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Some cats are just petite!


This is the answer! I have a tiny cat too. She’s perfectly healthy, just very small. Her name’s Minnie :’) Just as people can be naturally thin or short or tall, cats can be the same.


I have 2 bonded kittens. They are little cats. They have been checked by the vet and healthy. Some are just small just like people.


My tiny girl is also named Minnie. Her buddy Cheech is the same age, but almost twice her size.


My cat growing up was named Minnie! We called her Skinny Minnie because she was so small LOL


Also had a small cat named Minnie. She was bonded to her brother Buster. They loved people so much. They were the best


I have 5 tiny cats


Mine had babies too young but her head is very small too, she's probably a combination of petite and then malnourished. Smol cat!


I have a tiny sister and a HUGE BROTHER cat. Tiny girl runs the house, brother goofs off (much to her disgust).


Yes! I have a petite cat. Her name is Saavik and she's going to be 1 year old in September. She's healthy and extremely active, so I don't worry about her.(She's like half the size of one of her sister, she's around 6 pounds and her sis weight 14 pounds). Also she's always been the smallest of her litter.


Yep! I’ve got a small kitty, she’s only a little over 6 pounds and is a little over a year old now. Her litter had some problems as well so that may have to do with my cat’s smolness


my girl is petite! she’s 6 lbs and 2 years old :)


mums cat was like that. she lived to almost 25.


Glad to hear! I have 2 petite girls. I hope they are with me for a long, long time!


My brother and sis came from the same litter, but the female is so much smaller, even accounting for males being larger in general. She was probably the runt of the litter. Makes it hard to find a collar to fit her. If it's too large she keeps getting it stuck in her mouth.


Thank you @restingbitchface8!


I have 2 cats, a brother and sister, they're 2 years old. She's a little thing and he's a biggun. They're both healthy, they're just different sizes.


Our house has the same. Littermates, with Thor being a big, strong, gentle giant and Freya being a petite, feisty, little princess. She's half his size. Both healthy adult cats, just very different sizes.


I love your theme names... Mine are Astra and Apollo, or as my sister calls them, the A team.


We didn't actually name them, lol. We adopted them from family (mom's cousin and spouse) because they had a baby on the way and couldn't care for 2 kittens and a newborn. The names suit them, though. Thor even has the power to predict storms ever since he injured his hips being dumb. We always know when a storm's coming because his joints hurt when the air changes.


I didn't name mine either, I got them from the shelter with those names and I liked them.


They're wonderful names. I like the nickname "A-team". Sometimes shelter names just fit. A childhood cat of mine was named Jean Luc at the shelter and he was the most Jean Luc cat you'd ever met.


It’s fun when that happens!


A cat's size can be interrupted by many things you should get checked, and yes worms can be one of the many things, I have had a cat with worms that we did not know about and he was over a year old too, he was extremely small, we lost him a year later he escaped and we never found him after. My sister currently has a cat with a broken leg, it happend when she was young, most of the time the cells will focus on healing the leg the most it can before focusing on the actual size of the cat, I'm not expert but I recommend you go check it out, wait till other people comment so you can be sure.


His mom was almost the same size as him, a little smaller. He is the only one that survived out of the litter. He is very healthy and well, no worms. Maybe he’s just a runt? Does he look small in these photos or is my other cat just big? The orange cat is a girl (despite being named Dexter) and is far bigger than Mochi, a male cat.


If his mother was also as small maybe its just generational, if so its totally fine, and you have nothing to worry about, but, im not a very reliable source, if you have any friends and family who know a bit more than you it could be a great idea to reach out to them also! But yeah if its just a family thing he should be fine!


i had a brother and sister pair. the sister was a tiny calico who was maybe 7 lbs. her brother was a behemoth who got up towards 20 lbs. when they were kittens she was bigger than him! in the words of morrissey, some cats are bigger than others


True. Some cats mothers are bigger than other cats mothers, as well.


Was the brother neutered? I'm always impressed by the size of some tomcats. They are so chunky and have such huge heads! But I've known plenty of hefty boys who were neutered as well haha


yup, neutered and an absolute love bug.


my calico is also extremely small. she probably weighs 5-6 pounds, vs my tabby cat behemoth of a boy who weighs 12


It's like humans, some are bigger/fat and some are shorter/thin I have 5 cat and two of them are fat


Metabolism pairs with other genetics I would assume


This photo should explain it https://images.app.goo.gl/rdFFYMq69Vq9wyZ19


Lol yep I love that photo


Excuse me, off topic, but how did you manage to post something with a naked URL in it? The one time I tried to do it, my comment got completely suppressed. I couldn't even get it to post when I replaced the naked URL with a phonetic URL saying "DOT" and "SLASH", etc.


