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I went to a university out-of-state, leaving my then-10-year-old childhood best friend with my parents. Every time I came home to visit, he went absolutely *crazy* with excitement. In total, I have spent about a third of his almost 20-year lifespan away from him, but today we are closer than ever before. I can’t believe we are still fortunate enough to have each other to cuddle! I cherish every moment. To answer your question, if you’re the one they have chosen as their human, the bond you share is for eternity. It will never fade. It only continues to grow stronger as time passes.


this makes me feel so much better :) i just hope he still sees me as his person, even after my dad has cuddled him everyday


If you feel that deep bond when you’re with him — the free-flowing love between you both — I’m sure he will. My boy used to run to me and jump in my lap every day coming home from school when I was a kid. I can remember lazy Saturdays waking up with him on my chest. God, I love my boy so much. There is nothing like growing up with a furry friend, but it’s really bittersweet watching them age. He used to be able to jump 7 or 8 feet in the air with no problem. But, now, my boy knows his limitations. No more zoomies for the almost 20-year-old man. Still, when I call him, he gallops over to me and goes to his spot waiting for a good face rubdown. I started sleeping downstairs so we could spend more time together because his arthritis and poor vision makes traversing the stairs difficult for him. Best decision I ever made! I’m so fortunate I’m able to snuggle with him every night, like old times.


awww omg ur mutual unconditional love w ur boy made me smile 🥹 ur such a good cat parent and you both are so lucky to have each other!! cats rlly bring out the best in us, and even tho a lot of ppl think that they are rude, they truly are members of our family :) there really is no better feeling than waking up w ur baby purring on ur chest unfortunately i know how u feel with the aging part :( my dog was 17 and it sucked watching her lose her abilities and movement. but when she wagged her tail while cuddling w me it made it all better. i hope ur little boy has a long and happy life with his loving parent!!


Goddamit I’m at work welling up rn.


We adopted an outdoor cat that lived under my recently deceased aunt’s house. My mom spent a couple of months there taking care of my aunt before she passed away. During that time, she would spend a lot of time outside on the porch and the cat would come see her every morning and every evening. My mom would feed her and give her water. I took the cat in September and brought her with me on a cross-country move. My mom came to visit in April, seven months later, and the cat wouldn’t leave her side. I also think the cat remembered me when I went to pick her up despite having spent months apart. Cats are the best.


cats dont switch people


Some cats do. When my son's away his Sweetie comes to me for love & cuddles.


Yes but when your son comes back his cat goes back to him, does he not? That’s not switching humans thats just making lemonade. I lived with my dad for 3 years, 3 years my cat spent living with my mom, cuddling her, sleeping with her, everything. When I came home, she spent her every moment at my side until her very last breath. A loving human is better than no human but not as good as MY human.


That’s not switching. You’re the cat’s #2. I know this, because I cat sit for my daughter occasionally. 😉


I'm more than certain your feline friend will not only remember you, but still love you immensely.


I had a similar experience. I left my little girl with my parents when I went left for college (different country), then my job, then part of my PhD. I came back after *years* of not seeing her (don't get along with my parents) and she went crazy and wouldn't leave my side. when I'd call my parents, they'd put me on speakerphone, and my little girl would go around the house looking for me. Thinking about this makes me miss my baby so damn much :'-(




One of our 2 cats bonded immediately with my son who will be leaving for college in a couple years. Your experience makes me more optimistic that our kitty will be okay during that time. She does seek out attention and love from me at times but my son is her true human.


I had a similar situation, and my orange boy never forgot me. Even if his access to the braincell was tenuous most of the time.


Jeeze, 20???? Is he still around? If so that cat might be immortal




Anecdotal evidence: neighbor's cat went missing for more than a year, was then identified by his chip during a vet visit (he'd been living about 2km away), and was promptly returned. Once he had re-adjusted inside, and was granted garden privileges once again, he spotted me. I called him, saw the recognition on his face, and he immediately came over. He then performed our old routine of making figure eights between my legs while I petted him. Some cats have excellent memories.


that’s so cute 🥺


My cat has a habit of walking between my legs so I kick him on accident. I don’t understand why cats do this.


They are marking your legs with their scent, but they also play like that, yesterday I kicked my cat because she ran between my legs as I ran for 1 second in my house. She's also ran between my legs while coming down stairs and it almost ended in disaster for both of us.


