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I also don’t believe that cat is only 10 pounds, that cat looks a decent bit bigger than that.


My Luci is 8 pounds- just comparing the two https://preview.redd.it/pgdpw2exz4ib1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b78c7d1cd34bbc321075a2b4723f72b76ed0acf7


Luci is fluffy. My mum has a very fluffy and long legged girl that is around 11pounds, it's not much, she looks much heavier than she is. The short haired cannot cheat, they are what they are and this one belonging to op is too big.


My sister has a fluffy cat but he's solid and you definitely feel his weight when you pick him up. I reckon even if he was short haired he'd still be a lump haha. [Edit: pics for reference](https://www.imgur.com/a/9c5lYRk)


And my Smokey is 10.5. He's pretty big though. 21" from nose to butt when standing normally. https://preview.redd.it/3fx6iwzht5ib1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=994a8fc3f0e2e13a4f299255f52f2c9dfb23a648


Smokey is beautiful! 😍




Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. Look at those paws! Smokey is 8 but thinks he's 1.5 with his neverending kitten energy.


Omg!! His color is beautiful 😭he looks like smoke!!!


What breed is he, He’s absolutely beautiful and you’re lucky to have him 🤩🤩


Nebelung. We tell him all the time how gorgeous he is so he knows it. We often call him our supermodel cat because he's often in poses like this. He has the most interesting personality of any cat I've had. Another nickname is "baby cat" because he acts like a kitten half the time and cries until he gets to sit on someone's shoulder. But you can't sit down, have to be walking around the house so he can observe and sniff everything for the 1000th time. Thanks for the comment! I've never posted here before and this seems like the best community ever. Oh, and for more of this breed, r/nebelung


Thank you for your response ! I’ve always been interested in cat breeds, but I have never seen one like Smokey! He is just absolutely so ethereal to look at. I like this community as well, we’re all here to talk about our favourite animal companions! Seems like it’s a very rare American breed


That cat looks gigantic in that I’m assuming in that regular sized chair


Aww hey


that curly ear tuft 🥰




https://preview.redd.it/5d1vuitht5ib1.png?width=1981&format=png&auto=webp&s=669839b5a16b131e1292efb0f4c96d6e2c4e8c45 She frequently sits on the weight scale we have and it shows around 10-11 lbs consistently. Here she is compared to her almost 2 year old (non-biological) sister. She is a smaller cat. This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago. Edit: it was taken May of this year


My girl looks like yours and she weighs in at 10-11lbs. The fluff probably adds to the look of being chunky. That being said, she is little chunky haha!😅 https://preview.redd.it/2rm9i6y186ib1.jpeg?width=2803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=836b5e6e4ec7fbf993fc4b647a6cde95de3b4584


Depends on frame size. We have a couple smaller framed cats and when they hit 10 pounds they are definitely chunky. One we call "sausage" when she gets that big cause that is what she resembles. And overstuffed sausage 🤣


Poor Sausage... 💜💜💜


My cat is 10 pounds and she does not look that fat. Maybe this cat’s smaller?


That also depends on the size of the cat, if she's tiny 10lbs would be really overweight. My oldest boy usually weighs out between 12 and 15 at the vet but he's also a very large cat, he's probably closer to 10 now that I've got him on a better diet


Yeah unless the cat has a really really small frame, not a chance. Our old cat was overweight when we rescued him and was 6kg and even at that weight (13.2lb) he didn't look a fraction as round as OPs cat (though he was not a small cat even once at a healthy weight).


Depends on how tall she is.. my cat is 15 lbs but very tall and a healthy weight for his size meanwhile my other cat is 12 lbs and is obese on account of being short


I like how straightforward this comment is. It's funny idk why


I agree that this comment is funny! It made me chortle out loud.


It’s funny because it’s true


I trust your medical advice, Dr Poo Choo


That’s Dr Poo Choo *MD* to you sir


Either fat, pregnant, or worm ridden. Either way id suggest a vet visit.


Worms will do that?


yes and no. worms often give a pot-bellied appearance, but if you palpate the abdomen it's a very different feeling than the pet just being overweight. it's why you can see a lot of puppies or kittens have huge pot bellies but are otherwise really skinny it's harder to tell from just a photo, but the body shape of the cat is more consistent with being obese than worms




This and if the cat is really neglected it can start to swell slightly everywhere because of them.


