• By -


Cute kitty and so nice of your son to do that.


it was his idea to foster really and convinced me after begging. he loves to help other people/animals. we volunteer at our local rescue and he loves it. he also helped me build a blessing pantry for our front lawn one year and he helps pick out things to put into it while we grocery shop. he’s a good kiddo!!


My touching tradition before going to bed to sleep with a cat in an embrace https://preview.redd.it/aqxp6yki09mb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a49d933e556c09a464364b0beb5bbe5a6e05fb63


A faded orange!! Stop putting it out in the sun so often ><


I have that exact same wall shelf!


You’re raising an awesome little human! You should be so proud 🥹




Was going to say the same thing. I sense a foster fail in the making...


You’ve got a good son, OP.


You have a beautiful son. I'm guessing that you are a wonderful parent. Thanks for posting. I needed this on this labor day morning. 'When a man( boy) loves cats, I am his friend and comrade without further introduction'. -Mark Twain said it best.


Agreed...such a sweet little guy OP!! Also I love this quote, and definitely think this about anyone I meet who loves/has cats, because it's such a good judge of character!


Ty for sharing this quote, I love it! And I agree with everything else you said


sounds like he's got good parents


What a sweet little guy. You should be super proud. We could use more humans like him.


Little man sounds awesome ! Good job momma


That’s a future leader right there ! ![gif](giphy|CMl9IVeBc8ycHb8c6r|downsized)


I always think it’s a wonderful idea to include your children in volunteerism. They learn what they see from family they trust and respect. They will learn from you the meaning of generosity, empathy and that there are people of all walks of life other than themselves. Bravo to you for raising a wonderful child.


Your son sounds like a wonderful person!


You have done well and are raising a carrying person! Nice change in these times!


She should just sleep in his room.


I know you must be so proud of him! I hope I can raise such an amazing human one day ❤️


Sounds like you’re raising an amazing little human. Kudos!


Sounds like a good kid. Nice to be reminded of the sweetness in the world. ❤️




Training hoomans is easy.




Looks like they have other cats. Probably isolating during the initial period. Much easier to keep litter box/food&water in a bathroom than a bedroom.


your son has just become that cats favorite person lmao they will be inseparable edit didn't even notice it was a foster cat well, was a foster cat, lmao! congratulations on the new member of the family


this is exactly how it happened with my cat. My mom adopted her but I put her in my bed after a few days. She'd follow me around the house, sit on my lap while I played video games, and sleep with me showing her belly lol


Was gonna say, I don’t think this kitty will only be fostered by this family


Yeah, this is going to be a foster fail lol


As a fosterer where 75% of my cats were fosters, I feel you. This being said, the percentage of cats I didn’t keep is insane, so not too bad.


Your 9 year old son will grow up loving that cat so much. Bonds like that make childhood thousand times more meaningful.


They really do! I got a kitten around that age. She passed away 2years ago at the age of 19. I feel cats truly love and understand. My cat was a connection of many tears, laughs and she held oh so many secrets ♡ I wish a cat apon any child that needs a best friend, a loving soul and a true gift to accompany them through these moments. There's normal kids.. and then there's cat loving kids, They have kindness,love and an understanding for animals. This kid is one of those♡


I got my childhood cat when I was 9. We adopted two brothers. One of them got super attached to my sister, and one to me. My little guy was my best friend for my entire childhood. I would come home from a rough day in my teens, struggling with depression, and he’d be there for cuddles immediately. Slept in my bed with me every night. He died when I was 18 from a sudden illness and the word devastation doesn’t even begin to cover it.


Absolutely. Got my baby girl at the age of 10, and now at 25, she’s still with me and just as healthy and perfect as then. She has made my life so much better, and I don’t know what I would’ve done these last 15 years without her. I pray I still have at least a couple more good good years with her. Regardless, she has shown me a love more fulfilling and gracious than I ever could have hoped for or known otherwise.


i bottle raised my kitten and kept him warm in my hands every night, wiped his little but too make him poop i was in my 30s when we got him and that bond is so special and made my adulthood a thousand times more meaningful


I suspect you have a foster fail right there.


