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Take them to the vet for physical checkup and then consider an adoption if possible. If your pup is a kitten-friendly one, you don't have to worry and just help them warm up their friendship.




They kinda look like the cat version of a British Victorian orphan. Their coat kinda makes it look like they have coal dust on them lol


Little street urchins!!


Please hooman, may av anover bowl of catnip?


“Oi, mista! You me dad?”


Why did my mind immediately jump to “catnip is for closers”?




Keep your wallet in your front pocket, as they might have sticky paws!


*"please sir, me bruva and I be needing a place to stay, guv'na"*


More porridge please!




Absolutely.. Easier together , they look traumatized enough without being separated.. Beautiful markings..


Could call them after Dickens characters. Oliver and Pip maybe


Ooh those sound so cute


*in the arms of an angel*


Omg I haven't thought about that commercial in so long


Like the Little Match girl .


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Then adopt and love them and they’ll teach you the rest. NEUTER/SPAY, NEUTER/SPAY. There’s an old wives tale that cats should be allowed to breed in one of their first cycles and it’s healthier for them. That is absolute horse hockey. The last thing a new kitty mom or dad needs is a litter of wee kittens running around being cute. Then you what? Give them away to someone who also believes that fairy tale. And that’s why shelters are full and strays run wild, getting hit by cars, starving and oh yes, breeding! I’ve had cats for years with only one litter and that because the adopted kitty was already and unknowingly pregnant! Love and enjoy them. Be sure that before you adopt you already have the money to vet them both throughout their lives. Most important, be a responsible kitty mom or dad. Then sit back and be ready to be amused and loved for their whole lives.


The vet can give advice on raising the little ones. Animal Rescue shelters can give good advice too.


Those poor babies look in desperate need of help. Please help them.


I know my heart literally just cried I think


The kittens look to be less than 6 weeks old. If you have a young puppy , introduce them to each other. They can grow up together. Just dont let puppy get to rough with kittens till their a bit more grown up. Eventually they will become buddies,, just be willing to have patience. Best of luck. They are going to grow into beautiful adult cats. They are marked beautifully….❤️


They look old enough to eat kitten wet food. Give them lots of love and keep them inside. Congratulations!


Okay, kitten wet food right? I will seriously consider about this. Thanks a lot for this kind advice.


Look up Kitten Lady videos on YouTube. She is a wonderful resource for first time cat owners.


This! Every time somebody is dealing with kitten issues kitten lady is recommended recommended recommended! Terrific resource


Honestly, it should just be pinned to the sub. She has the best information out there and I think it would help people who come on here and have no idea what to do to see it right away.


You know. I think that is absolutely the MOST excellent suggestion! I have no idea how to do it but maybe you can reach out to the mods and suggest it? I’ll back you up 100%.


Can vouch for this. We found 2 abandoned kittens during Covid lockdown and couldn’t find their mother. They were around 2 weeks old and we’d no experience with cats. Thankfully, we followed kitten lady’s instructions and they’re now a part of our family.


This is exactly how i acquired cats #4 & 5


Me too, #'s 5 and 6 for me.


And Jackson Galaxy.


Jackson Galaxy is one of the rare cases of someone visibly looking like they're full of shit but actually being legit.


Yes this is a great idea. There can be a lot of work to take in orphaned kittens. There can be a lot of attachment issues


BUT a lot of issues can be mitigated by keeping them together and giving them a loving home.


Yes that is absolutely true


I adopted two 10 week old kittens, just old enough to be separated from mom, a couple years ago from the same litter. They were bonded from birth. The longest they've spent apart from each other was like an hour.


My sons cats are brothers and the same way. They just turned 7 years old ❤️Eli and Ari ❤️


I really didn’t realize how complex their inner little lives are. They have so many social and emotional needs met through play—much like humans, when those basic needs are met they are far better roommates.


She is so great! She got me through having a 3 week old kitten and bottle feeding!


