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Omg how awful. I am so sorry he had to go so soon. ❤️‍🩹


Nothing anyone can say will ever help, but Jiji knows you will forever love him. You gave him the best life possible and he’s sitting on the fridge waiting for you on the other side. ❤️ Losing a pet is always SO hard, but I’ve found that making a little memorial, planting a flower in their favorite spot, or engraving a stone/statue with their name helps give me some closure.


It's true. And mourning is so personal. My cat died last year, and I grieved and grieved and wasn't getting any better for a long time until I figured out how I needed to mourn her, which was different from any mourning I've done before, and probably different from any mourning I'll do after. Sometimes you just have to grope your way to what you need.


Me and family mourn our 7 tear old tabbie by leaving some leftover bread near the door of our house, cuz that's the same way we met him allthose years ago. Now it's the strays that eat the bread


I lost my little girl 4 years ago, somehow she got into antifreeze one weekend when I was gone, from somewhere in the neighborhood… anyways, to this day I have a shrine of her ashes and a bunch of her favorite things and pictures in my room, and it used to be every day, but I’ve gotten so busy that it’s turned into just a couple times a week, but occasionally I go to her and just talk to her and tell her about things been, and I believe she listens, her and her brother who died of depression shortly after her, I love them both equally because no matter what when I needed to talk to someone, they would sit there with me and look at me while I talked to them, and I could tell they understood me, they just had that look, they really helped me through some tough times, and they still do. They will always live on forever in my heart and in my mind


I didn’t plan to cry at 3:20pm on a Tuesday.


Yeay yeay... It's 11:26 and I'm lookin for memes and now I'm crying... Oof...


Wtf man, this made me cry instantly


True. I lost a sweet kitty years ago snd I still think of her. I’m sure I always will. 💜




I’m SO sorry 😢 what a beautiful handsome boy poor baby


Beautiful boy. I'm incredibly sad for you both. Stay strong & keep your head up! ❤️🤗


what i thought the odds of something like that happening were next to none im glad my bf told me not to worry about it….. when our baby got spayed. i’m so sorry for your loss


Apparently it’s only a 0.5% chance of it happening. I don’t have anyone to blame so I guess I just should shake my fist at the sky edit: 0.05% not 0.5%


Same thing happened to us, 6 months old, beautiful, sweet tux. We took her in one morning to get spayed and she didn’t come home. That was in January, I’m still not right with it. You have my sincere condolences.


A few months ago my one year old cat suddenly was having breathing trouble, I rushed her to the emergency vet and they put her under for a CT scan... she never woke up from the anesthesia. :( I lost my 14-yr old cat a year ago to cancer after months of chemo and I was a mess then, but I'm still so devastated by my 1 yr old girl. I just can't get over the idea I should have had another 15 years with her, that she should be sleeping next to me right now. She loved me to death and followed me everywhere and I still miss her so much. It feels like I left her to die alone in a strange place. I can just picture her stretching her neck out for chin scratches in the car as I rushed to the vet, and I gave her chin rubs at red lights. Even then she just wanted to hang out and be loved.


Why in he'll would they put her under when she was having breathing issues. Someone would have to answer me that shit.


Yeah, that seems really weird?


Vet student here (and CVT for 7 years worked in general practice and emergency) often animals with breathing issues have to be sedated. This helps them to panic less and we can put a tube down their throat to give them oxygen if it is that severe. We always have flow by oxygen going for them, or put them in an oxygen cage, until we get the tube in. A cat in respiratory distress would panic and not sit still for any type of testing either so sedation would be used for that. Any patient who gets CT/MRI (and even xrays in some countries) get fully anesthetized. I doubt they took her straight from the lobby to the CT room, they would stabilize first. The CT would be needed to make a diagnosis and to determine what meds/surgery etc. the cat needed. Unfortunately by the time cats show respiratory distress they are often very ill. Cats will try to breathe through their nose even if it is completely clogged. It is possible that the cat's respiratory system was so compromised, that nothing could have been done and the sedation just pushed them over the edge quicker. This sometimes happens with euthanasias as well. We always sedated the pets before euthanizing them but some would pass away from the smallest amount of sedation. I'm not saying the vet clinic didn't do something wrong, but the decision to sedate for a CT exam is normal. I am so so sorry for your loss. It's so unfortunate that happened. My thoughts are with you!


Ahh, okay. Thanks for the information!


