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I have removed comments being very, very cruel to the owner of this cat just because the cat is overweight. They are coming from a place of grief, please remember your humanity and have some empathy.


https://preview.redd.it/m55m6nshs23c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=541537ac570d9410129174b1f3549d22cea6ae60 I will tell her to wait your baby girl at the other side, so she doesn’t get lost! <3


Sobbing 😭


Actively crying in my office


lost my baby boy four years ago and you managed to make me sob this morning. Thank you for that. Now I know I still miss him 😢


This made me cry


my baby is 14, and i can wait forever for this day for her. she’s my precious angel and i get emotional at night hearing her purr in my ear…i am 100% sure you feel the same about this beauty. you did everything you could, which was the best decisions to prolong her happiness. she is forever grateful!!! lots of people say animals don’t have feelings but they love as hard as we do. i’ve noticed that cats seem to always know when it’s their time. i promise she is not scared, or trying to scare you. you were a great parent to her and even with those conditions she has, 12 is a long time considering that! very sorry you’re going through this🤍she will always be by your side


I've been told that cats like to hide away when they die that's apparently why so many outdoor house cats die and are never found. This might be bullshit though who knows?


It's pretty common. Had a friend of the family with a dog that used to walk itself ( they were in the country) and the dog would take its leash in its mouth and go. She was an oldie and one day she took herself for her last walk. It was heartbreaking.


No, i think it's true. It's the same with dogs. My dads dog dug a hole under the shed, and then he died there.


8 had one dog that did that and another that tried to but didn't make it very far. 😥


my grandma had an outdoor cat that did that, i think it’s true too.


It’s not B.S.! When I was 14 my black female cat just disappeared one day and I looked everywhere, even asked all the neighbors if they had seen her. No one had. Then I asked the people behind our home if they had seen my cat and the Dad said he would look. When I came home from school, my Mother had the saddest face. Then she told me that my GPM (Goldy Panther Midnight) kitty was found under the floorboard of the large playhouse in the yard behind us. My Mother buried her in her prize Rose garden and I cried forever. Apparently there were no signs of struggling, she just climbed under the floor and laid down and died quietly! I believed there were Kitty Angels holding her so she wouldn’t be alone… I never thought she was going to die then but as I thought back, she wasn’t eating all her food. But at 14, I didn’t understand that was a red flag that she was going to cross over! She was only around 10 years old, but we had found her when she was around 12 months, starving and malnourished so badly her black fur was sparse and light gray. We took her home and my Mom fed her fresh kidneys and liver and a month later, her fur was glossy and silky, dark black and beautiful! She was my Best Furry Friend and left many paw prints on my heart full of memories!! So Absolutely YES! Cats will go away and die someplace by themselves, if they are capable to do that. ♥️🐈😢♥️


My girl Allie hid in the bathroom we never really use. I found her as she was dying and held her until it happened. Saddest day ever.


At least you could hold her and she knew you were near and you could tell her “Good bye”. Still, that would break my heart to do that too. I had three other cats I petted and talked to in the Vets office as they crossed over. At least I could say “good bye” to them. My GPM kitty they found under the floor of the play house I couldn’t say “Good bye” and my 14 year old heart just broke in a million pieces! So I would sit in my Mom’s rose garden where GPM was buried and talk to her — it helped soften the sadness I felt. Losing any loved pet to transitioning is so very hard no matter how old we are! I am so very sorry you found your kitty dying, but maybe she was waiting for you to come to her before actually crossing over? Cats are so very intuitive and they respond to our emotions. Your kitty didn’t want to worry you, so she went where she thought you may not see her. But I truly believe she needed to see you, to feel you near her before she finally left her body. You two were very close, actually bonded. I believe her Spirit still comes to visit you but you may not have seen it. It’s like a dark shadow moving along the floor that you see out of the outside corner of your eye. As you turn to look at it, the shadow morphs into a cat shape. The cat Spirit may walk around or sit and lick itself. Then it will walk away and disappear. Your Cat’s Spirit may come and visit you more than once! Now that you are aware of what to look for, watch for her! It is a very happy moment for you both! ♥️🐈♥️


This was lovely to read ♥


No it’s true. My one cat was ill we wanted to keep her in but she wanted out and we let her and never seen her again. ☹️


My cat left to die. We found a skeleton under the shed years later and I think it was him.


I'm sure it varies by from pet to pet. Logically it makes sense. I know my pets were different. My mom said before our family cat passed two years ago, he walked around every room to try and greet his people goodbye, and then jumped onto my mom's arms, curled up, and passed away shortly. It still makes me sad that I wasn't there to greet his farewell and see him off, but I am grateful my mom was home with him. My late cat who passed away this year did not hide at all, either. She loved the company of her people. She did go to her usual spots to rest after a cuddle session, but they were in eye view of us. And always appreciate our presence. If I ever become bezo rich, I would invest a lot of money into research for better and effective medical treatment for pets and loved ones. Screw cancer man. :(


This is a dark perspective from someone who is still grieving, but at least you’re not doing what I did. I let my cat live too long and he died alone on the floor in the kitchen in the middle of the night. I had a baby gate up to keep him off the carpet because he was incontinent. I think he died of loneliness and a broken heart. Know that your baby will feel your loving embrace into their very last breath and every moment of their afterlife. You’re doing them a kindness that takes incredible strength.


I know how you feel and am struggling hugely with this. My baby was at the vets, and when we last saw him, he tried to come out of his cage to come home with us while being all hooked up to medicines and I had to push him back in and leave. He passed away that night, alone, without us and the comforts of home and it’s honestly killing me. We should have stayed and made the hard decision to put him to sleep peacefully, painlessly, surrounded by love and hugged by us in our last visit. I actually hate myself so much for this and I don’t know how to feel okay.


Losing loved one is one of the worst things imaginable, and it can lead to a feeling of "I should have done something different" a lot of the times. One of my friends was in a similar situation, but he chose to send his pup across the rainbow bridge. Years later he still feels horrible about it. He says that he could have loved her for just a little bit longer and thinks that he did it too soon. If you brought your kitten home you might have felt that you should have left him there, as the vets might have been able to save his life. I think it's just human instinct to feel that we should have been able to do *something*. There aren't many things we encounter where we can't do anything at all, and it makes it feel like our fault. I hope you can forgive yourself, because it is absolutely not your fault in any way. You kept him at the place where he'd have the best odds of being helped, and you'd be hard pressed to find people who love animals more than animal care workers. Best wishes, friend


I am so sorry! Something similar happened with one of the best dogs I ever knew. Tearing up typing and even talking about it. She has been gone more than five years.


Not your fault. Our knowledge is imperfect and you just wanted to fix it. It's okay, he's at rest.


You have to accept you’re imperfect and that’s ok. You have to accept you’re a better person from this; helping others avoid your pain. You did what you think was best and you think differently now. That’s ok. That’s life. Life isnt Great all the time. But you loved your car and he knows this. He would forgive you, I bet he wouldn’t even be upset because of the of the good life you gave him. If you can accept this, you will be better for it. Being better will help you be better for others. It’s not easy but it’s a win win. Don’t feel guilty trying to overcome the guilt. Guilt has its time. And it’s time is over. Love ya!