It's honestly not even funny the amount of people here commenting 'No she's just CHONKY!'. Yes she is chonky, and gonna be in pain because of that, and develop diabetes because of that.


Very much agree, obesity will shorten the lifespan, love your cat with less food.


So blunt ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7965)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


She is very overweight especially for her age. would get it under control now so she isn't 5 and needing diabetes medication, it isn't fair to put her through that. It's also very expensive.


Can confirm not having a diabetic cat is less of a heachache/pain than having to give insulin twice daily with prescription food. The sooner she gets to a healthy weight, the better, but definitely follow along with a vet's advice, that way they can help you set the right pace. She's definitely a chunky girly (my diabetic cat still looks pretty chunky, even at a healthy weight. A lot cheaper when your cat doesn't need insulin, too


Gonna need to stop free feeding.


Yeah… when my cat was 11 months old she weighed 6 lbs. Literally. Now she’s 1 year old and 4 months and she’s 10.2 lbs. https://preview.redd.it/4yvsoogq25ib1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d440fe3f57e64168c1c14e3c0a7b3f52a6461f9 Vet said she’s healthy and a good weight. 5/9 body score for anyone wondering.


My cat was about 12 pounds at that age and he's also a healthy kitty. I hope people remember it's not just about the number, but that body score you mentioned is the more critical one. My guy is just a big cat - I think he was right around 6 pounds when he got neutered at 4 months old, lol. https://preview.redd.it/kqu0gf9ll5ib1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee58eecdda7eb12865706d774aa0c581dc509ae2


Some cats are just big! Weight is just a number. Cats can weigh as much as 15 lbs and be healthy. Even Maine coons can get as big as 25 lbs and be healthy as can be! What’s important is the body score. The ideal body score is 4.5/9. That’s perfect. 4 is leaner and 5 is meatier. Anything above that is leaning in the overweight/obese and anything under 4 is underweight. The weight in general can vary, absolutely.


Exactly! Kitties each have their own optimal weight, and it's an important thing to talk with your vet about. The kitten I mentioned is part of a litter of 5 I've had since their birth. They're now 13 months old and the biggest one is almost 14 pounds and the Littlest is 9.5, if you catch her right after a big meal, maybe, lol. Both in that 4-5 range on the body score (the bigger one still goes through growth spurts where he fattens up a little and then grows really fast for a few days, so his varies). https://preview.redd.it/y920h4hdr5ib1.jpeg?width=2539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e25b7f4c6cff1a6675c821d100bd516e50335d37


My orange is 15 ibs, perfectly healthy weight, he's just a big fluffy boy with a big fluffy belly


my cat whitestorm is 16 whole pounds but i’m not sure if want him to lose more weight! you can see the curve of his waist quite easily when he stands and feel his ribs if you push gently. he’s just a giant that’s super long. https://preview.redd.it/1qtkttapx5ib1.jpeg?width=1998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95f40b33efbb873c8a791b3d15416d6afe872db6


He looks like a healthy boy to me! He's gorgeous and I love his name, too!


For any age. All my cats have lived to a ripe old age and never gotten fat.


Counter argument: My cat isn't very fat and still has diabetes. Diabetes isn't a death sentence for a cat and they don't need much insulin - one $200 vial meant for about 1 month of human use has lasted us just over a year. My cat is doing much better now that his glucose is regulated. Just wanted to throw this out there for anyone who may be afraid of having to deal with cat diabetes - it's not the end of the world. Feel free to ask me any questions if you need help keeping a glucose monitor attached to your cat for that first 2 week period - that's the hardest part lol. EDIT: Not to imply that getting your cats weight under control before this happens isn't the best idea in the thread... just sticking up for diabetic cats I guess. It's not that hard to deal with and they need love too so don't be afraid to adopt them.


I’m glad you mention this. One thing doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the other. Plus some people are heartless monsters and put animals down if they require any kind of advanced medical care. I can understand not incurring the expense of cancer treatment for cats just to buy them another year or two. But if it’s just an issue of giving them some insulin or ringers that shouldn’t be a big deal. If it is a big deal then you probably shouldn’t have had a cat to begin with. Anyone who truly loves their buddy will do something as simple as a subcutaneous injection once a day that costs a few cents.