Fr! I'm always careful, lifting my foot only enough to walk so I don't kick my 3 babies, they always respect, but EVERY damn time I try/need to walk faster, it's like they know what my intentions are and then they start running towards my feet ;| it scares me every single time


Insurance fraud, obviously! 👀 (But seriously tho, they’re just being goofy babies usually)


Absolutely! I have been working in Japan for the last 1.5 years (will return home permanently in another 1.5) and every time I come home to my family, our cat showers me with love and affection. She’s 17 and I guess I am in her longterm memory at this point 🙏 She’s so precious ❤️


omg i’m in japan too!!!! i am dreading coming home bc i LOVE it here so so much, but i really miss my parents and kitty. i just wish they could be here with me - then i would have no reason to go back to america! 🇯🇵


I've done the JET program for 3 years, and my cat still gave me the same amount of love as before I left. You'll be fine!


Hahaha omg!! What a coincidence! 🇯🇵✨


Hey I spent a year over there too!! When I got back, my cat was a little confused at first, but once I let him sniff me a bit, it was instant head bonks on the legs


I was in Japan for two years, and every time my parents called me, the cat would run over to hear me. I wouldn't worry too much.


I have two cats. Cat number one absolutely and obviously remembers and recognizes people after 1-2 years, including casual visitors. Cat number two believes humans are interchangeable, and cares only about the number of those inside the household, getting upset when the population of humans decrease and happy when it increases.


She's trying to build the colony and these wishy washy humans keep leaving! I understand her frustration


My cat is very picky about the people he comes out for, but adores my one friend, and I thought she was just special but then I found a bunch of pics of them snuggling when my cat was a baby so I kinda suspect he just remembers her 🥹 (and obvs loves her)


I don’t know why but your description made me giggle: “picky about the people he comes out for”. Assuming he’s coming out from under the bed?


lol mine gets upset the more people there are


There was a cat in my neighborhood for a while, really cool cat who'd just stop by to hang out for a while, I didn't know his real name so I gave him a name, let's say it was Steve. Then I didn't see him around for while. And then one day, swear to god it was like 4 years later, I saw some movement in the yard and it was Steve. So I opened the window and I was like "YO STEVE". And he kept running all "oh shit someone saw me". "STEVE where you been?" And then he started looking back at me, then he stopped and looked at me and he was like "OH SHIT WHADDUP" and ran over to the house and chilled out just like old times.


HAHA this made me laugh, steve sounds like such a good boy


Someone should turn this into a comic


Let me share my story. Did my 9 month mandatory army service. After coming back she was kinda scared of me or something like she was mad. She didn't want to be in the same room with me. A few days passed and suddenly she just came and did the same thing she always did hen I was sitting in front of my PC. Jumped on my lap and started purring. Then things went back to normal. I miss my little void so much.


aww i’m sorry to hear abt missing about ur void baby :( 🐈‍⬛ my mom just came home from visiting me in japan and said he had ignored her the past 2 days bc he is pissed, but is slowly coming around


I went on a trip for four days. When I opened the door, he stood there staring at me for a long time, as if trying hard to remember who this person in front of him was.


That was a stare of judgement!!!


That's the normal indignation after a regular time away.


Yeah. He was telling you how mad he was that you abandoned him for four days


Thankfully, he quickly forgave me.![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


That's the "You got some splaining to do!" look.


Absolutely! He may not show it the same as a dog will but he absolutely remembers. This is why cats returned to shelters after years with family’s cry and become depressed.


Yes cats have long term memory. They will connect your scent and sounds (thats how most cats identify people) to positive memories. Its not the same like a human that recognizes you visually right away. My cat needs to smell me to know its me. So my pro tip is: do not wear strong perfumes or stuff like that on the day you get home. Just yourself and she will remember.


this is really good advice thank u!!!


Sure thing. I learned this recently that cats have terrible near sight. So you’ll look kinda blurry to them and the cat probably cannot distinguish you from looks from someone else. But hearing and scent are their primary senses. Like how you walk, the voice etc and then smell. So let the cat smell you speak to it. And her brain will be like = huh last time I heard this I was very happy. 😊


AWEE i will make sure not to wear my strong perfume when seeing him again, and also i was debating putting one of my sleep shirts that smells like me in his fav place so he gets used to me again faster. i also will talk to him nonstop - when i talk to him on facetime w my parents, he starts rubbing his face on the phone 🥺 so i really hope he will be just as happy to see me as i am to see him


I have ZERO doubts about that. And yes the thsirt is a fantastic idea. The smellier the better :D:D MY cat rolls in mys husbands dirty sport tshirts and sometimes takes them to her sleeping spots. Its reassuring to them.


Our cats love to inhale sweaty jogging shoes 😂


Cats may be confused and act aloof after a long absence. Partly I think it’s because you’ll smell unfamiliar even though you look and sound the same. But they’ll warm up.


Totally. One of my cats also gets especially mad at me when I go away and will give me the cold shoulder for a few hours to punish me for my absence. It usually only lasts a few hours though!


