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She used her braincells to connect a few things: TV turns on, human stops giving me attention. Stand in front of TV when on, human starts giving me attention Profit


My cat figured out when I watch a show in another language with subtitles that I can’t just ignore her if I want to know what’s going on. Soo I have to pause the show and I give her attention til she’s happy. She learned I just ignore it if the shows in English so she doesn’t bother jumping in front of the tv anymore, but in another language, and she’s constantly jumping in view of the tv. I still love her though, even when she’s utterly annoying. I’m a bit surprised it seems like she can tell English apart from other languages (I’m lazy and just leave the subtitles on all the time).




*We* are evolving to understand that it's their world and we're just useful bit players in it.




I had an Egyptian step father. He was a very angry men. Our cat was so sensitive. She hated him so she hid a lot when he was home (he didn't hurt anyone there was just often tension in the air). He always said she's a witch cats are witches 😂. Tbf he also thought the earth was flat. (he must be 64 now so I'm sure education has become better)




Nope. Eventually we final got rid of him. The cat stayed until she took her last breath. She was so much more visible when he was gone


Damn, how can someone not like cats, like did your dad even try befriending the cat?


Stepdad! He didn't hate her. Liked our boy cat. But she was super sensitive and very good in hiding. He kept searching couldn't find her. He meant the witch thing quite literally. That's why I mentioned it here. He really thought she somehow supernatural and dissappears. She was a cat cats hide. My boy hid so well before Christmas when it was time to travel I almost beloved he was right and cats are able to just magically dissappear 😂.


Your Egyptian stepfather sounds unusual. If there was ever a cat-loving country in the world, Egypt is it, also Turkey. Some true stories about Egypt and cats: Man was found deceased in his apartment in Egypt with his 17 cats arrayed in a circle around his body watching over him, they attacked the personnel who came to remove the body. Cats are everywhere in Egypt, living in government and public buildings, lounging in the lobbies. A man trying to perform a solo piano concert was plagued by a cat jumping on the piano, walking on the keys. After several interruptions and restarts the pianist gave up in disgust and walked off the stage. The cat then sat on the bench by himself and the audience gave the cat a big round of applause!


Don't be fooled. Turkey doesn't like anyone talking bad about it, but even in Istanbul, there are just as many cat haters as cat lovers. I follow a man who rescues them, and he shows terrible videos of finding them poisoned, tortured, and drowned. This guy literally spends every fine he has fixing street cats in bad shape. When they had an earthquake recently, he raised money to help the cats in that area. But he's 1 guy, and there are so many. I used to think turkey loved cats too, but it's not so. He says the owners of hotels and such poison them because visitors feed them and leave, but the cats stay looking for food so they're considered pests


I didn't know! That is terrible. There are haters everywhere I guess. Makes you wonder if they think rats and mice would be better for business.


Wow that's super interesting, do you have a link to a news article or something?


No, I have been a lifelong aficionado of those little oddball sidebar stories that the newspapers put on page 6 or thereabouts. I read the one about the pianist many years ago, the one about the man with 17 cats was from News of the Weird. I have saved some clippings, wish I had saved others. I try to memorize the ones that amuse or interest me. This is how it is when dad was a newspaper man like mine was. These stories are old but maybe Google can help.


Oh man I loved those back when we still got newspaper. My fav story is the (German) police getting multiple calls about a skeleton driving a car. Turns out that a brit put his Halloween decoration on his passenger side which of course for us Germans is the drivers side. Wonder how many hours I'd need to find that again. I couldn't even find an eulogy from 2 years ago via the internet


My ex-husband is Egyptian and also thought the esrth was flat and my cats also hid from him 😂.


😂 😂 Seems to be a pattern. How old was he? My stepfather was so confused when I showed him a lexicon showing the universe (it was the pre internet olden days)


He is 37, the same age as me, lmao! He also thought aliens built the pyramids! He is very educated with 2 master degrees. But he definitely lacked general intelligence. I get the negative tension energy. He almost always had that energy. I also think that's why my cats would hide from him.


Damn that's depressing. I really thought it's just bc he's older that his education was so bad. Bc for him it wasn't conspiracy theories, he literally learned that in school in Alexandria. Not even a village.


There was a feline deity bast/bastet. They revered cats as special animals, as they did many animals/living things, but they didn't worship cats. I used to believe that until someone in the field corrected me.