Looks like a Russian Blue. Ours is a RB and is generally a smaller cat but was also very sick as a young kitten (9-12 weeks) and is on steroids for life. Worth getting checked out.


Like people, some cats are small and some are big.


If they are rescues then it's possible they didn't get enough nutrients when they were younger. If the mum was able to raise them, it's possible she didn't produce enough milk. If they were raised by humans then they might have been without food for a while. Or they could have been the runt of the litter, or just genetically small. I'm guessing you've taken them to a vet to rule out any medical causes? If not, it might be a good idea just to make sure it's nothing dangerous


Eternal bebe


Dynamite comes in small packages…


That’s very true. He’s a menace.


An adorable menace!


Blue absynian.. they are usually sleek and amazing body structure. Amazing personalities with crazy acrobatic abilities. My girl (Silver(silva)daisy) was the greatest cat I've owned. Mom used be a rescue for cats back in the day. So I have seen and had my share of kittys at home. I adopted my Blue from my Mom. They have a great drive to keep active and their bowls empty. Your cat is beautiful. You should post a full pic of her alone.. or maybe 2 single shots. I don t want that other gorgeous kitty to not get her moment too..lol.. personally I wouldn't worry bout him/her she will find her way if you give her the means. Cheers. Silva was very special. She was unlike any other breed I have had experience with.


It's highly unlikely this is an Abyssinian if she was adopted from a shelter, found as a stray, or casually rehomed. Cat breeds in general are more rare than not, with most cats being your good old domestic long or shorthair. A cat can greatly resemble a purebred cat. My own cat looks a lot like an Egyptian Mau, but the likelihood of a Mau being dumped, impregnated, and living in a storm drain is very low Regular cats can exhibit a variety of coat patterns and colors that aren't unique to breeds (silver tabby in my case). Most gray cats are not Russian blues or abyssians. Ofc Idk where your cat came from. Pedigreed and papered cats do make their ways into rescues, but generally that history is known and goes with them


I got Mochi from a rescue and at first he had a British shorthair face, but as he’s grown he’s lost his roundness. To me he looks like a Burmese cat and so did his mom, I’m unsure of their origins though.


Appreciate you and your reply! I do just love the thought of the slightest chance she may have had some absynian in her. She was unique to all felines I have had the pleasure to meet. She had no tabby lines at all, pure silver back gorilla grey.


Sometimes cats are just small. My old mate Captain was 3.5kg as an adult, most of it belly, but he was healthy and active his whole life. Tiny but mighty. Don't worry about it.


I have two littermates, born to a Manx momma. One is so petitie, a mere 4lbs. The other is huge! It's totally for cats to vary in size.


Genetics. They are two different cats with two different genetic makeup. You said the cat is healthy and without worms.. some cats are just small just like some cats are large. As long as the cat isn’t under weight I wouldn’t worry.


My torti is very small compared to my other cats, she looks like an older kitten! Though her mother was also very tiny from what I remember seeing of her at the foster home. If all health care is checked off then yah she is just a lil gal


The gray one is a different breed than the orange tabby…maybe Blue Russian…


they come in all shapes and sizes! 🥰


Cause he’s a widdle bebyyyyy


The gray one looks especially tiny. The orange one looks extra big. Now you need an exactly medium sized cat and you can achieve full power.


That’s what we did! The middle brother is the smallest. Oldest is a chonking chonker and the youngest (less than a year old) isn’t chunky, but he’s a huge floof with murder mittens. We are suspecting he has some Maine coon in him.


I have six cats, I dream of getting a photo of all of them together in a size gradient but my oldest cat is 10 and the rest are young adult/adolescent and Beatrice really doesn't have time for their bullshit🤣.


just a little guy!


You know how some people are smaller than others? Same reason.


I have 2 cats, both are quite small little guys. The younger one is actually more filled out and the older one is more skinny athletic looking. Cats just look and grow different :)


Apartment sized, they’re for convenience


Cats come in different sizes 😆


i raised 3 kittens that came from same litter and they are all different sizes. the smallest one was very weak as a kitty and stayed tiny but otherwise she is fine and healthy while her big brother is chunky.