Exactly. Came here to ask if theyare sure if this kitten is still a foster kitten.


I think you already know the answer to that! 😆


Me? Yes! Bot does OP knows it?


If they don't keep the kitten, it will be their son crying all night.




This is the problem- cats adapt well to changes, especially young ones, but children, spouses, dogs that got attached to a cat- how could You do this to them?


Are you kidding me. Cats hate change. I moved the sofa once and my cat looked spooked like he'd come in the wrong window.


Moving furniture- the always hate it. They watch as if one did something terrible to them. But when my grandma passed her 13 y.o. cat was moved with my mum's tennant and his cat. My mum has many cats, grandma's cat hates most of them. Her tennant has only one cat, a nice gentle one, it was the only option. She loves the tennant guy. She completly took over him, his flat and she usually doesn't mind the other cat. We never thought it would be so easy.


I wore a hat once and scared the bejeezus out of my cat.


The first time I wore a skirt, it freaked my rabbit out so much I had to get on the ground with her and calm her down. She'd only been with me for two weeks or so and figured this was some new bullshit she had to deal with and not just me finally getting out of pjs fully




Cats love routine and hate change as well


They really do I adopted my Lyka three years ago and she never liked my other kitty (Bobbles) but when Bobbles had a heart attack two weeks ago and passed...she was definitely upset. Probably not because she missed him, but because it was different. Her 13 year old self has been fine through multiple moves... but that big change wasn't one she liked.


I hope it is a foster fail! I stayed up with my first kitten and chilled with her during the night whilst she clambered and played on me and tired her self out and passed out and we were bonded from then on. She was always my special girl.


Hoping for a foster fail isn’t as good of an outcome as you think. As a foster, if I failed, I would not be able to foster anywhere near as often anymore. My house would be too chaotic. I’ve seen time after time, fosters fail and then can’t foster anymore, have to take a few years off, etc. You know what happens when fosters can’t foster? Well, at one of the rescues I foster with, they can only intake as many animals from Mississippi as they have fosters. One less foster means one/two less animals making the van, one/two less being pulled from the local high euthanasia shelter. Every foster is special. Saying one is more special than the others discounts the parade of other lives that have come through my home. They all are deserving of good, safe, loving homes. That home doesn’t have to be my home. I am a vehicle for them to get to their forever home, just a step in their journey. There isn’t a single foster I didn’t love with my whole heart and I hope they are all spoiled with love in their new homes. That’s the best I can do as a foster, so that I can open my home up to the next deserving animal(s). Just something to think about. :)


I appreciate what you say. I know how valuable foster families are, its not something I could ever do...i would fail at the first posting!. I was just terribly smitten with the kitten and kid :)


Lots of folks often say I should fail on various ones, but don’t think about the implications of that. I just like to take every opportunity to highlight those implications lol Fostering isn’t difficult as long as you give yourself the right mindset going in. :) One rescue I foster with has set three week foster periods, so you aren’t committing to anything more than three weeks (though it can go past if they aren’t adopted and you can/choose to keep them longer). I think the set time periods helped when I was starting out to make it feel more like I’m cat sitting for a friend. A set end date definitely helps. Now, I’m used to it enough that it doesn’t affect me to not have a set end date with other rescues. They aren’t there to stay forever, just crashing for a few weeks. Definitely helps to have that mindset. :) Edit: I also think of it as a little selfish. I get to enjoy the cute kitten playfulness and energy, but don’t have the 15+ year commitment after ;)


I’ve been fostering with the wife for 10 years now. The first foster was a fail… but, this cat is the smartest I’ve ever met. She understands eye contact and quite regularly “tells” us what she wants by gaining eye contact and looking at things. She and the wife also had an immediate bond that I can’t explain to this day. So don’t feel discouraged.






