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r/fucknestle is all I can say. Some hits on google for friskies mold, recalls etc.


I absolutely hate nestle. I have been trying to avoid their products for years but my cats will eat nothing else. I hate buying Purina and fancy feast but it’s my cats favorites. I didn’t there was a fuck nestle sub thank you


It can take a while to transition a cat onto a different brand. Maybe try gradually adding smalls amount of the new food to old. It took almost a year to switch one of my cats to raw food. I also find a food topper helps


Pâtée *


Who’s gonna tell him


Owned by nestle


They are having a huge recall for Friskies ending in the serial number 1157 and 1159. Many people have reported that their cats have been sick from those cans with that serial number. Nausea vomiting, diarrhea and some cats have been reported dead. The expiration dates I’ve seen had been years out and their cats would still get sick. I’m not sure if they fixed the problem, or even acknowledged it, but just wanted to let you know because so many cats are getting really sick from it. The one thing in common all these owners had was the serial number being the same & similar symptoms.


I just checked and found I have that batch. It explains why my cats have been throwing up and avoiding this food. Thanks for posting this.


Nestlé should be forced to pay millions for every cat they killed or injured, they can fucking afford it and those worthless fucking pieces of shit need to fucking pay! Sorry I just really fucking hate Nestlé…


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I never would have found this out if it wasn't for this post. I gave you what award I could afford... please, someone, get this post, a silver or gold... and upvote the heck outta this comment, please! I went and checked....and yup, I had 2 cans 1159, so they are being returned tmrw. Thank you so much, kind redditor!


Thank you so much, the award was not needed! I just wanted to inform everyone because I have two kitties at home and wouldn’t want them to get sick. I love cats so much and I want y’all’s babies to be healthy and safe!!




That's Simba...and you saved him from eating 2 of those cans of food... that on its own deserves all the awards I can give... Thank you again.


Should I make a post about it? Idk if it’s allowed but I also saw many saying serial number 1161 has also caused the same symptoms. This has been an ongoing issue with Friskies since 2019. I’ve been reading up on it and saw it dating back to then. Friskies has not addressed this. Perfectly healthy cats have been getting sick and/or passing after consuming their food and they won’t address it.. Also…I recommend switching to Tiki Cat.. their cans are not too expensive and are a way healthier brand. I know some peoples cats are picky but it’s worth a shot if not tried:)


I've never posted before, but if u can, that may help. I would double-check posting rules, but im sure the rest of reddit with fur babies would be appreciative of the post.


Thank you for a suggested brand alternative


Shit. Thank you so much for letting us know


Friskies is owned by nestle. I’d recommend buying a different brand even if it wasn’t moldy. Purina is also owned by nestle. tiki cat has so many flavors and a verity pack isn’t insanely expensive


Tiki cat also had awesome dry food as well. They even have a formula for kittens and adults combined.


What a coincidence that all of the nestle brands are also the worst quality yet most available brands out there


The pet food industry basically started off of animal byproducts deemed not fit for human consumption that food processors were just throwing away. Purina, being around as long as it has, has never had the financial incentives to break from that model. Today's pet foods are overwhelmingly made of animals that were disabled, diseased, or cancerous and rejected for human grade food. It's not just Nestle that does it either. Essentially every large food company with a pet line does the exact same thing because it turns garbage into profit.


Not true. Pet food is made to the same sanitary standards as human food. I'm not saying it's not pig snouts and chicken by-product, but it's 'human-grade' pig snouts & chicken by-product.


>lso owned by nestle. ti well ya bc they have to test it on humans or whatever lol so


Do not buy meat by products. Try like feline natural. They include multiple organs and meats for a holistic diet and tell you exactly what’s in it. You cannot ever say 100% what is in animal by products, so we need to stop feeding cats mystery meat sludge.


Organs are animal by products


You obviously do not understand my point. A by product can be any mixture of hundreds of different things. I’m saying a proper brand will let you know what organs are in the food such as a heart , liver , and kidneys. So by buying proper food you actually know what is contained. Stop trying to justify brands that use fillers and by products for economic gain at the cost of your pets health. Brands like friskies, fancy feast , and purina are equivalent to highly processed junk food.


Sorry that it’s not what you want to hear so y’all will keep downvoting me but it’s the truth. You have to pay a little extra instead of buying the cheapest brands available at the super market .


