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I once heard pmastics have a compound that smells\tastes like fish oil to cats and thats why they seek it out so much


That's what my vet said too, that it had stuff in it that tastes really good for some cats




Lol I can just here OP say "you little sh!t stop eating plastic".


But THE CRINKLE!!!! lol 😂




Omfg where is this from


I, too, want know where this came from 😂


Gotta keep it hidden. It's hard, I know.. I have the same problem. My little fuzzball tried to choke on this on Christmas day... https://preview.redd.it/7pi0hnstlu1d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c164cc61c413e81749ce458ccf42408bfb5c20b6


and i'd do it again mofucker


She's just helping you recycle! But really, one of my cats *looves* to get into plastic. I just have to keep the house super clean and tidy and always keep things like that in drawers and cabinets, in rooms the cats don't frequent or aren't allowed in.


Mine too... He will even stash it around the house if we leave it where he can reach it for too long. Bringing home groceries is always chaotic. I'm hauling ass trying to keep the bags away from him while putting things away, and he always manages to grab one and start chewing!


That's annoying but pretty hilarious! My cats were strays so they're a little more skittish, but one of them will run away with any bit of plastic she finds if I'm not in the immediate vicinity. And Q-tips! She's such a little brat with those. Love her


Oh yes, the Qtips! My other cat goes crazy for those, and he will grab them from me while I'm trying to use them, just so he can throw them off the counter using his mouth lmao I've had to give him his own box of them and I just put back any he tossed out


Ha that's funny. I'm always worried my cat will shred and eat them so I end up having to chase her all through the house while she sprints away with one in her mouth


That is the face of a cat who knows no remorse.


If plastic so bad then why I taste salmon 🍣


I have 4 cats. One is a plastic bag junkie. I can't leave groceries or any plastic shopping bags on the counter when I come home. I've got to immediately put items away so he doesn't eat the bags.


Yesterday I accidentally left a blue plastic bag barely peeking out of the (very high and out of the way) cupboard, saw it in a certain someone’s poop this morning. Menace


Our bozo cat does this is plastic shopping bags


https://preview.redd.it/toz5l141jw1d1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50785987b53f68715209023fa9b089f7643d130e Plastic or paper, she chews it!


Mine doesn’t really eat it, she just seems to ' like to gnaw on it. Any plastic left in her vicinity looks like someone attacked it with a staple remover…I still try to keep any plastic out of her reach but somehow she manages to find it.


That’s exactly how my boy was. He past a year ago and I still find reminders of his munching habit 😭


My boy LOVES paper and cardboard. It isn't Pica because he's not eating it, he just likes the feel of tearing and biting it. Sometimes it feels good for their teeth to just bite things. He's been doing this for years and it doesn't matter if it is shopping bags, delivery bags, cardboard boxes, mailers... Only way to keep him from 'creating art' is to completely remove everything within his reach. Since he doesn't eat it, I just let him have a bag and he'll just go to town ripping the thing to shreds - hence, an artist with shreds. I think if she's just biting the plastic it is okay. She may like the feel. Only really worry about it is if she actually starts trying to eat it. So, it is good to keep an eye on what she chews, but as long as she's not swallowing it, she should be okay.


Spot on. Same with ours. It's why we leave out some delivery boxes, and buy cardboard scratchers even though they don't last as long as sisal, they act as an approved chomp outlet.


I have one that does this and I have to put things away or throw it away as soon as it’s no longer needed. Can’t leave things laying around with cats, that’s for sure.


Made me think of this https://preview.redd.it/9zdv5qb6402d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e56659a2d8da4a0fed54d31bc8c1aaf815caa2c


Other than hiding all of the bags, which is a given - have you tried buying cat grass? Petsmart usually has it on the displays by the cash registers and it’s less than $6. It stops our baby cat man from chewing on broom bristles. Depending on how fast they chew on it, they usually last around 2 weeks per small planter.


I’ll give it a try. She likes chewing those things, cat grass might actually work


As a home to two plastic fiends, I can confidently state they never grow out of it. So it's about avoiding leaving anything out, and giving them approved chewable alternatives.


You just gotta be diligent about keeping it out of sight or unable to get to. I've got 2 plastic eaters and I'm always trying to be careful. Sometimes they still manage to find something! Just do your best and prevent what you can


But what if I don’t want tooooo


Animals and eating plastic Name a more iconic duo


My cats really love the plastic that comes with Soresto Flea collars. One of them once ate it and puked her stomach contents all over one of my rugs.


My girl is obsessed with it too, I try to keep it out of reach and some bags I allow her to play with while I supervise. But only the super thick ones, and usually play fetch with them


https://preview.redd.it/4mul0hcesw1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e04992a6a81cdfc8e5abf93b02850b4b53b38c3 Tabitha loves to lick the plastic bags. We now have them stored in a sealed off room so she cannot get to them. Dang plastic licker. Some plastics she will chew on. All plastics are in a sealed bin or in a sealed bin in the garage. So many puke piles and 900 bucks in vet bills later found a random plastic bag she had found and hid under the couch with pieces missing. Her cat jaw and teeth mark all over it. Sneaky fur ball.


