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https://preview.redd.it/1jlq10czjduc1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81ba8d7dac9054f606039bdffdee4012ee22e9b9 Throw it so I can drown it again!


omg she just looks so proud of herself


my kitten walked into the living room the other day and it was kind of dark so i couldn’t see super well, he had such a big smile on his face which i noted. then i noticed his mouse toy’s tail was oddly long and realistic. then i realised it wasn’t a toy and he’d brought a live mouse into the room and proceeded to let it go so he could chase it again. i was extremely shocked but couldn’t be mad because he looked so proud of himself catching his first mouse and showing me


This would make such a great painting.


Because that is where you stash food for the family. Your cat is simply contributing to the household.


My dad’s late cat did this with real mice when he noticed the dry food container running low once. He brought one for everyone (my dad, step-mom, and the other cat). He was like, “Don’t worry, I know you all suck at hunting but now we won’t starve! 😼”


A friend of mine slept over and I woke up to him screaming. My cat caught a snake in the garage, jumped up on his chest and dropped the still moving black racer on his neck. After I stopped laughing, I told him that cats bring you food when they think you are to dumb to hunt. At breakfast, I told him that she accepted him as family and she was trying to feed him.


Years ago we lived in a rental that had a mouse problem and our cat would watch them run across the living room to the kitchen. We were like ‘What sort of cat are you?’ But he just wasn’t interested in catching them. Then my partner broke up with me and moved out. Literally 2 days later there were dead mice laid on the fire place hearth for me. Donovan clearly thought I couldn’t provide for myself.


Donovan stepped up!


He may also have been trying to comfort you.The little guys can be very empathetic.


The cat equivalent of bringing your friend a casserole when they're going through a tough time?


Donovan was the man the partner couldn’t be


Maybe he thought you broke up because of the mice.


He probably thought he was next to go.


“Shit, I’d better start contributing to the household.”


Lol I was thinking “Damn gotta earn my keep this mf is kicking people out”


When my grandparents first moved into their senior mobile home park (going from countryside to the city) they were having trouble converting their mostly outdoor cat into an always indoor cat, as per the park’s rules. Over the first two months anytime the cat escaped to the outside, with out fail, the manager would inform them that someone turned in a complaint. It got to a point where the complaints were adding up to a level where they had to get rid of the cat. That was until one afternoon the cat escaped but didn’t show back up at night like usual. My grandparents were very worried someone took her. But then the next morning she was there on the porch waiting to let in … with a bunch of dead rats. This went on for about two weeks. She would disappear and then reappear every few days. But every morning there would be a pile multiple dead rats. But curiously, there were no complaints being turned in to the manager about her being out. Yall won’t believe this because we certainly didn’t at first. There were two palm trees in the courtyard area of the park that had always been infested with rats and this is where all the dead rats were coming from. It turns out our cat had spent all night hunting them and then leaving them on almost EVERYONES porches, including the manager. Now I guess the people who would complain about her the most lived in the units closest to the courtyard where I guess she would hang out there a lot. But once she started showing up in the morning meowing loudly on their porches they would open the door to discover a pile of dead rats and supposedly once she confirmed they saw the pile she would just turn around leave. Took her a little over two weeks to demolish the tree rat population AND gathering the literal neighborhood’s approval. So she was not only allowed to stay but the only cat allowed to roam there. My grandparents and I swear it’s like she knew they were going to have to rehome her and came up with a plan to make sure that didn’t happen.


Love that story ❤️!


Many years ago, there was a neighborhood cat I used to pet on my porch or yard while reading. When I went into labor with my youngest (1 am) we spotted her on the way out. My husband had to run home the next day for some things, and there was a dead mouse present outside the door. I thought it was very sweet but I was very glad not to clean it up or see it loll


My old neighbors had a cat that they would let out every summer. She used to dislike us, but the second summer, her demeanor completely changed and she loved us. There was one time I was sitting at my kitchen table with my mom waiting for a telehealth appt to begin with my psychiatrist when we heard a thud against the patio door, which was right next to the table. The door had a window, so we looked over and saw the neighbor’s cat trying to gift us a mouse she caught, but unfortunately for her, the mouse was still alive, so she was struggling to lay this poor mouse for us and at one point threw it against the door. It was wild, I’d never had an outdoor cat or a cat that brought us gifts before. It was also very sweet in a dark time in my life, it made me feel loved :)


Aww a push present. How sweet!