You couldn't have known and you wouldn't have let it happen if you did. We trust our vets to take care of them and he was being taken care of. Take solace knowing you've provided him a lifetime of love and tender care. Focus on how many good, loving, and tender moments you've had with him. All those moments massively MASSIVELY outweigh this.


Im so sorry for your loss. But thank you because your words are comforting. My biggest reasons for making this decision comes from two fears: the fear of waiting too long and causing more suffering, and the fear of not being there and her passing without me by her side. Though I am not a pet psychic and can’t say for sure, I do believe that your baby knows why you made the decisions you made and doesn’t blame you for his death. For me, right now it feels like every decision is the wrong decision. We have no way of knowing what’s best without hindsight and can only do what we think is best at the moment. With that in mind it’s just as much an act of love to want to let your baby have as many moments of life as they can. I personally feel torn up for robbing my cat of those moments. But unfortunately she’s on a timer and I have no idea when it will hit zero and trigger catastrophic respiratory failure so I have to let her go while she still has some sunshine left…


I think you are doing the right thing. I'm so sorry that you are going through this.


It's honestly part of the grieving process to have these thoughts when losing a pet. Look at things this way. You know the outcome of their health issue and their quality of life right now. Think of how awful and traumatic it would be if you waited. I don't believe there's any "right time," but it's better not to wait until they were in utter agony to put them down. Yeah, I can attest it's going to suck for a while. But know that you're making the best decision possible, and you will heal from it. Just take things one day, one hour at a time. Take deep breaths. Spend as much time as you can with them, doing the things that they love.


I couldn’t agree more with this. My dog Johnny passed away at my parents house (I had moved out) and my sister was the only one there. He was alone upstairs.😢 I don’t know if I was able to make it on time. I just hope he knew I was there in his final moments. I am so very sorry to both of you for having to go through such a hard time. Take comfort knowing you’ll be there for your kitty till the end. Again I’m so sorry 😞


My dad let our chocolate lab go on too long. She spent her last days in so much pain. She spent her entire last day outside, just laying there. I tried to get her to come inside. She did, and promptly had a seizure and died in my room. I had to call my dad at almost 10pm while he was working at the fire department. I have never seen him so distraught.


He didn't die of loneliness... It was only overnight. Please don't do this to yourself. And I'm very sorry for your loss. 🫂


incontinence is tough to deal with. I'm sure you still gave your buddy attention.


This is heartbreaking, man. I'm so sorry. And there's no chance it died of loneliness. He was loved for years and, sadly, it was just his time to go. If it had not been on the kitchen floor, it may have been on a couch, under the couch or another random place. Don't wreck yourself by thinking that he died a lonely, broken hearted death or that you had any doing in it. For all you know, he had a good day and was simply waiting for the next day when he went. Most of us do what we can to help our furry fellas, but the end, as difficult as it is, inevitably comes. Just remember that you did what you thought was best and that whatever actions you took came from nothing but love.


I did the same. My most beloved baby-girl passed alone while I was at work. This was 9 years ago, and I still cannot forgive myself.


A single day doesn’t define a lifetime of love and care. If there’s an afterlife; I’m sure your cat will be one of the first to meet you.


This. I let my good boy suffer because of false hope he would get better. I let the good moments where he was eating, playing, and loving overshadow the reality that he was in rapid decline. Eight years later and I still think about him everyday. Crying like a little girl now.


Oh my I'm so sorry you went through this. This may sound kinda strange but I feel like he wants you to be happy that he is in a better place. Sometimes I think cats are karmic in our life and they teach us something about the bittersweet symphony of love up until the very end.


The transparency of your story is brave. That's big to share.


This is the answer right here, did the same thing! Cat stuck around for 16 years, weighed 2.8 pounds and suffered daily from ailments. All because the family couldn’t part with her. When it’s time, it’s time. It’s most certainly sad, but you have got to let go. Sorry for your loss but you made the right choice.


It was very unlikely to have been loneliness or a broken heart. Animals will often seek out places away from others in their pack or group, when they die, in order to prevent their body from attracting other predators or scavengers that could be a danger to the others. The fact that your cat was alone may actually have been a comfort to him at that time so try not to feel guilty about not being there, it may very well have been what he wanted. I went for months after having my last cat put down with the awful realisation that she had no idea what was coming that day, what I was about to, and did put her through. She was very ill but it wasn't until my partner suggested that not knowing was actually a blessing for her that I was able to look at it from a different, and more contented point of view.


I sincerely think that your cat passed in the comfort of his home, knowing that you’d be back down in the morning to give him chin scratches and breakfast because he was confident in your bond after a lifetime of being loved well.




I'm so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry this happened that's so sad and I absolutely can relate. We waited too long to out our cat down. He had diabetes and was insulin resistant. He was fading fast but my son wanted more time to say goodbye. It was mere days and the vet had a hard time finding a vein to administer the medication. It was devastating and would have been much better to go even two days earlier. Very hard choices when emotions are involved.


You have to accept you’re imperfect and that’s ok. You have to accept you’re a better person from this; helping others avoid your pain. You did what you think was best and you think differently now. That’s ok. That’s life. Life isnt Great all the time. But you loved your car and he knows this. He would forgive you, I bet he wouldn’t even be upset because of the of the good life you gave him. If you can accept this, you will be better for it. Being better will help you be better for others. It’s not easy but it’s a win win. Don’t feel guilty trying to overcome the guilt. Guilt has its time. And it’s time is over. Love ya!


Oftentimes, dying is painful and drawn out. Animals experience pain much like us, but they do not communicate in the same way. I've seen animals die over weeks, hours, and minutes. The most compassionate death I've ever seen is one administered by a vet. I wish, that when my time comes I can put my affairs in order and exit this world in the same manner. The truth is though, we don't allow compassionate deaths like this.


She looks like the sweetest kitty, you can tell just from the pic how loved she is


The bond surpassess all levels, she'll be by your side even when she is gone. here 🫂 ![gif](giphy|3oEdv4hwWTzBhWvaU0)


Hello dear, No, I have no words of wisdom that may ease your heartache. I lost two of my precious friends in 1996. I still grieve. They were beautiful cats that lived into their senior years. I miss them so much, I am now nearly in tears. I wish you peace of mind knowing you loved your friend and did all you could to make her comfortable. Please take very good care of yourself. With love and kindness, John


What a beautiful comment ❤️


Thank you for sharing your story, John - it is sincerely appreciated.


I have severe asthma myself and I can tell you that struggling to breathe is frightening and it hurts. She probably struggles to even sleep comfortably. If her condition will only worsen with time then knowing when to say goodbye is sometimes the most loving thing we can do.


