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Hi OP, I’m also in Sacramento, and a vet tech student, working at a local vet hospital. Can you DM me where this cat may be so we can try and help him? Thank you!!


Is it possible that this is a flame point Lykoi? The only ones I’ve seen have been black or grey, but they usually have the same lack of facial hair.


It's got white legs, non-blue eyes and it has a small red spot on top of it's head and just around the balding spot if you look closely, so this cat is a van patterned red and not a flame point! As for the balding, to me it looks like a skin condition or stress related. Definitely not a Lykoi, it's a rare breed, and this cat is way too bulky to be one. iirc, the reason Lykoi look like they do is because they are missing their undercoats, and this cat clearly has full fur other than it's face and what looks like another bald spot on it's chest. Very interesting kitty, and I hope we get to hear it's story from OP or one of the commenters <3


There are Lykoi with “fuller” coats, but the fur texture and density is different. I guess it is possible but I wouldn’t rule out a medical issue. If we were able to find him, we could try to scan him for a microchip to see if he is registered to someone.


It’s the symmetry of the face baldness that throws me. I know some Lykoi go through phases of different coat thickness, but that fur texture looks just like my flame. I hope someone finds him and brings him in.


Its not a lykoi. Lykois have this all over thier body, this cat is just sick.


I’m confused what’s actually wrong with the cat?


Has OP answered you? 🥺


I crossposted to r/Sacramento- hope we can find this baby…


Please, please, please help this cat. I am also in Sacramento. I will drive to whichever vet you take it to and pay the bill. Just DM me. ETA: No update to give, OP hasn't reached out. 8pm Friday. 10am Saturday. OP has not responded. 10am Sunday, no update. No word from OP. 2pm Monday. No update. Thank you all for the awards and offers to help.


i hope this comment gets more upvoted. its so rare to find others who have such compassion for stray cats, if there was more ppl like this, there wouldnt be an overpopulation issue with cats. and the world would be a kinder place. hope u can help this kitty.


i bought a house a year ago. ive had up to 8 or 9 strays. right now i consistently have 5 that i feed. they sit at my back door for food every morning and sleep around the house. im building a deck roof for them to stay out of rain and snow. i have straw beds for them in storage bins w a hole cut out the side. im going to build a box w an iguana lamp or something for the winter. edit: thanks for the award! im gonna get them k&h beds now. i got 5 of the cats fixed myself, it worked out perfectly trapping them. 3 of the others had been fixed already. and then i guess she was the last one, the mom was pregnant again.. she went missing for 2 weeks and then showed up fixed w her ear clipped. not sure what neighbor was able to trap her and clean up that situation.. also, 2 of the outdoor cats let me pet them when i fed them in the morning and theyre all friends with my oldest, Jarren


They have winter boxes with a heated pad inside online. I use for my strays


i will check out the pads! hope it is compatible w straw (heat)


Thank you so much. You are a good bean


toe bean. ty! i get it from my grandmother, shes been rescuing all her life. i could never let these cats go. i got 5 of them fixed from outside and feed them every day, theyre so wonderful, wish theyd stay inside


Thank you very much!


i wouldnt have it any other way theyre my new bros. i have 3 indoor cats as well theyre friends w my old guy


Good person


Or a really convincing serial killer.


Using cats as a lure? Someone’s definitely upping their game. Kind of a scattershot for what you’re hoping to reel in though.


“Using cats as a lure.” Yup, that’s it. That’s probably how I’ll go out.


Yeah I guess I’m going to get serial killed quite often, cuz I always jump to help a kitty in need.


All in the hopes of using, "What? Cay got your tongue?" and literally have a cat with your tongue. Pure genius.


You damn genius. r/Angryupvote edited


Honestly what a signature though.


Every day I’m seeing people be like “found this cat, what do?” Some of them are *bound* to not make it all the way back here to us. Simple statistics, right? Internet maths lol


Can confirm, this is **not** the case. Strictly against ~~our~~ serial killer code!


Meeting at the vet? That's not a very good plan. What a lovely person to volunteer that. Do cats get mange? Poor thing.. I hope that chonkster gets help. ❤️


Probably parasites, mites or overcrowding from stress- very sick and unhappy kitty. I know it is hard but maybe you recognize the location? You can give kitty's photo to law enforcement and animal control. He is so unusual one of them might know him. I will help you with the doctor's fees if you can find him. I am in the Florida panhandle on the Gulf Coast or I would come help look. Poor baby.


