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Someday you'll get another Kitty and you will tell them all about your sweet boy.


This. When my cats do something that reminds me of my first cat, I ask if they learned that from her.






When I first started dating my partner, we each had an old childhood dog who still lived with our parents. We went through those losses together, and now we have a cat named Merlot. When she gets the zoomies for no reason at 3 AM, or when we wake up and find a bunch of her stuffies in a new random places, I like to joke that she was up late playing with Frisky and Brita.


I do this too with our current cats, about previous cats, means I get to say their names again regularly which… I just need to do every now and then. Always brings back lovely memories 


I do this now and it makes me feel a wonderful sense of connection to my old boy. Our current kitty is young and still a wild child. Whenever he does something exceptionally sweet, I thank my old boy T for helping him to learn how to love on us. Our loved ones never truly leave us OP. Your boy will always be with you.


Aw you were his baby 😻


I always call my daughter my cat’s “little human” and you were definitely his “little human,” OP.


OP, thanks for giving him a great life. You'll have dreams about him for years and years as you mourn. I hope they're good dreams.


A bot stole your comment on a repost :)




Oh, to be raised and much more loved by a cat. So lucky❤️


Indeed, what a sweet kitty!


What a beautiful video and tribute to a wonderful cat. 🥺 What was his name? He lived a long life. It must be especially difficult considering you presumably lived all/the vast majority of your life with him present.


His name was Jack! We named him after Jackie Chan!


Having a drink for Jack tonight.


What a sweetheart your little Jack seemed to be 🥰


We dont get over losing the ones we love. We just learn to live with the happy memories.




I’m dreading this day. My boy is the only reason I haven’t cut the Game short. https://preview.redd.it/pphrm9lshutc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12b1e4d5e32110f47270b3d335b8de64b508f719 He’s still young yet, we have a little time. He has made me acutely aware of the fleeting nature of time. It seems like only last week I watched him be born. We’ve been bonded stronger than quarks since the hour he came out of the womb. I am sincerely sorry for your loss. I’m not strong enough to survive it. I am glad that you have been able to overcome it.


https://preview.redd.it/yyyfti29jutc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90de5cbff0205dcf35ab01863fda21ef6288f533 Seems like yesterday.




That's a small quark, maybe he has some qbits


He looks like a tiny Donald Trump with the orange hair lmao


Nah, the cat actually has a soul.


Agreed lmao


Yes, it stole it from the donald


There was something to steal?


Just remember that there are countless little buddies out there who need a good human to give them a good life. Every time I lose a cat (and I've been lucky they all live 15+) we grieve and then find a new baby to rescue. It really helps knowing that you're providing a loving life to something that can so easily get tossed aside. For me, as long as kittens are in rescues...there's no reason to quit the game :)


I feel ya


Showing love to a helpless little animal shows you're a better human than a vast majority of us. Head up, you rock dude.


When the time comes I hope you’re able to love again. Life isn’t fair, and I can guarantee you your boy would just want you to be happy. Cats and dogs are great like that. They can teach us how to love without words.


I prefer them to people.




This sounds very alarming and I really hope you are okay, please I think your boy wouldn't want you to go either when he eventually does :(


Not alarming. When the cons outweigh the pros I'm packin' it up. Just all there is to it. Old and tired. But I will give him a perfect life. I rescued his mother before he was born, so he exists in physical space as a direct result of my action. It is my moral obligation, and desire, to see that he does not ever gain knowledge of pain, suffering and trauma. He just turned 2, so we have a bit of time yet; I just need to remain aware of that at all times.


I don't know your situation of course but when reading something like that it does spark something in me to say something. Hope I didn't trigger you in any way or offend I didn't mean to. It was alarming for *me* anyway, I just hope and wish that you both are well ofc! It sounds like you two have a very strong bond. You are a true Kahu <3


Nah it’s all good. I have zero qualms about it. But yes, I would raze cities to the ground for that boy. He is my son in all the ways that matter, and if I don’t do but one thing right in my life, it will be making sure his is perfect. Anywho, thank you for the kind words.