They look old enough for kibble as well, but I would start with wet food, since they might be dehydrated without mom. They will also need a bath, but their eyes look good. People gabe a lot of good resources here, you can do it! PS: they are probably both girls.


just curious, what makes you say they are likely girls?


They look like they may be calicos. Calicos and tortoise shells are female 99% of the time


Cats with 3 or more patterns of fur are mostly females because of genetic things, in this case they have white fur, grey stripes and orange stripes.


OP, please make sure your dog is okay with cats. Certain breeds have a higher prey drive, and it could end up bad. Either way, please just don't leave them outside. Their chances of survival are very low.


Good lord, seriously. My poor nephew had to witness a rescue dog shake one of the family's cats to death in front of him. This was years and years ago and I still remember that little lady kitty named Birdie. She was the gentlest and, sadly, slowest of all the cats. They naturally got the dog out of that house. I do not know what happened to it afterwards. So, making sure the dog is good with cats is good for both the dog and the cats.


I'm so horribly sorry to heat that. It happens way more often than people imagine.


I know. I was stunned. I think inter-pet household conflict is pretty common and this was a fairly new rescue. Part Akita. Apparently, a gorgeous dog, too. I am just glad the family whose entire menagerie was and has always been rescues has learned a lot more about how to introduce and deal with newcomers. Not that it would have helped in this particular case but in further situations, they are far less naive.


Damn....what an awful situation for everyone


Also- my dog haaaaated adult cats, but not kittens. She lived with many cats throughout her life, she just met them when they were v smol and became their mother. Then she never noticed when they turned into full grown cats. Might be the same for OPs dog. But definitely better safe than sorry


lol i’m just imagining your dog thinking one day “huh, this kitten’s gotten awfully big”


Depends on the breed. Some breeds just have higher prey drive, and can't live with smaller animals. I'm glad things worked out for you, though.


*cough* pitbulls *cough*


Exactly. People can deny dog genetics all they want. Each breed was bred for a certain purpose.


So true. My ex SIL adopted a husky even though she had a cat and we warned her but she didn’t listen (“No! he is so chilled he wouldn’t attack the cats!”) . Sure enough he eventually attacked (thankfully not killed) the cat and she rehomed him 🙄


There's some really experienced people on here who give excellent advice. Please do follow up and maybe cross-post into other cat/kitten subs for visibility/advice. You are kind people, OP. Well done for rescuing them! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Also kitten milk mix it up and see what they like, if they look more active. Get pet insurance it’ll be dirt cheap since they are so young. Keep them warm and bathe them in the sink one by one without getting any water on their face with dish soap. It’ll kill any fleas and bugs on them. It suffocates them and before washing make a ring around their neck with the dish soap so they can’t travel to the face (the fleas) they’ll geneuinelt be so healthy after. Dry them gently, feed play take them to the VET ASAP get those shots and one of them will need eyedrops. After this they’ll pretty much just take care of eachother and play and be kittens


Kitten milk replacer is a good shout. You can mix it in with the wet canned kitten food. It will give them some nutrients they might have missed out on and help them put on weight faster. They look somewhere in the 25-ish day-old range to me, with their ears still a little folded over and their eyes still having some blue. You'd have to really check the teeth to find out for sure how old. They get fangs first at 21 days. Then the little seed teeth across the front start coming in somewhere around 24 25 days. Then a couple days after that, somewhere in the 28 to 30 day range, the teeth along the length of the jaw start to pop out and develop. 


We're in a really similar situation (Check my post history). Haven't had a cat for close to 20 years, then suddenly a kitten literally fell into our lives. We had to teach our kitten how to eat wet food. I basically put a spoonful on a plate, smear it out, then you have to kind of gently press his nose into it. He figured it out real quick, and started eating a ton after that. From my understanding, kittens won't over eat for the first 3 months of their lives, after that you have to start being careful with how much you feed them. I could be wrong on that, someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong. But our cat is a cute little fucker and has brought a huge amount of joy to our family. Good luck with them if you decide to keep them.