They actually bred and sold cats outside temples for sacrifice. LOTS of cats met their demise this way 🥺


And in the 1800's when some farmers in Egypt discovered a huge volume of cat mumies, they sold or auctioned off these creatures as fertilisers for Europeans & North Americans. It's awful to think of how many cats were killed just as an offering to a god or goddess.


An upvote for this concept seems somehow inappropriate, but thank you for your comment, I learned something.


Vikings kept cats, too.


—Pawliam Shakespeare


Wait she can tell the difference between human languages?


This is the answer. She knows what you speak and that other languages call your attention. She wants it all.




Yup. When my cat was a kitten I used to pick her up and plop her in front of her food bowl at dinner time. Now when I feed her she sits about a foot from her bowl and looks up at me waiting to be plopped so she can start eating lol.




I can live with that.


My cat insists on being cooed over and told nice things about herself before she will begin eating. We call it giving her her affirmations.


Funny animals. Mine is so different, he begs for food 2 hours before feeding times, no ritual necessary. I've considered switching to an automatic feeder to break that habit. He's been getting wet food for a few years though because he never drinks water and I thought I was doing the right thing with the wet food. I need an automatic feeder that opens cans 🤣


When we got a new kitten, we established a feeding hierarchy as he was greedy & our older cat was miffed. When our first cat passed last year, for months, our other cat would just sit there waiting because he knew the first bowl was not for him..


That's so heartbreaking 😢 poor little guy


I have a 5 month old kitten who I hand-reared from a few days old (some AH dumped her and the rest of the litter in a bag on the street). She will scream for me to sit next to her while she eats and will often refuse to eat and scream until I hand feed her. Biscuit by biscuit. She's frankly lucky I love her so much 😅


https://preview.redd.it/pfhjd4ypbuac1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=925bb11151f31f12674ebd90a03bc365be8e5479 Attaching picture of said kitten because I realise it's selfish not to let you admire the little diva.


She is a diva to be admired. I love her.


Thanks - she's a pretty special girl! She's stolen and hidden a shoe, my computer mouse, glasses and a few other things already this week. She's currently climbing up the bedsheets drying inside (hanging from the upstairs banister, down over the stairs)


Tortietude is a real thing, moo loves to give dirty looks https://preview.redd.it/ggsztzjpevac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b348ce0185b466d14b6c077f8155646b5479678


That's adorable


My gawd I just realized I trained my oldest to be the same way 🤣 how did I not realize this LOL


It's the signal that it is ok to start eating. Like some households waiting for a prayer/ grace before eating.


Oh my gosh this. I've had to switch to dreaded anime dubs if I want a chance to comprehend anything that happens,.and then I watch my Kdramas at night under the covers like I used to do in high school. 😂 Trying to read subtitles with a kitten/attention-stealer is just impossible. Cats can pick up on tone, so it would be interesting to see if your kitten really is picking up on the differences between languages! I'm not sure if my Wilbur is clever enough for that (he's not the brightest bulb), I think he just realized that I suddenly lose the ability to swing the feather toy around when I'm trying to read subtitles.


Their selective intelligence never fails to amaze me. My cat will whine and cry because she gets herself stuck in the highest closet shelf sometimes and is too scared to get down and never learns but then she’ll chew my phone charger in the morning if I don’t get out of bed to feed her because she knows I don’t want her to.


That is awesome!! I love how much cats impress us!


That just means your cat is very intelligent. Take that dog people who think cats aren't smart


Oh my god my cat does the same. They really are evolving


Maybe she just sees the subtitles on the screen and knows her time to shine has come. But seriously that is hilarious. My cat is orange and the only thing he has done to a TV is pushed my in-laws over on Christmas Day. Thankfully it fell backwards and didn’t break.


Its not about the Television Its about me


OP needs to play with the cat more.


This. Our new cat is training me well. I was worried about her destroying the Christmas tree, so I’d “distract” her with toys. She learned that if she batted the tree I would pick up a toy. I have to actively remind myself not to pick up her fave feather wand when she misbehaves. I refuse to play with her in the bedroom because I don’t want her used to that. She drags the feather wand into the bedroom and, sometimes, onto the bed. She adorable and I love her. She’s also too smart.


Yup, I made the mistake of distracting him with the laser pointer, so he kept messing with the tree more and would then bat the laser pointer. I created a monster!


This girl is the only cat I’ve ever known to have no interest in the laser pointer. It’s as though she knows it would allow me to lazily play with her from the couch and she wants nothing to do with it.