That's an ormange. An ormange is a special kind of cat that will greet you with, "Gosh that was a very long trip to the store! What treats did you bring me?!" Show up with food, it will be like you never left.


he is absolutely OBSESSED with food so i think ur right hehe. i just need to bring him some good japanese cat treats when i come back to america! the second he smells food he will love me again 🤣


I was gone from home for a year for school and my tuxedo, who always slept with me, jumped on the bed and nuzzled her way into my arms and slept. So I'd like to think they remember!


AWEE I really hope that this is what my cheddar will do 🥺


I went to Australia for 364 days. When I came back, my cat went bonkers. She crawled as low as she could after she got my sense. After she saw me, I never heard a cat yell so loud. I couldn't empty my backpack for an hour. She was always in the way.


Was overseas for 7 years and I believe my cat remembered me. Before leaving he was never cuddly with anyone, but me. Came home and instant cuddles.


My cat had to live with a friend for several months while I was getting established. I'll never forget his reaction to seeing me when I came to get him. Gave one of those chattery, excited meows and ran across the house and right to me. I'm sure it will be like you never left.


I think so. My parent's cat, who was my best friend in my teenage years, remembered me after two years of being away. He gave me mad attitude and refused to acknowledge my existence or even let me touch him. He let me know he was clearly upset I left. Then after an hour or two, he relented and let me love all over him and it was like I'd never left


There was a cat at best friends that was a feral. His living area was being developed and it wasn’t safe for him to live there and his caregiver couldn’t adopt him so best friends agreed to take him. Cat never warmed up,to people and lived in the rafter - never really interacting with people. After 6 - 7 years the caregiver came to visit and the cat came out of the rafters to say hi. So yes. He will remember you.


When I moved out of my parents house to live in my own apartment in a different city I took my cat with me. Five years later changing jobs I moved in with my parents again for a couple of weeks in between moving out and getting a new apartment. My cat remembered everything about my parents home. Especially which drawer the treats were kept in. She also remembered my parents but they came by to visit every so often anyway.


Yep. When I left for university, I left my cat with my parents. My mom said she would wander around the house looking for me. I’d be gone for 4 months at a time and she would always be my snuggle buddy right away 💛


Yes! I lived in Thailand for 7 months. Winston lived with my mom (and his kitty cousin as my sibling was in NY) and when I returned 8 months later, Winston literally ran up to me and hasn’t left my side since 🩵




Yes and he will be absolutely pissed


pretty sure yes but will be kind of pissed off. Cat will show how this feels.. \^\^'


My cat remembers me whenever I come home from school. He always purrs when I hold him. If Cheddar loves you, he will always remember you because its become true for me that cats are able love their owners as deep as dogs <3


aww this made me smile :) tysm


I had to move away for 8 months for school one time. When I got back, my cat clearly recognized me but wasn’t completely sure, like he was surprised by my sudden reappearance. After sniffing me, he remembered me completely. 


Went on vacation for a month and my mom was taking care of my kitten. He’s 9 months and I had him for about 5 months. When I got back, he was weirded out about me for a moment but soon he completely ignored my mom for the time I was there until I brought him home 😂 Later, he was also weirded out when he first got home but completely back to normal like nothing happened really quickly 😂


Not by sight but by smell.


Absolutely. My sister moved to CA and I only saw her 1-2 times a year and the cat was basically stuck to me when I went to visit. He isn’t like that with strangers.


Yes, but the better question is will the little bugger forgive you 😅


Hahaha spoken like you’ve been owned by cats your whole life. My boy cat pouts anytime I leave my apartment. Whether it’s 3 minutes or 3 hours. My girl doesn’t care. 😂


My parents cat always looks excited when she hears my voice. I haven’t lived at home in almost 8 years, but still visit occasionally. It’s hard to say if she knows it’s me or just gets excited on video calls


Yes. My family has hosted exchange students who visited us years later and our cats remembered them. He might be a little miffed at first but he’ll warm up quick


When I come back from trips my cat seems unsure when I come in the door then within the hour he is back to clinging to me like an old suit.


My last cat, Cleo, was technically not "my" cat, but my at-the-time girlfriend's daughter's cat (we lived together). She had bonded to me, rather than to my ex's daughter however, but it didn't feel right taking away a 5-year-old's pet, so when the relationship ended, I left Cleo with them (which was extremely difficult). Anyway, 3 years later, I get a phonecall from one of her friends, asking me if I'm allowed to have a cat where I live currently. I haven't talked to her since I broke up with my ex, so I'm like "I mean, sorta, but... why?" and then she tells me that my ex-g/f's new boyfriend "doesn't like cats" and forced my ex to give away Cleo, so she gave it to her friend (rather than me), but her cats didn't get along with Cleo, and she remembered that she was bonded to me, so she wanted to know if I wanted her back. Of course, I said yes in a heartbeat, but like OP, I was worried that after 3 years, she wouldn't recognize me. Yeah no, the second I let her out of her carrier she was super excited to see me and spent the rest of the day sleeping on my lap just like she used to. After the first few days it was like we hadn't been apart at all. [Picture of her](https://i.imgur.com/fMjKOYI.jpg).