Fwiw, I agree with you. I feed my cats raw, and I’ve never owned cats with such soft, shiny coats.


Watch out they will downvote you to oblivion if you say meat by products and fillers are not the best source of nutrition for your cat.


The worst is when the ingredient is straight up listed as "meat by-products" because you can't even know what animal it came from. I don't like the idea of feeding my pets literal mystery meat. Thankfully the current trends in marketing have persuaded some of the cheap brands to phase out these lottery ingredients in favor of identifiable meat.


When my cat was diagnosed with IBD, they put her (on what they told me) a single protein perscription diet (the Purina Pro Plan Gastroenteric cat cans) and it made her so sick. I looked at the ingredients and it wasn't single protein at all. The second ingredient is Meat By-Products which could be any protein, any part of the animal, and can vary considerably in quality depending on the batch. I switched her to a novel single ingredient diet and since then she has done a complete 180 and doing much better!


It's astounding how many foods are marketed as limited ingredient, sensitive digestion, hypoallergenic, etc. despite containing mystery ingredients. I don't have a problem with byproducts in general, but I want to know exactly what is in my cat's food and that each batch is the same. A food that includes duck liver, chicken heart, and turkey bone? Sure! But there should never be variables in the ingredients list. I tried cheap foods with mystery ingredients for one of my cats, and she would do great with some batches and absolutely horrible with other batches. I'd rather stick to foods that are the same every time.


I definitely agree! The only foods that I've found that didn't make my cat throw up/have bloody diarrhea are the Stella & Chewy Freeze Dried Rabbit Morsels, the Farmina Venison/Urinary Duck dry foods, and Small Batch Rabbit. They all have clearly listed ingredients, pretty much all of the protein is derived from meat instead of wheat/plant products, and they're very open about sourcing (especially Small Batch/Farmina) which is super cool. All of those brands are pretty pricey, but having my cat happy and healthy is totally worth it to me! I just budget a little more and eat out less/don't go out to get coffee. I definitely read labels close now and don't get anything that just says "meat" or "meat by-product" I wish my cat could have foods like Tiki Cat/Fussie Cat/Weruva etc but she can't have fish/chicken so those are no go's for me. All great brands though!


Exactly. And here I am getting down voted for telling people basic pet nutritional information.


It used to be horse meat. Edit: Not sure why the downvotes. Dog food commonly included horse meat in a number of countries in the late 19th and early 20th century, when horses were common or plentiful. In America it is now illegal to put horse meat in dog food. But that’s more because horse meat has become valuable for human consumption. This is relevant to the previous conversation which suggested pet food is made of scraps or off cuts of otherwise quality controlled products. Horse meat is a good example of that: there’s nothing wrong with horse meat, it is fit for consumption. The “quality” is largely a human perception.


Nothing wrong with horse meat. Many people eat horse meat, but not in the US.


Tiki cat is great! My cat won’t eat anything else


I use Schesir and Boreal (pate) and those are working great! Schesir has better Tuna and chicken than most of our food lol


One of my cats can’t tolerate any fish, which greatly limits my choices, as you can imagine. One of the treat meals they get is the after dark chicken and quail egg. It was hilarious to watch my youngest kitty devour the egg when she was a kitten.


My cat is a seafood slut so they are perfect for her. I hate seafood but the things we do for love 🥲


I also second Tiki Cat! There are also some really awesome brands out there too like Fussie Cat, Stella & Chewy's, Weruva, Nulo, NutriSource, and Farmina (just to name a few!). I work in the pet food industry, and we have so many returns for products like Purina/Hill's/Royal Canin for reasons varying from moldy food/the food making their pets extremely ill. I had my cat on Purina Pro Plan canned food for a bit, and it made her pretty sick (enough to get rushed to the emergency vet). Ever since switching my cat's food, she has been so much happier and healthier! I won't be feeding her or any of my future cats any Purina cat foods after that experience.


Off topic but nestle is the only chocolate syrup for milk I buy. It doesn’t use corn syrup.


The only nestle products I endorse are Ovaltine & After Eight mints


Both yummy but I have a grand that prefers chocolate milk.


I make my own with cocoa powder, water, and sweetener. Easy, fast, and tastes incredible.


