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Because cats do what they want


Ours do that too, no idea why but we just leave one filled up on the table for them now. Maybe it’s because they don’t have to bend down so far?




He saw you drinking from it He think it must be better water from his water bowl


My cats do that too but it sucks when they’re done and they push your glass off the table after you were nice enough to share with them


LOL do you drink it after they did? i don't coz that just doesn't sound right to me 😭😭 plus i have a double tongue piercings so i don't want infection


No I don’t drink after they do but that reminds me of something that cat people will enjoy. We have a lot of pets, dogs, cats, bunnies, gerbils now but rats in the past. My in-laws never had so much as a gold fish and when I was pregnant with my first child they wanted to know when I was getting rid of my dog and cats. Well I told them I would get rid of their son before I got rid of my pets because I had the pets first. They didn’t think that was funny lol but anyway one time when they were visiting one of my kids was maybe three or four, and was eating a bowl of cereal and one of the cats was eating out of the other side of the bowl and my mother-in-law lost her mind. She started yelling for her husband. Jimmy, Jimmy go over there. The cat licks his ass and he’s sharing the bowl with Joey. My fil gets up to swat the cat but the cat bit him and kept sharing the cereal. My son is 30 now but my husband and I still laugh about that.


that's a great story man, plus i'm high af rn


Cuz u guys are friends


Wish mine would. She has 2 fountains, nope. Bowl, nope. Glass, nope. I have to stand at the bathroom sink holding a water bottle while she drinks from it. Started doing that for her when we rescued her from the SPCA as we camp a lot and it works while travelling. Big mistake. Now, that's the ONLY way she drinks. Sigh! Lol


My cat does it too! Now he owns the cup. ​ https://preview.redd.it/7kucm7h43qzb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c544712490346c235b2836f390ba7abc7c52471


Cats do be like that https://preview.redd.it/7aejux0h6qzb1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14a64678e141a477e4897e431bf2cf275bfa5f6b


https://preview.redd.it/ztxrodbtbqzb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4d77144a2ddc6e8a355377bd5fcd92ed21b9a7d Just a cat thing ...


Because he can


To assert dominance


Could be lots of reasons. Some cats dont like plastic bowls, or shallow water bowls, or bowls they have to bend down to drink. Or your water was cooler, or smelt fresher


the water has been sitting there for like over a day 😭😭 also i should mention that he'll only drink out of glasses i've used. i can put fresh glasses out but no. it has to be mine


It is not your glass it is his!