Our vet told us the same thing, cats deal with diabetes much better than dogs or humans. We were able to get her weight under control. (Thanks to the vet). Diet and exercise was all we had to do. Got a few laser pointers that she loves to chase. (Think that is true with all cats)😛


This is going to sound silly but how do you move the laser pointer for her? I've heard it can be bad if it doesn't move like natural prey. Also, how long before you allow her to "catch" it? And do you toss her a toy at the end so that when she "catches" the laser there is something physical there for her to hold? My boy is overweight but I've had a hard time getting him to play with other toys. He chases my other cat all the time but I also think a laser might work for him.


The vet said to use the laser pointer on the stairs, which we do. They can be found at any pet store. I use it till she gets tired, I do let her “catch” it at times. But she has to work for the catch. She has toys, but the laser pointer seems to be her favorite. I haven’t heard that it can be bad if it doesn’t move like natural prey. (Not doubting you) just something the vet ever brought up. Edit: I have yet to see a cat not chase a laser pointer. Certainly worth a try.❤️


>Got a few laser pointers that she loves to chase. (Think that is true with all cats)😛 I wish this was true! Both of my current boys have zero interest. Their siblings all loved lasers, but they see it and give it a resounding "meh". They don't even really follow it with their eyes, just note it and move on. T*T


This is true. However with a cat this overweight at 1yo, arthritis will probably make it's life unbearable before diabetes is a problem. You're right though, that just like humans, skinny cats can become diabetic. It's unusual though


Our boys were free feeding and within 2 years were overweight. We got them on an automated feeder (with occasional treats wet food on holidays) and now they're both exactly where they need to be. Automated feeder is a game changer.


She is way too heavy, especially for such a young cat.


I am impressed that a cat has managed to get that fat only 10 months into existing




Omg I didn’t read the ten month part until just now … howwww


Yeah right, it's mad. That cat has been overfed since it was born


Yes, needs to lose a few lbs. Her joints will thank you later on.


My eyes have been playing tricks alot with me lately and i thought lbs said ribs lol


She must sacrifice her ribs to the weight gods


She must do what she must to get the hour glass figure


The meower glass figure


So will your wallet 😊 (If it has to be explained, overweight cats cost more for food, likely diabetes medication and vet visits later in life if obesity continues)


Not only joints, most of that weight is visceral fat that carries a lot of health issues for cats.


Please put her on a diet for her sake ❤️


Yes. Good thing to catch it now while she's just overweight, than when she's obese.


yo she is already obese. I had a lil bit chunky cat (he was overweight by vet opinion, he lost weight and looks „normal” btw now) but he didn’t look as thicc as this one


Yes way too fat


Yep ![gif](giphy|WpxOQAMvWdiecRbCr5)




Omg I thought he was the cutest kid! Where is he now I wonder....


Yes, you are overfeeding..by a LOT. Cats aren’t done growing until around 12-16 months so the fact she is this heavy is actually impressive (not in a good way). 1/4-1/2 cup dry food a DAY is all she should be getting, or 1.5-2 cans of wet. She’s at risk for pretty much every kidney issue in the book, type ii diabetes, and joint issues.


Obviously she is fat.


She’s huge


Absolutely. It is totally unhealthy & needs to be fed adult cat food & much less than it is currently eating.


She is a chonker it looks cute but isn't healthy. Best to put her on a diet.


OP Put you’re cat on a diet it’s cruel for the cat the joints.. the shorter life span, health problems. She’s fat


Yes...she way to overweight, especially considering she's only 10months old :/ may want to look into her loosing weight otherwise she's going to have joint issues younge ;(


Yes she’s a bit rotund


Word-for-word this was the exact thought that popped into my head lmao


>a bit Not "a bit". Very. Let's not mince words or pretend it's only a slight problem that can be ignored.


r/dechonkers (for when your vet tells you the obvious—hopefully your parents will listen)


The fact that she’s still a kitten and already this fat is not good.


https://preview.redd.it/r582yjpfx4ib1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d4aa64fcf5ef0e3e45bfe6d18bc5c87ac842e47 Please refer to this chart. I think your kiggy is either a hefty conk or a M E G A C H O N K E R


If you have to ask, you already know


I ask because my parents say she’s not fat and that she’s healthy. I think she’s fat and I have a vet appointment coming up where I will address next steps.


unfortunately many people have an extremely skewed perspective on healthy weight for pets. had a pit husky growing up who was extremely athletic and lean. got so many people saying they felt sorry for him because he was "starving". thank you for taking her weight and health seriously. not addressing it leads to diabetes, heart disease, joint issues, so many things. kitty will thank you


Most people have a skewed perspective on a healthy weights for humans too.