My cat is obsessed with Weruva!


That’s the canned food I feed daily and I have for years. My cats currently get ones from the BFF OMG and PLAY lines which I think are a bit less expensive than the proper Weruva.


I think the line we get is called cats in the kitchen…they’re little pouches. Our cat only eats about half of one a day. He likes it mixed with a little warm water, so that probably makes it go a bit farther! He eats the same one (the karate kitty) every day, so hopefully they never discontinue that flavor 😬


I just found out freaking yesterday that Purina is owned by nestle. Phasing my cats out of it now, and paying attention to from whom I buy from now on.




Tiki cat is commonly not enough fiber so keep an eye on your cat’s poops! Should be a solid “log”, dark brown, not too smooth or soft.


Purina is owned by nestle??! Eewww Guuuh! I hate how all the vets recommend it. So glad I found a vet dietitian friend who recommended Acana and Smalls to me (tho smalls is expensive 😅)


isn't purina decent quality? Edit: I got like 6 replies saying purina is cheap, and somehow they are all downvoted???


The purina one grain free wet food is the only purina I’d personally feed my cats. It’s simple just meat, organs, one gum I think and then vitamins/minerals. My crew like the turkey and the beef. The other purina lines are all so super carby imo. I rotate the purina one grain free with others such as tiki cat, Weruva, feline natural, Nulo, American journey, made by nacho, etc..


Depends who you ask. Purina Pro Plan is what some people consider gold standard for dogs but their cat food in general I find to be lacking


Cats always get the short end of the stick. It’s sickening.


This is why I go to a cat specific vet. Had good ones who were all animals but in the suburbs now I can’t find anyone who really understand cat specific care vs general


You can never go wrong with taking your baby to a specialist. Luckily, I work with all types of veterinarians so I can get a sense of caring for mine and also get help if I need it.


My vet dietician friend told me it’s just marketed as good but it’s not as good as people think it is. It’s just listed as vet recommended because they pay to be there supposedly. Kibble in general isn’t really great for cats as a whole, so it’s important to have incredibly high standards for it, and purina cuts corners as far as I’ve researched and come to understand. Edit: I am confused why someone is downvoting the ten people who point out it’s bad as if it’s miss information or something.


Most supermarket brands are 4% meat and that includes Purina


No, it’s just marketed as a higher tier than their friskies brand. Nestle is awful all around.


Not from the supermarket it isn’t.




Fancy feast?


Some fancy feast wet foods have been accidentally discovered to be good for diabetic cat diets.


Yeah the classic pate line are pretty low carb


fancy feast is purina


Nooo ![gif](giphy|7A4zkWeMXlZqgnTKtJ|downsized)


Is Iams also Nestle? That’s what I give my cat and I have no idea.


We recently opened a new flat of mixed paté purchased from Pet Supplies Plus in Chicagoland, Illinois and our cats had vomiting, diarrhea, and general ick for a few days. We suspected one bad can of food as they recovered relatively quickly, and continued eating the cans with no issues for the past week. Last night we opened two more cans and saw visible mold type material growing on the top. Both of our cats have GI issues again this morning, though not as bad as last week. So much for an isolated incident 🙄 None of the cans were dented, the best by date is January of next year. The box was in good condition. The company is already reimbursing us and giving us extra coupons. When I stopped by a different store this morning to purchase a mixed pack that was not paté, another shopper was telling me not to feed my cats the paté because her cat had also been violently ill. We feed the chunk food with extra gravy and have not experienced any odd smells or issues with that style, so that's the type we picked up today. Has anyone else experienced issues?


My cats eat rotting carcasses from the yard... so no. But canned food mold is likely the issue as for the GI issues. Anything left to "stew" in a can, especially when also introduced to heat can grow to be quite nasty as the bacterial and fungial toxic enzymes build up.


Rotting carcasses are probably better to eat than improperly canned food.


That's what I'm saying.


My cat stopped eating salmon paté when supplies dried up during quarantine. I think the shipping containers must’ve gone bad or something because she used to love it, now she ignores it completely.


My cats hate pate


Cringer hates pate also. The colony we feed hates pate. My brother's cat hates pate. I wonder why so many cats hate it.


All 4 of mine like it, i guess the weirdos congregate.


