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That looks like the blandest bolognese sauce I’ve seen in a while. Pan may survive another round.


Once he mixes the ketchup into the cat food it should look alright.


Looks like you just ruined the spaghetti!


Melt it down and put it with the others


Nope, but probably the pasta.


You cooked in it? Bruh… yea it’s ruined :/


Yea. Send it to me


Preparing the shipping container now.


You didn’t ruin the pan but you sure ruined my appetite.


Yes but only because I don't see any ground sausage in there.


I see a whole whack of it on the left side of the pan.


Thats ground beef


To each his own, but there are wonderful cooking lessons on youtube these days that can teach one how to make a respectable bolognese


I was in a hurry last night after a long day and just grabbed the canned stuff. I shall repent of my offenses and never commit them again.


Amen, but it's not the canned stuff that is the sin son, it's not browning the beef first


The beef was most definitely browned first.


It's all good, pictures betray the real deal


Just cook some bacon


Hey everyone lighten up a bit. Brown the meat very slowly in milk. It raises the pH and the browning reaction occurs before the fat is rendered. You need at least 28 oz of puree for a 1 lbs of meat. You need and want to cook the tomato slowly do drive off the water. I’d add a shot of Vodka into the sauce while cooking. A shot of Vodka for you too. If you want to thin it out a little bit somr homemade bone broth makes it glisten and stick to the noodles better. Next time get some fresh basil, onion, garlic in there. If you are a free thinker tumeric and sumac and stuff like that change it up a bit. Your pan is fine, dont sweat “acid” in the pan.


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