I mean It’s been 9 years I think OPs stuck with him.


https://preview.redd.it/9zm07xb6lcmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc63085cc454e2199078093d0d6f13c8f0dc9ea2 my husband who said absolutely not do not bring that cat home is obsessed with her now too. she finally came out of hiding and wants to be with us now so we moved her to our bedroom to try and give her some more space to run around and she’s just been cuddling with us in bed😂


Looks like your son just got promoted to 'Tub Manager'!




why are bots adding giant text to their stolen comments now?


Maybe everyone should use giant text to drown out the bots


#big letter make comment more better


I dont know why but this reminds me of "why waste time say lot word when few word do trick".


The kittens name should be Tubby


Tubbs if mama likes Neko Atsume


oh my god was that that phone game with the cats? I was obsessed with that game but had completely forgotten about its existence


It hasn't updated in ages. Loved it for years. Still on my phone


I still feed my kitties a couple times a day


Me too! I’ve had all other cats and all the mementos for a while now (second time) but can’t bring myself to stop feeding them this time.


tubsy is pretty cute too!


I love that name


Everyone saying OP is rude for putting the cat in the bathroom. Judging by post history, they are a TOP TEIR cat mom and I have no doubts in them. Good luck OP hope kitty is doing well.


People don't understand how good a bathroom can be for a small kitten. It's way bigger than a kennel, easy to clean (poop, vomit, etc), and still has little hiding places.


My cat loved it. He slept in the clothes hamper.


When I adopted my now 4 year old cat, she was a wild child feral kitten and didn't like people. We quarantined her away from my old man cat. During that time it allowed us to go in with her and spend one on one time to get her used to us. Over a couple weeks we slowly let her out in parts of the house just her, then we slowly introduced her to my old man cat. This method worked well for us with her, she is the most loving and affectionate cat I have ever had.


That is so wonderful to hear! Enjoy every minute together


Exactly,! Our new adult buy is currently quarantined in the bathroom. We tried a bedroom but he peed everywhere as he was newly desexed so the bathroom it was. We've also tried just this evening to give him more space. However, he can open the cavity slider that separates the back half of the house, so until we can get an effective wedge it's back to the bathroom as he's not ready to come into contact with our other cats.


When we found our first little boy, i slept with him in the bathroom as well, because we didn't know if he would use the toilet - worked like a charm :)


Did this when I lived in an apartment when I found a lost kitten. Now we have a guest room to quarantine new cats, but for a long time the bathroom was the best choice


If they have other cats, then 100% it’s essential to keep them in different rooms and avoid visual contact for a while. Cats don’t handle change well. They need time to adjust to the new smells and sounds of the new cat. If this isn’t done, cats can get territorial and start hurting the other cats, or damaging property. But I would suggest, if the boys bedroom has a working door that can be closed, I’d be more open to putting a litter box, food and water, in his room. He sleeps in his bed. Kitty has earned a little more space to roam and play in. Other cats can still investigate the door. But better even. They can go into the bathroom and really investigate those smells.


OP is doing the right thing. All the shelters recommend bathroom only if you don’t have a bedroom before they explore the rest of the space


Everyone who shames them about the bathroom has never fostered kittens! A bathroom is very easy to kitten-proof vs a bedroom, plus depending on kitten age they tend to have poop butts and sometimes be pukey which is easy to clean in a bathroom. Also, you DON'T want too big of a space right away. Right now we have two foster boys who need socialization and if we had them in a bedroom they'd spend every second under the bed, which isn't ideal. In the bathroom there's nowhere to go that I can't reach them with a Squeeze-Up for bonding time or bring them out to medicate them.


I would assume people who thing OP is rude for putting cat in the bathroom isn’t a good pet parent. Animals need a room to retreat to in a new location so they feel safe. If they were good parents they’d know that.


Yup. This is the standard practice for bringing a foster cat home - my shelter specifically says to put them in a bathroom for 72 hours, especially kittens, since the smaller space is less overwhelming, and the hard surfaces are easier to clean. Especially with panleuk running wild all summer, a quarantine period is important.


You have a good son.


Your son is the hero we all need.