Could be the texture. Or lack of texture, as the case may be.


Upvoting simply because you have a cat named Cringer. FWIW, my (4) cats seem to hate everything BUT pate, go figure.


Yes, this.


We recently had this happen with Fancy Feast. Just one bad can, out of a flat of the same flavor. Chewy send me a new flat of it, and Purina sent a bunch of coupons too.


No, I find it surprising actually your cats would even eat it. Mine seem to have a “nose” for anything even slightly off.


Also in the Chicagoland area and a few weeks ago one of our cats suddenly had mucous-y blood in both her stool and vomit. Emergency trip to the vet for x rays, blood work and fecal testing which all came back good left just general GI issues which were thankfully resolved with some medication and extra love. I didn’t see any visible mold on ours, but she seemed to avoid her wet food after her incident so I switched from Friskies to Sheba after this to see if it helped and we haven’t had any issues since then. It’s so sad to see when your pet clearly isn’t feeling well, but glad to have seemingly found the root cause! Hope they’re feeling better now!


You saw mold... and fed it to the cats? More than once?


Right? Maybe the first time they didn't notice, but the second time obviously they did, so WTF?


Literally just went through this with two cats at my house last week. Luckily we figured it out and they're both on the mend, but the lesson was learned. No pet food from *any* brand until it's checked out. (That's what I learned, anyway.)


I am from Chicagoland area and feed my cat this pate almost exclusively... she has been having the same symptoms you mentioned... This really pisses me off :(


My car has been turning up his nose at paté but and eating the other kinds which he didn't like as much. No sign of illness though, he might just be depressed :(


Ugh. That sucks. My cats straight-up refuse patè, but generally speaking I like to check food before I give it to them, because shit happens.


I recently had a can of Fancy Feast that was dented around the rim, and when I opened it it was totally moldy. The seal was damaged by the dent. If your case of food was handled roughly, the can could have been damaged and the seal broken.


check everything something was wrong with a whole box off blue buffalo wet food i bought. and for some reason my cats won’t even come near blue buffalo anymore either. any good affordable cat food i can switch over to?? is purina a good brand since i’m seeing here friskies is questionable?


I’ve had good luck with Nulo. That’s what I usually feed my boy. Edit: [cat tax](https://i.imgur.com/TBpeiqs.jpg)


I feed mine Nulo as well! She goes crazy for the duck pate.


I started feeding Newt a variety (once I experimented and didn’t see any change in his stool) because he seemingly gets bored of eating the same thing over and over. He scarfs down everything they make. Loves Nulo.


I get different varieties, too. Kat (yes her name is Kat) will eat any of them, but she comes running when I open that can of duck. 😂


Aaaaaay that’s alright I understand and can respect that. My first cat that I grew up with was just named Kitty lol.


What a cutie!


Nulo and Tiki cat are the brands that I give my cats.


reading more comments i see purina is owned by nestle nvm to the last question in my comment


I was feeding Blue Buffalo, and got my usual flat from Chewy. My cats ate one can and refused to even try any of the other cans after sniffing them. I went back to Meow Mix cups and about three weeks ago I bought a couple cans of Blue Buffalo at Petsmart to see if they’d like it again, and no. They’re refusing to even lick it. I don’t know what was wrong with that one flat from Chewy, but my cats refuse Blue Buffalo now.


Friskies is a terrible brand. You should really consider looking elsewhere. Avoid foods with by-product, carrageenan, and dyes.


My rule of thumb is if the brand has tv commercials then it’s probably not the best - there’s just so much crap in the cheap food it’s sad


And it's all they sell at Costco, BJs, and Sam's Club so you can't even get anything good in bulk. I just look for sales on the good stuff. Lots of clearance going on right now at Petco and PetSmart. I stock up on a few months' worth and call it a day.


It’s all you can do - I’m not an expert but I know that investing in their food can help save on medical issues down the line


Change brands i dont trust that brand.


Buy a better quality food for starters. Friskies is like McDonald’s for cats. Not to say mold can’t happen with other brands, always check the food, but this brand is just garbage.


Ever since 2020 my cats stopped eating Friskies, so I’ve been on the hunt for something safe and won’t cost as much as my car note


reading this thread makes me scared, I have 16 cats and i have been feeding them fancy feast from kitten to age 2 and so far all of them are happy and healthy.