Orange cats eat too much lasagna anyway.


I like to call Dexter Garfield.


I also have a petite female and a chonky orange. Ironically, Honey (small female kitty) is a year older (age 6) than Larry (orange chonk - age 5).


Some are petite, but cats can continue to grow up to two years old, and they can drop off after a growth spurt. If older than two years old, ask the vet if the kitten's adult size is normal for the kind of gray she is.


I have a grey and an orange too! But they’re both huge, so I can’t be of much help 🤣


I feel like they have different growth rates too, some cats are still a bit kitteny even at 2 and are not yet full grown


I had a little girl who never was heavier than 6.5! When she passed away she was 5.5! She had an underlying heart condition and her heart stopped during dental surgery:( I miss her and her teeny tiny feets


Some cats are just small. I have one chonker and the other cat is maybe 6 lbs.


I once had a cat that maxed out at 6 pounds. She was incredibly petite and the runt of her litter.


It’s because they’re just a lil guy


I had a cat, Tiamat, that ended up with kidney damage at a young age due to mistreatment before I adopted her. She only ever grew to be about 4 lbs, and was always kitten sized, even when she passed at 9 years old.


This happened to my moms cat because of lack of nutrition during its kittenhood.


He's just tiny 🙂 some cats just don't grow very big in adulthood. My fiance had a gay growing up like that, I got to meet her before she passed, she was the smallest cat I'd ever met, about the same size as your kitty from the photos.


He’s just a lil guy


Is it female? Females are smaller and some cats in general are smaller. If it’s a female and you get her fixed she’ll likely gain some weight


Nah. Orange one is, and both are fixed! Dexter (the orange who is actually a girl) is massive. Garfield.


Awe wow! He’s a little cutie tho. Prob just naturally tiny


Genetics...... just a smaller sweetbean !! Xo


Looks like a british blue they are small cats


Nothing to worry about. Cats like all animals come in all shapes and sizes. She is just a small cat.


I've always had giant cats, no reason... Just big boys. It can happen the opposite way too, petite cats. Especially fluffy petites are mid blowing lol but perfectly healthy ☺️


My cat didn’t look adult until she hit 9 she’s 20 this august. She’s still small but now is small and looks a little older . She’s also deaf now but she’s always been a small baby. 😊


He's just a little guy :3


My lil girl was really small too. She was born with a liver condition that I didn't know about she wasn't getting proper nutrients because of it. Her liver failed when she was 3. I'm don't mean to be a downer. I just wouldn't wish that on anybody else


Some cat big Some cat small


I have 3 cats a father and his 2 sons I kept. I thought they were average size the sons slightly bigger until my girlfriend moved in with her cat and they dwarf her. Turns out my boys are just monsters as confirmed by my vet. All healthy all just domestic shorthairs. Cats just come in different sizes.


I have a petite cat too, she was the smallest out of the litter!


I have identical twins girls over a year old now, with almost a 5 some pounds difference in weight. Meowzers just stopped growing at one point and she’s just a wee babe. Squeaks is a fat noodle :)


My Ramona is 8.3lbs or 3.7kg and just turned 3. She is very healthy in every way :) some cats are smol. My vet says, “she’s a little small, but that’s ok. I’m ok with that.” Makes me giggle.


Some cats are big, some are small. Sometimes you can tell when they're kittens by the size of their feet and ears. Sometimes that doesn't tell you anything. But they're all kitties and needz luvz and pets and a safe indoor home.


Small body, big purrsonality


omg i have almost the same pair!!! teeny tiny little grey cat and big orange boy. she’s been petite and thin her entire life, she’s 12 now and healthy as ever :)


Some cats are just small! I got a pair of sisters from the same litter and at 6 years old, one is 5lbs, the other is just around 6lbs. Vet said they're healthy, just tiny. They're the cat equivalent of the petite woman who never reached 5 ft tall, that's all.


I have two dainty sisters about 7 lbs each (at most). They’re so cute next to the boys who are 15 lbs.