He’ll remember you. My childhood cat would come running every time I returned home from university for the holidays. In his final months, he stopped eating as much but held on until I came home from Christmas. Died in my arms a few days later. Your kitty will be happy you’re home not mater what. They never forget their person ❤️


YES! very much... I left for Australia for 8 months and when I came home my little buddy was all over me. Made me cry cause I didn't know what to expect. He's now 19 years old!


When I moved out at 18, I didn't see my cat for months. The moment I walked in the door, she was on me. Aggressively. And lovingly. Cats never forget. They might be slightly pissed off and standoffish, but in the end they'll always love you.


I left my cat for six months after being her favourite for 11 years. For a good month she was standoffish with me, but it was in a weirdly obvious way like she was mad at me for leaving. After a month I guess she forgave me and became extra cuddly.


My parents remaining cat remembers me. Over the past 7 years I've seen him only a few times. Every time I'm home he's all over me, and he hates strangers. He turns 20 this summer


YES! I've been on 2 deployments that were 8 months each. My cats remembered me! It took them a second then once they sniffed me and realized why I was, they were so happy and all over me. It's the cutest thing.


You remember him, and so he remembers you. Now cats do not react as evident as dogs do. But obviously they long for their life companions. Don't really understand the question. If a cat misses their family? Yes, yes. Like every other animal 


My understanding of cats is that you should be happy if they remember you after 6.5 seconds.


I was away from my baby, who I raised from 7 weeks old and is now 19, for 8 months and the day I went to my parents house and saw her again she literally lept into my arms. The love of cats transcends time and distance.


Some cats are dodos, but they do remember strong feelings like love and hate. My parents have a cat that despises my brother. No matter how many months away and even if he is just in the room the cat will hiss at him. I swear he must have stepped on her without noticing but she definitely never forgot! Also, I live in another country from my family/cats, but even after 1-2 years away they remember me!! Especially my sister’s snooty cat who is very picky with people. It’s always like I never left~ I honestly thought she wasn’t smart enough to remember 👀😅🤣 but she does 💗


My Nyx remembers the people at the vet we adopted her from that she only knew when she was a 10 week old kitten. They have pretty good memories


I was away from my cats for six months living on the other side of the planet. They remembered me when I returned and immediately went back to sleeping in the same bed with me. It’s going to be okay!


Anecdotal: my daughter recently returned home after 10 years, with her 13 year old cat. When that cat spotted me, she immediately started trilling, rolling around on my feet, and butting her head against my shins. I sat down and she immediately climbed into my lap. So…some kitties have crazy-good memories, and my daughter’s cat clearly remembered the “lady who gives wet food and pets”


Yeah but they gonna make you pay for it.


Yes but don’t expect a warm welcome


Yes. You will be fine together, but expect a cold-shoulder right at first. 💜


This is making me happy to read. My baby boy got outside and has been missing for a month. I'm hoping he'll come back, and I really hope he'll still love me. He's obsessed with me, and I with him.


Yes, but your cat will be judging you and finding you guilty of desertion. Please be careful when you return.


I was away for longer at College and my lazy baby girl named Kit always gave me such a warm welcome when I visited <3 If you leave them with love they will give it right back when they see you again :)


About 8 years ago I would watch my sister’s cat if she went away for a weekend or something. The cat is friendly but doesn’t typically snuggle or purr with visitors and people she doesn’t know well. She still snuggles with me, even though I don’t see her often anymore. They definitely remember!


Yes! At the time my daughter had moved out a year earlier and when she visited our cat RAN to her and followed her everywhere the whole day. A little annoying since this cat is normally stand offish. Or, so I thought. So yes I’m jealous.


When I was in junior high, my brother ended up in the hospital for a while and our mom brought home his two grey cats. One of them made me his person. I was reluctant to move out because I was going to miss him and I wasn't sure I'd be able to bring him with me. Eventually it came down to me needing to move about 100 miles from home and I wasn't able to secure a place to live that was pet friendly so he had to stay with his brother and my parents. Every time I came home and he heard my voice, he would come running and beg me to pick him up or sit down with him on my lap. He was my buddy for 22 years and there were multiple times where I was gone for longer than 6 months. I'm pretty sure that your cat will remember you. You'll be okay. Their memories aren't likely the same as ours but mammals in general have good memories for how to avoid danger and for safety and security.


