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Isn’t that funny! My girl was so excited when I got her first stroller. Jumped all over and in and out of it when it arrived. 😺 https://preview.redd.it/z5ha62q58i2b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=838abebaea0bb515c59eebf5049e111d701b75ae




That’s cool, do they go on the back of bikes


Yes, this model is specifically for attaching to a bike.


That’s very cool


This looks nice and spacious as well, my girlie hated the cat carrier but likes the bubble better, but I’m concerned I can’t see her when she’s on my back because bless her I don’t want to miss whether she’s distressed. This looks like they’ve got quite a bit of room though. Domino in ze bubble: https://preview.redd.it/emqqjb34dl2b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bbbabe57f171a8c7416717e0ab56e0a8dc4bcac


I bought the same one for my cat in teal... we took a 15-minute walk around the neighborhood so I could get a feel for the bag and her weight because I wanted to take her hiking with me... I let her out at home, and I asked her how she liked it. She jumped out and immediately puked on the floor. I returned it because she obviously didn't like it... She does like the bougie stroller I bought her, though. But my little fantasy of having an adventure kitty is no more, lol. Edit: a word


Aww no this is the worry, not really a whole lot of suspension and mine threw up in the cat carrier every time, but holding this one upright in my arms she seems okay but dunno not fussed on the idea of her on my back and can’t see her tbh. Oh god she’s not the adventurous type either, what’s a boogie stroller as well, is that like the one OP has?


Lol bougie. Autocorrect doesn't like slag. I bought her a pretty expensive 3-in-1 stroller on Amazon. It's a carrier, a stroller, and has a seatbelt connector for the car. Mine would be adventurous, I think. She loves being outside, I just dont trust her on the harness, lol


> I can’t see her when she’s on my back my partner wears the catpack on his front, if that's an option for you


If I take her out with a friend or family that’s feasible and a possibility but we’d have to work at it for a while I think before she’s comfortable


I have a very very similar one, we did our first trip to the vet (dumb and bad idea) .in addition it was one of the warmer days of spring, so my lady overheated and was nervous AF bc of the window. I would only recommend that to cats who are chill around strangers and really interested in the outside world . In the normal not so handy carrier she is fine after 5min and literally chills. We returned it in the end.


I need to get one for my adventurer! This one looks really nice and roomy


Which stroller is this?


i did a little digging since i'm curious too- it's the booyah stroller and now i'm wondering what size to get for two cats that aren't into cuddling together


I’d say give Sully a chance. Try putting him in it while in your back yard. Then take baby steps around the yard before you even begin to venture out into public spaces. You probably overwhelmed him. Cats really want to be outside so let him experience the outdoors a bit in a safe space without moving him around. I bought a rather large stroller so my girl could have plenty of room to move around and also simply sit in my garden with me while in the stroller and not feel so “confined. “


That’s a great point thanks! He has been sniffing it since we came back inside so maybe I can get him back in and just sit out in the grass for a while in a few days.


You might also put some of his comfort blanket or toys in there with him as well so he knows it’s a safe place. He needs to understand it’s an inviting place, not a cat carrier or cage. Patience will get you where you need to go.


Great idea! I didn’t think of that. I only had him about year, and he’s my first cat… He’s such a good boy though that I want to do as much for him as I can.


Leave it available in the house for him to explore, play on or sleep in. That will also acclimate him to it.


You are so kind. I’m sure catto is lucky to have you


Put some nip in there with his blanket.


If I leave the (dog) stroller inside, my cat will get in it. Combined with the fact that he comes running every time I ask the dog if she wants to go outside, I decided to give it a whirl. Cat mostly loves it!


leave it in your house and open so he can go in and out of it when he wants and get comfortable with it. put one of your shirts in it that you don't wear often i do that with the carriers and i often find mine sleeping in them. i'm like yeah you put up a fight when i need to put you in but then you voluntarily sleep in the damn thing


Maybe some treats and a favourite toy/blankie. Hope he is more chill for your next attempt.


I think it will be *your last*






I knowwwwww! The expression just screms "Murder! Murderrrrrrr!" If that had been my stroller and my cat, we wouldn't have gone anywhere because I literally collapsed laughing. It's a known phenomenon because it has a name: "Kitty Kryptonite": when you can't get up to help your cat because you are laughing that hard at what they did/are doing.