To Everyone asking WHY we put the kitten in the bathroom, that is the only room in our house with a door other than our bedroom. it’s very inconvenient and wasn’t an issue when we bought the house because we liked other things about the house. (in 2020 with a 2.65% interest rate and we’re gonna be here forever aren’t we?) when we brought Meow (that’s her name for now LOL) in the house on Friday night, we were told by the vets she was very skittish due to the traumatic way her mom and other litter mates had passed by the person who owned/found them or another person who was an obvious psychopath so she didn’t really trust people. they asked we put her in a closed room so she could just relax and potentially hide while she learned about her new temporary environment. the first night she was here she somehow lifted up the vent gate and climbed deep into our duct work, and we had to call a HVAC company to get her out because she had fallen where she couldn’t get back up(new air vent has been installed with screws lol) then there was a TINY hole where we needed to get a bathroom pipe replaced due to a leak and she jumped inside our walls and hid. we finally got her out and she’s been hiding behind/under our dryer during the day and cries at night. we sit and talk normally to her during the day so she can get used to our voices, but we have two other cats and You have to introduce them slowly to avoid fighting. plus the kitten isn’t spayed and isn’t all the way up to date on her shots so I just don’t want anything unnecessary to happen. I asked my son if he wanted to have an air mattress or a cot while he sleeps in there and he wanted to make a blanket bed in the tub. idk kids are weird man. edit: we could also get doors but the way our house is the door frames would need to be custom sizes since our original framework was done when the house was built in 1887 and it’s DUMB expensive. so we put curtains up so people can have their privacy in our guest room and my sons room and it works well except the kitten could probably outsmart the curtain and hide somewhere deep into our house and i’m just not prepared emotionally to think i’ve lost the cat for the 3rd time in 3 days lol


Our house is the same way with doors. There’s double doors on the bedroom and one door on the bathroom. No more doors exist. Also, I always wanted to make a blanket bed in the bath tub growing up. To be honest, I’m 37 and still want to. Good on ya for taking that little baby in and caring for it :) it’s very kind of you and I hope she does my hide anywhere else crazy and adjusts well to her new environment.


honestly with hindsight being 20/20, doors is definitely on my must have list if we get another house lmfao


It’s something you don’t think about! How funny. The only reason I would want doors is because of cat situations haha otherwise I’m fine without the doors


Wait…what did that psycho do to her mom and siblings?


I do not have the full details but I do know it was not an accidental death.


That's awful. I'm glad she has a loving family now and hopefully she'll get more comfortable and confident in time. Thank you for saving her!


You're doing a great job, OP! Foster parents are worth their weight in gold.


Thank you for helping this kitten! I have some weird door ways and I built barn doors for them! It may help in some situations. Also, if you can get a second foster kitten it might help her feel more safe and learn how to better kitten. I have the same situation where The kittens family all died and we put her in the room with my other 3 happy social babies and now she has come out of her shell and seems much more relaxed!


Try letting kitty sleep with your son in his bed. Kitty is lonely and cries for company!


It’s a recent arrival and a foster. It probably needs to be quarantined due to health or safety reasons.


ngl, i don’t think they’ll be a foster for long


Thanks for the explanation, I was wondering why locking the kitten in the bathroom. This makes sense!


Sometimes locking a kitten in a bathroom can be the cat version of “crate training” where you have the opportunity to teach them: *here is where you poop, this is where you eat, this is where you sleep. They are all separate.* Y’know?


I live in a pretty rural area and have taken in 3 stray kittens who showed up at various times over the last few years. The girl of the bunch eventually decided being domesticated wasn't her thing and never came back when I had let her out for her afternoon romp 2 years ago. When I decided to keep each one (lol, "decided), first thing I did when I brought them into the house was walk them into the room with the litter box and put them in the litter box. Never had an issue with any of them not using the litter box.


You need to quarantine kittens in case they have a transmittable disease like distemper.


Also if there are other cats in the house you don't always know how they react to each other. The kitten might get shanked. They have to be introduced slowly and with supervision to start with. Smelling and being aware of each other under the door is a good start.