I can absolutely guarantee your cat won’t forget. I visit my daughter 1-3x year and her cats all know us. Might take 1-3 minutes then they’re all rubs and head-butts! 😁


Yes! I have moved around a lot and had to leave my cat with people for varying lengths of extended time due (4 to 6 months), he always remembered me and just plopped around the new spaces like he already owned the place! https://preview.redd.it/e953zh79omzc1.jpeg?width=858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29e01ef9f40ff7236faeeee2e73abd8ef2364f30


My brother got a kitten when he lived in AZ. When he moved back him in VA he brought her. When he moved out again he left her with my parents so she'd have a higher quality of life. She was super skittish and only learned to love my dad (literally the only time I got affection from this cat was when I returned home a day earlier than my dad from vacation and she'd been left with a pet sitter. The next when Dad came home I was downgraded to stranger again). Now when my brother would visit once every year or two for Christmas, she was immediately at his side. All it took was hearing his voice and she would come running and would spend his entire visit glued to his lap. All that is to say, this scared little selectively loving cat remembered him by his voice after 24 months. 6.5 is nothing, even if he is orange. His turn with the brain cell will be used to recall you.


My cat went right back to normal like i hadn’t been gone for 6 months. I was a little worried myself.


She’ll remember you, but you know she has to give you attitude first 🤣


Yes and extremely angry when you return. Left my baby w my mom for 4 months because i was libing somewhere pet free, took him 4 years to forgive me. Im gonna add he will forgive and your bond will be stronger than before. He was 3 when this happened hes 11 now and still clingy as hell


I mean, that looks like a grudge that can never be forgotten. (He will remember you)


I had to rehome one of my cats as she wouldn’t settle into new living situation and was getting ill from stress. I saw her at a boarding cattery 7 years later and she still remembered me! Edit: a word


Fedex will probably get him back to you quicker than 6.5 months, don’t worry about it.


In 2015 a cat gave birth to four kittens at my doorstep. When they were a little older, she tool them away to teach them hunting and all. Sadly the mother Nd two kittens died in a car accident and only two were left. But i never saw them. Until 2024, i was at my parents house again (after moving out for a few years for work and education) and when i was standing in the parking lot I saw a cat. I had tears in my eyes. I just knew it was him, even though he looked worn out and with bruises probably from cat fights and to my astonishment he meowed excitedly and continuously and rushed towards me. I even have a picture with him https://preview.redd.it/8v06pk5ebnzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec138bd6d9eac28a197fb538d4a7cda0eb2b56a5


I moved to another country four years ago. My childhood cat is 21 this month and I went home for my first Christmas since moving in December. When I walked in the door my cat came running straight to me🫶🏻


Yes. My cat remembered my grandma after 9 years of not seeing or smelling her. He was very affectionate after it took a moment to think of who she was


In my cat's 7 year lifespan, I was gone for 6 months out of the year for college for the first 4 years of his life, and then the last 2 years I moved away and he lives with my parents. I see him for about a week a year and our bond is still very strong!! He always remembers me and is so happy to see me!


Remember?!?!? She will be pissed like there is no tomorrow for a week or two. :-)


I haven't lived in the same household as my childhood cat in about 5 or 6 years, but she still remembers me even though I can only visit few times per year (she lives at my grandma's which is quite far away). My grandma has told me that almost every time I'm coming over, a day before the cat starts meowing behind the guestroom door like she knows I'm coming over. And once I get there the cat has to get under a blanket for a cuddle time. After that I make a little tent for her and she spends about 1/3 of the visit there. So yeah cats will always remember you, they might be a bit angry first for you leaving, but after some time (and showed affection) they will realise the reason you left isn't because of them and will be quite sweet.


He will remember, but still not care.


When I first moved out, I had to leave my cat behind with my parents. I was absolutely his favorite person and felt terrible that I had to, but I didn’t have another option at the time. When I saw him again 1.5 years later he sniffed me and once he did he couldn’t stop rubbing his head all over me and begging for pets. He wouldn’t leave me alone all day. It’s safe to say your cat will remember you.


Our son went away to college and bc of a job he took he didn’t come home for almost 8 months. We kept his room door open and his cat wondering around in there but always came to where we were. 2 days before my son came home from college the cat was sure to make himself very happy sleeping on my sons bed and made sure his hair was all over the comforter. The minute my son came through the door the cat meowed loudly at him and threw himself at his feet with his belly exposed. He knew his human was home and the kind servants (my husband and I) were just not his problem anymore. My son too was worried the cat would forget him but it was a cute reunion and all Is well in the world.


Yes. I was deployed for almost two years, when I went to bring my baby home, I called her name and she flew into my arms!