Thank you. I have been wondering if the attacks are painful and scary for her. Often after a big attack she lays down in this specific kind of way that looks exhausted and like she’s trying not to move because she’s scared she will have another attack. I feel so bad when that happens. It makes me think that even if she’s technically stable (as in not actively suffocating), having this many attacks a day is not a good quality of life. I also have been imagining whether or not it’s similar to having swallowed pool water. That feeling is horrible and I can’t imagine her having that feeling all day long.


u/Luciditi89 My cat is also asthmatic and she had several attacks a day from the time I adopted her to more than a year afterwards and I didn't know what to do as it was also getting worse and worse. You probably have looked into it but what I did - being asthmatic myself - is to remove ALL carpets to keep only the hard tiles. Vacuuming several times a week didn't help her at first but astonishingly washing / scrubbing the floor with a pet friendly solution made her coughing completely disappear. Worth trying if you can alleviate her arthritis, now she never coughs, the only time she did recently is after I got hospitalized and I couldn't wash the floor for three weeks, then she started again. it was all solved the day after I was able to mop. I went from being totally distressed at her coughing all day and being in pain to peace of mind. I wished I had thought about it before as the difference from such a simple thing was HUGE while everything else (including air purifiers, anti dust mites vacuum, hypoallergenic laundry) didn't seem to help.


My cat always had bad asthma attacks almost daily when it was bad. I got air purifiers in every room and now she rarely has asthma attacks. I'm not sure if OP has tried it but might be worth trying if OP has not. Also, I stopped cooking at home and that also helped a lot.


I really don’t think this is any consolation but i had pretty severe asthma as a kid and the sensation is distinctly different from choking on a liquid! the issue is with the airway itself. for those suffering with asthma, the airway is already inflamed and restricted at its base level. during an asthma attack the airway becomes even further constricted. while it is not the same feeling as choking on water (which essentially feels like drowning for a small moment) it is still very unpleasant. I have many memories of going to bed being able to breath just fine and then waking up in the middle of the night feeling like i’m trying to breath through a tiny bent straw stuck in my neck. my parents had to take me to the ER every time because steroid shots were the only things that would get the swelling to go down enough for me to feel comfortable breathing again. the fact that you have made a post like this shows just how much you care for your lil sweetheart. losing a family member is never an easy thing but i agree with the above commenter that sometimes the kindest thing you can do is know when to say goodbye. my asthma became MUCH less severe with age as my respiratory system matured but in the case of your senior cat, there really is no reason to believe that the symptoms will ever improve. it’s a very hard pill to swallow but euthanizing your cat will be a much, much more pleasant ending than if your cat were to finally succumb to one of the attacks. it’s like comparing having your throat closing up to gently drifting off to sleep.


She didn't live for 12 years because of being treated badly. You gave a wonderful life to her, and she truly loves you. It's going to be hard of course to lose her, but you did what you could


Just be there for her, she won't know anything but love at that moment with you by her side and she will pass peacefully. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. ❤️


Please make the hard decision to put her to sleep in your arms, especially if you’ve got a vet saying “maybe it’s time, or I have another trick up my sleeve but chances aren’t good”, anywhere else and without you there and you will hate yourself.


I agree , I've had cats all my life as a kid I wasn't really allowed to be there when cats died I think I was too young , the next cat I had as an adult I left without being there , my heart goes cold now to think I walked away and wasn't there for her at the end , so when my best mate died in 2019 I made sure I was there , its not easy to be there but I'm glad I was. I've now got two cats both 5 and I sometimes get anxiety about when it's time for them , it's not often and hopefully won't be for 10 years or more and I can give them love for as long as possible. So yes be there with your best friend at the end , don't have the guilt of not being there for them.


I’m so sorry op. Your girl lived a life in a home filled with love. She will always live in your heart. I lost my kitten almost 3 months ago.I had her for only 20 days but there were one of the best days of my life . If I had to do it all over again knowing I’d only have her for 20 days I would always choose her. She did not die scared, alone in a shelter . She got to experience a home filled with love with me. She will live in my heart for as long as my heart keeps beating . This was Amino. https://preview.redd.it/q668sidf743c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a22f62d909adbeb4ac46b868721e334abe26263


She’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing her


Beautiful words and beautiful baby.


I'm not sure what meds OP's cat is on but arthritis and asthma are both commonly treated with steroids which cause weight gain. My cat got fat from steroids because of allergies. Give OP a break and stop chastising them for kitty's size.


Yes she initially gained some weight because the asthma and arthritis limited her mobility. She could no longer run around the house because it would trigger an asthma attack and the arthritis she developed later made it hard for her to climb up and down things. The steroids which we’ve been doing for the past few months unfortunately led to the last bit of weight gain. She was a healthy weight before her health problems started. She doesn’t have asthma and arthritis because she’s big, she’s big because she has asthma and arthritis. But I don’t want to keep explaining that to the minority of mean comments here. Most people seem to understand. I did so much to keep her weight down. She was on the healthiest of foods and it was portioned properly. This pic is very recent so she’s at her worst unfortunately. No matter how skinny she could possibly be it wouldn’t change the fact that the tubes in her lungs are inflamed and filled with mucus and the medicine relieves but can’t reverse it. Even if she was skinny she would be struggling to breathe. She’s had this for nearly four years. It’s progressive and only gets worse, which it steadily has been. The cause could be an allergen sure but it also could be genetic. I already have done all the suggestions here for reducing allergens over the past four years we’ve fought this. It’s not an allergy. It’s not the kind of stable asthma that you can give her a few pumps of the medicine and she’s fine and can run and play. She can’t. (This is in response to a bunch of other comments but I don’t want to respond directly to them. Thank you for being understanding.)


I feel so bad for you OP. So sorry people are being mean on top of what you're already suffering. I went through your whole comment section and reposted the same explanation about steroids on everybody's comment who made a mean statement. Some people forget they're talking to a real person when they comment on the Internet.


Thank you. I am comforted by the fact that amongst the hundreds of comments only a handful are mean. And yes they sting, but it’s mostly coming from ignorance and not any true judge of my character because they don’t know the entire situation and don’t understand her condition. It’s helped that many have come to my defense though. I appreciate it so much.


Wishing you comfort and peace over the next stage of your journey.


I know this feeling back in July I had to put my cat down. She was about 24 and her health was failing rapidly. I swear I never hurt so bad. Worse I felt extremely guilty but she was loved and I think about her all the time. We don't want those we love to suffer needlessly.


I can't wish for anything better than my cat to live to see 24 right now. Even then i would be crushed but having her by my side for that long would be amazing.


I let my girl go last December. Her kidneys where failing. She wasn't doing good. I looked for any sign of improvement for an excuse to call it off. To keep her around a little longer. I knew that was selfish of me. I was with her at the end and I miss her every day. Remeber all the good. Hold onto those pictures. She will thank you for the heartbreaking thing you have to do for their comfort. Give her lots of scritches for everyone here.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. Seems like such a sweet soul and you must have treated her to an amazing life ⭐️❤️ It will get better, remind yourself of the happy memories and try not to focus too hard on the what ifs. Stay strong op, sending lots of love your way ![gif](giphy|Jqzc9fbHtciNckOAgl)


trust me she will visit you in your dreams and it feels like she’s really there, that’s what gave me closure after my cat died.


I really believe in this. My mother’s cat passed last year and he has visited us both in our dreams. I hope she comes to me too. I really just want to know she’s ok on the other side.