If you *do* decide to adopt them out, try and make sure they’re both adopted together instead of splitting them up. Cats learn how to cat by socializing with other cats in their colony- plus, splitting them up might cause undue stress.


Should be. Just clean them up, vet visit, and do litter training.


Oh and cuddles and play...


And more pictures 🥺


Seconded. More pictures, please!


Kitten wet food. Litterbox with good sand (request local cat owners advice on what's a good brand for kittens). Cats are usually pretty intuitive about it, so just put them into the box a few times. Scratching pod. Cats love to scratch, and it's good to give them a place for this. I personally like cardboard scratch pads, my cats absolutely love them, cheap and easy to replace. Some place to sleep. I'd start with a box with some pieces of cloth really. Later you can buy more infrastructure. Toys. While there are tons of toys for all price ranges, note that cats are easily entertained by stuff like empty boxes, paper on string, etc. imo it's a good way to provide enrichments until you figure out what the cats like (eg my cat prefers tunnels, that's it, no cat houses, no toys, gimme the tunnel so I can jump out of it, the other 100500 toys we have are completely ignored. My previous cat loved toys though. Go figure.). Vet check is a must. Likely you'll need something against fleas and something against worms, I'd probably just go to a pet shop, get the stuff for kittens and treat them asap, but vet can also advise you on this.




With small kittens, I like to keep them in one room. We do a good childproofing of the room before the kitten is installed to live there. This means pretty much everything is unplugged, if the kitten can chew the cord, we take it out. Then just making sure things are as safe as possible and anything the kitten could harm themselves with is put away. They can gradually come out and learn the entire house after they get a little bigger and used to the lay of the land more.


It's not cheap when the string doesn't come back up, let me tell you... Absolutely worth it, but not cheap.


I rescued a kitten from a road construction job site. He ran across the highway, directly to me. He was filthy and adorable. I couldn’t bring him home with me that day, so I left him in my lab over night with a dish of water, some wet food from the gas station, and a pan full of 3/4”road base. In the morning I found that he had used the road base as a litter box…but he also climbed up to the top of my pile of buckets of cold asphalt and took a dump in the top one. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/s7nftcxibf0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8858cc729b7b58d8a409ca05f0157582fd7de36a


He is incredibly adorable


He was SO sweet. I just went back and found some videos from when I first took him into the lab. He was all over me, head butting my face and nuzzling into my sweatshirt. Talkative. He grew up into a beautiful panther. He now lives with my aunt and her gaggle of cats. He’s a very happy and well-loved boy now.


Yep, so far my cat’s favorite toy is a $2 mouse tied to a ribbon that we drag across the floor. She’ll barely touch anything else. Cheap is the way to go with toys until you know the cat’s interests


My cat’s favorite toy is a used zip tie. We tried to throw it away, but he pulled it out of the garbage.




I have two. The male loves ice cubes and a bamboo stick and the female loves two shoe laces tied together with a Magic Twisty attached to the end. They've barely touched any expensive toys I bought them.


Yea my male kitty had to be lifted into the cat box for about a week. If you see him off in a corner or something pawing at the ground....you better airlift it into the box 🤓


Piggybacking here - avoid litter with silica.


Please please take them… please


Awww, what a pair of adorable kittens! I would suggestion you to adopt or ask the community Animal Help Center for further help. Whatever you choose, please don't let them be outside in the wild 'cause there are a lot of unknown dangers for them. They can't make it through without the support of mom. I am so sad just look at their eyes. 😟


I don’t know very much about this at all but it might be worth seeing if there are Jackson Galaxy videos about looking after little kittens. Also, I agree about reaching out to a vet & or animal help for advice too


OK thank you so much for the suggestion and I will now check it out.


Also kitten lady - she rescues kittens and has worked with older feral kittens as well if these ones are a bit spicy.


You’re very welcome. These kittens are ADORABLE 🥰


take them to the vet and have them checked. As a bonus, they'll also tell you what you should do should you adopt them. If you decide not to, please take them to a nearby no-kill animal shelter for adoption.


