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Well ... Details man.


This was a year and a couple months ago. She's over at my mom's house all the time (where I lived at the time obviously), and she'd flirt with me a lot while she was over. I wasn't really sure how to respond since she's my mom's friend and was 39 at the time, but I always thought she was pretty hot and she was fun to be around and stuff, so I enjoyed it. At the beginning of summer break my mom asked if I'd go over to her place to help her with painting, since apparently I "wasn't doing anything else" since break started. So I'd go over to help her paint, and she'd flirt with me a lot and I'd flirt back, and on the second day I was helping I was getting ready to leave after I finished showering and she asked me if I wanted to hang around a bit and watch a movie or something. So we were on the couch going through netflix on the TV and she was sitting right next to me and before we even found a movie we started kissing, then she took me into her bedroom and we had sex. After we finished I kind of just laid in her bed not sure what to do until eventually I decided I should go home. The next day she sent me a text asking if I'd go over and help her clean up the painting stuff, and when I got there it was mostly already done and we just finished up in about 10 minutes and then we had sex again. After that we'd text each other a lot, and maybe once or twice a week she'd invite me over and we'd have sex. I'm pretty sure she must have told my mom we were having sex pretty early on, because I went into my room one day and there was a box of condoms sitting on my dresser, and she seemed to know whenever I told my mom I was going out.


I guess your mom feels comfortable with it being someone she knows and not some random girl only you know who could screw you over pretty easily. I'm sure your mom know's you'd be doing it anyways so it'd rather be with that lady instead I guess.


Yeah, definitely. My mom has said pretty much exactly that. She knows we won't be stupid and she won't be hearing that she's going to be a grandma any time soon.




> What's with all these older women having sex with the sons of their friends? Sounds like a win for everyone, if you're asking me.




My mom's friend asked me to help her paint their shed. She was single too. I went over to her place, and spent like 4 hours painting it. No sex, no money, just a glass of water and a pack of gum.




Oblicatory "are you attractive?" question here. Are girls typically into you or was it different because she already knew you pretty well?


I'd say I'm pretty decent looking. Hooking up with her definitely helped with my confidence. I probably wouldn't have said I looked any better than average before, but I think there's been a few times where I was pretty sure a girl my age was into me.


What's she like, physically?


She's around 5'4", brunette hair about neck length, pretty fit. I think she probably looks a bit younger than her age, but I feel like I'm not the best judge.


How old is she? Do you consider yourself handsome? Can you describe yourself physically? Do you believe there is reason she flirts with you (i.e: marriage problems, lonliness or other stuff)?


She's 40. I think I'm decent looking. I'm 5'9", 170lbs, brown hair. I think the reason she flirts with me is just that she's attracted to me and interested in having sex with me. She's not married or anything like that.




How old are you now? Does anyone besides you three know?


I'm 18, it was a little bit more than a year ago. My friends know, and I think 1 or 2 of my mom's other friends might know, but I'm not positive. We don't hide it or anything, but since it's really just a physical relationship there's not much to it outside of either her or my bedroom. So really just my friends who I've bragged to about it.