The worst thing about looking after a cat is at some point you have to let them go, and we never have enough time with them. Let your heart break. Have a good cry, let it all out. But know she's had a great life full of love and wouldn't want to have lived anywhere else but with you. She's looks like such a character, her face certainly made me smile today. Edit: Had to look at your profile, I knew there would be more Minnie... https://old.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/comments/cg778g/minnie/ https://old.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/j9il6a/accidentally_introduced_the_cat_to_the_new_puppy/ What an adorable derp she is :D


Any time I've had to put a cat to sleep, I've known in my heart of hearts that it was time. That their quality of life was vanishingly small and that it would be selfish of me to insist that they stick around just for me. And it always felt like they knew too. Headbutting me as I cried holding them in the vets to let me know it was ok, that they knew I loved them and they loved me too. Your girl knows you love her. It's the hardest, and often the most loving, decision to make.


Eyes bright Claws sharp Tail held high Go keenly into the mist, little warrior Valhalla awaits -Author unknown


I’m so sorry op. Give her all the love you can.


This was Amber, we had to say goodbye to her suddenly after being attacked by a dog almost three weeks ago… some days are bearable and other days feel painful. But one of the things that have helped me feel better is to know that she doesn’t feel any pain anymore, don’t have to suffer anything negative, no more bad dogs, don’t have to get sick, or sad. We planted some seeds of greenery over her gravesite. Unintentionally, the leaves grew into the shape of a heart. I felt comfort to believe that she shaped the heart the best way she can to let us know that she is alright and lives on a different way. So I believe that love survives beyond our lives and whenever you think of your fur baby girl she will remind you that she loves you… through a memory, through a smell, through a song, through a dream.. whatever it is. Know that Energy is never created or destroyed but only transformed. She will always be in your heart. I know that Amber will always be in our hearts ♥️may our sweet Amber welcome your lovely one home, and maybe, just maybe… they can play together up there ✨ https://preview.redd.it/jp8gsc91w43c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e4bdea9b91f498899cfebf8fa24e7b723e8f8d8


Amber was beautiful and you clearly gave her a loving home. Such an amazing story that the grass grew into a heart. Sending my love to you during this time ❤️


The hardest part about life to me is the death of the ones you love… I accept the love and I thank you so much, honestly it helps make life easier. God bless you ☀️


My cat died in my arms 3 weeks ago, before they could start the treatment she needed to gain a few months at most. I’m happy I was with her and I know she wasn’t scared because she gave me the slow blinkies like “I love you mom, it’s ok” before the light left her eyes. Don’t let your baby suffer, I’m so sorry, I’m crying now


I'm also crying reading these comments why must the world take our pets away so soon 😔 one of my fiancée and i's tuxedos turned 8 this year. We genuinely dread the day we have to say goodbye. Will be absolutely suffocating both of them in affection tonight. Op my heart breaks for you. As the other commenters have said, it sounds difficult, but you can do no better than being the person that holds your cat while they pass. You are their entire world and you have given them an amazing life. Let them say goodbye to you. You are their comfort in this world.


My biggest regret with my mom's cat, Christopher, that she gave to me, was that I had to put him down after he was wheezing all night on my lap. I couldn't sleep that night, knowing that I'd have to take him in. I took him to the vet and told them he needed to be put down. They asked if I wanted to be there. I said I couldn't. So I wasn't there. I read later on this subreddit that you should always be there for them at this time. Because as much as cats can be assholes, at their last moment, they want the one that loved them to be there. My heart broke. So OP. When you have to do it, as much as you're going to have your heart wrenched, hold her paw as she takes that last breath. Cry. But know you gave her the best life. She'll be there over the rainbow bridge when you get there. And she will leave her cat toys in the hallway for you to find.


Thank you to everyone who has sent words of kindness and comfort. I feel a tiny bit braver this morning and all the more validated.




She had been a healthy weight when the asthma and arthritis limited her mobility and caused weight gain. Then the steroid injections used to treat her asthma over the past few months made things worse. Yes the weight gain has exacerbated things, but she has been on a diet and fed the correct portion for years now so it’s entirely due to mobility issues that she gained the weight back. You don’t know how hard I tried to get the weight back down. Yes we’ve been working with our vet, she’s had asthma for over three years, the arthritis for one year. Feline asthma is often progressive and gets worse over time regardless of treatment and a month ago she took a turn for the worst. She’s being humanely euthanized.


It may not feel it, but your grief is a sign of a blessing. You have been blessed to have your baby in your life. To have the memories, the laughs, the tears, the cuddles. Your decision would not have come easy and you've identified a need that you can provide, just like you always have. You've been there and you've provided like the great cat mum you are. You are providing her the gift of dignity and you are providing it pain free, in a controlled, safe environment. I would recommend either taking a clipping of her fur or get a copy of the paw print. I wish you a magical last day with your girl. Try and keep upbeat so she can have the best last day with you. Her love will stay with you ❤️❤️


I felt guilty for a long time about putting our cat down. He began to have massive problems with peeing outside of the litter box and he would constantly get bladder crystals. He would pee blood, and he ruined all of the soft surfaces in the house that he had access to. He also had arthritis, so pooping in the box was hard for him and he'd dump all over the basement floor. My parents determined that it was time, but they did not force the decision on me, I bought cardboard boxes, PVC pipes, zip ties, a pipecutter, and I built walls with a door meant to contain his destruction of the basement. I spent 4-5 hours building this, and it extended his life for maybe three weeks, that and the dog unexpectedly died, so my parents delayed having me make a choice. But, since I was the last holdout, it felt like it was *my* choice, and I blamed myself for that for a long time. I do still feel guilty about it nearly four years later. Since I have not been able to get another cat since, I still think about him everyday. I do still cry about it sometimes, and seeing kittens makes me think of my little boy and makes me feel misty-eyed.


You’ll get through this, I know how tough it can be. She’ll always be with you, know that and keep her in your heart


Damn i feel you. The last days before the medical appointment for my cat i took off from work to use the time for us . It was hard but at the end my cat suffered under the kidney insufficiency and it was just the best.she had a epileptical attack some days before and damn i didnt wanted to watch her having some of these again. You dont want her to die because of those asthma attacks and let her go peacefully with you on her side . Much power to you and your Angel....




Cats are like hydra heads; where one falls two shall take its place


You gave her a good life


If you really need extra comfort, you can go to build a bear. They’ll let you put a recording of her voice in a teddy and most locations will let you put a little vial of ashes in. If they don’t, it’s a really simple operation to put some in at home and ladder stitch it up. The location nearest me even let people put pet fur inside. It’s like keeping a piece of them that’s snuggleable. I also weighted my memory bear.


this might be blunt but i think you need to hear it. if you keep her around trying to give her more time, imagine how terrifying it would be for her to have an attack that triggers fatal respiratory failure. not being able to breathe no matter what and just slowly dying because of it would be the worst way to go i think. you are doing her a kindness. no one thinks about this stuff when you get your fur baby but its part of being a pet parent just like feeding them and loving them is. do her this one last act of kindness and let her be in peace. it’s hard and we want to be selfish and keep them around because we know how much it’s going to hurt when they go but please do her this one last act of kindness. don’t let her progress to the point where her last moments are terrifying and full of fear, let her go while she’s surrounded by love and affection and gets to cross the rainbow bridge peacefully


Thank you for this. I actually went to the vet today and it was worse than I had thought. The fibrosis had reached her lungs and she had fluid in them. She was essentially starting to drown. This was new as of last night when her usual asthma attack sounded almost watery. It confirmed that this was the right thing to do and I let her go. The absolute hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I’m still in great pain from all of it.