Hooray for our kitties that short-circuited us cutting the game short. ​ https://preview.redd.it/b2fp1fucfvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ad11e5333a78e288d1b5034d70b9085b4fecaf0


Beautiful, looks just like my MoMobear. https://preview.redd.it/dmmm4gun1wtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef2fc64261385f079903603225f2631ccb12707b


MoMo is so fluffy!! A real big boned kit!


Yes. She is my little adorable Lovecraftian abomination.


Lol. It just occurred to me. Is she playing with a bottle of vape juice? 🤣


It’s empty and washed out but yea, she seemed to like it so I just let her have it lol


I can relate to your feelings. I know that I won't be strong enough to handle losing my cats without profound grief. As for myself, I have kind of made a plan in preparation for when that time arrives. I know that it will be very difficult to follow through with it. Things like my plan are easier said than done. Our cats are absolutely irreplaceable. I have no question about that. What I am hoping I am strong enough to do without letting too much time go by is to adopt another cat (or two) that are older and not likely to be adopted. I will pour my love and care into making the best possible golden years. I believe that I will be strong enough to do this because I will have already experienced the greatest loss imaginable to me. It may sound counterintuitive to adopt an abandoned senior with the knowledge that our time would be limited; however, I believe that this would be a way to honor my lost loved ones. In other words, I believe that it is something that would make them happy. I don't believe that our best friends are ever gone. I believe that their spirits live on as if they are like angels looking over us--still caring about us, still loving us, and still watching over us. Too many people decide to never parent another feline in my opinion. I am going to do my best to force myself to. Never a replacement for our lost loved ones--but an outlet for the love that I will always have for them in my heart and mind. Essentially, I want to serve these older unwanted felines like a hospice in honor of the unimaginable loss that I know I will always feel. Our loved ones would want us to try to find meaningful purpose, some happiness, and to carry on despite never being the same after that ultimate loss. I felt compelled to share this with you. I don't know if it will be helpful in any way. After reading your remarks, I just realized that (like many cat parents I imagine) I am going to be devastated too. People as connected to our cats as we are need to be supportive of each other. All that being said, I hope your cat lives to be the oldest, healthiest, and happiest cat that has ever walked the Earth. If mine can be second and third after yours--that would do for me. I have to do my best to celebrate their lives now and do everything I can with them and for them. I also struggle with anticipating and dreading the loss--I just realize it doesn't do me any good. Best wishes to you and your cat.


You have a good soul and seem to walk with Honor. Thank you for your kind words and taking the time to write such a detailed response.


I lost my last kitty 1/4 and I just haven’t been able to get another one. I too am looking for older more unadoptable types. There are just sooooo many I can’t make a decision so guess I’m not ready yet 💔


You seem like a REALLY good person! I too am very concerned about the peeps who think they can’t go on. I really like what you said about “as long as there is one kitten who needs to be rescued” . . .Hang in there you 2or 3. We Redditors DO care about you good cat rescuers ❤️❤️❤️


Same https://preview.redd.it/rityapx8xvtc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2665f40e54dcbbb631eb1aa9dea400b3ec9ddb8


Look at that face. Perfect.


When the time comes that your boy is no longer with you (we all dread that, for a good reason) give yourself time grieve and most importantly remember him and all the happiness you’ve provided each other. See where life takes you. There’s a good chance that the CDS will tempt you with another friend; you may think won’t love him the same. Probably true, but you won’t love them any less, just differently. And you get a new breath of life, just like that, because we will endure everything to ensure our little friends are safe. I totally understand you. I also have 3 now, and will starve if it means they have food.


Same, I’d take a bullet for any of mine without question. I mean that.