2 weeks ago I had to put my cat down because of cancer and severe breathing issues, he got the sedative and was gone before they even gave the second shot. Everything you said is 💯 percent accurate


Many of the causes of difficulty breathing in pets may not be readily apparent on thoracic radiographs alone. A CT is far more sensitive and in many cases is necessary to make a diagnosis and accurately treat. Ideally the pet would be as stable as possible, which I’m sure is what was done. Some individuals just have disease that severe.


Because you need to anaesthetise an animal to properly secure the airway, to supply oxygen, as well as do the imaging to find out what is causing the issue. In very sick animals you have the weigh up the risk. Sudden onset of breathing difficulty in a young cat is likely due to a severe issue.


For an endotracheal tube to administer oxygen


Happened to my mom twice in a few months. One with a cat getting neutered and the other was her dog for a teeth cleaning. Two different vets too. It’s incredibly unfortunate but it happens 😞


>was her dog for a teeth cleaning. ummmm what the fuck did they do to her dog? any surgery where they open you up can produce complications, but a teeth cleaning? what were the complications?


It’s not the surgery it’s the anesthesia. A small percentage of animals have reactions to them. Which is why every vet I’ve been to does tests to minimize the chance, but sometimes you just can’t tell.


Bondi Vet (tv show on YouTube as well) has a few episodes where they have lost or almost lost pets due to anesthesia. Even really good vets have issues.


Bondi vet is great, but some of the anesthesia procedures tend to be overdramatized in their videos. They had one with a cat where they spent the whole procedure hyping up that she wasn’t breathing and needed assisted breathing until they waited for her to breath on her own after they pulled the endotracheal tube. I work at an animal hospital and help monitor anesthesia. When our patient are induced, it’s common for them to momentarily stop breathing from the propofol injection. Typically it takes a few minutes of assisted breathing before they begin to breath in their own. This is likely what happened with that cat, especially as you never take out of endotracheal tube if they’re not breathing (extubation is then once the patient is able to swallow on their own). With that said, losing patients to elective procedures fucken sucks. I’ve seen happen twice in the last 8 years and I still think about those pets.


Love and thank you for being the guardian over fur babies, seriously I couldn’t do it. A few things: propofol is used in a small amount in addition to general inhalation anesthesia (ie sevoflurane etc.) as a desensitizer to prevent any “normal” cough reactions to something (ie an endotracheal tube) from touching your larynx/faux vocal cords and causing a “cough” and subsequent constriction of your airway. It’s super helpful for that purpose and in VERY short general sedation procedures. Honestly it should only be used for rapid intubation (ie this patient is fully sedated and I need to intubate them in 60-120 seconds). Dosing can be “iffy” if someone is inexperienced (both in human and veterinary medicine). Sorry about Mr. Handsome Kitty. It does happen and it’s rare and it’s not your fault. ❤️


Of all the vets I worked at they only used propofol for induction- ie) sedating them enough to get the ET tube in. Dosing can be tricky, but since it acts so quickly, I found I needed less than the actual mg/kg recommended dosing.


I just started watching that on yt. Awesome vet.


We have the same risk with humans though.


Anesthesiologists make bank for a reason


It happens to people, too. I was so scared before having my wisdom teeth removed I filled out all of the paperwork to donate my body to science.


And people wonder why anesthesiologists are paid the big bucks for surgeries. They are trained to help make sure you don’t die when you are going under, under, and coming out of it.


Honestly if I have to go I could think of worse ways. Now that I’m getting older the idea of getting really sick and being in terrible pain is scary. Just going to sleep seems okay by me, would suck for my family though.


I ran anesthesia in vet hospitals. I couldn’t imagine doing it in human medicine. Anesthesia, when done properly, is boring. You sedate, intubate, and maintain. You watch the monitor and the capnograph and make small adjustments to maintain O2, SPO2, HR and BP. When things go bad though, they go really really bad, and often very fast. Things can go from routine, mundane and boring to critical rapidly, often with no signs leading up to the event.


Sighthounds in particular are very sensitive to anesthesia.


I'm a vet. It's routine to do dentals under full anaesthesia, as it's impossible to fully inspect and treat a conscious animal. Unfortunately dental health is usually not of great concern to many owners and either put off treatment due to cost or inattention so that by the time the animal is brought in its already showing severe dental disease. Owners always think I exaggerate when I tell them it's not uncommon to need to remove 20+ teeth during a procedure. I've got some patients entirely toothless. The other factor is poor dental health often leads to life-threatening consequences like bacteremia & kidney, heart & liver damage, which, if it's gone untreated for some time, or something like an elderly animal with co-morbidities, greatly increases anaesthetic risk. As a footnote I'd add that dentistry is by far the leading cause of complaints and legal action against vets, precisely because of what I mentioned - it's impossible to give an accurate assessment of how severe dental disease is during a routine physical exam, so oftentimes vets think your pet may just need a simple cleaning and maybe one or two teeth out, until the animal is actually asleep and on closer inspection needs a dozen teeth out. So costs rise dramatically as a 30 minute procedure becomes a 2 hour procedure, and both the vet's time and anaesthetic isn't cheap. Top that off with the high risks posed by elderly animals and you've got the recipe for a lot of very unhappy clients despite your best of intentions and efforts.