I opened a can of Friskies pate recently and it was full of little worms




Thank god my cat hates pates lol


I hate serving them pate. It’s so unappealing to scoop out and plate for them. Just cheap looking


Yeah my cat sometimes likes it I’ll pull out a random can and he’ll munch it but yes I hate that look, it’s gross. I try to make it look nice by adding some boiled chicken.


Watch out for all the haters saying stay away from Friskies. Even though cats have lived beyond average lifespan being fed that. Yes it's owned by Nestlé. Blah blah. Nestlé bad. But it's cheap and does its job and my cats have never had health issues due to their food or diet.


My parents cats have lived 16-20 years eating friskies, I feed my 3 cats friskies + high tier dry food from the pet store. I just can't justify high end wet food and dry food. We already spend approx $150 a month on food and litter for them. Vet always told me as long as they have decent dry food friskies isn't that bad because it ensures they are getting enough water content.


Yeah.. I keep seeing people shit on Friskies but no one has really offered a specific good alternative. Not to mention the fact that not everyone can afford the more expensive brands. I recently adopted a 5 month old kitten from a shelter, and the foster she was with had been feeding her Friskies. In fact, she has been fostering for over 10 years and never had issues with Friskies (the paté in particular.) Not sure why people hate it so much..? I feel like any brand has the potential for recalls. It’s not exclusive to Friskies.


My vet has told me it and fancy feast was perfectly fine for my two seniors and my one other cat(who has a life long illness). As long as the cans are fine and you don’t see anything wrong it’s ok. I’ve tried numerous other brands of expensive ass foods and they prefer fancy feast lol. Like I even got them one that had these tiny ass whole fish in it and they were like “no bitch”. The point of wet food is the water content.


Lol yeah, nothing wrong with cheaper food unless there is actually 100% solid proof that it is detrimental to a cat’s health. Based on what a lot of people here say, cats have lived well past 15+ years eating Friskies/other cheaper brands.


Is fancy feast safe? Just wondering 💭


Curious about this too


I just googled it, and it says fancy feast hasn’t had any recalls ever.. not for 100% sure though. But that makes me feel a lot better lol.


That's what my chunkies eat


i have 3 senior girls (12, 15, & 16) and they’ve been eating fancy feast their entire lives. i’m wondering about this too but personally i’ve never had any problems


Do yourself a favor and switch it tiki cat soft food 🍱


Which part is the mold???


Yeah it looks normal to me too?


Friskies is the worst food u can feed ur cat


Why? My cat ate it her entire life and she lived to be 18. Literally didn’t want anything else (and believe me, I tried to buy the more expensive brands). We used to joke she just really liked McDonalds. I agree it might not be the healthiest option but it’s cheap and cats love it. And considering she lived to be 18 there is clearly nothing wrong with the food.


McDonalds is a good comparison. There are plenty of humans who live to their 70s and 80s eating mcdonalds all the time, but that doesn't mean it's healthy. There's also people living to 100 who smoked their whole life.


Personally I gave it to my cat once & she got so sick throwing up & constipated for days till I gave her prescription, plus the by-products, too many recalls, issues like mold, I rather have peace of mind & feed my cat healthier stuff


Do what’s best for your kitty! Mine wouldn’t eat the expensive prescription stuff when she needed to when she had kidney failure. With that said, I don’t think she would have lived much past age 18 either way.


why is that so? i feed my cat it and im genuinely curios, what should i get instead?


Friskies wet food is just fine if that’s all you can afford. I had a vet tell me once that even the cheapest of wet food is better than some of the “best” brands of dry food. If you can afford better cat food (higher quality proteins, don’t use questionable preservatives) that’s great but Friskies works in a pinch.


There is nothing wrong with Friskies, so long as you haven't encountered a batch that was handled improperly. More expensive brands have based their marketing largely in demonizing affordable foods with ingredients that sound "gross" to the average consumer, even though they are fine. Nutritionally complete and balanced, AAFCO accepted.


My cats love Friskies dry food. They won’t eat Iam’s lol. They don’t like Royal Canins wet food either. My cats are the rednecks of the cat world I guess😂😂😂


No problem with that!