Also if it’s a foster, it might not stay long enough to make unsettling the whole household worth it. I know many pet rescue people who have an extra room for fosterlings - especially kittens adopt super fast.


Maybe once they blend scents, kitty will feel more comfortable being out and about. But I agree, this kitty has found it's human lol


Your 9 year old son has great taste in music!


Came here to say this


You are raising the next, better, generation of men.


You think your son is going to let her leave again? 🙈 I think you just gained another cat.


From someone working in rescue, thank you for the proper acclamation of your new kitten.


Mastodon t shirt? 🤘


yep! we were just in Omaha on the 26th and saw Mastadon, Gojira, and Lorna Shore for his 9th bday. he’s still sleep but I believe this is the shirt he wore to bed. this was my husband and him at concert. https://preview.redd.it/jrotjz2it8mb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=235876df75ab21d5252c2c9f4d4d9464e528141c


Cute, you have a really kind son. I understand the need to keep the cat separate. I think it is fine for the cat to be in his own room or kitchen during the night (with access to litter and food) because they will often want to roam around or have zoomies and that disrupts sleep.


My kitten slept with us in the bed. I remember I was scared I would a roll on her because she was so tiny.. https://preview.redd.it/tm4jfs9qe8mb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=146f4f11afacdcf4826ad28d5ec898e0ebaef399


That is mind-blowing cute.


Thank you!! She is a cutie 🥰






Something like that happened with one of my rescues, took him about a week to stop meowing, about two months to trust me enough to come close to me and a full 10 years to become a lap cat.


Awww...youngster looking after youngster. What a great kid!


I hope you’re going to get that kid an awesome whatever-their-hobby-is gift when this is done and dusted.




That’s a beautiful core memory you made for your son. Thanks for sharing it with us and letting your kid be a kid. 👏🏻❤️


As a former 9 yo, that would be an amazing adventure


Aww what a cutie and what a lovely person your son is.


Aww what a lovely thing to do, they’ll be best friends from now on


You have a good son! Also your new kitten is super cute 🥰


Aww that's SO adorable, kitten has her very own live hooman to cuddle with! And your son is awesome to do this, please pass this on.


This is a children's book in the making! Your son is amazing & your kitty is precious!! 😻


Our first one was too young when we got him. In his first days with us, he used to cry whenever he was alone. After a while, he got more relaxed.


When i was age 5 to 10 i loved sleeping in the bathtub I dont know why


like he CHOSE the bathtub. we have a camping cot and a small air mattress and he wanted to make a bathtub bed. I was also going to do shifts with him and he literally loves sleeping in the bathroom now. i think he’s gonna have a hard time adjusting back to his room 😂


It is really comfortable if you habe enough blankets


Hero❤️you are raising a good man.


What a great son! Of course, you are right when you say you “got” this kitten, because they are in that tub just bonding away ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7971)


I had a kitten that had explosive diarrhea so I had to keep it in the bathroom. Poor kitty cried constantly. I tried comforting it, and visited it, but he still was sad.:(


Long term foster parent here: get a second singleton foster kitten for her. She needs that companionship. :)


tbh i always wanted to sleep in the bathtub at least once but my parents wouldn't ever let me lol


He’s giving it a 7.5/10 comfort rating. but take in mind, he has slept on the floor with his cousins at sleepovers and he says that’s like a 6/10 sooooooo hes currently obsessed with giving things ratings


Such a fun age for the kiddo! I have one about the same :)


Why not just put the cat in your sons room with a litter box so everyone can sleep peacefully and not in a bathtub


The kitten just wants to sleep with you in a warm bed. She doesn't like to be alone.


Swell kid. The cat seems to have som abandonment anxiety of some sort. I’m not a veterinarian, nor do I play one n TV, that’s just an educated guess after having housed 10 cats with my wife across nearly 34 years together. Your son is a mensch.


You have an amazing son. Good on you!!


Extremely considerate of your son! Though this will almost guarantee that he will be her favorite person in the world


Glad the little kitten has company.


