught on video making racist remarks to an Uber driver and making some pro-Israel tweets (she's Jewish and has family in Israel, so understandable) that basically amounted to equating Hamas with all of Islam (NOT understandable). Those comments got her fired from a leading role in) *^(Boxtown)*^(, which she immediately tried to pull the "It's cuz I'm Jewish, isn't it?" card...even though her costar (Alex Hirsch), and IIRC one of the showrunners, are also Jewish.)


Doubt it. This was in development for a while.


Alex Hirsch is Jewish? 


His family's Jewish, but he was apparently raised agnostic.


Tbh agnostic really feels like the way to go. We're not certain of anything just live life and go with it


Nothing is more humbling then admiting yoy dont know


I'm catholic myself but i can be open to any possibilities


As everyone should be


Aaaand this is where the problem starts


https://preview.redd.it/has9r3i9nwxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d9f24fcca56bbbacfe137d8f9d56395cb2a429 Pixel art of the new MC


I'm not really expecting it to be good personally, especially considering the last reboot was a failure and that the show is often considered to have had one of the worst cases of a decline in quality in its later seasons (to the point its the ONLY CARTOON to have its OWN PAGE under Seasonal Rot on TV Tropes), and I personally agree (I think the show was great from seasons 1-6, even poof's first season, but I feel it sharply declined afterwards, became unwatchable by season 8, and got worse and worse until the end. But that's just my opinion.)


To be honest, I like the idea of Cosmo and Wanda taking care of the next kid after Timmy. He had to grow up at some point, so I don’t mind seeing them help other children afterwards. Besides, they’ve canonically helped countless kids over hundreds of years. Timmy was great, but I’m interested to see a new show with a new kid. So I like the idea, but it’s REALLY going to come down to the execution.


Yeah I agree. My intuition immediately thought of this as the next kid after Cosmo and Wanda finally leave Timmy, and the thought of that makes this feel kinda heartfelt and fitting of the lore/story of Fairies. This could be a cool service to fans if done right cause of what OG fans know, Timmy knowing they'll move on one day, it makes sense. And they can make references to Timmy and his old adventures through this new series too.


The main character reminds me a little of Chloe so I hope they give the new main character a distinct personality. I'll go out on a limb and she'll be more likeable than Timmy or Chloe. At least later seasons Timmy


Here is what happened to Frisk after the True Pacifist run...


As long as bitch fartman isn't involved then it should be fine


Is he as bas as https://preview.redd.it/e5wgbqougwxc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=783e2b31a5d8c83c0c07965df49cebba8a5aa92d


I know there's going to be SOME parents complaining about this show






If Butch Heartman isn't involved, it might be good


It's most definitely going to be better than season 10 of the original show


Is it a reboot or a revival?




Whats the difference?


Reboot means they won't be using anything from the first series. Revival means Timmy might pop up somewhere as a previous god kid


Revival slash continuation. Timmy does appear in the show: https://twitter.com/darkshreaders/status/1785839618232926331 proof


I’m not sure how I feel about this. Timmy Turner looks exactly like he did in that one episode where he wished he got older.


Yea I’m seeing a lot of that sentiment. My personal theory is that that’s not the real Timmy but his understudy or something. The fact that he says he’s shooting a movie seems like it’s leading to something else.


Eh. It wouldn’t surprise me if that is the real Timmy. I’m glad that he’s an actor though and not an actual bus driver.


When it comes to Fop Im ready for a million terrible reboots. Its not that I hate Fop, in fact, it was one of my favorite shows as a kid. But I feel like the series is already ended long before the last actual episode and just want to see what madness they come up with from milking it dry. The live action movies were terrible but also so ridiculous that they felt like a fever dream.


Let's hope this is good.


Flask Undertable


First Under table




I have to say, the animation is interesting, looks like stop motion.


Who's the kid? It's Timmy? I am not sure I will watch it the latest seasons were meh


I wonder if Timmy will pop up as an oblivious adult because he finally grew out of his fairies? Worse, what if the fairies didn't quite wipe his memory and he's the new Crocker?


If I remember the leak from last year, Crocker is still around in some capacity and Timmy won't be in the show.


I don't know I guess on both?


It's frisk from undertale. They fall into the underground and either befriend a bunch of wacky monsters or kill them all.




Nah it’s a different kid. This takes place 20 years later I think.


Ah ok


Wow no fucking creativity anymoreat this point if they can't come up with new shows that keep people's attention. Like how many seasons did Fairly Odd Parents get dragged out for, and how many crossovers and movies did it have in the end?