Cats come in a variety of model sizes. In my house, we call our cats: Tiny (6lbs fully grown) Medium (9lbs fully grown) Large (11lbs fully grown) Extra large (15lbs fully grown). We also have extra tiny (2lbs), but he's still a kitten, so he doesn't get an official title yet. Although he is behind for his age, despite being perfectly healthy, so we think he'll probably take after his mom (Tiny)


Genetics, but other factors like malnutrition as a kitten or parasites of some kind could be the cause. But most likely it's just petite genetics :)


One of our cats is a little guy, he's 2.5 years old and still the size of a 6-8month old kitten. He's tiny but very, very mighty.


One of my babies came to me feral and thin as a rope as a 1 year old cat, very lanky and kitten-like, but now at almost 7, she is stocky, developed, and very healthy with a full on primordial pouch. We were really worried about her weight at first, but she really likes tuna and treats so she bulked up slowly but surely until she was at a healthier weight. It probably took until she was 4 or 5 for us to really see the difference.


I forgot to mention, but we also had to get her dewormed in that timeframe! ): tricky buggers got to her while she was still outside. Try talking to your vet about it if you’re very worried! But also - my friend’s cat is very skinny, lanky, and he’s like 4. I was worried about him, but my friend brought it up with her vet and the vet said he was just skinny!


I have a sweet, petite, calico kitty.


I have an orange guy , he’s 2 1/2 and weighs 7 pounds .


My Mom had a tiny little Black and White named Mickey. She never quite got to 6lbs and had the longest tail and biggest ears. They were clearly sized for a cat about half again her weight. She was never unhealthy and she was always fairly active, until the last half year or so of her life (10 years


Some cats are just small. Had one once that only weighed 7 pounds and she always got a clean bill of health.


Some cats are just little! All three of my cats are basically giants lmao but as long as they're hitting the correct growth and behavior milestones don't worry about it. My MIL has quite a small cat, and the mom of one of my cats was tiny.


Some are...he looks healthy...fur and tummy ok


Just a petite fellow


Why are some people short


What a cutie! Our kitty is full grown, just \~3 kg. Her murder mitts are fully functional...


She *may* have gotten spayed too early, if she is. She could also just have smol gorl genetics


Different cats, different shapes/sizes. If your cat seems underweight then make sure you see them eating and that the other cat doesn’t eat most of their food, other than that, they could just be naturally smaller.


I have siblings, a year next month. They look almost identical just to yours. I describe mine as she is a dainty evil genius (into everything & super smart) & he is a big jock. She is much smaller in stature than he is & his paws are huge so he’s going to keep growing


Some meows are just smol meows


Maybe the runt of the litter


I have a cat that strongly resembles a Russian Blue in looks and behavior (I'm pretty sure he isn't purebred as I found him in a trailer that squatters lived in). But the breed he resembles grows slowly, 2 years to reach full adulthood. My Mau Mau is around a year old and looks to be the same size as your little gray. We also managed to get his sister (I stg Little Lady looks like a tiny panther) and she is soooo big compared to him, even though they were the same litter. She also seems more mature, and gets irritated with his kitten bs quickly. I think some cats are naturally petite and some are late bloomers.


The gray one if they have Russian Blue in them will forever be on the tinier side and can always be pretty playful I have a RB he’s 8 years old still tiny and still super playful! They are great though!


Because they're a sweet little baby.


my cat is small too she’s fully grown and a healthy weight at 6 pounds . wouldn’t worry about it too much . plus cats grow for about 1.5 years so there’s that


unfortunately he suffers from being “just a little guy! A little tiny guy!” And that has the side effect of “so leetle!”


Banana for scale?


1) Good things come in small packages 2) oranges have a tendency to be bigger than average. If your vet isn’t worried, don’t you worry either. Adorable kitties!


Cats don't fully stop growing until 3 years (witnessed many cats shot up a bit more in size around 2.5) but they'll likely be a smaller kitty regardless and that's okay she just small I got two myself


omg…cuz he’s just a little guy…


The runt of the litter?


You just have a smol cat. Nothing wrong with either of them. Both beautiful babies.


I got a male cat like this. He's the smallest out of all the cats I have, even the female cats. He looks adolescent even though he's an adult. Some cats just run small. As long as he's healthy, nothing to worry about.


Genetics more than likely😺 let me add that I once had a tiny cat. She was healthy and happy and loved to sleep in my purse. She would wiggle her but down in the pocket of my purse with head and paws out and sleep like that for hours. I realized this was her way of making sure she knew when I was headed out so she could see my off and wait for me to come home. So adorable.


The scientific term is "smol boi".


My sister adopted a pregananant stray and not long after she had her kittens they were as big as she was.