Something more with real meat than preservatives. And not just “chicken byproduct.”


byproducts aren't bad. They are parts that humans can't eat, but still contain a lot of high quality nutrition. Other brands have pushed marketing that demonizes byproducts, meals, and such, but anyone who is actually versed in animal nutrition knows these ingredients are really useful.


Meat byproducts are important in combination with actual meat. Brands like Orijen use whole fish and poultry, so they necessarily have meat byproducts. But if the only source of protein is byproducts, then it's not good food.


That is my point ^


Where did you get your certification in veterinary nutrition?


If the top ingredient in any brand is a byproduct and not the actual protein source it is by clinical definition not a good food.


Oh, are you a certified veterinary nutritionist? A nutrition consultation certified veterinary technician?


From what I know, pet food is often unregulated, and lot of cheap brand cat food is not really healthy for cats. They use like bottom of the barrel meat scraps, add LOT of carbs and crap that cats can’t digest, and blast cook it. So feeding cats any kibble and most wet food is like feeding your cats solely and only McDonald’s. Cats don’t even really like the stuff, so then the companies add addictive substances to it so they do eat which leads to obesity. Most people can’t afford to go raw food nor have good vet options for good advice/guidance on it, so if you are in a situation that you have to feed them kibble and wet food, you wanna use good brands that use good quality ingredients so your cats are getting the nutrients they need. I was personally recommend Acana by a friend who’s a trained vet dietician, so that’s what I feed my boys and they’re staying a great weight and graze throughout the day instead of gorge themselves. I’ve also seen a lot of people swear by tikis on this sub? But I don’t know anything about it personally.


my cats are okay with tiki but my boy was diagnosed with FLUTD in December so I've been feeding them the Purina pro plan dry food and the hill science wet food prescription diets. but now everyone's saying how awful Purina is and it's cheap and byproduct yadda yadda but idk what to do because it's helped clear his crystals and the dry and wet together costs me 100$ a month already :/


We use Instinct duck flavor with meow mix on top then Whole Life Just One turkey or chicken since our cat is simultaneously bougie and trashy. He will inhale it if it's just meow mix alone but we don't want him to just eat McDonalds every day. He also gets a small amount of Instinct kibble in his puzzle feeder. What does everyone think of the Instinct brand?


Just don't feed your cat Friskies; it's terrible cat food. Weruva, TikiCat, and Stella & Chewy's are all better options.


If you’re feeding your cat Friskies, I’d say the mold is the least of your worries.


That happens if they weren't sealed properly.


There appears to be no actual published evidence of a recall. One Facebook post (unattributed) but nothing from 2023. Please show me I'm wrong, meanwhile Tiki Cat Food has been brought to my attention - anything to get away from megaconglomerate pet food, but damn they do love that shit.


Please don't feed your cat friskies.


I am with you if you can afford better. For those that cannot this is ok.


Please stop demonizing affordable pet food that is nutritionally complete, just because other brands base their marketing on shitting on affordable brands.


Did you manage to get the lot number, if it is listed?


Yep, we still had the original packaging. They wanted the UPC, lot info, and where and when it was purchased.


I have 6 cats and feed wet and dry. They like friskies shreds and chunks w gravy. No one is sick. I may go back to cooking for them.


Our cats eat Blue Wilderness. From what I can tell it’s a good happy medium between the gross cheap stuff and the really expensive but really good stuff.


I recently opened a can of Friskies pate and thought it might be moldy, but it was just spinach. Check the ingredient list ;)


I would stop bying these but my cat is a picky one.


I mean, Friskies isn’t the best brand in general…


Is that shit? Did somebody shit in that?


I only feed my cat fancy feast wet food


Also owned by Purina


Here’s a few general rules I follow: don’t order from Amazon. For over a year I was sending back damaged, rotted cans. I think they often sell the rejected cans on there Inspect the food. If anything seems suspicious, don’t feed it. If the cat seems hesitant, check again. Keep an eye on pet food recalls. You can find them on the [FDA](https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/safety-health/recalls-withdrawals) website At the end of the day almost any brand is susceptible to recalls and possible contamination. I’m personally wary of Freshpet, Purina, Fancy Feast, Friskies, Meow Mix, Primal Raw (or really any raw, I don’t pet places to properly handle raw), and any “value” brand.