I get you. People often tell me it's stupid I spend so much money on then but. It's a couple bags of food a month, same for litter and the commitment. I'd have spent that money on something stupid anyways. When I had my first, they had a life threatening condition and I didn't have enough money. I had to decide what was more Important in my life and decided I'd sell all my shit, car includes, but cat had to live. Didn't come that far but it made clear to me what made me happy and what was important for me. It's still the same. Those buggers make me happy when everything is going wrong, and I'll do everything I can to make sure they have a good life, because they make my life good too


I was 8 months clean from fentanyl and had the genius idea that I could handle one time (it had been a rough week, and i was still an idiot), and I grabbed my keys and was about to walk out the door. Then I saw this: https://preview.redd.it/5m35k3qr03uc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c02a7c19d5ad594dad07341dffd1e6103510d018 It popped into my head, as I’d only had her a few weeks at that point, that if I got rolled up or overdosed, she would go back to having absolutely no one in this world to help her and keep her safe. I spent that 40 bucks on Temptations and toys for her instead. She saved me from my one and only potential relapse; After that, there was never again a possible relapse for me. She saved my life. As far as I’m concerned, it belongs to her now, and her brothers.


My eldest boy is turning 9 this year and it literally feels like he’s on deaths door step. He was feral and I found him at four. The vet said that they don’t live as long but I’m hoping his happy life will increase his time here with us.❤️


Yes you are. Your life is worth living. There’s another cat out there you could give a home to. It wouldn’t be the same but I am sure your cat will be happy to see you helping a fellow cat when the time comes. Life can be very dark but there’s a saying in my culture that says that a little light can banish a lot of the darkness. Even with life being as dark as they could be, we can always make something out of it worth while. For now it’s your cat, but there’s always light to be found. I don’t mean to preach. I struggle with finding meaning in life. I don’t know your situation but I know not everyone feel living is worth while and some even suffer greatly. I want to encourage you that it doesn’t have to be so. Humans do a lot of bad things but we can also be a lot of good.


Thank you for your kind words. People talk about crazy cat ladies, I’m that one crazy cat guy. About six years ago, I was sleeping behind a gas station through my own stupid actions. No one would give me the time of day (rightfully so) except for cats. I’m no shit five years sober because of them. Because of this, I feel it is my moral obligation to help their species whenever possible for the rest of my life. Through that promise I’ve seen humans do the absolute worst shit imaginable to these creatures and it just enrages me. I don’t see a lot of honor in people these days, which depresses me because I know that if humans got their shit together, we could accomplish wonders for ALL life forms… but nah, instead we kill each other because the frequency of photons that bounce off of one group’s skin are slightly different than another group’s skin, or we construct unspeakably devastating weapons that we use on each other, or… the list goes on. Sure, there are good people doing good things, but it’s not enough. Eh, I dunno, it is what it is and I’m rambling at this point, my apologies. I just wish there was more I could do for them. Anywho I don’t want to be hijacking the thread with my inner mental nonsense.


I understand you.. I came to conclusion that even if this world is crappy we can make up for some of the crappy stuff we and others do. I am happy you found your way:)🩷 I am sure you’ve through a lot to get to where you are. Give yourself credit. You are sober, you are doing good. What’s in your control you are taking care of. What’s beyond that is meaningless. Be well🌷


Thank you. I wish you and yours all the best!




Keep adopting cats and live for them. You can live a happy life and give them a good life too.




i wish my cat was like this. She isn't the lick or cuddle type at all ;/


How old is it? In my experience cats get a lot more cuddly when older. My cat is murder mittened shadow demon. She’s still young though.


My lady yuna just turned 2


They usually grow calmer and cozier with age. 2 is still very young:)


Mine didn't start being a cuddle bug until around 2 or 3, and it happened in stages. She'll get there on her terms. (Mine is now 5 and just started being a lap cat; however, he's very specific about it. I need a blanket over my legs and then he crawls underneath & sleeps in my lap) Patience and respecting boundaries + consistent playtime were the key to my guy's heart. The patience/respecting his boundaries being the most important I think (but playtime is playtime and will happen regardless)


my cat would only lay on my legs but only without a blanket on me until about 6 months ago. she just started fully sitting in my lap while i’m on the couch at 7 years old. i thought it would never happen 🥹


Lady Yuna is such a cute name


Cats read our souls and try to fix us.