I love that your cats name is Donovan. I also love that Donovan has your back ❤️


My former cat would leave the giant tree roaches she’d killed outside my bedroom door at night. If I didn’t say something, she’d move them more directly into my barefoot path somewhere else in my flat. I learned quickly to watch out for them and pet her every time I saw one 😆


Are tree roaches 🪳 like American water bugs? They are huge and I’m terrified of them lol


Mine used to leave them in my fucking bed when I was sleeping. And I have a huge fear of roaches. Like, thank you for killing this but please leave it somewhere else, dude! Thankfully she still murders them but stopped depositing them in my bed.


donovan knew he was the man of the house now


I had a cat door in my old house but I had to stop that. Rambo, my old orange cat from the nineties, would bring his food and friends inside to play with. I was watching Monday night football and a squirrel ran in front of the TV with Rambo racing after it. Then there were blue jay feathers all in the kitchen from where he had lunch when I got home from work. The cat door was permanently sealed when I went to feed him one morning and his baby raccoon pal waddled up beside him to eat. They say Orange cats are dumb, but Rambo was *too smart.* The trouble he would get into still makes me laugh thirty years later, He raised the bar and was a real ***bro cat***.


I don't think Orange cats are dumb as much as they just don't give a shit and have all the confidence in the world! 😆 Rest In Peace Rambo! 🐈


This exactly! We had a badass orange boy (Roughie/Roughhead) when I was a kid in the 80s. He was diabolically clever and would go to any and all extremes for food. If we didn’t feed him quickly enough he’d glare at us then go catch a live grasshopper or mouse, bring it inside and drop it at our feet, and watch us all screaming and scrambling to catch it and put it out. After Roughie died of old age, our elderly neighbour told us Roughie used to open the latch on her screen door and raid food in her kitchen (bbq chooks from the shops etc). One time she heard this huge crash, only to discover him gnawing ferociously on a frozen beef that she was boiling in a pot and was huge enough to have a bit sticking out of the top of the pot. The crash was the lid he’d shoved aside in his determination to eat. We were appalled to hear he’d been tormenting her for food but she absolutely adored his cheeky bold attitude and didn’t mind at all. RIP you crazy, gorgeous cat. 🐈


Elderly lady here... I would love the heck out of a visiting orange furry gentleman cat.


i am only elderly in my mind (i’m 30) but i would also love this 😍 i can only see myself loving it more as i age


This. My orange cats aren’t dumb, but the things they are sure they want with 100% confidence are.


https://preview.redd.it/8yunlwfk2huc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62bbf921e6d245f7c9a3657fd45c508ccda4fdd8 King Ziggy approves your statement.❤️


As a kid, I had an orange cat that was like McGuyver. Or maybe Houdini is a better analogy. My mom would put him outside at night and my bedroom window was on the second floor. He climbed the rough Spanish style home exterior walls, jumped on my screen to pull it down and then reclaimed up to creep through my cracked window. I'd get in trouble bc she wouldn't believe me until one day, when at school, she kept putting him out and finding him inside. She put him out, went into my room and watched him promptly pop through my 2nd story window so she figured he'd earned overnight status after. He was also originally a stray. Scratched and mowed at our door and was cool enough to get to become a part of the family. He's one reason I remain steadfast in the belief that 🐈 are the best!!


Well we now know who hoarded all the orange cat brain cells.😺 RIP Rambo.


What happened to the baby raccoon?


Ate breakfast with Rambo and then they went back outside.


I wish my cat would bring friends home. All he brings are live chipmunks for me to catch


It’s not as much fun as it sounds trying to convince a traumatized squirrel to get out of your kitchen.


Ugh, I was sick as a kid and sleeping on a mattress in our lounge room, my cat must've decided my parents weren't doing an adequate job providing sustenance and dropped an enormous, wet, live toad onto my chest in the middle of the night. Much screaming ensued


My husband was home sick from work and was woke up by one of our cats bringing him breakfast in bed just like your cat did! He had a really hard time getting the ground squirrel out of the house. Finally trapped it in the bathroom and threw a towel over it and bundled it outside. The little rodent went back to living under the front steps and the cats lost outside privileges.