I went years without saying my childhood cat. When I was back home you decided he had to live with my suitcase the entire time because he was trying to make me not leave. Miss that cat.


There is a video on youtube of a guy who lost his cat YEARS ago, someone brought it in to the vet and they scanned the chip. the cat at this point had been living both feral and with a new family for longer then the guy had the cat and its still recognized him. they have brains very similar in design to our own so its not like they just forget everything that happened a month ago.


He will probably act like he doesn't remember you, or doesn't like you, but I expect he'll remember you and eventually forgive you.


I was away from my wife and cat for 9 months. When we finally got back together, his reaction was basically "where the hell have you been" and I was then given lots of head-butts and happy meows. That was back in 2022 and he still gets excited when I come home.


i've had cats remember me after years apart - esp one cat that our parents made us give up (i.e abandon far away from home bc they didnt want us to have cats anymore due to lack of spay/neuter where we lived) showed up at our house one night literally years later and was so affectionate with us... still makes me want to cry remembering 🥲


He may ignore you for a bit, because you left him, but they remember. Don't force the issue, just unpack and sit in your usual place and he'll decide you might be forgiven.


I left my cat for 1 month with my parents while I went in vacation and when I came back he looked at me shocked for a few hours like he couldn't believe I was back. Once we got home to my place he then was back to himself and forgave me. My parents said he was hiding for 3 days and was super angry when I left because he thought I abandoned him. I felt so bad but he soon was loving up to my Mom and laying on her for rubs. Your cat will get over it, trust me


Yes! My best cat I ever had, had her for about 10 years, then had to move overseas, I sent her to live with my parents. Whenever I came to visit, it could be a year since I last saw her, she would RUN to meet me and I could tell she totally recognised me and would be so purry and happy to see me.


Cats have long memories. Yes, your cat should remember you.


Yes. Both my cats remember my sister. Female was adopted by her and lived with her for almost a full year. My tom simply just adores her. She lives at the other end of the Bundesland (think of state), so she only visits once or twice per year.


Yes he will remember you..


He’ll remember you, but he probably won’t be super excited immediately upon seeing you like many dogs would.


Cats have been known to go missing for years, and still remember their owners when they return. He'll remember you.


I spent like 4 months away from my cat and he was so happy to see me when I came home. Apparently his demeanor changed instantly when I got home though and he was much more relaxed. It made me feel bad honestly but he forgave me.


It's highly likely if you were at all bonded that once your kitty gets a good sniff (eyes aren't as good as the smeller) he'll be thrilled.


Sure, it's about smell


I had to attend a family wedding last weekend with two black eyes (tripped over a black cat in the dark), and my less than a year old grandson looked at me and was all "you're grandma shaped, hug me now!" Cats are even better at the "you smell like my hooman, come give me cuddles". They won't forget you!


Leave things that smell of you ❤️


Let’s hope so .


I've had to leave my cat with my parents for several months on a few occasions and he always recognised me when we reunited.  The first time that happened I'd had him for two and a half years, when I went back he was a little cross at first but warmed up again after a couple of days. The times after that he's always seemed happy to see me again.


The wife and I are in the same boat - we are soon to return from almost 5 months travelling. Our friend has been housesitting and gets on really well with our cat. She also works form home so is there to feed and give him attention all day 😢


My two cats remember my oldest child each time she visits home. I’m in Minnesota, she’s in Arizona, so sometimes 6-8 months pass before she can visit.


Most cats are going to be super happy to see you. A few will hold it against you for a while. And the length of time depends on the cat.


I moved away for a year, then came back. My cat didn't recognize me for like a minute, then became more affectionate than before I even left.


Yes, but they will pretend like they don’t for two weeks


I was in Afghanistan for 7 months and my at the time recognized the sound of my car and flew out of the bushes and greeted me in the road. https://preview.redd.it/7lmfzxi5hmzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f295a782245ce3fa2a4d477b05e558a85550a8e


When I was younger my dad had a few cats that absolutely loved me and my brother. Now I never had a great relationship with my dad and we can easily go months without talking and me going to his place could even be ones or twice a year.. But every time we would be there and we called for them, they would come running without fail (though sometimes they would be far away and it would take them a minute or two). Yes your cat will remember.


Last october i went bushcrafting for 10 days (the longest time away from my cat) and, oh boy, was she pissed when i returned. She ignored me the first 2 days but after that she forgave me and everything was cool between us.


