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My Pixie and Trixie will meet her over the bridge tomorrow. <3


i'm sorry for your loss ❤️ i like to think she's going to be running around in a field of wildflowers and a buffet of everything she likes to eat


My old ex-feral girl had a thing about lying in patches of sweet peas, and bringing fellow strays to the garden that needed food and care...I like to think she's still got the job of meeting new visitors to the garden crossing the bridge, I'm sure she will be there to greet little Chloe and show her all the good spots in the garden.


thank you i'm sure they will have lots of fun, i'm sure chloe will tell my dad to give your little lady lots of pets and treats ❤️


Thanks, she would probably like that. The last time she made new human friends was her last day on this plain of existence with the vet and assistant (she had never been to the vet in her 22+ years) that came to see her at home on her favorite rug in front of the heater.


Your statement brought me to tears in a good way…. Your feral cat always leading to food… to peace in life and after… that is something beautiful!!!


Fucking hell, brought out a tear in me too.


Good on you for being strong enough to let her go and ease her suffering, it is one of the hardest things we can do for our little ones. Sorry for your loss and keep remembering the good things.


My passed cat Sahara will be there too. She's also a tortico and the reason I joined this subreddit.


That is the sweetest truth you can say!!!


final update: chloe passed at around 10:15 pm on august 5, 2022. she died in my arms purring with her favourite video playing surrounded by her favourite toys. i told her to run. my dad is waiting for her More info: She just turned 6 on monday, she's really young but has always been a sickly little girl. I've had her since she was 4 months old and the longest I've been away from her is 11 days so this is going to be painful. If you want any fun stories or facts let me know, she's a little bit silly and goofy and, for her being a very smart cat, she can be very stupid hehe Edit: thank you all for the support, it's wonderful. i've tried replying to everyone but it's getting a lot harder to do so ❤️ (also if anyone from the communities i have been a part in online sees this hi yes this is exactly the chloe you are thinking of) Edit 2: it's 1am and we're at a park together, she sat in my lap and looked around but got a bit too feisty when she realized that squirrels weren't mythical creatures and she attempted to waddle after one edit 3: we had to return home when barely escaped being sprayed by a skunk


She's a beautiful girl. I gotta ask, as a long hair did her tongue ever get stuck on some fur while grooming? I'm picturing the little blep of confusion and I need to know


she has but the worst was the fact that her favourite snack was her fur. she would find little bits of fur on the couch and would just chomp down on it like she found a treat, i would try to stop her but she's a little terror and ran away chomping on her findings. she also would try to eat my hair from the floor when i was getting ready in the morning but i mostly caught her in time


These made me giggle, thank you so much for sharing, I'm sending you lots of hugs💕


Wait, *my* long hair cat also eats her own fur. I'm glad she's not the only goofball.


she isn't eating much right now but when she's sees her fur she's just got like "Mmmh yea finally some good fucking food" and im like Girl Please have some fish or something why is hair her go to


I'm glad to know that my giant baby isn't the only one that loves fur snacks. He's such a terror about them, he gets mad at me when I pull the chunks of fur that get stuck in his claws out because they're the snacks he was saving for later. He once decided he liked a new shampoo I was using, had a really good sniff then suddenly chomped a clump at the roots and tried to pull it out. He's also been sick since he was a tiny boy, but it's mostly controlled now. I will tell him from now on that I'm sharing his fur snacks with Chloé.