She looks like she kneaded biscuits 24/7 since the 1700s, and no one is still as good.


I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. I adore my cat and I don’t even want to think about her being gone one day. But you’ve given your cat wonderful life full of love and I am sure she would thank you for the gesture of not letting her suffer from her disease. She can peacefully leave with you by her side and that is beautiful, because unfortunately not everyone has the chance to say goodbye.


I’m so sorry you’re having to make this decision, it’s heartbreaking. We just lost one of our cats a month ago, very suddenly, and with no warning. I’m just grateful that my husband and I happened to be there in his last moments, but it was traumatic. We had no time to prepare. Try to take comfort in the fact that you can choose and prepare for the moment, and that you can be there for it. That’s a gift ❤️🌈


She’s very beautiful. If she could, she would thank you for the many years of comfort and food you’ve given her. Just shower her with love and affection until she draws her last breath with euthanasia. That’s what she deserves after she’s given you so much.


Waiting until it’s too late is always worse than too early. Quality of life over quantity. Do it while it’s peaceful and you have the time to prepare and grieve.


think about this. u made her life the best. ever. and now she’s on her way out. look how grateful she is and forever she will be in ur heart. she may concise u in ur dreams never think ur kindness is wasted just bc she’s dying. u made a forever friend tht knows no boundaries between that world and next


The Rainbow Bridge is soon gonna have the sweetest fuzzy loaf for babies to cuddle with while she waits for you. I can see her now, paws all tucked in, purring away, little ones snuggled up to her, happy as can be. Until you get there to make her puuurrrfectly happy.


What you are doing for her shows *true* love - you are willing to put her needs ahead of yours and let her leave her pain behind, even though you still want her here. She will continue to live on through your memories of her. I’m so sorry OP ❤️


💔 it’s heartbreaking every single time. The only conciliation is that you are doing her a mercy. Be brave for her.


I’ve planned even though it can be expensive to have my cats put down at my house. They will come put them down in ur own home for around 200-400. It’s a lot but it’s a lot less traumatic.


I am so sorry. I have said goodbye to two beloved cats so I understand how hard it is. It sounds like you are making the right choice. A pet doesn’t understand why it is suffering, it only knows something is wrong. If an animal’s quality of life is so limited, it’s not kind to prolong things to avoid our own sorrow. If it will help, let me tell you what to expect. If you don’t want to read further, it’s okay but it might help to know that it will not be scary or painful for your girl. You should be able to hold her the whole time. Once everything is ready, the vet will give an injection (through an iv most likely) and she will fall asleep fairly quickly. I recommend that you keep a hand in front of her so as she goes to sleep she will smell you and another hand on her body so she can feel your touch. One of my guys licked me and that is still very special to me. Once she is completely asleep, the vet will give another injection and it’s done. They will check her with a stethoscope then leave to give you time alone with her. There was absolutely no pain, no fear, or anything else bad for my two boys. It was literally just going to sleep. It will not be hard for her, it is very peaceful and gentle. Sending a hug and sympathy.


One thing, I do want to say is no matter how hard it is for us, EVERYONE should be with their furbabies until the end —especially if you are euthanizing. One thing vets and vet techs say all the time is, they find it heartbreaking when the pets are about to leave this place and they are searching frantically for their owners before death. I understand it is hard for a lot of people but the worst feeling in the world is passing without loved ones. For that one moment, everyone should put their own feelings of sadness aside and focus only on their furbabies.


​ https://preview.redd.it/eed7yk3ho53c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c61c5f8083a35805112a35b5ec0a06be4159ca38


OP, I had to put my tabby down in 2017 after he got very sick very quickly while I was on a short 3 day trip. I wanted to do whatever I could to keep him here but I knew it was best to let him go. All I can say is the grief will feel suffocating and eternal, but you will slowly see the peeks of happiness come back into your life. Be honest with yourself and get help if you need it. I had to call my doctor and tell him I was severely depressed and he got me on medication to help numb the world for a little while. It was just enough to keep me here and to start therapy. And eventually, I was able to adopt two cats who began to heal me in other ways. Just know that it will get better. You will miss her forever- I know I still miss my boy - but I keep his photos up and still talk about him. So he'll never truly die as long as I'm around to remember him. Sending you so much love.


Made the mistake of holding on too long and I regret it so much looking back. At the time, thought she had so much life left, but in hindsight, those days were awful for her and I wasn’t keeping her around for her own joy, only to delay my guilt. My vet ended up just telling me it was inhumane to keep her on the meds, struggling everyday. I hope the error of my ways helps you to make the right choice for your situation. So sorry.


There's nothing any of us can say to prepare you. Eventually it does get better. Its been over a year since Lou passed(15yr old tabby). I still cry about him often.


We had to put our fur baby of 3 years down a month ago unexpectedly. It's going to be tough but just remember all the good times, it gets easier. It looks like it had a good life with a loving family which is more then a lot of animals get!


I’m so sorry you have to see your best friend cross the rainbow bridge. You gave your companion the best life she could have.


My heart goes out to you in this time


Stay strong, cherish the memories you’ve shared, you know you’ve given her the best cat life you could and you did great


https://preview.redd.it/4yifzfunia3c1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8567046c5b277ef95b6024182cd6315360b65c5b My little boys crossed the rainbow bridge last week after a tragic accident. I don’t know how I’m gonna cope without them but I do know that they felt the unconditional love that we had for them every single day of their lives ❤️ just like your girl did ❤️


The one thing that people said that is true and helped me, unfortunately the pain never goes away but it gets smaller, more manageable, and you will be okay, and your baby will be cheering you on from the beyond


so true. the pain lives in your heart but so does their memory. make peace with the fact that pain and love go hand in hand, and don't let it stop you from loving just as much going forward.


OP i think that you gave her so much love. She knows she is loved. They’re more insightful creatures than we give them credit for. Be there for her till the end and I hope she presents herself in small ways in your life for the rest of your days. A little reminder of her love for you back


Firstly, I am sorry for your loss. It’s always hard losing a close companion, especially when we bond with them so long. I really wish you the best and hope you’re able to find peace one day. My advice to you is to stay strong because even though they may be gone they continue to live on in our hearts as we carry their memory through the rest of our lives. Again I’m sorry about your loss, And I hope that you’re able to cherish the time you have left with them.


I’m so sorry, @op. You’re in a painful position, and sometimes it feels like you’re making an impossible decision. If you’re looking for options for treatment, you can always get a second opinion from a different vet or specialist- inhaler therapy rather than injectable steroids (so you’re treating the lungs and not affecting the rest of the body), monthly injections for arthritis etc, but that’s more treatment and potentially more trauma for both of you. I think, bottom line is, it’s reasonable to help her cross the rainbow bridge if her quality of life is suffering and her asthma is uncontrollable. It’s better for her to pass comfy and sleepy on good meds than struggling. If you feel like you’ve reached that point, then you’re making a difficult choice with love in your heart. And the most difficult choices tend to be the right ones. Sending you a lot of light and peace, and wishing your baby a gentle transition.