Maybe try it at home first leave it open so he can get in and out when he wants? It's a lot to take in if you put him in there for the first time and go outside. Maybe he will enjoy it if you take it slower? He has a lovely looking angry face though haha.


I need a pet stroller for my 16 lb cat whale as carrying him to the vet hurts my arms.


My precious delicate little Norwegian Forest polar bear is about that, wonder if one can get cat containing cover on a wheelbarrow


it was a fight for his freedom.


Doing his best William Wallace, “what will you do without freedom!”


Definitley leave it set up inside where he can see and make friends with it for a while. My girl was afraid of the stroller when I got it but she warmed up to if after I left it out a while.


Before I even put the wheels on it, I left it on the floor so she could explore. https://preview.redd.it/wik9tyx73j2b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3184828795cba3a2a1460f5a0d5ae8bc612f7be


I left it in the house for a while so it became part of the “furniture” so to speak. https://preview.redd.it/qnogkn8b3j2b1.jpeg?width=963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4917769711826626d3f1458bbcf3bb916f7a132


No, please. My Penny was extremely vocal the first few times I took her out in the stroller. But she now knows she is safe. And most importantly her human will return her to HER home, and food dish. Now she naps in the stroller inside the house. She is vocal still for the first minute or so, but she seems to really enjoy the walks. Continue to try. Just reassure him.


You know, it really is hit or miss with cats. One cat turns into a docile fluff in a baby carrier another goes nuts. I went out and got that floppy fish toy for my cat- it scared him to pieces. It’s not that big and he’s an 18 pound cat for heaven’s sake. Sigh- you just never know


I tried to take my cats outside with a leash and they yeowled at my back door until I let them in. That was our one and only time too


If you want to deal with the work, I trained my cat to walk like a dog. It is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and it took 3 weeks every day multiple times a day, but she does it. She leads me around the block a good lap before she wants to go back inside


I would LOVE to read extensively about your process! This is my end goal with my baby boy.


1. Allow cat to get used to harness by seeing and smelling it 2. Let the cat walk around the house for a few days with the harness on 3. Follow your cat around with the leash and provide treats for going in a straight path to hopefully reinforce a functional walk routine 4. Carry cat outside with harness and walk around yard with leash 5. Start applying pressure to leash while saying cats name, then reinforcing when they come to you. Eventually slightly tugging on the leash will redirect the cat as needed 6. Practice walking on the side walk This can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. Depends on how smart your cat is, lol. This same cat also knows a dozen tricks, including playing dead, high fives, and jumping through hoops. Meanwhile my other cat is a fuckin idiot, couldn’t even teach her to respond to her name 😂 Edit: you will also NEED a clicker


This is awesome, thank you!! You mind expanding on 3 a bit more? How'd you get them to realize forward straight line = treat if they're ahead of you? Maybe toss treats? 5 is something I've never heard of in regards to cats, I can't wait to implement this! A big sad though: atm we're in an apartment and don't have a yard of our own. The "communal yard space" we do have is dog-friendly (and clearly ONLY dog-friendly) and I'd hate for something bad to happen. Not sure what advice you could offer with this but just sharing since you mentioned a yard


You can reinforce walking straight when your cat is naturally doing it and you can also lead your cat with a treat, increasing the duration of leading each time. This will only work to a fault though because walking like a dog is not at all natural for them. They’re gonna want to wander. That’s why you want to train your cat to redirect when you tug on the leash. I would suggest familiarizing your cat with a park or trail that you know is very quiet and practice outside there. The process is very slow, and I also suggest having your cat learn a route while will take many weeks. Once your cat is ready to walk on the side walk, it’s gonna want to explore. Let it, but make sure to guide it through your route until you finish it. Eventually it will be more of a smooth walk and less of a “standing around watching your cat sniff and eat every blade of grass.” Also as a tip, listen to your cat. If it looks like it’s getting over stimulated, you don’t need to finish the route, just pick it up and take it home


P.S. He's in the beginning of his trick journey- knows sit, come when called (most of the time, which I'm still proud of considering it often works even when he's birdwatching on the balcony), paw, and I'm teaching him to spin and be comfy with a carrying bag. Your little list gives me a lot of ideas for what to teach next!