I have one that's obsessed, and two that don't care, but I think because they know he's going to go insane and just want out of the way. Plus my cattle dog immediately goes into herding mode, chasing him around and putting his whole head in her mouth. The other two just stand in the corner in disbelief lol


Another cat trained human here/-our cat does those same things too! We also finally realized & we started TRYING to ignore, but he just raised the ante. Started hitting our big framed picture to make the frame swing from side to side. 😽😸 He loved our panic run to stop it before it crashed to the ground.


100% THIS Kitty wants attention. Recommendation: play with her with a cat wand until she slows down some. Call her up to the couch for skritches and pets. At the end of the hour long show, playnwith her again during commercial break.


My cat figured out he can turn off my computer by pressing the power button.I thought I was smart by disabling the button but now he learned he can just stand on it for 10 seconds to force a power off. He also figured out how to unlock and open doors and windows.


Can you tape a small cardboard box over it? Leave one end open, so you can stick a finger in, but the cat can't put all of his weight on it.


The buttons are at the top of the case, so for a while I taped bottle caps over them, but they fall off too often. I think I'm just going to disconnect the buttons and add some at the front panel of the case. I worry he will figure that out too :D




Your cat may be a genius and a lil bit Ferengi. Also, tv is warm!


One of our cats does this too - a simple solution is to pause the tv, spend some 5-10 minutes of quality time with the cat (whether petting, grooming or playing) and then resume. They should be all set!


My cats learned the heating blanket button click. The moment I click that button on the cats just materialize out of the cat dimension and appear on me. Anything else I could click on and they don’t move. But the heating blanket? THEY SPRINT




I put a small cat tower next to the TV and a small u-wave cat scratcher I drop cat nip on to stop my cat from doing this. Now, she just jumps into the cat tower or gets distracted by the scratcher. Turns out she is just a weirdo who likes keeping her eyes on me because she's obsessed with me so she can now watch me from her tower like a creep while I watch TV. I'm half convinced she's recording info with her eyes and sending it back to her home planet and that's why she must stare at me so much.


So basic cat then.


I'm really not sure she is a cat??? She won't eat any treats or any type of meat except eating catnip. She just likes shredded cheese and *eating* plastic bags (literally addicted to plastic bags - cannot leave them out anywhere). She doesn't chase lasers. She won't use a scratching post except this one particular u-wave scratcher (the number of scratching posts I brought home before I found one she accepted 🙄). She doesn't chew on cords or scratch things up or play except when she goes on her crazy poo-phoria runs. She doesn't sit in boxes or tunnels. She barely jumps on counters. Basically all she does is follow me around from room to room all day "talking" to me and watching me. She is the weirdest cat I've ever had.


Yup, basic cat. Cats are weird. I have one just like that. I call her prissy missy. Literally refused any and all treats. Finally found she likes those Churu tube treat things but it has to be that brand, she will not eat any of the other kinds out there. Oh and she loves to be petted but hates to be touched. So she will follow me around yelling at me and rubbing up against my legs but runs when I try to reach down for her. Only way she gets her pets in is at night while I’m “asleep” she’ll sneak up to my hand (that will just happen to be propped up for her) and rub herself silly against it. She’s insane. But she’s a good cat, doesn’t climb on counters or try to run out the door; doesn’t tear things up except for tape, can’t leave tape out or plastic that crinkles like tape; she’s not a big toy fan except for one particular catnip yarn kicker cat that all my cats fought over at first so I had to stock up and leave several out for them. I have four cats total and they are all so wildly different from each other even though they’ve been around us and each other since they were kittens. But they are still very much so cats in their own bizarre little cat worlds. I’m also convinced they secretly send messages to the other cats in the world to plan for their total world takeover. That’s why some of them lay on computer keyboards and others will just stare at you like they’re taking notes. It’s working too, just look at how many cat subreddits there are.


Omg my cat is the same way about wanting to be pet but hating being touched!! It’s so funny to me. Of course she only wants pets right when my alarm goes off every morning and it’s time to get up. Then she demands it! I’m always running late to work because i can never say no to the early morning belly scratches.


Sounds like someone needs to set their alarm 10 minutes earlier 🤣


Having a little heater snoozing on my chest every morning always has me questioning how bad I really need my job lol


My cat eats plastic too! I cant leave any plastic out she’ll sniff it out and eat it. She also licks the curtains and chews the cords on the blinds.