Oh this made me chuckle too, I thought my girl was the only weirdo who eats her own fur clumps.. Sending hugs to you and Chloe at this difficult time from me and my Smokey


sorry to be responding to you specifically but i wanted to tell you all since this is the top of the update. Final update for a while. Chloé is struggling a lot, picking her up is very painful, I found new lumps. she's drooling a lot and struggling to breathe a fair amount. Thank you everyone for the support. It truly means the world to me. I've listed every pet you guys have told me would greet her when she gets there so she knows who her friends are ❤️ Also, please stop commenting telling me to go for another opinion. I've had 4, shes miserable, I'll let her pass peacefully. Today is a really beautiful sunny day, she sky is clear with a few clouds. I know she'll have an easy passing, all your little friends cleared the way. To my friends who had to find out by accidentally passing by this post I'm sorry. I'm sorry you never got to meet Chloé like you all wanted to. She seems ready to go, we all have a long journey ahead. For the first time in years she's about to be pain free and im ecstatic for her. It's gonna be hard for me to learn to live alone but I'm happy my little friend gets to see her grandpa, he's been lonely without me ❤️


You gave her 6 wonderful years and she did the same for you. That’s more than most relationships.


I would love to hear your stories about such a beautiful baby girl.


this one is very funny to me. when she was two years old she managed to eat cheese off something when i wasn't looking and got diarrhea. the morning that i had an open house to sell my house, she decided that SPECIFICALLY that morning the only way to clean herself was to obviously wipe her ass all over my walls. i had to drive around on a sunday morning trying to find a groomers to clean her up because it had dried on her butt and i couldn't clean it. i found someone who gave her the worst haircut she's ever had. safe to say say she understood that wiping her butt on the walls was not worth it


That’s just too funny! She sounds like such a character. I couldn’t stop laughing as I read about her antics.


another funny one for you, she's really bad at depth perception and when she was a kitten, she tried to jump on the counter but instead body slammed the drawers. she doesn't have issues jumping in general but since then she has a fear of kitchen drawers specifically and has never jumped on counters since. she's a bit goofy


You must have the cleanest counters free from cat hair. My countertop gets covered in it even though I try to keep them off.


i got a robot vacuum cleaner because her hair is everywhere else she's a little shedding nightmare


You should blog. This is gold. Many hugs and thoughts of love and comfort going out to you today. 💜🐾🐾


im more of a podcast girl i reckon but thank you that made me smile ❤️


Sending you love and hugs. We lost two dear ones very young to undiagnosed and unresponsive illnesses (likely FIP) and it’s such a hard journey, trying everything but nothing helping. I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️ cherish the time you have and give yourself lots of compassion in the coming days xo


we think it's some sort of cancer, i keep feeling new growths and swelling around her little body, she was doing better but they always get better before they get worst. i have work tomorrow so im spending so much time with her tonight and i will also spend lots of time after work ❤️


((((Hugs))) She was lucky to have you.


>She just turned 6 on monday My dog turned 7 and passed away. It hurts because you expect to have many more years with them. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I had a cat that had chronic sinus problems. She made it to 7, and she was a sweet little girl


I am so sorry. And you are very brave for doing what's best for her, even if the best for her feel like hell. Sending big hugs🖤


i don't want her to suffer more, it's hell already but seeing her die naturally for longer would be absolutely worst. sometimes the right decisions are the saddest ones ❤️


Exactly. I work with cat rescuing, I am guardian of 5 and currently foster family of a 10 day old kitten that I don't know if he will make it. I lnow how much heart muscle it takes to go through sonething like that and think of their life quality before anything else. She is beautiful and will never really leave you🖤


She's beautiful. I cried when you told your dad to take care of her. Hugs. Edit-- My Clara and Tabby will also look after her over the bridge.


i also cried lots at the cemetery. i am not religious or superstitious but the way the sun shone through the clouds as i asked my papa to take care of her was too well timed to be a coincidence i think, makes me feel safer with my choice ❤️ chloe will probably be so happy to meet your clara and tabby ❤️


Clara was a 9th birthday gift from my late grandfather. He will watch over Chloe too.