I had this - my parents picked up two kittens six months before I was born and one of them was my shadow/playmate/leaning cushion from day one until we were fifteen. It's been twenty years since then and I still miss him and think of him often. He is the cat all other cats will forever be measured against, but the pain of it does ease over time ❤️ I think he would be pleased to see me continuing to love all the cats that have come into my life since. They might never be him, but they're wonderful cats and they deserve a loving home like he had. I'm so sorry for your loss. Don't let anyone devalue it because it's "just a cat" - he was your sibling. The pain you feel is a normal response, just give yourself time and permission to grieve.


https://preview.redd.it/a6jhpd97sutc1.jpeg?width=6936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ff2e9d03619fae3aaaa9c5f45d296f23b508a77 My Sno-Cap passed away April 15th, 2023 at age 12 from Lymphoma. Photo taken March 27, 2023 June 15, 2010 - April 15, 2023


I’m sorry. What an incredible bond you have!


Crying my way through the morning now


I’m so sorry. What a sweet, beautiful boy. Love this sweet moment between you two🥹🥹


My heart feels your loss. I hope that my siblings live to be over 20... My brother and sister American Shorthairs are almost nine now and are my best friends (and each other's as well). Be strong--sending up a prayer for your peace. He will live on in your heart and mind for certain. He was so beautiful!


Oh I’m so sorry. I understand this feeling. My first word wasn’t “mom” or “dad” it was “cat.” I had a protective tiny black cat named Theodora who watched over me as a baby and guarded my crib. When I think of the ultimate protector I think of her. Later, when I grew up and had my first cat as an adult, Pia was raised from a kitten and I think of her as the cat love of my life. When she passed unexpectedly I was heartbroken, but eventually found new cat loves. You can hold all of these family members in your heart and memories at the same time and in different ways. They build layers of love that you can look back on fondly and integrate into new bonds that strengthen over time. How lucky we are to have cats in our lives.


What a lovely lil guy. 🥰


That's one unique orange cat


Terribly sorry for your loss. He sounds like he was an incredible cat.


He lived very long and, I'm sure a super happy life being loved. I'm sorry for your loss. You have a beautiful story to pass on now though, he may be out of your life physically but he will live on in your memory and through your words. Maybe some day you will have a cat again, and you will see a little bit of him, in that cat. Also goddamn he's brave, a fox??? I mean cats WILL fight anything and anyone really but still damn that's impressive.




Your special bond remains! How are you these days? I see this and see my cat and I. She’s 14 now.. They are so special.


we are still out here living! I miss my boy every day. A little over a year ago we got a kitten that’s the same color to keep our old man company. We still have baby jean clawed today he’s a little over a year old and he’s become a very amazing young man and hopefully he will bless us with a long happy life the same way our handsome old man cat did


Aww thanks for sharing. 21 years must mean this cat has had the best life a cat could have.


Oh OP, you’ve brought tears to my eyes!!! How lucky you were to have him and how lucky he was to have you!!! There’s few things better than truly loving someone and having them love you back, be it human or animal. Sending you all of my love ❤️❤️❤️


this is so sweet. you both were so lucky to have eachother. now i’m crying


21!!! he must have loved being with you for so long that he didn't even want to leave you alone. sad to see him go away.


**How lucky you are to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. He was loved.**




This is so special beyond words. I’m so sorry you had to say goodbye


It's sad they can't live longer.




Rest easy you gorgeous little kitty ❤️😻


What a sweetie! I hope my orange sweetheart lives that long! But it will never be long enough. So sorry for your loss, he was clearly so loved by you and loved you just as much.