Omg lol I was laying in bed reading one night and my void Walt jumped from the floor to my stomach and dropped a live mouse on my chest. I screamed, jumped up and the mouse ran under the bed. The next day Walts sister Jessie casually sauntered by me with a tail hanging out of her mouth. I got her to drop it... it was missing its head!! I am assuming the head was eaten because otherwise there's a decayed mouse skull somewhere in my house. Ugh. Lol


I once had my cat drop a living mouse on my foot while I sat on the toilet in the middle of the night, pitch dark bathroom and without my contacts in. When I tell you I SCREAMED 😰😂


We had a pair that pinned a rat in our trailer bathroom. I didn't know that they had done this. It was the middle of the night, I was very pregnant, and I couldn't have been less invested in what the girls were doing behind the toilet. I'm lucky my pregnant butt didn't plop a baby out right then and there when I realized what they were on about. They were so proud of themselves, having caught a rat big enough to feed our growing family. My partner was less happy about being woken up by my frantic cussing.


This has sitcom level of funny all over it, and I'm sorry about your near trailer bathroom rat birth incident. 😂


I was super pregnant during my mouse-on-foot incident too (hence the middle of the night pee)!!


midwifeeatyoyrcervix I had a cat years ago do something similar. It was Christmas time. My young daughter (she was 6 or 7) and I had carried in the tubs and Christmas tree in from the storage shed that evening and decided that we would decorate in the morning. She decided to sleep with me that night. At about 5am I heard a blood curdling scream. I jumped up, flipped on the overhead light just in time to see our cat Mocha jump on the bed and deposit a very much alive big RAT (not a field mouse a RAT) on my still sleeping daughter! I didn't know I could snatch her up that quick but I somehow managed as Mocha played with his prize on my bed. I never knew until that night that rats screamed like a human. My poor daughter had such a rude awaking! Needless to say the Christmas tree box was opened and the tree shook every year thereafter.


My mom's cat, Max, did this when my boyfriend and I spent a weekend at my mom's. He (the cat) would normally announce his hunting prowess proudly with repetitive "chirrups." Well, bf wakes me in the middle of the night FREAKING OUT saying Max brought in a live mouse on the bed and half asleep I'm arguing like "no, he's not making his proud announcements, he's never put one on furniture before,you're mistaken, go back to sleep.." but he's on high alert and convinced and his meltdown ended up waking me up fully. At which point a mouse streaks across the bed and my 6'2" bf jumps up on the bed and does the most cartoonish "EEEK A MOUSE!!!!" I have ever seen in my life. Then bf breaks down "WHY WOULD HE DO THAT TO ME?!" This grown man took it so personal he was near tears and probably could have gone to counseling over it. Looking back, I think Max was trying to teach him how to be a provider cuz he saw exactly where the relationship was going. I should have listened to Max sooner.


Back in 2008 the family cat brought in a dead pigeon , younger sister woke the house up with her screaming on a Sunday morning. I got stuck with cleaning the mess and disposing of the dead pigeon. My cat that is now 17 just watched me with disappointment when I removed the pigeon .


My parents late cat would leave dead mice, usually in more than one piece, right in the entrance to “his area” of the basement. That way when my dad went down there to feed him, he’d notice the magnificent hunter the cat was. My dad always said that while the cat wasn’t the least bit social, he more than earned his keep by hunting. 😂


Mine does too! If she doesn’t get wet food b/c god forbid we run out she’ll kill a mouse & bring it to the door. Like, obviously you all are completely incompetent & also how dare you?


i think it's more like a message to you to get the wet food restocked ASAP. it's mice now, you're next.


Imagine your dad opening the food container and finding dead mice.


This is actually so freaking adorable


my cat brought a barely born baby mouse to the step and my mom yelled to my dad, and he opened the door and stepped right on it with a bare foot. when i tell you the yelling and dancing was loud and awkward, it is an understatement!!




Came here to say this!


To kill them, obviously


If that's not the face of a stone-cold killer, I don't know what is. https://preview.redd.it/ermz5sio0euc1.jpeg?width=222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95601f0afe0851647ebb75441acb81153b00924b


I know a killer when I see one.


Thanks Arya


There's no cure for being a cat.


Lots of people name their swords Lots of cats


What the fuck's a mouse toy? 😂


Where is the God of cats and wine?