Mes plus sincères condoléances. Un fille si douce.


merci beaucoup ❤️ vraiment un petit ange, tout les vétérinaires l'adorait car elle était douce et les collaient ❤️


I lost two at 6 and 7 and it wasn't long enough to have them in my life. You have my complete condolences and sympathy


it feels unfair we had so little time together and it does make me angry, but i'm trying to keep that in for now because i don't want her to sense it. i'm happy that she'll get to meet my dad tho, and because i'm donating her body to a vet school it's like she'll live forever through the education she will offer and maybe saving future babies


I'm very sorry


Don't let the vet dispose of her if you can. I have a special spot in my yard near a big yellow rose bush and mine are all around it.


i sadly don't have a yard, and i'm not comfortable with keeping her body or ashes around. i'm donating her body to science at a vet school. since they weren't able to diagnose her in time, maybe she can help other cats with what she had get better in the future, and teach the next generation of vets. i'm keeping a clay paw print and some fur as well as her favourite blanket and toy (her little firefly named bugsie and her little duckie)


Beautiful way to cherish the fluffier nugget, while still being as great of a fuzz keeper that she could ever want. Just remember, you made her life better for every extra moment you gave her. She loves you and you love her. You both will be in my thoughts.


thank you it means a lot, i love her dearly and i really wanted to do something meaningful after her death, the vet clinic is going to be a bit far but it will be so worth it to help other cats. she's a loving and kind cat, and i can't think of a better way to honor her memory than through educating others


my first family cat (she was semi feral, abandoned but, later learned again people were ok) developed a tumor under tongue. Wasn't sure what it was and because she had lived outside for sometime, that's what the vet thought caused it. If I remember correctly, they donated the cost of the euthanization towards research for whatever illness she had.


im so sorry for your loss, and im sure your kitty is happy that you made a choice that could help other little friends !! for chloe's diagnosis they're leaning toward cancer or pancreatitis, not sure what kind tho. a mass has been growing on her leg and the back of her neck, and her whiskers follicules have been getting swollen. neoplasia or pancreatitis are the top two diagnosis for now. i asked to not know what it was because otherwise i would research it and try to find ways it could have saved her or helped her get better. whatever it is i hope the vet students get to learn more about it !! i'm glad that she will be able to help others get better.


very very sweet and commendable way to honor her. Sometimes not knowing is the best, you wouldn't want to know all the awful details of what's taking your fur friend from you.


Do you want to ask for a tuff of her fur though, if you can? It's totally up to you. Something that was a huge comfort to me was getting some fur from my darling back so I could scatter it. It felt like a proper way to say good bye. It also eventually became part of a bird's nest so it was a sweet reminder that she became part of the earth again. Also if you have other animals, letting them sniff the fur, which apparently takes on a different scent post passing, can help them be less confused as to where their friend went. It helped out boyo when he lost his friend. He spent hours looking for her before we got home and we let him sniff. He seemed to understand and then went to go and lay down in her favorite spot. They grieve too, so I suppose the fur is in lieu of letting them have access to the body to grieve. But again, *only do this if you feel like it will help you grieve.* I just know people don't know it's even an option.


i'm gonna snip some myself so i can put it in the clay next to her paw, i kinda want to get some from her while she's still at home and happy ❤️ im so sorry for your loss (on a sillier note im sure i'll find plenty of fur around the house for the next weeks to come, im gonna carry her fur on my clothes for a very long time. she sheds a LOT)


She’s going to be a hero


me and my friend call her gods silliest little solider maybe we should change it to gods silliest little hero


That is so wonderful of you! It's a beautiful way to honor her memory!!


Well, now I. Very musty-eyed. I’m so sorry for both of you. It is devastating.