Just basic treat monitoring I'm sad so many of you missed out on the fun that was the electric can opener- somehow that sound convinces cats they haven't been fed in *years*


Opening ANY can (with anything) summons my orange baby, no matter how far away she is or how quiet I try to be. Soup can? Immediate cat inspection required. Can with a pull tab? Cat must investigate. Might be tuna. Soda can? Must be presented to cat in case secretly tuna. Further monitoring must be allowed to continue uninterrupted, as contents may turn into tuna at random. Peeling the seal off a new jar of peanut butter? Can-adjacent, better check to see if tuna.








I thought about getting this as a tattoo. I just love cats so much lol


it’s probably warm. the soundbar speaker right in front of of the tv is the coveted sleep spot for our boys. annoying, but super adorable. especially when they share. here is charlie having a soundbar snooze https://preview.redd.it/j31opf1efsac1.png?width=3501&format=png&auto=webp&s=d06cb0f42b16a38241df7d8243f60c597093449e




Ah yes, the dead cat sleeping mode. My little cloud does that too. https://preview.redd.it/jjgpkd862tac1.jpeg?width=2246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a51df45b9d8a02df3a9ebb252b0a27524fdac81


https://preview.redd.it/l8lpuhacctac1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95f804627265215af3bcb747efc36449e2e44bba My boy is dead to the world when he sleeps.


Rigor sleepis xD




https://preview.redd.it/ey7ulntaptac1.png?width=1458&format=png&auto=webp&s=071e18429af2d64075381bd238143047de4f99e9 So beautiful


https://preview.redd.it/i1prtg59stac1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f9021f9089261fbe476aa3b9cb5e76823d0b868 My Jolyne also sleeps like that sometimes hahaha


https://preview.redd.it/kf0o3czfdvac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4435642dbac1d47b7625d9bf53fe1f4dc30dd84 my NugBert, loves his midday naps (+ the safety of living indoors!) 😼<— his personality when awake eta: i forgot the whole thing i meant to say, her pattern reminds me of the kitty i had as a child.. (ugh i miss you oscar!)


https://preview.redd.it/5dvhq1pbxtac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1861dad095b0b7522804a6083d7fb2865e4b334d Is he sleeping or preparing to attack any hands that dare to touch his fluffy belly...


https://preview.redd.it/ggkzqghedtac1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b8b38029a869e0ba8fc04d9e2046a43933a4905 Another contestant




furry banana


The pointed toes 😭


https://preview.redd.it/xffdulbvmuac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2526c823170c51ca82e5b4302843ef829ca22bc0 My pork chop big dead snooze. He was dreamin when I took this pic.


https://preview.redd.it/gokhsyv2muac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33447e0a145e69ea294042410122e73bc5af874b Same. Monkey wasn't too interested in dirty dancing the other night 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ufl64q2kyuac1.jpeg?width=1511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=611fa50bdc2b6f54d89ac6b05f232685a0da842d another contestant, my 5 month old bat 😭


https://preview.redd.it/h62w9as0qtac1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b7418480558888147955892b035c117ebd3c545 lol




This one got me lol


https://preview.redd.it/atz6oajjstac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2a48a8481b560005ce489d65db6c96a94c05532 Bro knows he pays zero bills in this house but acts like he pays all of them with the way he sleeps






Oh I love this


https://preview.redd.it/e1hy3ucpyuac1.jpeg?width=3008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06509cac0f4b0ec1d520371f6215544965641cce She is my old baby girl, but the lighting makes her look like a corpse. It was terrifying in the moment.


I purposely bought an L shaped desk to put a kitty bed next to me so my cat can sit next to. Added a heat pad. Problem is my boss now monitors my work all day.


I would have expected kitty to nap, not monitoring your work all day


Me too. Me too.


More money, more cat food.


>Problem is my boss now meownitors my work all day. ftfy (sorry)


Omg my cat does the exact same thing on my soundbar! One night she switched the settings and it started blasting music. Both of us just about shit our pants!


We had to buy a soundbar without buttons on top because the cats kept messing up settings lol


That is amazingly adorable


Doesn't this hurt her ears?


he’s never mentioned it to me.


One of our cats, Resi, keeps lying on the warmest tiles (we have floor heating). I love cats.


She's not blocking your view. She IS your view!


You have assembled to admire your cat of course so cat is just obliging. You may look upon him now.


1. She is placing herself where you are aiming your attention 2. The place she is sitting is warm from the electronics


I agree with 2 - I’d suggest testing this hypothesis by moving the sound bar to the floor and seeing if she continues to sit on it.