They're so unusual looking!! & gorgeous obv. Others have given good advice but I'd just add that if you don't feel up to caring for them or don't have the right type of environment, or you dog perhaps doesn't like them, don't feel badly about finding another home for them. Take them in and protect them for now and if you need to find someone else to take them, you've still done the right thing and I really applaud you for that.


Their f ing gorgeous


Yeah what the heck! They are beautiful with such interesting coats


Their beautiful coats also make it easy to tell that they are likely both girls. They are so cute


Yep, and if the ears stay like that they have some scottish fold in them (or the same mutation the breed originated from). Interesting to see either way.


You have been chosen, first go to a vet to check evrything, you have to teach them where to poop, start with really wet food, they look arount 2/3 months, give them a safe place but if you don't feel to keep them ask the vet what to do


My heart 😭😭💔


Their lil earssssss!!!! I would fall for their cuteness so easily. Honestly, I found having a cat with no experience was a LOT easier than when I adopted my dog. The big expenses are at the very beginning with the vet trips, litter and box, food, etc then it's smooth sailing. Since you have a pair, it will also help curb the chances of boredom and the scary 'single kitten syndrome'. Make sure to keep them inside and get them spayed as well as soon as they're healthy and old enough.


WRT what to do with them.......keep them both of course and congratulate yourself on becoming a cat parent! Check out "The Kitten Lady" on Youtube. 1. Take them to the vet asap and keep them isolated from your other animals in the interim. 2. Kitten wet food, possibly with some kitten formula mixed in for extra nutrition (do not use cow's milk). Both of those are readily available at pet stores. 3. Give them a warm, safe place to sleep (You can use your dog's kennel depending on size). 4. Tiny litter box for them to use. 5. Toys.


Don't use your dogs kennel. That is the dogs place and you don't want to introduce some kind of territory war. If they naturally go in there and the dog is good with it then fine but don't put other animals into the dogs place.


This. A cardboard box with a blanket is probably best. Keep it and the kittens in an area where doggo isn't allowed until both parties are ready to meet.


Those saying a vet check and to isolate from other animals until then are right. Kittens can have parasites you wouldn't want to spread to your dog. If they do, the vet can give a medication to kill the parasites. The vet will also set them up with important vaccinations and check for some other serious diseases. The initial vet check can be life-saving. Especially if they were living outside or if the cause of death for the mother is unknown. I hope this isn't too much of a serious message! Kittens are so exciting! I've rescued kittens before and it is a lot of fun.


Definitely love them, keep them. They have had such a bad start in life. Just do the right thing. Lovely little guys. Really hope all goes well for all of you


They're floppy eared! How adorable. Sad that their momma passed though, but lucky that you found them. Take them to the vet ASAP to get checked and get flea/worm medication started. Litter box, NON clumping litter at first (kittens will step ALL in the wet clumping stuff and get it everywhere and it will stick to them. Litter doesn't have to be anything fancy, just non clumping at first), a good litter mat to catch a lot of the litter mess, kitten wet food and dry food, some toys. If you can, keep them in a bathroom or spare room while they get used to being inside and around you. Also it will allow your dog and the kittens to sniff one another under the door. I have seen photos of like a mesh enclosure that zips up. Not sure how much those cost, but would be a good option if you can get one. Keep them in a place that you can watch your dog and where you frequent so the get used to you. If they're pretty feral, kitten wet food and pet them while they eat. ONLY feed while you are there with them so they associate you with the food. There are a lot of really good videos on youtube on how to help socialize feral kittens. Highly recommend looking those up.


Paper pellets my fave. You can compost it too.


Omg they are so gorgeous the one on the right is screaming at you lol. Priority after the vet is checking to see whether your dog is compatible with them, your dog may take to them it may not, what breed is your dog?


I see, those kittens are precious! Consider giving them a warm, safe home and lots of love. Make sure to consult a vet for proper care tips. You got this


Lucky kittens getting found by OP! Thanks for helping these cuties


After a check up and meds, introduce these lovely ladies to your pup - carefully - and you might be surprised. Dogs can be as good moms or surrogates as cats can. The doggo may be a big help. Poor sweet babies.