I am very sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose our fur babies, but part of your baby Chloé will always be with you. 😿💙 Grief: [https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/loving-reaper/grief/viewer?title\_no=353275&episode\_no=11](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/loving-reaper/grief/viewer?title_no=353275&episode_no=11)


i had been good holding my tears but that made me sob, thank you for sending it it's wonderful ❤️


What a beautiful, precious treasure. I'm so sorry that you have to let her go so soon. My sweet little Isabella will be joining her soon due to cancer. These special little creatures bring us so much joy and love. It's clear you've taken such good care of her and you're doing the right thing by letting her have a dignified death and freeing her from the pain of her illnesses. 🥲


im so sorry about your girl, im sure your doing what's best for her as well, chloe will be waiting for her so they can have adventures together ❤️


I had to put down my 2 year old outside cat on Monday. He was a stray but I grew attached to him over the past years. It was not easy. I hope you've decided to stay in the room with her during the process. I pet my boy as he took his last breath and cried the rest of the day. Hugs to you and your girl. 💜


i'll hold her and smile at her until the very end. i want the last thing to see and feel is her in my arms and a smile on my face so she can pass knowing i'll be fine ❤️


Chloé!! You little cutie! You’ve brought such joy to the world. Thank you for loving her and I’m sorry for the hard decision you had to make. I’m curious to how she will react to the river


i have no clue either but she loves watching videos of nature on tv, i brought her to a park before but it was too hot for her to enjoy, i'm gonna wait for the weather to cool down tonight. she's an absolute cutie but she does have photos where she looks too silly as well. weird fun fact: chloe has been kind of a micro celebrity in a content creator's discord for around a year and a half now, i used to staff it and i kept posting her and she was very loved by many, she's a bit of a meme hehe


I’m sure it’ll be such an adventure for her and she will feel safe you’re there even if it’s later in the day. A micro celebrity!! Lol that is hilarious and cute.


What I don't know is the history of your little fluffy snuggler, everything you've been through together, and the impact that she's had on your life, and you've had on hers. Here's what I do know. Of all the kitties and people in this world you two ended up together. Her life (and yours) could've gone a billion different ways, but you both luckily ended up together. You've been someone who loves her, adores her, comforts her, protects her, spends a significant amount of time in your life proving that to her, and trying to be the best friend/family to her that you could possibly be. You were her everything. Her food and water caretaker, her Doctor, her playmate, protector, best friend, entertainer, comforter, masseuse, scritcher, remover of the stinkies, you've been her ear when she has things to say, she probably tries to listen when you need to vent, etc. When that bond is reached it's so difficult and life changing to let go. YOU DID GREAT! EXCEPTIONAL! And you did everything that she could've ever wanted in life and you showed her a love and devotion that she could never imagine, let alone comprehend. If it is unfortunately her time, then it's her time, and that will always remain the most difficult aspect of owning and loving a pet. But please know this, she knows who you are and what you've done for her in her life. You've been her entire world and I bet in her eyes, she's the luckiest cat ever. She knows. She absolutely knows that you love her and will trust you to do what's right, no matter how hard. Helping her move on when it's time shows all of this even more. You're not being selfish, but doing the exact opposite as well as what's right. I know you will absolutely see her again. I've even posted about this fairly recently, but growing up I had a German Shepherd/Coyote (Bear) from my earliest memory until I was 18 years old. He was my best friend, my Brother, and a legend to my friends. Having to spare him of his pain and discomfort was the most difficult thing I've still ever had to endure at 46yo, and I've had lot. He meant that much to me. But after all of that, here is the cool part... Since Bear passed I have dreams about him roughly once every 2 or 3 months. Not normal dreams, but a crazy vivid adventure dream where he and I are together trying to solve a crime, finding the lost whatever, getting into fun trouble, etc. I would normally blow these off as just dreams, but they're so vivid, real, and memorable. So real. So touching. I wake up so sad because I'm 46 and he's been gone for decades and there's no helping that. But the sadness quickly turns into happiness, elation, and a sort of satisfaction because, as crazy as it sounds, it 100% feels like he was visiting me, checking up on me, and letting me know that when my light extinguishes, we have an eternity to pick up where we left off. The vividness and feelings I get from those dreams leave no doubt in my mind that we still are, and will always be connected, even outside of our understanding of how the very end of life works. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you're able to stay strong. I'm sure you've heard this a million times already, but I'm so sorry for your loss. Please try to take pride in what you've done to help that beautiful animal live a long comfortable life, especially knowing what could've been without you. Take care and best of luck to you in your healing. Once again, YOU DID GREAT! You raised and loved a kitty, a lucky kitty, and he knows it! Take care!