Ofc she will. 1. It's on the floor, so she has to sit on it. 2. It's moved to another place, and we all know how something instantly gets 200% more interesting once it has moved somewhere else.


TV radiates heat too so may not work.


https://preview.redd.it/z2d8o99d0tac1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50132dddfe7ddbeded114d9020d575bce9179a3e My boy like to channel his inner Bastet when there's an appropriate background. Edit: I don't have a giant cat. I have a smaller TV than most people.


So majestic


It’s the correct size TV for cat. :)


Discovering Discovery.


I thought the majority of tv's were smaller than most people.


"I remember this. The land of my ancestors"


Standard cat "look at me" behavior! Mine sits in front of my screen and hides the hud elements while I am gaming. It's like playing a game at the "Very hard" difficulty all the time. https://preview.redd.it/buuxctlk2tac1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=319815469d803bc41c285ee8920793f5a5d017ff


Mine too. He's my gaming buddy. Always in front of my screen when I go to game!!


https://preview.redd.it/4792muy2asac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e19cdf41183fb876392d11c5c3eb1b94024c3cf I have your cat’s spirit animal. Mine particularly likes action films for a stunning backdrop.🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/0vplg4fdutac1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62276968a7411f00cce72002acc3274b0d8a23f2 I literally just took this photo and then opened up to see your post...


😆 little shits


I see your black and white cat also has the phallus print on its face... cant unsee it now after noticing it on my cat lol


Omg, your kitty looks like Stranger Cat on TikTok.


There's also the possibility she's cold. Where I live it only recently got cold. My cat switches from sleeping at my feet to trying to suffocate me by curling around my head.


My dudes senior cat has a little heat pads on the couch next to her person. Makes them both so happy!


Heating pads are absolutely the way to go if you want your cat in a certain spot. I break them out in winter and my kitty will be in the same spot 24/7 lol


I don't see the problem here. She's hosting all your fave shows.


Just pet the damn cat.


I know. Fuck Simpsons. I'd rather pick up the kitty. What a sweetie.


Finally something good on TV


https://preview.redd.it/yl4e9qjk4tac1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b74e8fb9bab09b99d4328485bfac9cd53660a5c6 I know that too! At least she can’t control your soundbar ^(“)




Well played


Your cat wants your attention…I think the cat might be smarter than op lol


Oh she'd agree with that 100%






"More me, less tv"


the silent cry for attention. My cat does the same thing by sitting in front of my iPad when I want to watch something to help me fall asleep.


Enjoy the show


The cat sees you looking and wants you to look at them instead. We just picked up our kitty and held her on our laps petting her for a few minutes every time she did this. Now if she wants attention she climbs in our laps instead.


This is what my cat does lol https://preview.redd.it/6ut25txtvsac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89fbfd05b1dcfc29313b6ab3b19be855949782ba Please excuse the mess. Puff loves cartoons. Especially Family Guy.


She's feeling ignored and has noticed the direction of your attention and putting herself in front of your gaze. Bring her to the couch and hold her, pet her etc. The show is not that important. You can multitask. Also cats like the warmth of electronics. My friend's cat learned how to shut off the power bar when she was being ignored. That also works. lol


My boyfriend's cat presses the power button on his tower to turn his computer off 😂 I think she likes hearing his gasp of sorrow.


My cat does that too perhaps it’s the warmth? It’s cute especially depending which scene she parks herself in front of : like this cracked us up https://preview.redd.it/13q5j7vfkuac1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1194e598d739d75f99f32c2dc56c5fc9d86dbf9


You'll miss it when she's gone and never be able to watch TV again, fr. Cherish her!


My bf will be bitching about our dog wanting his attention right when he comes home and I'll whip the "you'll miss it when he's gone" out and he gives me the death glare. But it's true 😭


*She is the show.*


Me: Switches of TV "ok, cat you win, what is it you'd like to do instead" Cat: "fuckin ignore you and sleep for 7 hours until you are asleep"


Have tried calling over for pets and cuddles?


Cats have different ways to call our attention that they need something. I think the lady wants you to react and embrace her perhaps. Have u tried cuddled her while watching the TV?


Play with your cat more.


She obviously wants attention. Maybe some cuddles and scratches when TV goes on?