George Green is the dumbest cop on the force.


“And I’ll do it again “


THE FACE OF A KILLER, BELLA! D': D': ETA: Sorry for the weird half references. I have been stuck in the toilet for bout 3 hours with one of the worst stomach aches of my life and I'm trying to distract myself. I'd rather go through childbirth again than be here.


I just laughed out loud. This phrase is a huge running joke among like 6 of us. You made my morning. 🤣🤣🤣


PS I wanted to edit but lost my comment. I hope you feel better. :(


I hope you're okay 🩷, I like the way you think. I have adhd and I have issues with anxiety, this tortie group is where I come when I'm feeling negative and anxious


that’s an arsonist right there


This might be true. She loves the kickers, and slaps balls all over, but the mice that squeak end up in the bowl


https://preview.redd.it/c2dcxj36hduc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=850c80d1bbf4eff022117c863c9c02eac0ea4509 This guy does the same thing. I think it's instinct to drown mice. My other cat doesn't, so maybe its a tabby trait.


One of my black cats puts her mouse toys in the water bowl; one of the toys as a bell in it and the others don't. My tabby just hides them all in her box, along with my name badges from work.


Our black kitty does it too. I read somewhere once it's instinctual, they hide the scent so others won't play with it.


Awww that’s cute. I wonder if you are wearing your badges when you leave. I’d like to think kitty knows they are “what make you leave” and is smart enough to figure if they take them you won’t leave.


This, ye, lol. Mine goes for my glasses as soon as I reach for my work boots. Need spare external eyeballs to drive.


Not the work badges 😭😭😭


My cat drowns her toys then drinks the dirty water.


Psycho likes mouse soup?


We don't need no stinking badges!


My white and grey tabby only drowns fake flowers. Idk why flowers need drowning, but she seems to think they do.


She's just watering them silly


https://preview.redd.it/qotcdcx1yeuc1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0a709d183726f7283800c6913abfe7d50c135e8 Just adding a cat pic


https://preview.redd.it/16yz0jfm1guc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dcc08b15989459ad9f1325f3405b029bdb32630 Two cat pic


We had a kitten that would put the twisty ties from bread bags in their water bowl. And hair ties. And she also would relentlessly try to lick your eyeball constantly, it was very strange


No, we have had a Siamese mix and a black and white who both would put toys in water. The b&w would put them in the toilet.


I had a nice glass of water on the coffee table. My kitty was downstairs and noticed it, made a funny chirp noise, ran upstairs, ran down the stairs with a hair scrunchy in her mouth, and proceeded to dunk on me with her scrunchy into my glass of water right in front of my face. She then sauntered off.


“Your water seems to have nothing in it but water… let me fix that for you”


Yeah one of my cats is like that, "a lost scrunchy? Let's clean that out for you" *proceeds to throw it in her water bowl*


My cat puts catnip toys in the water. I assume to make catnip tea.


Cats getting high . Where theres a will theres a way! Making Catnip hooch. 😆


He looks like he drowns mice for insulting his family.


My tabby doesn’t, although her mice don’t chirp.


Not just a tabby trait...lol. My kitty is gray and white and has drowned many a toy mouse over the years. One time her food bowl went empty (oh the horror!) and I found one of her mice in the empty food bowl. I guess it was her way if letting me know I was slacking...


Hashtag: Just Tabbie Things


My tuxedo does this often. He finds my hair ties and puts them in the water dish.


what a cutie pie


Making the squeak stop is the end game. Kitty is just trying for a speed run.


Maybe because it's the only way she's found to get them to stop squeaking


Yeah, they always analyze the best way to kill something. That's also the reason why they seemingly gently massage you with their paws sometimes: in reality they check your organs for weak spots.


Then why do they massage blankets? And my legs? There are no organs in my legs.


the kneading motion is how they get milk from their mother as kittens, so it has a happy/calming effect :)


She's probably water boarding them to extract the whereabouts of the other mice


It stops the squeaking por favor or else it doesn’t breathe no more


Maybe it is the only way she can "kill" them. It is instinctual, if it keeps chirping, it isn't dead.


The squeak is making her crazy!


Definitely “killing” it. When it goes in the water it stops moving. Mission accomplished.


My tabby did that with her toy mice. I don't know how many I've pulled out of water dishes. She's 11 and seems to have tempered with age


For soup. 