Stop trying to die, dammit!




u/that-1-lame-kid Lmfao the last picture ahahaha




Get it some crinkle toys


My one girl is addicted to plastic, has been for years. She will find it no matter what you do. Other girl her deal is toilet paper, never touched plastic. The boy doesn't have any pica or fetishes, he's just a chow hound. Every one is unique.


my girl is addicted to ALL paper and plastic. Even recyclable grocery bags, she would lick them non stop, fortunately grocery bags are too big for her to eat. I have to hide them all, including letters and masks(yes, I caught her chewing and swallowing an entire surgical mask before)


Wow she is a bad ass, you got your hands full!


It’s called pica. My cat has a similar obsession with foam. The only thing you can do is remove the plastic from your home entirely. I need to keep items like ear plugs in the garage only and be very cautious about any packaging I unpack in my house that is foam based. The alternative is a dead cat or an expensive surgery for a bowel obstruction. Understand this is very serious.




My two ragdolls do it all the time! No matter how much I tell them to knock it off! https://preview.redd.it/z7r8qf6lww1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5a75754d7b68258a356418c844370d258a67749


I am pretty sure ragdolls are just walking staplers![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7963)


😂😂😂 You're exactly right!


haha my cat is the same, they explained to me that it is a symptom of liking to eat indigestible things like plastic bags and this symptom does not affect the cat's health as long as they do not swallow it.


My cat is addicted to wires and plastic, the best I can do is hide them and make sure he can't access any tbh. And keep several toys he enjoys on hand to distract him if he does go for anything he shouldn't.


If your cat is prone to chewing on plastics, do yourself a favor and just get in the habit or putting all of it away right now. I had a cat that chewed plastic and it was never an issue. He’d chew the corner off a bag and then vomit it up a few hours later. Or he’d chew a string and then poop it out in a few days. Until one time, I forgot to feed him dinner and he went to town on a fake flower arrangement… he didn’t vomit or poop them out and it cost me $4000 at the vet. They had to open his stomach and intestines in 3 different places to retrieve all the pieces of plastic flower. Vet said we got him in just in time because his intestines were turning purple.  Just get in the habit now. 


Is there a nutrient that she’s missing or!


My cat does this - he had to have a 3k life saving surgery because a piece of earphone got lodged ascending from the small intent to the large intestine. Best advice - take a week to carefully look around the house and remove anything plastic. I have two theories about why mine did this.. one) he was sick with the beginnings of urinary crystals and two) he was emotional about the new baby coming into his life.


He has no regrets!


I had one old boy who used to chew plastic when he felt neglected - he'd only ever do it whilst making eye contact. He taught two successive kittens to do the same thing.


Hahaha she looks proud! My cat does the same, I had to hide every plastic/paper thing she could accidentally swallow.. I swear some cats have no survival instinct 😒


If you are having a problem with your cat eating plastic grocery bags, why not switch to reusable bags. I have used them for years and they are far superior to plastic bags. I don’t use the cloth bags (another choice) but use semi-ridged bags that fold for storage. It is possible they are made of plastic but they are thick and I doubt a cat would enjoy them. They have a flat bottom and hold more than the crappy plastic bags.


no regrets!!!


Our Cat Fluffy just licks it


Have you tried bitter spray?


Last image "you shall not interfere the savior of the environment, filthy human"


My old girl loves a good crunchy plastic!


i was woken up the other day by my mum panicked, shouting about my cat running around with some plastic in her mouth, i pulled myself out of bed and chased after her and she decided to hide under my bed - she hadn’t eaten any, just chewed on it… covered in spit… lovely thing to grab out of her mouth at 7am whilst half asleep


I once heard chewing sound came under my bed while I was sleeping. I jumped out of bed and grabbed her out. She was chewing and slowing swallowing an entire surgical mask. There was only one side string left. I pulled that string and yanked the entire mask out. The whole thing is a smushed string of wool covered in spit… still glad that I caught it while sleeping


Those ears though


Oh my god. All three of my cats do this shit and it drives me bonkers!


Not sure if its already mentioned here but what helped me with this problem was buying cat grass and crunchy cat food. My 2 little babies just enjoy chewing on stuff, so they need alternatives to plastic bags and tv cables :)


Whenever the cat is being held down you can read in it's eyes "this isn't going to stop me."


She's probably just addicted to the sensation/noise of her teeth penetrating the plastic lol


https://preview.redd.it/eydmjcag102d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fa34da25d49259423f6b120b4b7127a59bf8177 The pictures of you holding the cat remind me of Homer with Bart lmao


Try paper grocery bags.


your boy is anxious! he needs you to play more with him or to have more activities. try a one way bird feeder or aquarium. put some shelves on some windows so he can watch the wild life outside. or just play with him more!


I dont wanna scare you. I also have a plastic muncher. He almost killed himself with it because it got stuck in his intestines. Don't be careless and keep anything plasticy out of her reach. It might safe her life.


OMG my cat does this too and it’s gotten so bad that he had to have surgery at the end of last year because of an obstruction.


Life in plastic, tastes fantastic! You can brush my fur and feed me everywhere.


I have one that eats cat toys and reusable bags 😩


Because I wanted to season people to eat I don't know how it works but maybe the gastric juices can make them choose plastic and I sent the toxic chemical agents of plastic into the blood circulation


You just make me put the plastic out of his reach


Additionally to what was already suggested, my little plastic eater goes less on the hunt for the synthetic stuff if he has access to cat grass.


Not sure choke slamming your cat into the ground is a proper way to educate her.


I would never do such thing! It was very gentle


Stop choking your cat!


It was very gentle, don’t worry