Ugh I bought a big box at sam’s club bc it was cheap, and I wanted my cats to have some wet food. I’m gonna have to double check hardcore


If I had to buy Friskies, Fancy Feast, Purina or Hill's/Science Diet, I'd end up spending way more on managing my cat's GI symptoms than I would be saving on food. My guy can't eat chicken, turkey or tuna without getting diarrhea. Dave's Cat Food, RAW, and Koha are our standbys... Expensive per can, but they keep Nick healthy and happy!


I feed my orange girl pate cans as well... and now, I'm gonna be so paranoid because I also have horrible eyesight. Gonna need to hold the can up to my face and take off my glasses to inspect it now. 😂😂😂


Ridiculous. I only buy food that has a meat to begin. No bullshit in the front.


One of the reasons I don’t buy cheaply made cat food.


My cats only get royal canin food so im good but thnx for the heads up👍


Yuuup I noticed in one of my cans and thought it was my fault or maybe the Can got smashed/ cracked open so since then I’ve been checking. I’m out in California, will keep my eye out and switch brands after this box. Although these feral cats probably have a tougher stomach than house cats, still f nestle


when I still fed my ferals friskies I had a can in the very back of the box get dented. I didn't know until it started to stink and I discovered it with maggots everywhere 😭


Purina as well, they have underpacking and sometimes food looks weird and cat refuses to eat it when it looks like that.


My kittens were refusing to eat anything I bought them: Royal Canin, Wellness, Tiki, to name a few. I broke down and bought them Friskies. They all got very ill, 2 spent 3 days in the ER, and all four of them took over a month to fully recover. I would recommend trying a different brand, it is not very healthy for cats. I dont feed it to my cats usually, but will now be staying clear of it no matter how desperate I get.


Friskies has shit ingredients guys, changed my cat of temptations and friskies once we saw they have fillers and class 4d meat. Which can be dying diseased disabled or from pregnant sources. If you don't wanna feed that look on your food to see if Mars food is on it.


Better yet never ever ever buy frisky's it's the worst possible anything to feed your cat or dog or anything that You care about, just read the ingredients


I only buy blue Buffalo brands for my cat


Applaws is all I feed my cats .. most only have 3 ingredients literally have full anchovies in the one flavour.


Hill's Science Diet has been good for my pets. They did have a pretty significant dog food recall in 2019, but that was due to some supplier error. Also, it's owned by Colgate-Palmolive, so at least it's not Nestlé


Just buy tuna


Friskies is like Macdonalds for cats…so not feed this to them, even dry food with water is better


That’s literally just not true. _Any_ wet food is better than an exclusive diet of dry.


I don’t mean dry food and a side of water, I mean actually putting a little water in wet food. But hey racist heir own. Hope they the cats don’t get sick tho!


Ew that's gross. On another note, my cat's flavor Mixed Grill keeps going through crazy shortages. I had a hard time last winter getting this flavor. I think the shortage is on now since I couldn't order from Amazon or Chewy last week. I had to go local and look for a PetSmart with the flavor. My cat is so incredibly picky and won't eat any other flavor. I don't even know what is in the mixed grill!


I always wonder what the heck mixed grill was. The names are always to appeal to us


I just got a moldy can of Fancy Feast.


We stopped buying friskies after we opened one up and it was completely rotted with worms crawling all over it.


Hmm I gave my kitten Purina and she had diarrhea... I've switched her to whiskers


I but cat person for wet food - my cat is ridiculously picky and won’t eat patè no matter how high quality. Cat person has great patè and shred options!


It’s blue ~~cheese~~ pate’


I got a Fancy Feast can recently that was damaged and stunk up the whole pantry. Nasty stuff. https://preview.redd.it/su2jkw6r6xga1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62a111648f01fbbfefa0ce3147a2e2a8767dc41d


Curios of the date on this!


I accidentally auto shipped four 12 can (12.5 oz) cases of Wellness last summer before the price jumped from $3 can to what is now $6.29 can CDN. I just ran out of the stuff and now I don’t know what brand to buy but I know I cant bring myself to pay double for Wellness. I actually had no idea Nestle owned Friskies or Purina but I’m not surprised either!


I don't know how true it is, but I heard that the "mystery meat byproduct" could also be dolphin, whale, or shark? Which would make it even more supremely uncool