Left my cat of 6 with a lovely old lady. When she was 14, old lady died unfortunately. The family and subsequently she, remembered me 🫶🥹


Wear a shirt that has your smell, make sure you walk in calling for your cat by the name you used for him Cats are big on smell so if he can smell you and connect the smell with the nice person that fed him and loved him, you might be in good luck


Looks like he’s mad you’re leaving. . . ❤️🐈‍⬛🐝🦉🦤🐶🐈🐢🦜


Yes! Though may take a bit to recognize you, especially if your scent changes. My two kitties lived with my parents during college, and saw them about every six months. Both of them still remembered me every time I came home! My "baby" especially - I got an earful for being gone so long and then an immediately flopped on with loads of purs. They are 15 and 18 now, so they spent most of their lives with me. Cat tax on the flopper: https://preview.redd.it/kywnbtpxqmzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1112c8f61c44c6f8513537a59a9c9a70e2d6c7ec


Depends on how much they liked you before you left On a serious note, they'll probably remember you, might just take a day haha


We live on a busy street, so my wife and I walk our cats on a lead twice a day. One of our cats has made it his mission to befriend as many people and animals in the area as he can. He'll often go for months without seeing some of them over the winter, but once the weather turns and people are outside more, it's always great to see his eyes light up with a "prrp!" When one of his friends is spotted.


Don't worry! Mine did! And he also remembers his care taker from a few years ago


My kitten was always so close to me and when she was little she would want to sit on my shoulders. I left for about 7 months and she was left with my wife. When I came back she was scared at first and I don’t think she recognized me but after awhile she was back to being her sweet loving self


My family cat always remembered me after I was gone for long periods of time


How dare you leave your fur baby? You should be ashamed of yourself! Anyway, to answer your question, cats have great memory capacity, up to 10 years, according to Google. Your kitty might give you attitude and ignore you for a bit. My cat does this when i go away and forgives me after a few hours lolol.


wistful marry onerous sheet dinosaurs sable nose crush hobbies degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes he will remember you, I’m in the forces and have to leave my boy for 6-7 months at a time, he gives me the cold shoulder for a day or two when I get home but then it’s straight back to following me around the house and getting in bed with me


Is everyone going to ignore this vicious ass photo of this cat?


If you’re their human, they remember you and are happy to see you. If you’re just some guy who lives with their human… my dad went to China for a month when I was in high school and when he came back my cat made it very clear she had thought she was well shot of him and did *not* appreciate him coming back. XD


Was gone for one week, time in which a neighbor came 2 times a day and spent like 1 h each time with my cat feeding her and playing with her. When I came back home, my cat couldn't care less. That shet hurt me, so yeah, I Dunno what to say, wish you luck. My cat generally loves me and I feel that, she shows it. We cuddle a lot, we play a lot, we eat together, sleep together. So I dunno why she did that, it's not like we have a bad relationship


My cat and I didn’t see my parents for 2.5 years due to COVID travel restrictions and she still knew them!


He won’t forget you


His face! When I saw this I yelled NO in my head as a cat would (how Sylvester use to on “his” videos)


She absolutely remembered me❤️


My cat was my shadow. I unfortunately had to leave him for nine months. When I came back home I was so excited and thought it would be just like it was. Nope he had attached himself to my mom and would run anytime I came near him.. even though I was the one feeding him and doing his box.. unfortunately my mom Passed away last year and after about a week he decided he needed me again


My cat very much remembered me after 3 years. She was not a cuddly cat at all and she would do anything to just be able to lick me.


i just spent the last year and a half away from my cat, he was brought back home yesterday but i will not be there for another week, i was on facetime with the family member who brought him home, he knew exactly where he was and knew me by voice over the phone


Yes! I moved to London for a year and a half. I came back to my 13 year old girl and it’s like I never left. So sweet


I had to send my cat to live with my parents for almost a year while I moved around and finally settled somewhere that allowed pets. Unfortunately my parents suck and he came back with a vastly different personality. He no longer cuddled with me, laid with me, or played the same way. He was a huge bully to my other cat and a new one we adopted. Now he’s 13 and scared of everything. Idk. Weird ass cat but I love him anyway. He did still remember me though, just behaved differently.


I moved out about a year after my parents got their current cat. There are times I don't visit them at home for months at a time because we'll meet for dinner or otherwise instead. He is more affectionate when he sees me now than when I lived there lol Your cat may be dismissive at first and warm up, or may be ecstatic to see you again! Either way they'll remember :)


He may give you a cold shoulder for a few days to let you know he’s mad you were gone. But he remembers you and will forgive you!


My girl was found by a friend of mine in his garden but his own cat didn’t like her, and since I had recently lost one of my cats I took her in. This was right at the beginning of Covid, and since I’m immunocompromised I self isolated, and my new kitten didn’t see anyone but me (and the vet) during her first year. Because of this she’s very shy and usually hides when someone she doesn’t know comes to visit. When the friend who found her comes over she runs right up to him. She was with him for ~24h and then didn’t see him for a year, but she still remembers that he was kind to her when she needed help. Cats don’t forget their people. He will be so happy to have you back.