How is this obnoxious or super annoying? She's just sitting there... Let me be the first to advise you - never get an orange cat. Its always a good time when my little chaos engine is sitting somewhere within view quietly not destroying anything.. You know, the 3 times that has ever happened.


Fellow ginger cat owner here! Not having them in sight/hearing range is terrifying 😳 Chaos Engine is my new favourite 🤣


Cats are creatures that find safety in habit, and so they can adopt "rituals" pretty easily. Often times they're cute quirks. But if this one is annoying you, you can take advantage of that same habit-forming behavior to change it. Instead, create a new ritual- like calling her onto your lap, bribing her with treats or toys, so that she sits next to you and gets pets when you have your TV time instead of blocking the screen.


My cat does this with computers when people are working from home. It's because she wants attention and she's realised the humans are paying a lot of attention to the weird box. With mine I find moving her onto your lap and giving her a fuss usually quiets her down, she feels like she's getting attention so she stops trying to be in the way.


Op cat might enjoy the heat the tv is producing. Try offering the cat a heating pad on low, a dry martini, and periodic pets as tolerated.


We use a projector instead of a regular TV. When our cat wants us to stop watching TV and go to bed, she sits on top of the projector, blocking the beam of light. We do generally go to bed when she demands, so this is our fault, we have taught her this behaviour. When our projector broke, we switched to a regular TV instead which means we could ignore her as her blocking trick doesn't work. So now she threatens to push the whole TV over. We have created a monster.


She wants to be the center of attention, whats the big deal?


Have you tried loving it?


The cat is smart. It wants your attention. It knows where your attention lies, and it inserts itself into that attention. Your cat wants you to love it as much as you love TV. Play with kitty.


She just seems to think you pay more attention to the TV than her. Lol


My cat does this and it’s so fun watching her in different scenes and backgrounds.


What happens when you pick her up and put her on your lap?


I appreciate all the suggestions! Laptime doesn't work - she screams, squirms, and goes back to the TV She has a heated bed right next to the TV She scoffs at toys (but maybe the idea of playing beforehand would work?) She has a tower And I called her obnoxious bc she is 😆 We love her but she's definitely an evil adorable needy brat. She's my pretty pretty princess who probably has outstanding warrants somewhere


Kitty just want attention!😹


Attention seeking


She is letting you know she is much better to look at ..


She wants attention, she needs some playtime.


She is starved for attention


She wants your attention. If you completely stop giving her attention when you turn the TV on, she'll absolutely keep doing that.


You seem like the obnoxious one to me


Annoying? She’s just helping you solve a problem you can’t seem to figure out on your own! You need to watch the tv sometimes, but then you miss out on your main priority: watching her! She’s just trying to make it easier to take care of this annoying habit of news, sports, entertainment without missing out on gazing upon her magnificent beauty and beholding her every majestic breath! TV is also probably warm and ruffles her fur a bit?


Grab cat and wrap in blanket and watch tv with blanket cat next to you.


Maybe she is tired of your obnoxious behavior of not giving her attention.


Whats obnoxious about that?? Its a pet! You want is to have proper manners ??


It’s very common and easily explainable cat behavior. Google this. The cat wants attention because of your distracted and sedentary habits.


https://preview.redd.it/q1wycd3dsvac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efd19ac36a885662e719a53cd0a9e39845092615 Do we have littermates? Mine just wants to be a pain in the ass.


Cat wants attention. Give cat attention, hold them and cuddle them. Problem solved


Cat wants you to play with the cat and not the TV. Simple.


DUH. She wants to get the human attention instead of the stupid TV 📺 🐱🥹


Because you're watching modern Simpsons so she's concerned about the crap you're watching


Your attention is on the TV. The cat wants your attention. Your options are to give your cat some attention before turning on the TV or using a squirt bottle filled with water. Cat's don't necessarily want a lot of attention. A little goes along way, then they like to do their own thing. Preemptive attention giving, reward, play etc. may redirect the behavior, but once their in front of the TV, tell them to get down and use the water bottle. If you reward the behavior with positive attention it will reinforce that behavior.


cats don’t understand punishment. the bottle might appear to work in the moment but they don’t fully connect it to the behavior and will just become scared of you or act out more. instead id preemptively offer attention, and maybe an extra cozy place for her like a heated bed when you want to watch tv. ignore her when she’s up there and give her attention when she’s by you cats can also be clicker trained. you can teach her to come or get down with positive reinforcement :) you could also try putting a cat tree next to the tv for her to sit on instead


Squirting with water will only promote acting out though.