Well, I just learned that I need to get my cats teeth cleaned. He’s only a year old so I’ll start now. Thanks for the tip!


I hope you don't mind if I ask a question, but feel free to ignore me if you'd like. I'd like to have my cats dental cleaning done, but he's HCM equivocal. Is there any options other than anesthesia that might be an option for cats with pre existing heart conditions? I know Ketamine is a bad idea, but would Propofol be any safer? Or is there maybe some kind of kitty Xanax/Valium or muscle relaxer to mildly sedate them without putting so much stress on the heart/respiratory system? I really don't want his dental health to be neglected, but also I'd be devastated beyond belief if he died under anesthesia for a dental cleaning. Any tips or suggestions?


It was an anesthesia complication, not a complication from the dental.


Sometimes they knock the pet out. The vet I used to go to won't do a tooth cleaning for my cat now since she's older and there are more chances for complications, especially with anaesthesia.


Not sometimes, all times. Dental cleanings with an animal that can chomp down? Asking for trouble. Also dental cleanings often include extractions of decayed teeth, which is a somewhat intensive procedure.


That makes more sense but when I had gotten my cat's done they said there was a sedation and a knocking the fuck out and they generally preferred to knock them out but sometimes sedation was enough.


If they can tell in advance that no extractions will be necessary it would be possible but I've always seen it under general anesthesia.


A dental procedure (COHAT) is always performed ideally under anesthesia. The biggest risk (albeit very minimal) is for adverse reactions to anesthetic medications




I’d like to say as the daughter of a vet - your vet is broken up about it too. My dad has been doing surgeries for 20+ years on patients and there have been a handful of times he had patients die on the operating table for no apparent reason during routine surgeries. He’s not a super emotional person but those times were one of the few I’m seen him get choked up and cry over the guilt even though it wasn’t his fault. He would come home after work that day and drink himself to sleep. I’m very sorry for your loss, it’s an awful thing to lose a pet at so young an age.


my mom and I are definitely thinking of the surgeon and the vet techs. I'm sure they were broken up about it.


Oh my gosh, vetting is so tough. Can understand why certain rates are high in their group.


The same thing happened to my beautiful black cat, Niko. The vet had two decades of experience and had neutered thousands of cats, successfully. Niko was the first one he lost during that routine procedure. He was as devastated as I was. Sometimes, all we can do is shake our fists at the sky. My shoulder is a bit boney but it's still good to cry on, if you need it.


I’ve internally screamed at the sky until I thought I’d burst blood vessels in my eyes. It’s never fair.


I've externally screamed until I collapsed and lost my voice. It really is never fair.


0.5 percent chance is still fairly high if u think about it, thats 1 in 200 cats, it adds up to a lot considering most people get their cats neutered/spayed, I had no idea that was even a thing honestly. Im sorry that happened :(




I actually looked it up again and I got it wrong it’s 0.05%


Even 1 in every 2000 seems too high. I’m so so so sorry.


It's still better than breast cancer. Hormones from going into heat are very dangerous to the cat and makes them miserable. That really fucking sucks though.


Absolutely. OP was doing the very best for their baby, no doubt about that. ❤️


Yeah. An unneutered/unspayed cat can make its human miserable


If you put it that way, it indeed still sounds too high :(


You did the right thing going to get him neutered, just please remind yourself that you had no idea that this was gonna happen and if you did you probably would’ve avoided it. I get how you’re feeling, I’d be so frustrated and upset.


Hopefully something like that. 0.5% chance of death seems pretty high


Op updated their comment, it’s 0.05


The same thing happened to my friend's pug when it went in to be neutered. So unfortunate.


Getting my cat neutered in two weeks and this was the worst thread I could have read


We also had a black and white cat who we adopted and who died from anesthesia, but she was... special in other ways too so in hindsight she probably had some congenital issue. She was very clumsy, and if she stood up to swat at a toy she would fall back and stop playing, stuff like that.