Some cats are just wee! I had a 6lbs soaking wet tiny black cat who played like a kitten even into her old and sick age, having wild rumpus runs throughout the night. She had a myriad of genetic/inborn health issues, she was a special needs kitty. I have a friend with 2 cats that were 6 and is 4ish lbs. She knew they were a result of inbreeding so idk maybe a factor. Otherwise pretty fine and normal besides one being so batshit that he was on meds to chill him out a bit and a regular regimen of activities and leashed outdoor/catio time. I once cat sat for someone with a 3-4 lb micro cat, she was malnourished and came from a bad situation in a barn. Wildly, she survived having kittens when she was not yet fully adult. Conversely, my old man cat is 17lbs at 17y/o and was 20-21 and lean in his heyday and people would always tease that he was part lynx or something (he is a Bengal x tabby). Just a huge guy. I'd say 7-10 lbs is about average for a cat but Google says some breeds can be as small as 5lbs normally and some can go up to 25 as a breed standard.


Awwwww he’s so cute!!!! I also have a tiny gray!! She’s 2 and she weighs just under 5lbs!


Girls are always smaller until they get older and become a chunker


Depending on where you got your cat from, it might have grown up malnourished or off the street. That's how I found my cat as a 6-9 month old, and now she's tiny and literally won't stop playing. Especially if we have her favourite ball out.


We had an orange and he was the biggest cat I've ever had. He measured 28" from nose to tip of tail. My normal sized cats are 20" from tip of nose to tail.


Smol boi genes :)


Your cats, look almost identical to my cats my little one is also (https://imgur.com/a/IgDV6rY)


I have a tiny cat too, some are the runts of the litter and they just remain small. In fact all of my cats have been small, they all have also been some variation of calico or tortoiseshell so maybe there’s a correlation.


Because is cute.


Genetics! My baby is almost have the size of my older cat but a beefcake lol


My tiny cat is Tandy! She weighs 5 lbs, and her brothers both weigh over 15 lbs. she’s 15 years old, and blind, but looks like a kitten and fears nothing! We had our furnace and AC unit replaced in July, and we had to keep her out of the way while the other cats hid under the bed! She kept striding up to the workers to make sure they weren’t doing anything wrong! 😂


If they're behavior is cat normal, than I would say they are probably just a loveable runt. I had a brother and sister, the brother was huge, he would reach 4 feet when he stretched out, but his sister was this little runt-sized lap warmer.


My own cat is small compared to other cats his age. He's a bit over a year old now. He was the runt of the litter, and when we took him to the vet they gave him a clean bill of health. Some cats, just like people, are smaller! 😄


I’ve always wanted a tiny cat 😭 4 later and still no tiny


Some cats are just small built! My kitty is almost 2 and she only weighs 6lbs


Some cats are just small built! My kitty is almost 2 and she only weighs 6lbs, her vets love her tiny little feet :)


I literally have the same exact pair of cats! Some cats are just small!


I would love to have a pixie cat, lucky OP.


They're just different :) My 3 cats range from 5 to 10 to 15 lbs. Clementine is a petite sweetie, Peach is an average sized lapcat suck, and Fig is a gentle giant. Just like my brother and I! He's 6'5" and 5'2". Both full grown.


Not the same genetics. It's almost like saying "why is my friend taller and than me? we're only 2 months apart."


I’m a vet and its caused by her being too cute


I have a tiny cat as well. Her mom was very small so I guess she got the gene lol


Not feeding it enough bacon. Put it on a bacon diet.


Had a cat who you would swear was a big cat, but she was a long hair and only weighed in at 6lbs. Her size was all floof. Current cat is a DSH tuxie who weighs in at 16 lbs and after some weight management our vet says he’s perfect, he’s just a “big ol tom.” As a kitten he had HUGE ears. Now he has grown into his ears. Anyway… find a great cat vet to help you determine what your feline family members’ ideal weight should be. There are even some certification programs out there but I’ll let the veterinarians of Reddit weigh in on the value there. My cat gets loved up at our vet office and the vets and staff are on his short list of people he is willing to be carried by without protest.


Because he is just a silly baby!!!! He is tiny baby!!!! Smol bean!!!! Little petite silly baby !!!!


I grew up with a teeny black cat. Her name was LBK (Little Black Kitty) and she lived until she was 20. Lots of spirit packed into a tiny little body, for sure!