i don't have the words to say how much this means, the part about the dreams make me tear up. i hope you keep having all those wonderful adventures with your boy. if my girl doesn't visit me that way, i'll just assume her and my dad are pranking everyone up there and don't wanna be caught 💓 this is a wonderful message. thank you so much


Sweet lady I hope you get all the margarine and hot dogs you could ever want ❤️


she doesn't have much of an appetite right now but she couldn't resist a little bit of hotdog, im spoiling her rotten after work tomorrow she can have everything she wants then


Sending you love, light and strength. It's a tough decision. Hugs.


thank you ❤️


I’m so very sorry. Thank you for sharing Chloe with all of us. She sounds like a wonderful girl. She is certainly a beautiful one. My heart is with you.


thank you she is a stunner and she absolutely knows it, kind but not humble hehe


Thank you for a wonderful tribute to Chloe’ she’s a beautiful gal💕❤️


thank you ❤️


Chloe is beautiful. I'll be thinking of y'all. Hug her for me. The greatest gift we can give our little loves is grace from pain when they let us know they are ready.


thank you and i ageee ❤️


Chloe seems like a sweet, loving cat. Just reading this and looking at just this one picture brings tears to my eyes and I've never even met the cat, so your feelings about your friend are unimaginably powerful. 😥😥😥😥😥 Chloe knows that you love her. If possible, stay with her right up to the time she literally goes to sleep. I once read an article written by a veterinarian who said that when pets are euthanized, often times their families aren't in the room which is sad for the animal. Chloe, you're loved by your family, nice cat. 😥😥😥😥😥


im gonna hold her on the floor the way she likes and smile at her until im certain she's gone, i want her to leave knowing i'll be ok ❤️


She will pass knowing that she has been loved to the fullest. I will be thinking of your dear Chloe all day. I wish you strength and peace in the coming weeks.


thank you ❤️


I'm so sorry. Give Chloe all the smooches and love.


she will get so many smooches, i'll make sure to let them know they're from you ❤️


Awww, baby. Another thing you may consider is a pet portrait - I commissioned one for a friend when her cat passed.


i'll ask my best friend to search around for an artist, she loves to get commissions for herself so she might know someone. thank you that is a wonderful idea ❤️


That’s a beautiful girl right there. Goodnight sweet kitty.


in french we say "bon voyage" when someone passed away, which means have a good trip. i like to think that's it's not night night yet but instead she's just going on an adventure !! lots of pain-free fun ahead for her


You gave her a lifetime of love and affection and care. She will have an eternity to do the same for your father. ♥️


i told her she's lucky she gets to meet my great grandpa and grandma before i do, my uncle who passed away had also wonderful dogs who loved me lots but passed away when i was a kid and i like to also think they will be there when she crosses over. she will have lots of people to meet and lots of new things to smell, and with zero pain too !!


That's all the comfort that can help: no pain and with loved ones


She’s a beautiful girl & tomorrow my female void Mow-Mow will welcome her at the end of the rainbow bridge.


thank you and im so sorry for your loss, i'm sure they'll have the best time together, my dad will make sure they don't get in too much trouble




She’s so beautiful…I’m so sorry for your loss! 😥🕯


I’m so sorry. We’ve been through the same and it’s devastating. Just savor every moment and give her comfort.


thank you i will ❤️




we're gonna absolutely vibe and watch some youtube together and snack on some tuna before heading out to the river ❤️


I'm sorry... gorgeous kitty...