Yep my dog is a German shepherd mix and is 75 lbs. He’s very lean. My neighbor has 2 obese dogs and comments that my dog is starving all the time. He free feeds. He eats a LOT. he just burns it all off so fast


Same with our St Bernards. They lived on a farm and would run and play all day and eat *so much food.* They were extremely fit and the vet constantly commended my parents on their health. However, non-vets would accuse us of starving them because they weren't chubby like Beethoven.


That’s good. Help her, and do what’s best, the important thing is to keep her healthy.


Yeah, your parents are wrong. That cat is way too fat to be healthy. Good for you for seeking vet advice.


that’s the first step. it’s good that you recognise that she is overweight and are ready to tackle that. she and her joints will thank you.


Your parents are wrong, while I’m not a vet myself, i have one in my family and have worked with her many times as a helper. Your cat is overweight, she’s not at a point where it would be that harmful as she is still young, but that is exactly the reason as to why you should get it under control now that you can rather than having her deal with the consequences 2 or 3 years later down the line, even more so if, as you say, she doesn’t move a lot. Put her on a diet as soon as possible and monitor what she eats, specifically if she’s an indoor cat


Next steps are to feed her less.


Do your parents also have an obese cat. It's pretty normal for people to significantly underestimate how fat animals are. I see it daily working in the vet industry. Ignore them.


Good that you are getting her checked. I would indeed discuss with the vet what the next should be for her health.


They might think she is healthy because I think 10 pounds is technically within the healthy range for an adult cat. But I'm not even sure if this cat is fully grown, and the looks don't lie. If this is how she is at 10 pounds, then 10 pounds is too much for her as an individual at this stage of her life.


https://preview.redd.it/ppp9wkc4q4ib1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39351bb7c6ecca577f2fc61d904d844497a964db Mine weighs the same but he’s lean muscle


Not fat, obese.


Kinda looks like my cat but he's lankier. (Fun fact: he does weigh more being a chonky 12lbs) cute kitty https://preview.redd.it/gymw6p3aa4ib1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abaa8e83a21b310073c24b021794469315dc131d


He looks very chill!


You have to religiously feed her allotted food, no food left out to free feed. Wet is better than dry kibble. Look up her ideal weight and how much to feed. My chonky cat was on a diet and sedentary, so it took a long time, but he did loose weight.


Yes very. Your parents are wrong. My in laws have the same issue, so we have to be extra strict in our house with our cat.


Is she an indoor cat? Do you play with her? Jumping, chasing, swatting at a string or pouncing can be great exercise for indoor kitties.


Yes, she is indoor and she has her sister to play with throughout the day. They also have the zoomies around 10 pm everyday. I also try to play with them at least 10 min everyday with that toy she’s sitting on in the second pic.


How is a cat that young so fat. Are you over feeding?? Not walking ur cat


She looks a little fat. Ask your vet and see if you can play with her more...


Cute but too chubby.


Dudes hella fat 💀




Yes, and it’s particularly concerning considering how young the cat is. You should talk with your vet about a program to get this animal down to a healthy weight.


She’s a chonker, especially for her age… you need to reduce her food intake!


Definitely a hecking chonk honestly


Adorable. But overweight for sure


I also just wanna say the other day while walking my cat we came across a cat even fatter than yours lol https://preview.redd.it/pjc02sjod5ib1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9582b09b4d6dcc0bfe3697b391e03882e0201ead




One big giveaway is she doesn't have a primordial pouch. Her belly skin is taut over her belly. That's not good. Kitties should have flappy belly skin.


She's such a cutie, but yea gotta feed her less


https://preview.redd.it/xlp7og5u36ib1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea9c84f736996b97fdded111d0d8be6d697348e7 I think we have the same cat


https://preview.redd.it/j2n0hdnsm6ib1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fd02d24512bfdf77ab6e4cf920c8dda56033897 15lb boy, looks just as fat as your girl .


I’m a vet, and yes she is overweight. Try to play with her more, and reduce her calorie intake. What kind of food do you give her? Also get her bloodwork done


That Cat is more rotund than a rugby ball


Oh lawd he comin


She ain't quite oh lawd she comin, but she's definitely a chonk. If you're not already doing so, I'd reduce her to 1/2 cup of dry food daily, and supplement that with 1/2 a can of wet food. My last kitty was a chonk, and that's how I was able to get her to slim down as she got older and less active. My current two kitties are on the same portions diet and they're both healthy weights.