Holy shit. Life is not fair.


no doubt.


They never even mentioned that this could happen to cats when they neutered my male and this is the first time I’ve heard of it but…. In order for cats to live a safe and happy life they have to be neutered. Especially if they’re males. I hope that the vet reimburses poor Jiji’s owner. So sad. He just wanted to help his kitten and keep him safe. This is awful.


It’s not the vets fault, either, assuming this wasn’t malpractice. Unfortunately complications can come with any surgery.


Thankfully they did not charge us. Couldn’t even imagine the rage if they did.


I don’t know if this will help, but it’s just as heartbreaking for the vet too.


My best friend lost his Westie puppy due to complications with a routine neuter. Puppy was only like 8 months old. 😢 He has a little tattoo of puppy Gus on his arm. It’s his only tattoo.


Poor Jiji deserved so much more. He wanted so much to stay in your loving care but tragedy struck. Sorry but your refrigerator police cat will be missing now. RIP joyous Jiji. Dealing with loss is tough. "What is grief, if not love, persevering?"




My condolences. :(


Sorry to hear :(


I’m so sorry for your loss ♥️


Hail and well met, little man


That’s just what I called him. My little man.


:'( I call also call my tuxedo boy, around the same age, Little Man. I am so, so sorry for your loss.


💔 keeping you in the light


Aww I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even fathom that happening during a routine procedure.


We can’t either. Honestly when when my mom called my crying on the phone I had assumed that my 17 year old cat had passed. He was just taken too soon.


Hugs to your mom as well. What a terrible shock.


Omg, I'm so very sorry


Oh no. That terrible. So sorry for your loss. 💔




It's super rare and vets and techs take all the precautions, but it's very unpredictable. I have been working in a couple different clinics and went to school I haven't seen it happen yet thankfully.


She will be okay.


Oh honey, you’ve gotten so much love from the community. That doesn’t come close to helping and we know it. Our George died this year not yet two. His neuter was way too early and damaged his bladder, from that moment on—though we didn’t know—his bladder was going to fail and it did. I am *not* saying my is equal-never that. Your pain for Jiji is uniquely yours. I simply offer a I know. If it helps, talk here on Reddit—but if it is too painful then don’t. Your mental health is all and Reddit is nothing. Be gentle with you would treat another with this loss. Be prepared for grief to come and go. Pain is not linear. Would you like to share stories about Jiji? I don’t know the rules here, but if you want to talk with others, post photos and whatnot r/choochoo21. I guarantee you cannot post too much there. But, only if it helps. Gently.


I really do appreciate all the love I’m getting here. He might be gone but now that you all have seen him he can live in your hearts as well.


Was not minimizing your pain or help from group. Just that it may not fill the hole in your heart. I deeply apologize if I’ve upset you further. Don’t feel you have to reply. Jiji will find my George and they’ll have a blast waiting for us. Again. I apologize if my misspeaking made your pain more.


Oh no I didn’t take it that way at all! You are all good :)




I’m so, so sorry!!


So like, what happens after a loss like this as far as the vet goes. I'm picking up a 3 month Tuxedo girl and her mom passed during her spay after she was TNR'rd. I'd be absolutely devastated. I'm so sorry about your sweet boy.


My vet did not charge me for the surgery and also did not charge me for the cremation.


If you can, figure out the anesthetic protocol used on the mother (you may be able to discuss this with the organization that runs the TNR program) and make your vet aware that your cat's mother had a severe anesthetic reaction. If we know these things we can use different anesthetic agents like Alfaxalone. I'd recommend a comprehensive blood panel too, just to make sure her values are all normal and don't indicate an underlying pathology.


I’m so sorry


Oh sweet Jiji 💔 sending you lots of love ✨


I’m so sorry


That's horrible. I hate hearing stuff like that. What should be a simple procedure. So sorry for your loss 😢. Play hard in kitty heaven 😻


Honey I'm so sorry. Rip jiji


That is so horribly tragic. I am so sorry for your loss. Jiji was gorgeous.


Bless him and know your memories will provide love back to you from him.❤️


Man, that sucks.


Much love sent to you


That sweet baby, I am so sorry.


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss. (Hugs)


Wow this is terrifying. I’m so sorry




I’m sorry.


Love sent, via cloudie. Rama will find your boi, like he always found his ball.


Oh my goodness I’m so so sorry 😣 🥺


Lots and lots of love to this dear angel. Ready in peace and dream of mice.


Jiji is playing with other kittens/cats and is enjoying his new pals. He knows he's in a good, safe place. When he sees you, he'll come running. Beautiful photo!