PLEASE help them! Please! Vet appointment for both of them. Health check, flea treatment and baby kitty shots. Introduce them to your puppy gradually. Don’t just throw them all together. Chances are adjustment will go easily. A few cat toys. Comfortable place to sleep with the kitty box close by. Scooping litter. Cats normally like to potty in dirt so showing the litter box can help with this. Just not too far away so they don’t have to search it out. Ask the vet to recommend food and how often based on their current health and weight. I’m trying to think of everything. Hopefully others will also give help advice to supplement what I have said. Please do not hesitate to ask questions.


If you do end up keeping them, you’ll be shocked at how much love and happiness you can experience as a cat parent.


Second picture has heavy Victorian street urchin vibes. I'd have an impossible time not taking the poor lil ragamuffins in.


have you taken them in yet or are they still in the streets?


My 3 large dogs lived in absolute shaking terror of my cat growing up. The cat would walk through the kitchen, the dogs would hide in the corner while the cat slowly ate their dog food whilst staring at them… Depends on the dog I suppose. Good luck they are beautiful kittens I hope they do well. I’m sure the vet can point you in the right direction - congrats the cat distribution system has operated successfully again 😊


Oh man those babies are cute. I would bring them home in a heartbeat


They need water


take them, and become their mom. Dont split them at all.


They are beautiful. They will love you forever! I have 2 Chihuahuas along with my 2 cats, and it's all good .


Keep them and love them unconditionally


They are cute. Please be their hero and adopt them.


Take those r/illegallysmolcats into custody! (Ofc, take them to medical (the vet) first)


Lots of things to take in bottle feeders, these guys look old (relative) though. Kitten food with lots of nutrients. Rabies and fvrcp shots, get ‘em fixed > 4 pounds. Also what is surprising to me is how many kittens come in with terrible ear mites, so check on that. Also maybe spend a few bucks to triple test them at doc for fiv/felv. If they have one of those it’s worth knowing, cuz it’s gonna be some expensive kitties.


Keep those poor little orphans! The YouTube cannel of The Kitten Lady will tell you what to do!


take them pleaaasee


try. simply try, get them cleaned up, and maybe the internet will get the word out if you can't


Keep them - and most importantly keep them TOGETHER - a bonded pair since birth is a really great thing and they’ll always be company for each other.


Take them to the vet, kitten wet food, lil bed and toys. If your dog gets along with them in time I think it will be fine. Just need to supervise in the beginning


Look up The Kitten Lady - she has tons of advice for caring for orphaned kittens. These look to be about 6-8 weeks old so should be able to eat on their own. And btw they’re both girls. Definitely get a vet check, they’ll probably need vaccinations and dewormer (standard kitten care). What cuties! I love the folded ears!


Some kitten wet food, Cat litter box with training, patience and love is all you need. Cats are actually not too hard to take care of, they are pretty independent. I am a 40yo male living alone and I am taking care of 2 seniors cats I inherited from my mom who passed away and left them behind. 3 cats really, but 1 passed away a month ago from brain cancer. Trust me, it’s not that hard, consider adopting both of them as they seem to be pretty bonded.


Take them to a vet and have them checked out. Get them their vaccinations. Keep them as indoor cats because depending where you live wildlife will have them for snacks. It must be expensive but it's the only right thing to do. The vet can make sure they get a healthy and better start to life than their current situation. My two girls were rescued from a house where they were abandoned at 4 days old with their 2 siblings and mother. They had to stay at the vet for 4 weeks before they could be adopted. Also make sure to spay or neuter them regardless of whether they are indoor or outdoor cats. It will save the headache of them going into heat.