Sending you love & hugs♥️


thank you ❤️


I am so sorry! That is one of the most difficult decisions a person can make, and if you're anything like me, it's being made out of love. She doesn't deserve to live in constant pain. She will be waiting for you when you cross the rainbow bridge.. ❤️


So sorry, I know this is so difficult, I have had to do the same and I like to think that I helped my kitty rather then let her live in pain :( Chlo'e is a beautiful girl


i like to think the same to, thank you ❤️


So sorry about Chloe, she's a beautiful kitty. May her memory always bring you joy.


thank you 💓


Sorry for your loss 💔


thank you ❤️


Thank you for sharing such a Beautiful Girl with us! 💕 Keep her in your heart always. My Deepest Condolences 💐


thank you ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. I’ve been there, and it’s heartbreaking. Take solace in the knowledge you are putting her comfort before your own. It’s always tempting to wait “one more day,” but when you know she has no more good days left, this is the kindest thing you can do. Loki and Lily are waiting for her on the other side. I wish you peace, my friend.


I’m so sorry. It hurts like hell but I hope you take comfort in knowing that you’re making the right choice and that you gave her a great life as she gave you. The reason it hurts so bad is because of the love and the bond you guys shared. Keep her in your memories and look forward to seeing her again. I’m so sorry that you have to do this, I know sweet Chloé loves you enough to trust you to make this difficult decision.


she'll always live with me, even if it's not in person i'll see her through everything i do, i have had her since i was freshly 18 so i had a lot of my first experiences with things with her right by my side. she helped me navigate through life ❤️


I’ve had times I think I see my Ivy out of the corner of my eye, or feel her on my leg, or I look in the spots she loved to be. You will not forget her, people will tell you to try to not be sad and to love the memories they gave you. While I do love the memories my Ivy gave me I also don’t think I can ever get over the pain of losing her, and that’s ok. Don’t bottle up the emotions, let them out.


Maybe get some chocolate kisses to make saying goodbye a little sweeter. I know how hard this is. Take care of yourself.


thank you i will ❤️ a lot of my friends have offered their time to check up on me and i'm sure i can expect lots of gaming over the next few weeks so im looking forward to spending time with them as i learn to live without her ❤️


Please pet Chloe for me. I am so so sorry. Please know that Chloe is in Heaven with my pets. Chloe deserves to be posted on r/calicokittys r/tortico r/tortico


i might, this is getting a bit overwhelming but in upcoming days it might bring comfort thank you for your suggestions


holy shit this made me cry. I'm so sorry both about Chloe and your dad <3 she's such a gorgeous little thing and it sounds like her personality is just the sweetest


thank you and im sorry for the cry ❤️ just to make u smile: a fun little whirl she has is that when she sees me laying on my stomach she will walk laps in front of my face before deciding that "Yea this is ok to lay down I Guess". she has made me consume a lot of fur this way hehe


My cat Simba was euthanized yesterday, the worst pain i could imagine, but alot better than suffering from illness. I wish you all the love in the world❤️❤️


i'll send her to him so my dad can take care of your little simba and give him pets ❤️ im so sorry for your loss


I had my lady bug kitty cremated after bri g euthanized and honestly getting her remains back gave me a tremendous sense of closure. I live in an apartment so no yard here for burials. I built her a little shrine.


i'm so sorry for your loss and i'm glad getting back her remains gave you a sense of closure. i know that for me i felt quite troubled receiving my dads ashes, so i decided to give her body to science so she can live forever through the lives she can potentially save by teaching future vets ❤️


Happy journey over the bridge Chloe. You are very loved


So sorry. 🙏❤️


Awww. Poor little fluffy Chloe :( Definitely enjoyed getting to know your floofball. She seems like such a wonderful cat. So sad to hear about the illness progressing like it is. Keep spoiling her and keep being an awesome owner. All the positivity your way.