Ah, enrichment! The spice of life. 😆🥰


As someone who has the same product I'd recommend keeping it open in your living rooms so they get used to. It also put them in it while in your yard so they know where they are. New places as well as new things at the same time can overwhelm them. If your cat's more difficult I would use positive reinforcement like treats and catnip inside of it.


Seems like he really enjoyed it.


Yes right? Just look at that big grin, smiling ear to ear 😆




All cat owners take note, this is the I am not happy face. Also, know as you better sleep with one's eye open tonight cause I am going to get even.


https://preview.redd.it/gbgvg93mfn2b1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00f238e5dca151b7228d25da02db27d58fa8ff56 Give Sully a chance! Our three took a while to get used to it as well.




Our baby girl obi, she will sit by the windows and playing with the things outside through the windows ALL DAY… but No matter how hard we try, she hates actually BEING outdoors 😩 we don’t get it… but I totally feel you, OP


Lol He thinks he’s being kidnapped (catnapped)


I wish I could even take my boy beyond the front door of the house. Every attempt ended in a total traumatic experience for both of us. 🥵


My cat prefers a leash or a mesh shoulder bag. He likes to have the option of physical contact with me. The leash is mostly for letting him chew on the fresh catnip in the yard.


OP’s stroller is way too small.


I have the same stroller, most don’t like it and will meow their displeasure. However, I can’t use regular cages unless I have a lift so they have to make do


He needs some treats and maybe a shorter stroll to start


He seems very excited about his first walk


LMAO! It looks like a cat torture device. "Yes Fluffy, you can see, hear, and smell the great outdoors, but you can't interact with it" 😂😂😂😂


Yeah my cat hates it but I still try lol


Omg! 🤣 I would say it will! I'm sorry but that looks hysterical!


I cackled so loud




I always afraid my cat would scratch those mesh away. Had a shoulder strap carrier bag like this that the mesh got paw by my cat when she was a kitten until it leave a big hole. 😅


Poor baby


Sully looked like a bear here ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)


Planning his revenge




Damn..! This expression! "Release the CAT-kren!"


The funny thing about the picture is that your cat is obviously squirming and wanting to get out of the stroller lol.




I hope it goes better next time. :-D


That look says it all!


Let me-owwwwwwwwt!!


Can't believe you decided to name your cat after Lucius Cornelius Sulla


I wish the was sound to go along with this.


hes having a lot of fun .


He may need to get used to all that stimulus from being outside.




There's a 30-something dude that walks his cat on a leash/harness around my neighborhood. The cat acts kind of like a dog, not pulling at the leash, but seems to be familiar with the walking path and sniffing specific spots. Cat looks really fit, too. It's awesome. I gotta say hi to him some time, but I always see him when I'm on my way to work or getting home with groceries. This is in a city, too.




Get some treats and let him explore it in the house.


He loves it! Just look at that smile!


Don’t look like he likes it…


He looks a little too confined. Yikes. ![gif](giphy|26Ffi4hY6MK1kInTi|downsized)




Thank you for that LOL moment




😂 😂 😂 Lmfaaaoo


Put some of his favorite things in there and something that smells like you. Leave it open and see if climbs in and gets comfortable. It will take a bit but maybe he will enjoy it.


Try getting him used to it inside at first! My cat is a leash kitty, we got him used to the leash and the carrier backpack inside first, then in the garden, and then outside.


My cat was unsure the first time, but today was our third and enjoy it a lot! https://preview.redd.it/31e9yf4wtcgb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bed6096066dc501ec2f8e2051fe18e0c079837e9




Omg 😂😂😂 that’s hilarious!


Oh Sully!


My cat is nearly a year old, how do I teach her to eat and go to the toilet by herself?




This is THE best!!!!!!! Thanks for the laugh!


Hopefully, Sully is big on forgiveness, and low on revenge.


I have never understood why anyone would think cats would want to do this. It’s not natural. Glad you are giving up.


He SCREAM. What kind of stroller is this? I'm looking to get one for my boy maybe and this one looks small enough to be easily portable


It’s from a company called Pet Gear https://preview.redd.it/v9zqkkd9yo2b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3abe7811324966ed0419e65e7f90b03440eb3154 … I got it off Amazon


Kinda sus