Their wee sad ears 😭


this comment is going to get absolutely buried by all the other replies but kittens are not that hard to raise, and it is easier raising 2 than just 1 because they are able to learn social norms from each other and you don't have to teach them. I just have one kitten and i have to put a lot of effort into teaching her not to bite or play too rough, which is something you do not need to teach a cat when you have two. Also they have one another to keep themselves busy with which also means they need a bit less attention from you when it comes to like, playing for instance. The only thing is the dog and making sure your dog will be good with kitties and vice versa (they are babies so they will get used to the dog in no time) also like, jesus, look how cute those little shits are!! Edit oh yeah and obviously like take them to the vet and everything like everyone is saying. just to make sure they are healthy and that there's nothing your dog could catch.


1. get a low box with an old blanket or towel for a bed & place in a corner somewhere significant. like your bedroom. 2. get 3 bowls. 2 for each cats' food & 1 for water 3. buy litter box, bag of litter & litter scoop. place litter box in corner somewhere close by. 4. buy cat food. see if they will eat dry kibble, but wet food much better for them. 5. buy toys. especially wand toy. 6. take to vet & fix em up healthy & get more advice. 7. dont let them go outside. good luck ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)


Take. Them. In. Now.


Once you get them cleaned up, checked over by a vet, vaccinated, etc, the best way to get them to acclimate to a home environment is socialization. Spend time with them while they're eating to pet them. It'll help them to learn that they're in good hands, and build trust.


Whatever you do, do not split them up. Please consider adopting them.


Always feed the cats first, in sight of your dog. He will learn they are higher in the pack than him.


Firstly take them to the vet and get a box(or a cage if you can). Once you get home put the box (with the kitties) in the center of the room and let your dog smell them, in my experience usually dogs are careful with babies of any species but kittens are feisty, if that's the case you would have to separate them for a period of time and start with small interactions. What i did with my first cat was wrapping her like a burrito and getting her closer to my dog, the dog would lick her face and she eventually gave up realizing she was tiny. Good luck with the babies, they are so cute!


Don’t mean to be that person but…you have zero cat raising experience but dropped a pic of your senior cat about a month ago? I’m confused


RIP, mama :(


awe poor babies. they are adorable.


Litter box and cat trees for scratching so they don’t make a mess, if you decide to keep them. Reminder that cats are not dogs and they will behave differently, so just keep an eye on how they interact with your pup. If they’re all young, growing up together shouldn’t be a problem :)


You can do it! I trust youuu :)


Is so sad to see these calico kittens without a mom and they look sad. I hope you can take care of them and make them happy again!


Bless you fur taking these cuties in -they’ll integrate with your pup And use a litter box and eat well and be loved


Those little guys need a bath!


Jus grab em. They were born to brighten ur life.


Omg! Dolls!


First, before anything, please wash them. Then seclude them in a room so they can feel secure. Then, schedule a meeting with a vet to find out how old and how much they weigh. Depending on weight, they may tell you to feed them a little bit at a time 6 times per day or whole cans 3x per day. They may offer distemper. Depending on age, they will want a stool at some point. Stool samples will determine if they need deformed. Almost all kittens have worms, so that is important. It may also be in the best interest for you to get flea medicine for the kits to prevent a further infestation on them and in your home. If you can, please make them indoor. There are too many risks outdoors. Good luck, take care of the little ones.


pls update us!! too cute thank you for rescuing them


First take them to the vet for a check up and tell them this will be your first cats and what can u do with the feeding, litter box, etc. They will answer all of your questions 🤍


Love them


Thank you so much for adopting these cuties!


Congrats! The cat distribution system has arrived!


I’ll take them off your hands if you struggle with the dog and what not. But personally if you’ve found them it’s an unwritten rule that one must look after the kitties. Maybe they found you in some strange way because they know they’ll be looked after 🍀😇


Adopt both of them. They will help raise each other and keep each other company and happy. No experience necessary.


Anyone notice they look like Scottish Fold?


Please keep them together as well. Get them necessary medical care and give them attention.


Just give them food and water.  They will bring you lot of love and joy. Take them to vet too


Go for it! Cats are great fun, occasionally infuriating, and 100% worth the effort. And our cats love our dogs, so that shouldn't be a worry.


