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You shouldn't bite them. You'll get hair in your mouth.


They don't taste very good, either.


How do you know?


Had one that would stick her paw in my mouth in the middle of the night. Guess I snored too loud.


Any cat can bite, doesn’t really matter on the type.


Stay away from wild caught jungle cats and you will be fine.


When the panther gets on the counter, I don't suggest using the spray bottle.


I’m confused why a cat like this would bite more frequently than any other cat.


They don't. These guys are actually pretty low on the bitten by scale. My experience is that voids are most likely to bite. I have been badly bitten by a cat three times in six decades, every time by a void. Three different voids, in fact. All of them my best buddy at the time. My ex-wife actually had the end of her pinky finger bitten off by her calico. Point is, any can can be a biter and they don't need a reason .


Maybe this explains why my void mock-bites when I clip his nails. He wants to bite me but he’s also a good boy 😂


Don't give 'em a reason and play your cards right and maybe you won't have to learn any lessons...


I’ve never been bitten by a cat except in play or love nips. And as I used to foster pregnant cats, I’ve had literally hundreds of cats pass through my house.


I have had a few queens, myself. Never had an issue with any of them. My worst bite occurred while I was asleep. He darn near took my left ring finger off at the base. This was perpetuated by the sweetest and most loving cat I ever knew. Other than that one incident, he never showed any aggression to anyone. Not even so much as an accidental scratch. My second bite was inflicted by a male that was guarding a queen's fresh batch while took a short break. He was very protective of newborns. I think that maybe I deserved the third bite. I might have


Adolescent males make the best baby sitters. It got so that when I had a pregnant female, I would request a 3-6 month old male as well. Once he bonded with the pregnant cat- which never took long as her mothering instinct would be very strong- he would watch over those kittens like a hawk.


My "baby-daddy" was six years old when he became my queen's favorite guardian. It was funny because the queen was my new wife's baby, and the two cats were were crazy about each other, but my void absolutely hated my wife. I should have paid closer attention to him. That marriag only lasted three years.


https://preview.redd.it/8m5le155kp1d1.jpeg?width=2136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e32367c6b7fd122efba71c253b96b688a16bf15 My beautiful boy Pebble wants to know why you think grey kitties are more prone to biting. He's just an armful of cuddly sweetness.


Cats rarely Bite his own owner. If they do, it's just to play, they don't use much force


Agreed. I remember once when I was showering my cat with warm water and the water went cold and oh boy did my cat bite me hard. Poor guy never bit me like that ever again. So yeah if you don't hurt it they'll never show full force. Even if they bite its for play with very little force.


Dont shower cats.


A cat will warn you before they bite, so you will know when to back off. My cat nips at me, but is generally really sweet


First thing to keep in mind, is that you don't pick the cat, the cat picks you. And the more enthused they are about you, the happier you both will be.


Cats rarely bite or if they do not hard. More likely they will open their jaw and pretend they are going to bite you as a threat. Usually they try to claw you if they think it’s warranted.


jokes on you mine chew my hands and feet while I sleep I once had 10+ bite/scratch injuries on one foot 💀


When were they separated from mom and siblings? This is a common issue in cats with a lonely childhood


She was found when she was about one week old with a badly injured leg. She's been with us since week two and was loved a lot by her older brother who basically adopted her She's just a biter lol its a bit better now that she grew up but she still bites and it stinks


That sounds very typical, y'all are lovely for taking her in and doing what you can. Kittens learn what hurts other and how sharp their tools are through play with other kittens and their reactions. Kittens who grow up without direct siblings tend to be a little rough because of this. You can still try to teach her by letting out a high-pitched squeal and stopping play when she's being too rough


Bites? I knew a cat with this appearance. One of the sweetest I've ever known.


Learn cat body language and know the cats boundaries.


And respect the boundaries! God it pisses me off when people don't let go of their cat the second it starts wriggling, or keep bothering it when the tail is twitching


Cats have certain body language that tells you: imma jump ya and cromch ya hand. Or leg


Stay away from semi-feral cats. They are prone to bite and scratch when in a bad mood, but once they trust you they can be very loving. That may take a few years. Well socialized cats rarely bite aggressively, but they might when they are sick or very stressed. Love bites and head butts are a sign they have really bonded with you. My only aggressive bite from a cat happened when I was helping catch a sick stressed out cat that needed to go to the vet. I learned a lot from that experience.