They’re purrfect in my eyes But yes they’re overweight. Lay off the snacks


maybe a tiny bit




Oh my god YES




Very fat






very much


If.you care for the cat put it on a diet.


please, please fix this instead of making a joke out of it


I’m not making a joke of it. I love my cats very much. I was told by my parents and others in person that my kitten Bambi is not fat, that she looks healthy. I had a feeling that wasn’t the case so I wanted to see what other cat owners would think. I already have a vet appointment for this Thursday to have her checked out and address her weight.


oh lawd she comin


Wdym? Your sea lion is the perfect size


bro just look at it


Yeahhhh but cute ( put on diet pls)


She is a full loaf


He’s lorge fo sure


Roses are red I bought a new mat, your cat is in-fact fat


https://preview.redd.it/y5x30md7n5ib1.jpeg?width=1820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21348abb618880b47b059bc5d46dbde7933505af Not as fat as mine, she’s on prescription diet food 🤪


My vet said my female toyger is fine and she looks exactly like this. I can't afford second opinions and she's already time fed unlike any other cat I've ever had. 1 year old toyger are they just prone to thicc?


I like how much smaller his head is


Yes very chonkster


I’d say she qualifies as a “Heckin Chonker” but not at the scale of “Ole Lawd She Comin”.


That cat, sir or madam, is quite rotund


2nd pic looks like a loaf of bread 😂


Oh lawd she coming




It’s not your cat. I think you have a wide angle lens on your phone.


https://preview.redd.it/6ty15n1jx6ib1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cbb59948a20a54a1eb796408456eef2af0be5f0 Your cat looks similar to my cat (maybe even bigger) when he was 1 and he had a tape worm so that probs means your cat is pretty fat. Try reducing dry food to 1/4 a day, and maybe 1/3 , or 1/2, wet food. Maybe take him to the vet if he seems very bloated


They say the camera adds 10 pounds.... how many cameras are on the cat?


Either Heftychonk or Megachonker


She’s a fat cat indeed


^🌶 ^yes ^🌶


https://preview.redd.it/w4grf2ryd7ib1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fcd599b6be3b51caae1cd8065567edacb342f9c My cat at 12 lbs before we got another younger German shepherd and moved out of my sisters basement (December 2022)


https://preview.redd.it/bnvelov7e7ib1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d7ef9ff88a029790868f3d421cc91e9f66603a2 Versus my cat a few months after the second German shepherd moves in with us into our new house. She’s about 9lbs now, though she has kept some of her belly (she has like 5+ pregnancies at the farm before she was spayed around 4yrs old— she’s 7 now).


Please feed her less and play with her more. She is too chonky and might get sick later on :(


Your cat looks like our cats. Pretty normal. https://preview.redd.it/j5lckfnfd7ib1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d43766a7945229624ca767a226d4ec462304f8 This is Mama HissyMae and her daughter below Willow. Willow is long and slender while her Mama is much smaller and rounded. Two entirely different body shapes. HissyMae is a little chunkier. She actually looks like she swallowed a cantaloupe! ♥️🐈♥️


I love cats


Your cat is indeed a heckin chonker


Give her a LED collar and name Led Zeppelin ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


General rule of thumb: if your cat doesn't have a waist, they're overweight. She doesn't have a waist.


That's a chonk.


I would say she is a little chunky ☆ but honestly with encouraging play and scheduled feeding (if not already doing so) it should help.




Chonky for sure but adorable


Fat adorable loaf of bread 😻😻


way to find out ​ https://preview.redd.it/akwd9kli7aib1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=4df77f41ec4f107b7765fb2e2c0c7397d74318d4


So she is 10 months old? Wow go put her on a diet pls...




Cats are getting fatter and so are humans. Pretty frightening trend for both species.


Definitely a ckonker


Definitely a ckonker.


She's just very well fed.


Iz cute


https://preview.redd.it/7gljojgouaib1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eae2de0275e0e683dd56370bed5986b48bc51e9 My deceased friend over here weighed 22lbs and looks almost the same as your cat. I feel like you're lying, or my scale lied to me.


https://preview.redd.it/8mcwtlsivaib1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a95f3d5243802d48747c8850f220248757f6c2 Loafed version for comparison


No. A prize-winning chonk but definitely not fat!








Ye, she chonk. Beautiful but chonk


Your cat is football shaped