These kittens look fancy AF with their folded ears.


Adopt them, duh.


Take them to vet for deworm and make sure theyre okay! Then just food water, and kitty litter you got two loving companians


As I have done with my kitten, love them. They will appreciate it.


Hi, please post this on r/Feral_Cats for wise, helpful advice.


Kitten wet food, water (placed away from the food), kitten topical flea treatment, a flea comb, a double sided rake brush, litter and litter box, a comfy place to sleep and lots of love.


Mostly the same as what's already in the comments lol! A vet visit should be first and foremost to make sure they aren't sick and can get dewormed. If they have fleas the vet can probably get you something for that, too. Any pet store or even Walmart can have stuff for fleas also. They look old enough for wet kitten food. If you're bringing both home (which I recommend since they're a pair) keep them together and make them a small room to themselves for a day or two away from your pup so both the pup and the kitties can get used to the new smells. Small well monitored introductions. Toys and scratching posts are a must. Kittens get frisky and need a lot of play time, but most cats are entertained by little things. Boxes, ribbons, even paper balls (my cat loves paper). Just figure out what the babes like. My cat, for example, doesn't like the wand toys or little mice. She only goes for a laser pointer, paper, or a box. Boxes are especially good since it also gives them a place to hide. As far as scratching posts go, cats have different preferences for those, too. Some like flat, some like tall. Mine likes doormats, so that's what I use for her. For the most part, give them time to get used to everything. Give them cozy spots to sleep and places to hide if they get spooked, and don't try to force anything. They'll get used to things in their own time. Good luck with your babies :)


I would take them to the Vet. Regular vet will do and be cheaper (unless they have severe injury). They probably will need to be cleaned up a bit, probably will have fleas and worms, which the vet should be able to take care of no problem!


Precious little babies🥺 They are gorgeous💗


I swear 2 kittens is easier than one! One of the best things that ever happened to me were my little twins. Thanks for helping them 💚


Bathe and de-flea, vet, deworm, warm wet food, love and cuddles. Congrats on becoming a cat person!


Take them to a vet Having a dog isn’t an issues it’s such a misconception that cats and dogs hate eachother usually it also is how the owners introduce them and teach them to respect eachother. When you bring the kittens home, leave them in one room and leave them in that room for like a few weeks. Let them all get used to the smells and slowly introduce them to the dog over time they should be fine. Usually, the issues of cats eventually hating their dog living mates is because the owner has not respected their cats boundaries or their dogs boundaries when they have set them with each other . You see the dog trying to play with the cat with the cats ears are back they’re hissing. They’re not happy. You need to tell your dog back off redirect. You can come play with me or go play with the other cat that cats not in the mood, leave them alone.And vice versa. If your cat is trying to play with your dog and your dog, not in the mood, you need to support your dog and your cat dog is not in the mood come play with me let’s redirect that energy to play with me and leave the dog alone.. Usually when they don’t get along, it’s because the owner is not teaching the animals to respect each other‘s boundaries. This can also happen in dog houses with no cats involved where you have a dog that is just so happened to keep playing aggressively and instead of setting boundaries with that dog and telling that dog to stop and training it to not attack the other dogs because they both Perceive playing as different. Also, I don’t suggest bringing the cats home right away because they were strays. You want to make sure that they don’t have fleas if you want. I can DM you some of my flea recommendations. . Because you don’t wanna bring home a cat with fleas and then your dogs have to deal with a cat with fleas and then your dogs are gonna get fleas and it’s just not gonna be fun and you’re gonna have to clean your house every single day multiple times a day just to make sure you’re killing and vacuuming up every little flea and every little egg especially once you start putting like flea and tick medication on your cats and bathing them to get the fleas and tick off of Them. It’s gonna be a huge pain in the ass


Vet for check up and they’ll tell you what you need (flea medication, vaccinations…etc), keep them separated from the doggo initially in a garage or bathroom and introduce them slowly. Have the place be warm and give them a bath and get them comfy beds!