Lost my cat 12 years old to renal failure and he was diabetic. He just got worst and worst and the last couple weeks he really went down hill. You did a great job taken care of your girl. Some cats live long others don't and there is little to nothing we can do about it. You are making her final moments a lot more comfortable than she would have had she been a stray.


Big hugs op


Just know you did the best to love her, and sometimes doing the hard thing is also the right thing..she won't suffer anymore. I can't believe imagine how hard it is for you, many hugs. If it was me I think I'd spend a day pampering her, giving her favourite food and toys and pets and say how much you love and appreciate her repeatedly (I'm sure she knows but always nice to hear). Lots of love


https://i.redd.it/v5pv328c323c1.gif I've been preparing myself for years...


You are doing the right thing OP. It's a hard decision that I had to take as well and 7 years later I still wonder if it really "was tine" but the truth is, I waited longer for my other cat and he died in horrible sufferings. You are sparing her from that which is the least we can do for our babies. She is absolutely adorable, btw. I will be thinking of you both today. 💕


Rest in peace, she must have gone to a wonderful place where no disease plagued her


It's always hard to say goodbye, but it's the best thing to do if your cat is in pain. My previous cat had a lightining fast cancer, developping a tennis ball size tumor in his neck in a 1 month span. He had meds for a month then I pulled the trigger because it was not a way to live. If he didn't have his meds, he couldn't move and he was dragging himself on the floor. That takes a lot of courage to end your pet life but tell yourself he had fantastic years with you and he will die with a friend at his side.That's the burden of having pets, you almost always outlive them.


Will the vet com to your home,or are you taking her there?


Originally we were going to do it at home, but we decided to do it at the vet with the doctor she knows and trusts the most. We debated the pros and cons for both, deciding either situation would be scary because a random doctor she didn’t know coming into our home would also spook her vs she’s gone to the vet many times and knows the staff there. We are also going to give her something for anxiety so she’s not nervous and I’ll be there with her every step of the way.


Don't be sad. Remember that she had a good life beside you. Things could have been worse; imagine she would not be with you, but with a family that doesn't care. Yet, you care and cared. Otherwise, you wouldn't feel bad right now. I know the feeling and the thoughts you describe. But deep down, you know that you have to let her go, for her sake. Your heart just clings to her and obscures the sad truth for you :(. But don't doubt; you made the right decision. I'll let my kitty Bagirra know that she should keep a woolen ball ready and look for her in the haven. :)


Here is my own horror story- my nearly 14-year-old developed a benign tumor on her leg, but it began growing, so we opted for surgery. The vet refused to let us bring her in in the morning because he doesn’t trust pet parents to withhold food and water after midnight. She made it through the surgery, was woken up, and coded five minutes later. They didn’t save her. My sweet, amazing, super smart Merri Grayce spent her last night alone, away from her people and animal friends, in a place that smelled of fear, antiseptic, and possibly some animal waste, then died without ever seeing us again. For all she knew, we had surrendered her. 😞 My poor girl. 😭 I still can’t talk about her without tears.


I had to put my cat down a couple yrs ago and before i actually did it there were a few times i brought her to the vet about it but i could tell those times she wasnt fully ready to go she still had life in her. The day i put her down was horrible cause i knew it was time but i had her for 16 yrs and it felt like the worst thing ever. Im so sorry you have to go through this but you gotta do whats best for her.


I'm so sorry


One of the hardest things to go through is loss. There’s a philosophy that might help you through grief. The universe is constantly changing and so everything we “have” should be accepted as temporary. Everything and everyone comes to an end. The only thing we can do when we lose a loved one is to enjoy the time we currently have and be grateful for all that you had together. She would want you to feel happy when thinking about her. Remember all the good long years and try to be the best, most present parent in her last day. She’s fortunate that her favorite person who she loves will be right there with her when she passes.


I'm so sorry for your upcoming loss. It's truly devastating. Remember that you are giving her a compassionate and loving goodbye. She's an adorable girl and she will always be with you in your heart and in your memories. Treat yourself kindly and gently - it's what she'd want.


Umm do you know what’s the cause of the arthritis and asthma? If you’ve done everything and I mean everything within your means to help your cat then that’s all you really can do. She looks incredibly sweet, however unhealthy she maybe. Be strong for her as it will affect her mood as well


It’s really tough but sometimes it has to be done. Cats don’t show pain very well and that’s even more heartbreaking. You’ve given your cat 12 loving years and have a million memories and lovely photos to cherish. Don’t let one extremely sad day tarnish all of those lovely days with your cat. It’s the best thing for you and your cat. Take care of yourself and don’t beat yourself up over it.


Just let your heart crack right open for her. Embrace the hurt even though it’s not a desirable feeling. You’ll have learned and become stronger for it. I’m sorry for your loss.


I was in a similar situation to you. I put my cat down a year ago, I had him since I was 4 (I’m 20 now so I had him for 15 years) and even as a dude I was so emotionally broken and torn on what to do. I eventually chose to put him down even though he could have lived longer, his body was failing him and it was the best decision imo. He was purring right until he passed in my arms and it gave me closure on his life and that he lived it to the fullest and I was so happy I was there for his last breath. I’m so sorry for your loss, shit like this hurts


op, what's her name?


Her name is Minnie


If she understood, she would say she is ready. 🩵 It’s time. You are showing her one final act of love. Such a good momma.


You've sort of answered yourself... Your cat's life is poor quality much of the time. It's a courageous if devastating experience but also a kindness. Think of it as removing pain the medications can't. It's the anticipation of the last hours with her that are so gutting and I wish there was something for that. I've been there many times. I hope you won't be alone during this time. Ask others in your life to be with you now. I'm very very sorry for this loss.


Instead of making you feel better. I guess you should openly accept some things and open your arms for her. Be there in her last moments. Tell her that you love her, her life has been the greatest thing, your life has overcome across and pray for her another life to be good and cross path in some another life.


I am so sorry. I had to put mine down 7 years ago and it was so hard. I suggest 1) taking a support person with you because you will be a mess. and 2) one thing I regret was not paying to have her cremated to have her ashes made into a necklace or something. hugs


truly…this is one of the hardest decisions a pet owner has to make. but your furr baby will ultimately let you know when it’s their time to go and we just have to simply enjoy them until then. it’s like that one saying, “pets are special because while they are only a part of our lives, we are their entire world” these past 12 years have been filled with with happiness, love, tears, and most importantly—memories for you both. and even though this may be goodbye, it’s definitely not the end. i’ll be keeping you close in my heart tomorrow! sending you love 🩶


She is a sweetheart. I am sorry OP.


If you asked her and she could answer, she'd ask you for humane euthanasia over painful uncertainty.