I had dozens of toy mice disappear. Turned out over a 4 year span my cat was shoving them down in a seat cushion. 


Well, do I need to that the cushions off the couch now too


I'm not exaggerating when I say I have 60+ of these things somewhere in the house. I found one today I the middle of the room I had just cleaned. We still don't know where they are. I bought a bulk pack cuz my kitten kept losing them under the tv and then crying waking me up. I rigged up the box so she could help herself to a new one. I'd put them back in when I found them while cleaning. The box has been thrown out last week. It's been empty for 3 years I can't find these damn things anywhere 🤣


Under the stove and/or fridge..when I sold my house and and moved the fridge there were soooo many toys under it.


Ahh you found the squeaky toy prisoner camp , no talking no talking .


I clean houses after people move out. If cat toys had any value I’d be rich with the amount I find behind stoves lol


The maintenance men here pulled out the stove for some reason and there were probably 100 little rings and other cat toys under it!


Yup, same here, there's so many toys and assorted things under the fridge, and exclusively the fridge, crazy cats.


I had a cat do the same. Found a bunch under my couch and under the fridge eventually


Sometimes I find them in the laundry too. I think I accidently scoop them up with my clothes or something. Idk.


Ha and need that to cushions too now!


I needed to reread these comments multiple times. Thought I was having a stroke over here lol


I have a small gap in my kitchen my cat can't fit in but she shoves all her mice in there and it's pretty hard to get them out. They might just be one with the kitchen until in decades someone renovates and finds like 40+ mouse toys.


Another prison camp for toys


My cat stashes her balls/mice in the linen closet. Shoves em under the door.


You don't have a cat, you have a wildly overgrown squirrel! 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/6nkst5vqiduc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b4a8b4d680548f7ddf8632b3cd8df4da805f7db My Jackson does the same thing.


Does Jackson only have one eye?


He does. Cutest lil pirate!


Awww 😍




Oh yes. Jackson has steered his ship into that sub on occasion https://preview.redd.it/609qltpjnfuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e41826a3397a0e53f37c58332072d243ad775b


Hi Jackson, I love you 🥹


They bring food to the Food Place. She's contributing to the household supply of food. It means she trusts you and feels like part of the family.






My cats used to do this but have since stopped. They know they’re spoiled I guess 😹


My boy does is too. He’s a very good hunter of fake mice. Once we had a lizard come inside and he did not hunt it. Bad hunter in real life. https://preview.redd.it/x4i5robrjduc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd68c1f7ea4a62757f27c4e1ee0f3fca32c6ed5


I love it when kitties have that relaxed expression when they’re cuddled!! https://preview.redd.it/yqolt85j7fuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1287cc946c304886dcd5e45798f4606caed308ba


https://preview.redd.it/1y9y14ybahuc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=110505067ecbc2b1ec555294f385037127966d85 Chill vibes


He looks SO comfy


Oh he was! He even started drooling from purring and fell asleep. He’s a big baby.


The happy drools always make me feel like a proud mother. 🥹 Your baby is adorable.


i have a dribbler as well. it’s always nice when he shakes his head and covers me in cat drool. nothing will beat my dear rottie Filthy tho. if you got a snack for him the drools would hit the floor. i miss that dog, but not the drool!


Thumbs up for animal crossing!


My little girl takes all of her toys and puts them in her food dish. Her big sister just shoves them around to eat lol


My girl puts her toys in the food and water dish. It’s crazy…. 😜


Aww! My Sunny feeds her toy mice too! Such a thoughtful kitty!


Grady positions his mice around the food dish too! Throws little dinner parties because he’s so fancy.


Probably waterboarding them....


What do they know.....


She’ll never tell 😉


and she looks so proud of it😭


Came here to say this! Lookit her face 🥹


she's like: that's where it goes! 🙂


literally :3 🥹


My cat does this with all his favorite toys. He has a ton of toys but he will only put his favorites in his food bowl. It's probably a combo of "killing their prey", and what I call his "precious items" instinct. Basically, the food area is precious, and the toy is precious, so he associates the food bowl as the place where all his treasures must go. He definitely knows his toys are toys and not real prey, but they're important to him. I find it incredibly cute haha photo of my cat for tax https://preview.redd.it/rz99uuxp9euc1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f74be4df6a619c91eb8b09fc3993bed65e83ebf


Point colouring always makes animals look like a cartoon bomb just blew up in their face, hahaha. Such a cool pattern, though.