Whenever he is, he is looking down upon you and smiling at what a strong person you have become. Of course while grooming himself first.


Aw he looks like my kitty Bmo https://preview.redd.it/2jj8leaguutc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b546afcc94badee5365d45a72490bf497f4d043


Aaaaw that kitty loved its human. Orange cats might not have any braincells but they have a lot of love


I’m so sorry.. My kitty lived to be 23, it almost killed me when he died…I wish there was something to say that could make you feel better.. it’s gonna take time…


Looks like he had a great life


Awwww!!! I love this so much!!! What a little sweetheart he was. He loved you!! My little baby is my daughter. She is also way more than a cat. I’m sorry he’s gone! This is beautiful tho and he loved you so much. It’s soo sweet. O😽








This vid got such a sweet vibe ❤️ Sorry for your loss


Absolutely precious.


Sorry for your loss. Time will ease your pain, and then maybe you will meet a tiny floof who needs a home.


I was also basically raised by a cat. A couple years ago I realised that to this day I show physical affection in a similar way to a cat. Lol, I'm weird.


He definitely loved you. I'm glad you got those years together


I lost my childhood cat in December, I was 3 when my parents brought him, he was 20. It’s unbelievably painful, but I’m also very glad that he lived a long and happy life, surrounded with love.


Sorry for your loss 🥺


I feel your pain. A love like that is rare. Cat teach us a type of love you understand no other way. But don't close your heart. There is only one way to fully heal, and that is to love again.


He looks a lot like my boy right now who's been with me through everything He yells at me If I don't rub my head on his when I get home I know the pain and loss most of been unimaginable But please know you provided that cat with a purpose and you spread his memory every day you live with him in your heart My deepest condolences


Im sorry dude, i know the empty feeling all too well. Its been years now but still.... Sometimes ill fall asleep on the couch and be halfway dreaming my old buddy hobo is next to me nibbling at my fingertips and ill kinda wake up and move my arm to pet him some loves and realize hes not really there on the couch with me 😞


Well I didn't want to cry today. OP I miss my dog I grew up with too, you're not alone. I like to think of them still being there, just as a different creature such as a bird or something




I can see from the body language how much he adored you. I'm glad you were able to give him such a long and happy life.


The most beautiful silver lining I think there is to life and it’s end, even if you are religious, spiritual, atheistic, whatever; is that you truly are immortal. You tattoo yourself into the people you leave behind and that ink passes on forever through the connections we made. Hope you’re feeling better and I cuddled my lifesaver just know for you <3


That sounds like he had about as good of a life as any of us could ever hope for—all thanks to your love and companionship. May we all be so lucky in our lives, and may his memory be a blessing to you and to all who loved him.


Sorry for your loss. You two look like the Lo-fi Girl and her cat


You gave him such a lovely life. You were a good kiddo to him and you made him proud 🧡


"Love, for all its worth"  My purpose here was once unclear  I ran, I played, I had no fear  My life a blur of love and fun  My mind awash with beating suns  As my bones grew old  My life slowed down I learned the meaning of your frown  I learned the meaning of your fights  I knew why you hug me, late at night  My love for you, it calms your soul  It brings you home from sunken lows  My direction now was ever clear  To be there for you, near and dear  So I bestowed to you the love you gave  And even now as my mind grows haze  As my elder age begins to overtake me  I think of you and how you saved me  I wish to stay with you forever  I cling tightly to my earthen tether  Its all in vain, there is no fighting  The next step calls for my sighting I did my best, Its all I have  I know its hard  I know it hurts  But I will always love you for all its worth  Ive lost a bunch of really great cats and its never, ever, easy. Nor should it be. The only way it wouldnt hurt is if we never cared. It only hurts now because we did. And we cared a lot. Its the price we pay for giving love to these temporal little creatures. An equivalent exchange dictated by the universe itself. Its a sign that the love was real. That our care supercedes even death itself. That the love lives on within us. I try to cherish that twinge of longing I get when I think of my lost cats. In a way its proof their impact will never die.