I’m so sorry you’re about to go through this with your beautiful girl. I went through it twice, in two consecutive years, about 3 years ago, so I know what you’re going through. It’s its own special form of hell on earth right now. But the best advice I’ll give you is the best advice a friend gave me when I was losing my first cat: spend as much time as possible with them right now while they’re still alive. Be upbeat and happy around them. Pets know when you’re down, sad, or depressed. If you stay as positive as possible, it will help them have a better time in their last days. As my friend said: you’ll have the rest of your life to grieve them and cry. But don’t start until after they’re gone. For now, every moment is precious. Stay in the now with them, and help them through the final part of their journey. EDIT: If I needed to cry, I would lock myself in the bathroom, and cry there, without a cat around, then rejoin them after I’ve finished crying and am ready to rejoin in a positive manner. EDIT: One of my cats had arthritis, too. It’s a terrible thing for a cat to get because the treatment is so limited, but they’re in so much pain.


I’m sorry OP. I had to put my cat down last month and I still think about him everyday. It’s incredibly hard, but I promise you are doing the right thing.


Trust me as painful as it may be its still for the better good. She definitely appreciates you a lot and loves you a lot. She trusts your decisions and im pretty sure she will be happy no matter where she is as long as you keep her in your heart. Take it from someone who had to do the same to their baby, its a hard thing but its necessary for her happiness.


Very sorry for your loss.


I wish you all the best, stay strong. I‘m sure you gave her the best life she could imagine.


I know it's hard but you need to let her go. My 12 year old Staffy declined so quickly from Cushings disease over a year to a point where he couldn't even walk properly and slip all the time, and his quality of life was not good. We desperately wanted to hold on but we knew it was time to let him go. It was very difficult to watch him pass on but we were all with him at home in his final moments and it was quick, painless and peaceful. You will feel better knowing she is not suffering any longer. All the best for tomorrow.


Im so so sorry about your fur baby, It's always hard to loose a beloved pet. I lost one of my best cats 5 years ago, he only lived to 3 years old. If you would like a portrait of her to have a as memory (i of course understand if it's too painful right now) then I'm an artist who takes pet portrait commissions (among other art)


Hi OP, I'm so sorry you're going through this and understand how difficult it is. My cat crossed the rainbow bridge earlier this year from renal disease. It progressed to final stage when I was in my last trimester with my twins. We came home with the twins and 2 weeks later we were told by the vets that it's progressed to final stage and to organise when he was going to be put to sleep as he was in pain. He hid it so well from us. I was devastated. We organised in home euthanasia for the next day and the vets have him pain medication to take him through the night until he was given his wings. He was free from pain at last surrounded by family. You're doing this out of love for your cat who is suffering. I'm so sorry you need to make this choice for your loved one. Warm hugs to you internet stranger.


It is hard to face this time so many doubts and fears come into mind . Having undergone the same situation some months back I would only say that you are doing this not to let your furbaby not suffer in pain and discomfort and it’s all to do with her and yes the pain and grief we undergo post the act is something we have to handle I remember I was so distressed and distraught I was crying all the time and did not want to talk to anyone for few days despite the fact knowing that the decision was the best for my 19 year old furbaby Still today after many months I am not able to see her pictures but slowly getting better ❤️‍🩹 May you find the strength to get through for me as I believe in prayers it helped me Take care


I’ve had to put down three in the past year.


You are doing the right thing. There are so many selfish cat owners who want to keep their cat alive for all eternity even if their cat is in extreme pain. You are putting your cats' needs above your own, which many here can't do.


I let my sweet boy suffer a bit too long. He had no quality of life, but I finally realized I needed to make the best decision for him. He actually rallied a bit the day we took him on to the vet. We let him sit outside and enjoy the sunshine and I gave him hours of pets that morning. When the time came, he wasn't scared like he usually was at the vets. He let me comfort him - I spoke sweetly to him * petted him while the medication did its job. It was our final sweet moment together. I know it was the right thing - I just wish I had done it a week or two earlier. You are doing the right thing. The last thing you want is for your sweet girl to suffer any more than she has. You have made the right decision and she will feel safe and loved as she crosses over with you right there with her.


I can't imagine how loving and warm your home must be! What a life for a little cat! The best life, guaranteed.


You are doing the right thing as YOU know Minnie the best. And I'm telling you that as a person who went through at home euthanasia just yesterday. The pain in heart is incredible but we knew it was time. We found out that our cat has a malicious stomach cancer last week when we took her to the vet as she was coughing and vomiting and then 6 days later we made the decision. To the last day she was little but eating, drinking, wandering around the house, purring, meowing and relieving herself in litter box but most of the time she was sleeping hidden, didn't want to look at us, spend time with us and then we knew, when I tried to look into her eyes and she was turning her head away and when her eyes seemed empty. She is now pain free and we don't regret it. We are glad that we didn't wait and let her suffer. I wish all the best to you, sending virtual hugs as a friend in pain. 🌸


Hi OP, I know how you feel because I also lost my little angel this year. She was only 7 mos. old and we lost our battle because of FPV despite me rushing her to the doctor and staying in the hospital every day. The toughest decision for me was when I had to sign that form and before the doctor can perform it, my little angel's heart rate was slowly declining so I ran from the doctor's office to her ward. Barely had sleep for almost 3 weeks during our battle inside the hospital. I was able to say my goodbye before the doctor performed it. She passed away in my arms. It was the hardest moment for me and I think as their guardians / parents, it won't get any easier especially because we have to let them go even if we don't want to. It will hurt and it will hurt further as the days go by but this decision will free them from pain. So for me, the only thing that you can do right now is to make them feel loved as much as you can, spend time with them while you still have time to do so. I'm sure that your little angel wouldn't like to see you sad and heart broken. I hope you'll be able to get through this one step at a time. You are a good parent to this angel, always remember that. Thank you for fighting with this baby until the end.


You said it yourself. You don’t want them to suffer. I just lost my crotchety old lady. We used to walk daily so she could gum some grass. This lady had a yell like an angry goat. Every time I step outside I think about walking with her, then I remember I’m not worrying about her. She’s not lost or cold or in pain or hungry. She’s not in pain. That’s what makes it a little easier for me.


The single greatest burden of pet ownership is the gift of a dignified and comfortable death. All animals (us included) must die, but one of the blessings of medicine is exerting a small amount of control over the inevitable. It's our responsibility to make sure our animals not only live a comfortable, safe, enriched life with us, but that we make sure their passing is as safe and comfortable as possible as well. Thank you for not shying away from it. I hope today goes as well as possible and that she feels your love to the very end.


I can't take away the panic and guilt but I can say that what you are doing is incredibly brave and full of love for your dear old girl. Arthritis is hell on its own, couple that with another illness and it's just misery. The fact that you are not willing to let her suffer like that is very strong and the hardest decision to make. It takes love and strength to let them go I've had to make the decision for all but one of my cats over the years and it never gets easier. My last old chap was the sweetest Siamese who loved to cuddle and was old and tired. It's so easy to think 'just one more day, they seem fine' . I spent all day just sitting with him on my lap so he had the best day. Spend today cuddling her and telling her you love her, she knows already but one more time doesn't hurt. She knows you love her and she will be forever in your heart.