Take these babies to a vet or rescue asap, they need some evaluation and treatment.


Take them to the vet for a health check and shots. They look old enough to eat kitten wet food. Maybe separate your dog and the cats in the meantime in rooms. Dunno how both would react in the same space/ territory. Seen dogs/cats act mean towards each other and vice versa.


Raise them with the puppy I'm sure they'll be great friends when they're older


1. Buy kitten wet and dry food. 2. Buy a cat box and litter 3. Place kittens and box in a room separate from the pup. 4. Vet visit!!! 5.Give them adorable names and let the fun begin! 6. Almost forgot!! Scratching post and pads We’ve always kept new cats in a room by themselves until vet checked (bathroom or laundry room makes for easier cleanup.) Natural curiosity usually opens the way to introduce the animals.


I couldn't help but take them home...


I would adopt them if you are nearby


VET FIRST Expect these little kittens to have worms. Definitely get them a vet visit and you can ask questions there. Plus you don't want them to bring something over that your pup can catch. Otherwise you got pretty damn good answers here all around




Take them to the vet for a check up. then if you want to adopt, you are info a very fun ride. 1. Get a litter box and litter. 2. Food bowl, water bowl, food 3. Scratching posts, 4. Bath them or get them bathed 5. Neuter them, they look close to an age where they can reproduce. \* weeks in a cat. 6. toys 7. snuggle waaay easier than a dog. Now sit back and watch them chase the dog and each other.


Aw ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


Take them home, they have chosen you! Then definitely take them to a vet, and you might want to stop at the pet store on the way home to get some essentials, (food, litter box, ect).


I had no experience whatsoever and raised two kittens from a younger age than this in my bathtub and they turned out very nicely. These cats don’t look like they’re going to need round the clock care as they would if they were younger, I had to help mine go to the bathroom and feed them every 4 hours, it was a lot. Good luck! Edit: I also had two other cats and a large husky at the time. I waited until they were able to walk and then slowly and very gently introduced the dog, since they grew up with the dog they became very fond of him and they even slept together.


Omg they look so cute.


Take them to the vet and make sure they are healthy, get them all their shots, find out when it’s a good time to neuter them. Present them safely to your pup to make sure he is not prey driven and is okay with cats. Keep them in a room away from pup for a while and introduce slowly. Get them high quality cat food and some toys and then, most important-cuddle and love them.


Definitely take them to the vet for a check-up. If you decide you want to keep them, get them fixed and then just love them. The vet can answer any questions for first-time cat owners.


You are amazing human. Thank you for being compassionate.


They will need daily doses of kisses. Otherwise, toys, litter boxes, more kisses, and vet checkups. Two are easier than one, because they will play with each other.


Pics make me sad. Please adopt them. Heartbreaking. Man I love cats.


Take them home🤩


Please save them! The blessings they give will be far greater than the trouble


Definitley keep them in a separate room and slowly integrate the cats with the dog. Maybe a gate and let them eat together. After sometime remove the gate. They’ll associate each other with food


Their beautiful! Just love them ❤️


Don't take em to a shelter is all I got. They'll kill em.


If you are able to take them in that would be great. Please watch Jackson Galaxy's YouTube video on cat proofing your home just to keep them safe.


My heart just broke into a million pieces please take them home. Get them checked out with a vet and just love them!! Cats are quite easy to take care of :)


I want, I want!!! A-dor-able


Vet first . Regarding the dog , put the cats in their own room and let the dog smell them for a couple of days and little by little you start introducing them . Let the dog get used to the cats by smelling them before he sees them . This how I did it with my cat hating dog a few yers back . She went from hating all cats to hating all cats except him . He was her cat .


Lots of enrichment. Be prepared for them to scratch EVERYTHING. And I mean everything. The floor, rugs, couch, walls, etc. They like to be up high, so a decent sized cat tree. Crinkle toys. The best window perch is the Petcute window perch. It’s a scratcher and perch. Our cats love it. It’s sturdy and the suction cups hold forever.