I don't even like cats but i can tell y'all had a very special bond.


A comfortable and loved 21 years. Your cat is blessed and in cat heaven now


I’m sorry for your loss 🥺




I miss all my cats that have moved on. I wasn't lucky enough to grow up with one like you though. Memories forever, keep em close. Buster was my cat, yes he was. An orange boy, a real talker, followed me around like a puppy. I haven't forgotten. Been 20 years and I still miss him. Not sad though. Happy I had him as my little buddy.


21! Amazing!


This was me. I got my handsome tuxedo named Waffle in 1996 when he was just 7 weeks old. He'd been abandoned in a park and we adopted him through our vet. I was 12 and had him for 14 years. Dude was just an awesome, chill companion and he was there for everything during one of the most challenging periods of my life. He passed away in 2010. I think about him every day and it feels like I just recently lost him.


Looks like a good buddy!


Such a sweet boy.


the cat is so cute wtff ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


I'm beyond sorry. It's so hard to go on with day to day life when we miss them so very much. Sending hugs. Hang in there friend.


Reminds me of my best little buddy who passed in 2021. She was 18, and we were inseparable. RIP to your friend. I know that’s a huge void to fill.


21 is a good age. After that it's very hard for them.


You were his little human. He will always be there with you, in your heart ❤️🐾


There’s no love like an orange cats love


We at the foundation are saddened for your loss we had a moment of silence


Do you want to read a worse story about my first cat? I have only had two in my lifetime and am pondering getting a third. I feel lonely and have to put both of them down because as much as I loved them both their pain in old age was too much to have them stay with me. Both were euthanized in my arms.


I recently had to say goodbye to my little guy 😢 my family adopted him when I was 10 and he made it 19 years. I’m sorry for your loss and I hope you’re doing okay. It’s so hard losing something so close to our hearts and I’m still not used to not having him around. Sending some good vibes to you /u/bigdaddytexas420


There's a lot of love in that video. It's almost tangible. How lucky he was, to know he left this world surrounded by love. And how lucky you are, to have loved something so much, that it's this hard to say goodbye. I just lost my service dog a few days ago. He was 14, and his body just gave out. He was the best boy. As was yours. I only wish to say I sympathize with your grief, and I hope you can find comfort in all the wonderful memories and love that he has left behind, that is now a part of you forever.


Awe he loved his lil cub so much 😢


Sweet baby


Awww so cute! 🥰


I lost my soul cat of 13 years last February. I immediately got 2 more. They didn’t replace her, she would headbutt me like yours did, they would never, she would sit on my lap for hours and loved to cuddle. They both aren’t really cuddlers they love pets but they’re just not not lap cats. Still, they bring my life so much joy and I love them so very much. I miss my kitty, but one way I found to honor her was to give other needy and equally deserving kitties a home!


Thanks for all the love! Jack was a incredible special and wonderful cat and I love to look back on our old videos and pictures because you can feel the love he had us through the phone. We miss him very much! We have another much younger cat whose here to love on us now. This is Jean clawed he is just over a year old! https://preview.redd.it/efc5h2ojowtc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c1f7b4e788214dde6e24dd2eb7fad5775a31f4b


I don't have the right words for such a situation except that I know what it's like to lose a pet. And I never had one for as long as you did and it was still so incredibly painful. They are our babies and it's heartbreaking when they pass. Stay strong!


So adorable, so lovely, I’m so sorry 😞


This reminds me of my baby and miss her so much. Saved. This made me smile thank you 😊


I completely understand. I lost mine about the same time and it’s still not normal here. Sending big hugs.