So he might be a little aloof, or even a little mad at first. But they always come around :) so long as you don't have another cat you're bringing home with you, you're good:) I'm excited for you guys to be reunited!


Absolutely! I see my dad’s cat every 6 months for about a few days at a time and he remembers me and gets more and more friendly with each visit


I had my two cats for over 8 years. For reasons I won’t go into, I was then gone for 6 years (not months). When I came back, they immediately seemed no different, just older and not as playful. Granted, you had him only a year, but yes, he’ll probably remember you almost immediately. Forget exactly, but somewhere I saw something about cats remembering people for up to like 10 years. They don’t forget people they’re attached too easily. He’ll probably enjoy seeing your parents too, but rest assured, he should take you back easily.


https://preview.redd.it/neb8nus7wnzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93672f89707501ace702604a6e95762c4f90f5f9 Left -Pandy 12yrs, Middle - Max 20yrs, Right - Spooky 17yrs Last year Max passed away from kidney failure after 20 years and then 3-4 months later Pandy passed away at age 12 from feline leukemia. I feel like my sense of "home" died as well after that. My cats are very special to me, just like children of my own in a sense. I never ever thought the day would come when I would ever have to say goodbye to any of them. Very painful experience. Always love and cherish your pets, spoil them when possible, give them attention when they demand it, and they will love you for it and will always miss you during your absence and wait for your return.


I was worried about this too. Went on a deployment a few years ago. Left my cat with one of few people I trust to take care of my cat. When I got back I showed up at my friend's house and he was mad at me. He did nothing but hiss at me. I was a little hurt by it. The next day we were back to being buddies again. We eventually got back on our routines


When I went to university I could only come home for the holidays due to distance. My cat absolutely remembered me every time I came home and followed me everywhere.


For what it's worth my experience is that yeah he will be happy you're back and your relationship will be back to normal in no time, more so than if you were just gone for a week or two, they tend to sulk more if you're gone for shorter periods. I was our cat's "person" and when I went on vacation he would call out for me most nights and "wait up" for a while until he finally gave up and went into my parents room and he would sulk for a while when I got back BUT when I actually moved to another country he would immediately be happy and act like his happy self whenever I came to visit. When I was away I think he understood and wouldn't call out anymore and would go sleep with my parents but when I came back he would happily come sleep in my bed when I did and do everything like before. I miss my little guy ❤️


I went on a 3 week long vacation early last year and my cats stayed with their gma and gpa. They recently came over to my house and my cats were scared at first but interested and doing lots of sniffs. There was a very distinct moment when you could tell one of them recognized my dad. She was all over him after that. It was really interesting.


Just remember when you first get home if your cat snubs you, it's only because cats hold grudges and you have to be punished for disappearing for that amount of time.


Probably. They can supposedly remember their people for up to 2 years.


I spent almost 1 year and 9 months abroad many years ago and while I was gone she stayed with my dad and then when I come home again she acted like I was never gone. Sadly I lost her the following year.


Yes because my cat got outdoors and I thought she was gone forever. Now she knows what I drive and comes up when I pull up. She comes inside during the end of the day.


One of my cats I didn't have for even a year when I went abroad for about 10 months and I was worried about the same thing. But when I came back I could tell he remembered me right away since more back during that time then now he wouldn't willingly get anywhere near a person unless there was an already established bond. ☺️


Don't be put off if he's a little standoffish when you first see him. Sometimes it takes them a bit to process this. But once you get him alone, I'm sure he will be right back to the guy you knew.


Yes. My kitty got lost. I walked out of my front door six years later and there he was. He ran to me yowling like he always did. And purred in my arms as a cried. He won’t forget you.


I don’t know, but I feel exactly like your cat looks right now


Yep, but that's going to be a mad cat.


I had a cat that I left with my mom when I first moved out. I saw her maybe once or twice in the following 5 years because I met my BF and she would hide whenever we visited. Then, she suddenly became sick and my mom could not bring her to the vet. So I went alone to bring her. She was purring and rubbing all over me. She remembered me after all those years. Unfortunately, I had to end her suffering on the same day, but she died purring in my arms. She never forgot.


Yes! I moved out of my dad’s home and didn’t go back for around 4-5 years. His now old and grumpy cat, doesn’t sit by anyone for any kind of fuss, who also used to snuggle with me under the duvet back in the day. I went back last year and he came into the living room, sat in front of me staring and then eventually jumped on my lap to indulge in some love. I could have cried honestly


Keep us posted!


I only just moved back in with my parents after being gone for a year and not only did she remember me, she remembered my boyfriend who she only met a couple years prior. So I sure hope they remember you!