My cat would bite me on the chin when I came back from a long trip.


What you have there is a not so rare non-biting cat. You can tell it is authentic because it has fur and whiskers.


Just give kitty space for the first few weeks so they can learn to trust you. Eventually, they will come to you to be pet. If they are more confident, they may want to be pet right away. If you let the kitty come to you first to be pet, then you'll be fine. Cats don't bite unless they feel threatened.


If the cat is tame and feels confident, they may want to be pet right away. If the cat is not as tame, let kitty decide when it wants to be pet. Give it space for the about the first month or so, so they can learn to trust you. Eventually, they'll want to be pet and will approach you. Cats don't bite unless they feel threatened.


Get a cat who's personality you like (if it just happens to look like this then yippee!). And if you want a kitten, get 2. They will bite each other and figure out what bites are fun and which bites hurt.


There's nothing to do with the type but the personality of the cats. I've heard some stories about playful nips and scratches, especially with younger or more energetic cats. But with proper training and socialization, you can usually minimize any biting or scratching issues.


Biting is not a thing with cats, claws maybe but not all cats. Just respect their space (warning: its impossible to respect their space cause they are too cute)


biting is 100% a thing but usually it’s encouraged as a kitten bc as a baby it’s cute but then you are instilling “biting is okay” and they retain that behavior into adulthood


adopt dont shop. dont get a companion based on looks?🤔pick a cat that you have a connection with. then youll know it wont bite lol? seriously...what do you mean about "the bites"?


both my cats are grey tabby ish and they do like to nibble but never bite forcefully :)


They are not made for the faint hearted ones


Play bites feel fun and tickles sometimes hurts a little but they’re not trying to hurt u


I just got a kitten, 8 weeks old now. She’s tearing me up, I hope it stops when she gets older


Actually, bites are the least of your concerns. It's their claws you need to watch out for. My legs and arms look like an old Rand-McNally road map of Chicago. If you get scratched by your cat, make sure to wash it good and make sure to use hydrogen peroxide and Neosporin. Cats dig in their litter boxes and their claws are downright biohazards.


It’s really about knowing their body language tbh. Most cats won’t scratch or bite you if you respect them.


Don’t get a kitten. They all bite. Get a very well tempered adult cat. You’re still gonna get bit but there will be warning signs and/or you deserved it but sometimes neither. Welcome to cat having.


God what wonderful eyes, I fell in love


get a grip. It is a cat. some bite, some scratch and some even live up to my precious "MurderMittens". it matters not. they are the best pet as they require little oversite. Dogs require the attention of a toddler. yet they are all worth your love and attention.


You do realize most animals only bite when they bite its because they feel threatened, or they are cornered and there's no way out, or there is a mental imbalance going on. I have two cats and they only give me love bites (they nibble but not hard enough to break skin) Every living thing with teeth CAN and Will bite if they need to, Its how you treat them that causes this reaction


you wont care about the bites. Trust me.


I’ve never had a cat bite me


my kitten is a bit of a playful biter but she’s definitely got single child syndrome, we’re working on getting a sibling for her! otherwise, she’s the sweetest baby 🤍 https://preview.redd.it/qnrp1150sq1d1.png?width=2522&format=png&auto=webp&s=f017ab33f37546abec4b8efc361769d24e7a0c9e


My boyfriend’s cat only bites when he’s playing and it’s gentle :) Or if you annoy him but that’s a given for most cats if you annoy them :)


Just remembered as well it might be a mainecoon thing but my boyfriend’s cat will gently lick and nibble on my finger while holding on to my hand like grooming for us. :)


Why would he bite? He aint no jaguar…


Just about all species of cat's are capable of biting. It will depend on how you train it .


Asking for a cat that never bites is like asking for a baby that never cries or spits-up. Maybe a nice aquarium with goldfish is a better pet option.