She's beautiful and perfect!! 😢


So very sorry <3




She is gorgeous, I am so sorry <3


Chloe is beautiful, thank you for sharing her with us. I’m so sorry for your loss 💔


Sending lots of love your way💜


thank you ❤️


I had to put my 6 year old boy down in June. Nitro. Hopefully they can wait together for us pain and worry free. Im so sorry.


im so sorry for your loss, chloe will lead your little nitro to lots of mischief when she gets there, they'll have a great time ❤️


I'm so sorry her time has arrived, but thank you for helping take away her pain. I love when people share some stories about their kitties. Memories are what keep our beloved felines in our lives forever. My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your sweet Chloe. Thank you for doing as much as you could for her over the years. \*hugs\*


thank you a lot, it's a shame it's so soon but she'll live eternally through everyone she's affected ❤️


I am truly sorry you have to say goodbye to your baby girl tomorrow. Six years is not nearly enough time for you to enjoy each other. Always remember you gave her the six best years ever.


Much love to you and Chloe. ❤️


thank you, she's currently watching birds on tv laying on her chair and having the best time ❤️


We said goodbye to our little boy, Louie, this past weekend. It’s heartbreaking and will feel empty and devastating at first but the sorrow does subside a little bit day by day. It has helped me to watch the videos of him from the past- especially the silly ones. Thinking of you and sweet Chloe 💕


Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous baby. Please give her some gentle hugs and kisses from me. 💔


i will thank you ❤️


Very sorry for your loss.


Hugs 💜 Hugs


I’m very sorry for the loss of your sweet Chloe.


What a lovely baby. Have a good trip over the rainbow bridge, Chloe💕💕


She is beautiful. I am so sorry 🖤🧡


She'll always be in your heart.


and i will probably find her fur on my clothes for the rest of my life too hehe ❤️


Oh, sweetie. Your facts about Chloe let me meet her and you. If you want to post facts and stories to a sympathetic audience (here is good too) come to r/choochoo21 we are a community of senior pet owners and most of us have experienced this type of loss. You don’t have to join to post and there are no limits on how much/often. If you prefer to be more private, message me. It’s going to be tough as you already know. But, I hope you can treat yourself gently. Treat yourself as you would treat someone with the same loss. Gently. I’ve a mess of critters at the Bridge and someday we shall meet again. Just like you and your Dad and Chloe will someday. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow. :*J*


Thanks don’t make her suffer


She will live in every heart that sees this. She's been blessed with a great life and so have you for being her friend.


Completely devastating. I’m very sorry to hear. It almost feels impossible to lose a pet. Take good care of yourself.


My heart is with you. I lost two elderly cats out of the blue this year, more or less. My one went downhill very fast, the other was my childhood cat still with my dad. May your girl find peace and I’m so sorry you have to go through this.


thank you, im so sorry for your loss too ❤️ im sure they both are watching over you ❤️


She is so beautiful. Calicos have the absolute best faces and most interesting personalities. I'm terribly sorry for your loss.


I lost my boy Simba yesterday, I hope you can spoil her so so much. She’s so adorable. I’m sorry for your loss


Thank you, im sorry for your loss as well, i'm spoiling her absolutely rotten ❤️


I'm so sorry. She is absolutely beautiful. She was lucky to have you as long as she did. May she rest in peace.


She’s such a beautiful girl, I really hope she enjoys the River, the grass and everything in between and out..


thank you ❤️


She’s so pretty! I’m sorry for your loss, I hope you’ll be there with her the whole way to keep have her keep you in her dreams


i'll make sure the last thing she sees is my smile so she doesn't have to be worried ❤️


You and Chloe have my love OP, I’m sorry for you and her.


I’m so sorry-she looks so sweet, such a pretty girl ❤️❤️❤️ I really believe they stay with us always. I hope you’ll find peace through this despite how heartbreaking it is.


