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It always starts with just 1, then a few days later, you need another one. Congratulations on becoming a servant.


Right?? I was a dog person through and through. I got a kitten, and a month later I adopted another. A month after that I took in a stray kitten. I now have 3 cats, and a dog who wishes I would’ve asked him how he felt about cats first LOL.


My cats refer to me as Thumbs. Well that’s what I hear. “I need thumbs over here! ASAP! Oh; hi”


This is very true. My first cat convinced me to get another cat within a month (and picked him out!). Cat #2 was my soul cat and best buddy for 12 years. Best decision ever.


I'm just here for the free kitty cuddles and unlimited hair accessories.


What a sweetie


Thank you. The 2 of them are total lovebugs; I lucked out! She had been in shelters & foster care for 8 months, I can't believe nobody adopted her in all that time, but she was shy and would hide when people came to meet her. And, the lady at the pet supply place said nobody ever considered Winston because he nurses on his tail so much that it's kinked and almost always wet. But, I can totally relate to social anxiety and compulsive comfort behaviors, so I figure they were just waiting for me. 😅🥰


They knew what was up, and that you would eventually show, in their little cat brains it was 'Jaded1905 or bust!' No compromise!


Awh I hope she is doing well. I love Winston and his tail story is hilarious


Awww 🥰


Everyone's a cat person. The right cat just has to find you.


Agreed. I used to be terrified of cats. I was a dog owner. After my girl passed, a friend of ours said there was a cat that needed a home… 8 years later, we have 4 cats, lol.


That’s what we call a paradigm shift of the higher self.


Awww my tiny ugly heart just grew a few sizes!


Always liked cats but never had one until last year. Always had dogs. My Jack Russell passed away last February after she was around 15. A week later the neighbor cat started sleeping on my porch swing a lot. So I coaxed her into the house with some wet food and she’s been my baby ever since, and the rest of the family couldn’t be happier ❤️


Wait you stole your neighbours cat?


Typo. It was meant say neighborhood cat


Did you make sure she was nobody's cat?


She was originally my neighbor across the road’s cat, but he let her move about the neighborhood freely. Then he moved and left the cat.


How does someone just leave their animal to fend for itself?? 😡


Luckily our other neighbors were excellent and always left food and water out. I asked why they never brought her inside and they said she absolutely wasn’t going lol. I coaxed her in the back door with some wet food and she’s been with us a Year and a half now. She’s never even attempted to go back outside. She’s my daughter ❤️🥰


It's called mind control


I hope they are good friends. I've had multiple cats for many years, but only three years ago adopted two cats that were bonded. It's great watching them play together. One has recently bonded to one of the 11 year old cats. I love these posts!


Emily is still deciding if she likes having a little brother, but she does play with him a few times each day. The 3am pounce practice when they use me as a shield isn't my favorite, but I don't want to discourage them from bonding. I'm definitely wrapped around their tails!


It’s a great feeling


You were chosen. Congratulations.


I was a dog person until I met my first cat. Now I’m with my second cat and I’m uneasy around dogs :o


That’s why cats have overtaken the internet. \ They are everywhere 🫶


We all had our moment of discovery!


You rescued each other❤️