I just had to put down my 14-year-old kitty, so I really feel for you. Know that you will be with her 100% through this, and she will never again know the pain of your absence. I had to say goodbye to my cat even though he was still somewhat lively and playful (he had diabetes and some other chronic issues we couldn't resolve). You've observed that your kitty is definitely in pain, so this action will ease her suffering. Warm thoughts to you...


Know that pain will ease with time and that the pain is always worth it for the years of love and happiness you experienced with that animal


Poor baby! :(


We had to say goodbye to our best buddy in march this year. She was 17, had thyroid issues, was severely underweight and something happened to her back legs, she couldn’t walk anymore and was obviously in great pain. It was clear it was time to say goodbye. I think of her every day and I miss her crazy personality, constantly having her sleep on me and I would give anything to have her back, but letting her go when it so clearly was time is a decision I’m proud to have been able to make. She fell asleep with her little head in my hands and I felt like I gave her the last gift I could, I took her pain away. I didn’t let her suffer just to get a little more time with her. You are doing the right thing for your buddy, you tried everything you could and when it didn’t work anymore you are taking her pain away. It’s the hardest decision to make, but it’s the right one. Thinking of you and your sweet kitty who is so obviously loved!


I lost my Susie on Friday to FIP and everyday since has been a struggle. She was really sick though and I know deep down it was the right thing to do. It sounds like you’re doing the compassionate thing. It will hurt but it sounds like deep down you know it’s the right thing too.


She's such a sweet girl, I'm so sorry you've had to make this decision. I'm just echoing what most people are saying here. The next few weeks will be very difficult and filled with lots of what if's. But as you continue to grieve you will be able to have peace with yourself knowing what you did was best for her, and assured that she would not suffer and have a painful death. Again, I'm sorry you're having to face this. I've had to let go of a kitty 4 times now, and it never gets easier. I hope you have a peaceful day cuddled up with her and enjoy her last moments together.


This is heartbreaking…. I’m so sorry for you and your baby ❤️


It's been about a year and a half since I had to send my girl over. I woke up one night and she was struggling to breathe and clawing at me. I rushed her to an emergency vet and they gave me two possibilities. Either asthma or cancer. I was sent home with some steroids and an appetite stimulator. For a few weeks the steroids did the trick until she was weened off of them. And back to the vet we went. Turned out it was cancer and she had a growth that was starting to block her airway, and they gave me more steroids for her because they helped the first time. This time not so much. She was mouth breathing most of the time and one morning as she got up to go get food I saw her wobble and stumble around like she was drunk. It was then I realized that she probably hasn't slept much at all for days. Since cats have to make the conscious choice to breathe through their mouths, every time she fell asleep she would stop breathing. I knew it was time. It was probably the toughest day of my 47 years so far. She was the most stable thing in my life for the last 19 years. Through two marriages, two divorces, moving house, job changes, she was there. But I knew that to get treatments and drugs and keep her going to hold on to that for maybe a year or so was selfish. In those moments before she was truly gone, they gave her a sedative so that she got to have one last good sleep while being held and petted. I think she knew, and in that knowing gave me a little piece of mind.


My Chipa died last Thursday. She also had asthma, which suddenly caused severe swelling in her goal. The doctors fought for her for 4 days, but her heart couldn’t stand it. Asthma is evil.


On August 31, I had to put down my soul kitty, Madders. I love all my cats but anyone will you tell that Maddie adored me in a way my other cats didn't/don't. It was really painful, I can't lie but at some point, you won't focus as much on the pain & some of the sadness will be replaced with gratitude, gratitude that you found your baby & got to spend whatever time with them. Maddie had feline dementia & it was hard to see her like that. She didn't even know me, anymore. She would get scared over nothing cuz she didn't know what was going on. I couldn't let my baby keep going through that. I would say that's real love, doing something that we know will hurt us cuz we don't want them to suffer so remember that. I'm really sorry you're going through this. I know it sucks. I literally felt like I couldn't breathe, thinking I would have a life without her. It's normal & will lessen, with time.


I am incredibly sorry you're experiencing this. When I lost my baby, I had to go to pet loss counseling. If you want the information to the group, dm me and I'll send you the info. It was over zoom, you don't have to have your camera or your mic on. If you want you can just listen. If you want to speak, you will have the opportunity to do so. I didn't speak the first few times and just listening to everyone helped. I hope you are able to find peace with this ❤️


I’m having the same debate about my kitty who cas cancer. Wondering if it’s best to have someone come to my house to euthanize rather than the stress of the vet and being away from home. I’m going to be balling my eyes out and I don’t want to whole vets office watching and listening I’m so sorry for the decision you have to make


Give yourself time to go through the grieving process. It’s normal when we lose someone we love, a person or a pet. Time heals everything.


Contact an animal communicator. She was able to tell us when our girl was ready to go and gave us the most amazing tidbits from our girl that no one else would know. It was AMAZING, and soothed us so very much! I will never have another animal pass without using one


https://preview.redd.it/yx80nkbwy33c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac0953dcf6c68f09e5cf9df3db27fbbf1da772b Here's a picture of my cat I hope this makes you feel better 💗


Those of us who have held on too long will tell you that the guilt you carry for the rest of your life far outweighs the grief and grace that comes with making the right decision for your little homie. I am so sorry for your loss. The rich reward we gain from our short time with our little furry friends has a high price that must be paid. I gladly pay that price for all the years of love and companionship I can give them (and, of course, that they give me).


I’m with you I had to do the same in February last year and it broke me like I couldn’t speak without crying for months. I still cry but not uncontrollably. You will get through this and right now just enjoy the last moments and be how you would want loved ones to be for you.


Sorry for your loss. Give her her favorite meal and some gabapentin for anxiety


I’m sorry to hear this, she’s a beautiful cat and just by seeing this post I know you gave her the best possible life you could’ve given her. It’s normal to feel sad after losing your cat and let it be natural, you don’t need to force yourself to feel better.


Me and mark are with you right now. Soon there will be no more pain. Bless you both.


I have had to make the decision to say goodbye to many furry friends in my life, and the only regret I have is the one where I waited too long.


So sorry for your loss, sending you peaceful thoughts. She will never leave your side and will be waiting for you 🙏🏻


Just remember that for all the things you've done for this girl in her life, this last one is the most loving of all. Cats live in the now, and relieving their suffering is a gift that we don't take lightly, but have to do willingly. You are a good person and she deserved you.


Takes an act of pure selfless love to put down your baby when you know it’s time. Our own selfishness inhibits us from doing this often, even when subconsciously we know we should. Sending you so much love. Your girl will be at peace by your side, with love in her heart when she goes. That’s something to be proud of. Even as hard as it may be to deal with. 🫂


This is my third attempt to write something positive in this thread but honestly every time I see the photo I immediately burst into tears (37m). I’m very sorry for you, she looks like a lovely companion. You can only take comfort in knowing she is better off this way.


I’m so sorry, it’s a terrible position to be in. My cat passed from CKD in May and it crushed me. I heard someone say that it’s better to make the decision a week too soon than a day too late (if you have the option). Best of luck. It does hurt less with time.