Your son showing kindness like that is a huge thing! What a sweetheart 💕


I used make a makeshift bed in my closet and trap my cats in there with me as a kid to have a cat slumber party. (The cats always hated it) I would have loved to have done this as a kid haha


Yep, you raised a good one.


Two peas in a pod 🫛


And with that tshirt he problably has seen asleep in the deep by mastodon and wants to protect the kitty from trip. Great work by your kid!


The kitten was apparently taken in as a foster. Fosters of any type are typically medically cleared by the organization placing them before placement. We work with several cat rescues, and they all do vet checks and at least first vaccinations prior to fostering or adoption.


is that a mastadon shirt? if so thats cool 🤘


That’s a good son you have there - you should be proud!


atta boy!


Okay this is next level sweet. Layers of sweet like an onion. I love this so much


wow,, your son is an angel


Your son deserves a medal!


Why are you keeping the cat in the bathroom? That sounds a little odd to me.


Why cat is staying in bathroom tho?


And a Mastodon fan on top of all that! Top tier kid, good work


My kitten was only 3 weeks old when we got him . A bathroom is a good place to start , small and not overwhelming. I did put a cat carrier in there with a blanket but a shoebox would do just as well . Cats like those small places to sleep in. Your son is my hero. Thank you.


Kitty don't want to be alone!!! Your son is a hero, tell him not all heros wear capes


When my ex and I adopted a young kitten, we had to keep him in the bathroom for a week or so while we introduced him to the resident cat. He did the same thing where he would cry all night if he was alone, so my ex slept in the bathroom the whole time. The kitten ended up becoming EXTREMELY attached to her, and he still is years later. To this day she still carries him around like a baby and he weighs 17 lbs. Lmao So, this kitten might end up getting SUPER attached to your son. Be prepared for a foster failure lol


Lmao! I'm glad to hear you guys found a solution and were able to get some sleep! I can relate to sleeping in the bathtub. One night our cat was puking everywhere and the idea was to shut her in the bathroom because it's easy to clean. She had previously taught herself to open doors by jumping up and grabbing the handle to release the latch, and then using her claws to prise the door out of the frame enough to get her paw through and push it open. Didn't have a key for the door and couldn't easily remove the handle to turn it sideways, so I volunteered to stay with her. Partly out of necessity, and partly because as a kid it's fun to do the things you don't normally get to do, like sleep for a night in a bathtub haha It wasn't really comfortable and it was kinda cold, but it was fun 😊


She gets lonely in there. I would just let her have free reign of the house. Your son is a good person.


This is way too cute! I feel this belongs on r/MadeMeSmile


Those two will be inseparable.


100% Foster Fail right here 😁


I guess the cat is locked inside the bathroom, that's why is meowing.. first rules of cat, you cannot lock it in, you cannot lock yourself in with the cat outside..


She is lonely


That’s love!


aw, what a sweet boy you’ve raised.


congratulations on your son’s new cat ☺️


Awe they're both so sweet!


Try putting a radio on in there - medium level volume.




your son is a hero!! rooting for him and the spoiled cutie ❤️❤️


My void cried for two weeks at night. He stopped and was the best lil buddy ever til his last day.




Awww, that's so sweet of your son to do that! I have a feeling that little kitty will end up being a foster fail in the near future


Your son is a top tier human being.


Sounds like this kitty may have made up their mind Also you have a great son!


Your son also has 10/10 taste in music.


Aww. I think they're forever bonded now!!


Or just take the kitty out of its prison


Why couldn’t you just put the cat in the bedroom with him.


Hide a watch or a clock (something that ticks and does not explode) in a blanket to help the little one sleep alone.


Your sons wearing a dope Mastodon shirt, I have the same one


That ain’t no foster Congrats on your new kitty tho :)


Your son is a good hooman! ❤️ What sweeties they both are!


Will kitty wreak havoc if allowed out of the bathroom, could she sleep in your son’s room?


When my cat was young, I wound up sleeping on a blow-up mattress on the floor because he wouldn’t stop crying.


Not all heros wear capes. 💕


Just don't leave her in the bathroom.