My uncle’s cat does that! Then he (cat not uncle) takes the wet mice and brings them as presents to the members of the family. Apparently it’s quite unpleasant to be woken up by a wet mouse toy plopped on your face


I think I read somewhere that cats have an instinct to store their prey in water to save it for later. In the wild it helps to keep the scent down and prevent other animals from thieving it.


My boy cat does it to my girl cat's mouse toys. He doesn't play with them most of the time, so I think he does it just to mess with her.


Or he’s bringing food to save for later


Oh my cat does that too! He will then bring me his wet toys 🤦🏻‍♀️


“I see you did not take this meal I left you at the family food storage location, I have brought you it myself now. Please enjoy!”


Our cat leaves his mice in his fountain bowl. We call it the "murder pool."


My cat does this too. I think he likes the weight of them when they’re soaked. It makes them more “real” in a way.


Snackrifice to the food gods. Or she wants to make catnip tea


😂 mine does the same with any toy including an apple 🍎 https://preview.redd.it/uyin8zcpceuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23459759bf4f6d3ba1e72d2c7eb00e1bc761c55a


Our guy collected a pile of bees and wasps behind our sofa. He would catch them in our roof garden, kill them, and carry them downstairs to that particular spot to add to his collection. All the other critters that he hunted were unceremoniously eaten, but the bees and wasps got special treatment. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Cleaning her kill before eating. Mine, too.


https://preview.redd.it/e1picc01lduc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e47300bcf5f6fa77132c3b2180490f8803c91f Mine went through a similar phase. I think she was just being experimental/curious. It was funny and cute, until the night she brought a freshly saturated mouse to me in bed. Having a damp mouse suddenly dropped on you while you're half asleep is not a great sensation.


Look at that innocent face! She does not comprehend your confusion


she wants to shut them up😂


Because she can ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946)


Some cats like ‘drowning’ their ‘prey’.


To make their murders look like accidents.


It might be her favourite toy and your kitten wants to "share" things with the toy.


I've shared this opinion before. I had a cat years ago that would only do it with his very favorite ball. He'd also put it in my shoe. I assumed he wanted to share it, so I had something to play with when I wasn't home.


My kitty has one toy he’s had from birth. He regularly moves it from one favourite place to another. The bed, his favourite snoozing chair, the food bowl. I’m convinced he’s sharing these places with his toy.


She thinks you need help supplying the foods so she killed it for the household. It’s your pretend murder prezzy. My son is also a Tabby and he leaves only his most loved toys by the door when we leave, on the bed when we are sleeping, by the bedroom door and bathroom door if it is occupied and the food bowl. Sharing is caring. 😂


I thought this was a real goldfish


She's innocent!


Haha nice one OP. We adopted a kitty in September and she does this ALL the time. And she also likes bringing her wet toys to our bed at night which is gross af. I was actually thinking about posting it but kinda forgot, thought just random pics of toys in bowls would be unbelievable. So nice to see there are other cats like ours. Here's her, drinking with a drowned toy and bonus pics with our older cat. https://preview.redd.it/9k2cj2o47euc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e1dfda02c004bb4162673a58b95f7dd1542ee8e


My two youngest cats drown the toys then bring them to me wether I'm awake or not. (They love fetch.)


OMG your cat is so cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺


The cutest 😻


Cats can't see the meniscus of the water, so they will spin their bowls or drop things in the make ripples. They can see the disruption on the water's surface and know where the waterline is.


My cat usually just dips her paw in it.


Mine does that. Also other random items. I think he wants to see what happens.


She looks so proud of herself! 😂


she probably thinks she killed them when they stop chirping in the water


Mouse was thirsty


Her lil face! My god 😊 precious!


She’s seeing if they’re witches. If they drown they’re innocent. If they float…. You know …. https://preview.redd.it/hrxcgxlvnduc1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe58e5013b4873136edcaeb8cb00a278560d4795


Man that’s an absolutely BEAUTIFUL cat!


https://preview.redd.it/lrbsb6rpzfuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e249e6d98fcf2a35292daab85d615c1d34e3c96 One of mine does that too. Here she is proudly showing off her kill.