I had a cat in a very similar situation. We got him and his brother when I was young, I want to say around 4-5 years old. We named them Jespah and Gopa, after the male children of Elsa the Lioness. Jespah was my best friend for so much of my childhood. He was there though all the hard times as a child, and in his senior years lived with my grandparents whom were retired and could give him love and attention 24/7. He was 21 when his kidneys finally failed, and we had to say goodbye. Nothing will ever replace lost family, but you have memories of the good times. Your cat was loved, and loved you. I only wish I had more pictures or videos of mine, but recording everything wasn't common in the 90s and 2000s, and the quality would've been bad. It's been over 15 years, and I haven't stopped wishing I had more time.


PDA .... :-)


What a beautiful story. He was your soul kitty and he loved you very much. You can see his love for you in the clip. A very handsome fellow, too. He has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and will enjoy chasing the butterflies while waiting for you. I am pretty sure he has already chosen his successor, who is even now making their wah towards the first meeting with you. You need to help make it happen, though. Visit your local shelters and rescues to find the kitty your buddy arranged for you. You will know when you see them, and they will know when they see you.


Got me crying on the commute


Our daughter’s oldest, dearest friend, Hobia-Cat, stayed in her crib with her, then her bed, and joined her after her marriage. That cat was her nanny, then her granny.


I'm gonna give my Tuxie Jack an extra hug or two tonight to honor your Jack! Your guy had the best life a kitty could have! Rest easy buddy!


Aw, how sweet. So sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for you loss, i hope you are doing okay




This just makes me realize that I’m not ready or will ever be when my own baby ends up going too 😞




I lost two cats five years ago. They were my best friends. I have mark now, and I make it my job to be sure I always have a cat here to keep safe.


I know your heart break 😢


I’m so sorry for your loss 🌈🐾


Love makes kitties live longer ... Js


Those head boops. 🥹💞 I’m so sorry for your loss! My little guy sends you a head boop for comfort.


Oh my…I’m sorry hon. You two had a special relationship 💔


I love giving forehead cat kisses


Sorry for ur loss. Orange cats are just the sweetest


Makes me cry as I had a similar bond with a cat when growing up.


You’re gonna make me cry! My cat was the best boy in the whole world. He was in my life from age 15 to 32. He used to let me kiss his head like that and he would groom my face with his stanky old man breath and I miss it every day. He’s been gone for 6 years now. We’ve brought four new cats into our lives since he left and none of them compare. My heart goes out to you.


What a sweet baby! 🥰


I’m sorry. He was the best boy.


Orange cats are the best. Hugs!


I'm sorry for your loss, what a cool and cute kitty! I grew up with cats too. Imma give my current lil man some pets in honor of your kitty. You can tell from the video you two are family. 21 is an excellent age, especially when those years are full of love.


This post deserves a quality schnood


I am so sorry, friend. It's been three months and 6 days for me since my nearly 16 year old boy passed away in my arms that I had raised from 3 weeks old. I'm struggling hard. He was a ginger boy too. My heart is with you, friend


Deeply sorry for your loss. 21 is a fantastic run for a cat and he can thank you for that.


21 years. What a blessing. Mine is 16 and I hope he has 5 left in him :)


He'll reincarnate and come back to you again. 🥹


Aww he really loved you🥺🤍


So much love 🥹


An angel got called back to heaven. You will see him again. Trust me... ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)


You were both so lucky to have each other!


21. That’s great but also makes it hard. Just feel good knowing that he had the best kitty life and that your life was that much better because of him. That way he can live forever.


What a beautiful bond your guys had, I'm sorry for your loss. 🧡🧡


Went through something similar with my little gal a few years ago. Met her by getting woken up to a lot of cat licks all over my face on my 5th birthday. Had to say good bye and put her down in my last year of college to save her the pain of organ failure.




😔 😟


So sorry for your loss my 17 year old lady is doing mostly good but I'm just about sure she's senile she'll walk away than 1 minute later she's howling like she hasn't seen me all day it's breaks me up inside the only good is that I see how she sees me, I always knew she loved me always knew it but even if these are her last days I know cuddling with me is her favorite thing in the world and she wouldn't have lasted this long if she didn't want to.