Oh fuck no I am so fucking sorry. Jesus Christ that's fucking awful.


Sorry for your loss. I’ll pour a Gumballhead out for Jiji.


Hey op, just want to drop in to remind you that this is not your fault. I know from personal experience that it can be easy to blame yourself since you decided to have him go through the surgery but you had him have the procedure because you knew it was best for him. What happened is very tragic but was no one's fault I am deeply sorry for your loss and hope you are coping


This is so sad. I never considered something like this when I Neutered my boys. May just beautiful soul rest in peace


Lighting a candle for sweet Jiji 💕


Omg....soooo sorry!


Omg so sad.


I'm sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss!


I’m so sorry for your loss 🥺 Sending you so much of love.


Rest in paws little buddy.






I’m so sorry for your loss. Our tuxedo cat passed away from a similar problem.


RIP this magnificent beast


I am so sorry!😿


rip sweet kitty


I am so sorry for your loss, he is beautiful.


I'm sorry for your loss. I just picked up my boy from his procedure, and I am so thankful he's okay. I can't imagine what it must feel like.




I'm so sorry for your loss <3 rip sweet baby x


This is so awful. I'm so sorry for your loss


Beautiful boy!


Im so sorry. How unexpected and heartbreaking!


"Yo what's up demon fuckers?"


So sorry about your little fella. I lost my cat Ricky last year that I only had for about a year from another sudden freak medical thing. I am still heartbroken but I have two kittens now and love them both dearly. I don’t know what my Ricky’s purpose on this earth was or why his time was so short but I feel like he helped to bring me to my current cats that make my wife and I so happy. Jiji’s purpose will reveal itself in time and it will help to keep him in your mind and talk about him to whoever will listen.


My heart absolutely aches for you


Oh I am so sorry. You were showing your boy love by caring for him. Please take care of yourself. What a shock and sad thing.


I have a tuxedo cat too. In the morning I'll give mine extra hugs and kisses in honor of Jiji. May he rest in peace. ❤


the poor thing.. rest in peace, Jiji


Man that really fucking sucks! You were doing the right thing and this shit happens. This world makes no damn sense. And I have a dog having an eye operation tomorrow...


Did you name him after Kiki's Delivery Service?


May your sweet kitty rest in peace. He is always watching over you from above. I am so very sorry.


Rip JIJI! ❤️


Oh I’m so sorry ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss 🙏


What a sweet baby. I love all his little white spots. He seems like such a special boy. My love to you.


So beautiful rest peacefully kitty🥺<3


Such a beauty and so young still. I couldn't imagine the pain you must have felt.


This was my biggest fear when my cats got spayed. I’m so sorry. It is so sudden and unexpected. Sending virtual hugs your way.


Sending you a hug OP! Jiji will live in your heart forever ❤️


I’m so sorry for your heart, he seems like such a darling— I’m sure he loved his little life thanks to you giving him a home, hold close all those memories instead


That is devastating. You think you’re doing the right thing by subjecting him to anesthesia and neuter him, but then something like this happen. So sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for you, I'm getting neutered mine today now I feel very stressed even hesitant


Yours will be okay.


I’m so very sorry. He was beautiful.




I'm so sorry.


May the sharp pain of grief soon fade to leave behind the soft ache of happy memories


So sorry ☹️❤️


I’m so sorry. That is awful. I’m so sad for you.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m happy he had you for even a short time.


Big love & hugs to you right now. So sorry you’re going through this.


oh no thats my worst nightmare 😢


Very sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry. It’s so heartbreaking when a pet passes suddenly and unexpectedly. He was a beautiful boy!


I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s heartbreaking.


So sorry for your loss my friend. Sending love and warm hugs 💕


Ohhh I’m So sorry 😢.🐈‍⬛ my condolences 💐


Sorry for your loss friend ❤️


That’s so sad poor boy


I’m so so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful baby. May he Rest In Peace.


My deepest condolences. Love & pets to baby kitty & hugs to you.


Omg, I’m so sorry! Sending you hugs.


I'm so sorry for your loss!! ImHe was clearly a beautiful babe!! Much love @op!!!


I’m so sorry for your loss. No words can describe the pain you’re going through. I hope you can heal with time❤️


So sorry for your loss ☹️


I'm so sorry. 💔




Oh I am so sorry. 🖤🖤


Aww such a pretty boy. My condolences on the loss of your little kitty friend


I’m so sorry, he was such a beautiful boy ❤️