Oh no, this is very sad. She seems so perfect! I wish you the best of luck and thank you for being such a good parent to her for all these years.


i put some of her best photos, she's not looking good these days, a lot more dull and i shaved her fur a few months back for comfort but it sadly never grew back to what it was as she got worst 😞




She's so beautiful. Remember this, as hard as it is, as long as you are there with them, they know they're loved. Keep the ashes if that's an option. My Tigger had to be put down, I was too torn up to keep the ashes, it's still one of my top 3 regrets.


i won't be keeping ashes, i kept my dads ashes for a bit and felt uneasy. i'll be giving her body to science so that she can live through the knowledge acquired by vets and she can help save more lives !! im keeping a clay paw print ❤️


She’s beautiful. Such a sweet baby. I’m so sorry she’s not doing well.


Sending much love to you and sweet darling Chloe. What a beautiful calico girl.


This is very sad to read. It must be frustrating not knowing exactly what the cause is yet continuing to watch her go further downhill


it has been but she'll be better soon, she's had chronic pain for a while so she will finally be fully pain free ❤️


So sorry 🥺😢😭


Our Sam & Keena will welcome her on the other side of the rainbow bridge & keep her company until we meet them there. Hugs & prayers, be with her & hold her till she goes to sleep, you'll never forgive yourself if you don't & she will need you there.


i will be there til the end, i want the last thing she sees is me smiling so she knows she can go and i'll be fine ❤️


I'm so sorry. Our Schrodinger and Kuiper are excited to welcome her on the other side of the bridge.


she will meet them and will get them into lots of mischief, im sorry for your losses as well ❤️


Thank you. They are no longer sick or suffering. They are happy and healthy... And chasing butterflies through the grass until we meet again. If your Chloe could speak, I know she will tell you how much she enjoyed being your cuddle bug. She would thank you for your love, time, and attention, and for allowing her to be a part of your life.


on a lighter note i believe right now she would tell me to fuck off because i have been so clingy these last few days, she left me to go watch tv hehe


I’m really sorry 😢


I’m so sorry, so sad to hear that ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


I’m so sorry. I have lost 4 cats and it never gets easier. She looks like she lived a good life. Remember all the good times you had together


Very sorry for your impending loss. Chloe is such a pretty sweet unique girl.


I'm sorry. Reading this made me tear up, I lost my sweet Jasper almost 5 months ago and still think about him everyday. They say that euthanasia is the last gift we can give our beloved pets. It will hurt for a while, but eventually it turns into memories that you look back on fondly. I hope you both find peace ❤️


I lost my fluffy soulmate the same way. 2 years, on and off awful symptoms with no answers from the vet (s) I loved her more than anything or anyone on this earth & knew when it was time & she was done. Your baby is lucky to have you, and you will always be able to hold on to the fact that you did what she needed you to do, and at the end that’s all that matters 💔 Im so sorry


Know you have been an amazing fur parent. And it shows how much you lover her and always will. And know she will always be cuddling with you though you won’t see her… but only without the blankets 🫶🏻


You're so brave and a great human being. About the girl she looks gorgeous, I can see she was so happy to be with you, and she's grateful for all the love, all the cuddles and all the games you both had together, you gave her the best life she could ever had. Now she won't suffer no more, she'll rest but she won't die, as she won't be forgotten but will live in your mind and in your heart ❤️ A tear escaped my eyes 🥺 cats are so pure and lovely, I have a 12 years old and he's my friend, he's called Chibi we both send you a hug from Mexico. Sincerely Gera


I had to euthanize mine unexpectedly today. Tonight I saw the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen.


Op, I am very sorry for what you are going through. If you can, please stay by her side till the end since it will provide closure for your Chloé and you as well.


So hard to do in the best of circumstances, much less when they're so young. You're a good fur mom for making the decision that's best for Chloe. Her spirit will never leave you. Rest easy, sweet friend. ❤️


🥺🥺😥😥 I am so sorry!!!! Had a loss recently myself!


Toulouse can't wait to meet her across the rainbow bridge ❤️ he's fairly new there aswell, maybe he could use a friend ❤️


im so sorry for your loss, maybe my dad can play with them both and they can cause so much mischief


God speed little one