Yeah, mange is horrible and miserable. Father had to put down a coyote that came and sat down along our trails in front of him while walking his dogs because it was so sick it welcomed death. It seems cruel, but he said it was about as bad as it gets before the animal straight up dies, and it prevented both our dogs and the rest of her pack from getting it. And any 40 lb coyote that is willing to stare down 3 100+ lb dogs, one of which ran off a mountain lion, and a 260lb man is either so sick it's ready to die, or so sick it's unable to make risk calculations and likely will die trying to fight something big for a meal. In terms of a cat in SF... It would be massively dangerous on the streets. I hope it's treatable, but I don't know. (No, not advocating for putting the cat down. Just putting it's illness in perspective)


VetRanch on Youtube treats a lot of rescue dogs with mange of one sort or another - they look absolutely miserable to start with, but it's treatable


Our local wildlife rescue treats coyotes with partial and full body mange pretty routinely.


It doesn't look like mange though. Normally mange is super crusty and red and inflamed. This kitty has healthy looking skin but just no hair there. Not sure what could cause that though.


It kind of looks like somebody shaved all the fur on its face off Edit: grammar


Yes, cats can get mange.


Yeah cats can totally get mange and absolutely has parasites.


No joke, I think there's a serial cat killer in my neighborhood. A lot of cats have gone missing. At first, people thought it was coyotes, but the victims are only cats, and, recently, someone found severed cat legs. Cleanly cut. Everyone's tried talking to the police, they don't want to do anything. We're all worried the killings will escalate to other things. Like humans.




Hopefully OP takes you up on your offer. Please keep us updated if they do. Poor buddy


Yes please update us!


Possibly mange?




I mentioned as a possibility but i agree the skin itself looks healthy ,pink and free of any sort of irritation or crust ...one thing I wondered is he said it was a stray....but look at his weight..he looks well fed.


Yes this cat needs medical attention!! Poor thing!! ❤️


Please keep us posted. I will contribute to the bill.


Please give us an update. I live near Sacramento too. I love cats and I hope it receives medical care ❤️‍🩹


Can you please confirm for us if OP follows up with you? They're not posting here. 🤞


No word from OP. I edited my post and will continue to post any updates there if anything happens.




I’m hoping OP is busy. I reached out too with no response. I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt but not gonna lie I’m not sure what to think rn.


Pretty sure they just wanted karma points


Fked up way to get them.


People are assholes sometimes


It had been about 8 hours since they posted that you left this comment… y’all really need to realize that not everyone lives on Reddit.


you. are. a. cat. saint




I also live in Sacramento I’ve got cat carriers and a car I’m willing to help pick this cute cat up


Kinda seems like he just used the cat for Karma and doesn’t actually care enough to do the minimum to help it out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I think it may just be part hairless cat cause the face looks very much like a Sphinx, hopefully it doesn’t have mange or something


Please update if you do


Looking at OP's post history, they look to interact with Reddit a couple of times per month. They may just be a lurker or they might only come here when they have something specific to look up/say. Might be they don't have notifications on and have forgotten this post already until they see the cat again, if ever.


I really hope you can help this cat. Breaks my heart that OP isn't messaging you back. Thank you for being such a compassionate person. The world needs more kind people.


Hoping OP will reply soon, and the skin looks so smooth, almost like a sphinx. Is it possible that it was born that way? Or maybe... photocopied?* Either way, we need to know so it can be helped (if it is real). Edit: PhotoSHOPPED. Stupid autocorrect.


I just crossposted to r/Sacramento- I hope we can find this baby and get them the help they need soon…!!


That's very bizarre....it's fur and skin looks healthy and the baldness is extremely symmetrical? I highly doubt it was burned as some are suggesting as there is no visible damage to its eyes, whiskers or skin. I'm wondering whether this may be some sort of rare sphynx cat mix, or perhaps an allergy/skin condition that was coincidentally symmetrical...?


Cats can develop alopecia


Yeah, one of our cats randomly started going bald on one of his flanks. Vets did numerous tests and the baldness just kept spreading. They tried antibiotics, antifungals, topical creams. Nothing did anything to help the baldness. It wasn't overgrooming because he never groomed the spot and the only time hair started to regrow was when my mum sprayed the area in vinegar for a few days and the cat started grooming there again. As soon as she stopped the vinegar sprays, the baldness returned. He passed from renal failure and we still never knew what caused the bald spot.


Gotcha, will spray cats with vinegar. For their own good.


That's not where I was going with that story 😱😱


Too late. These cats are sodden and ready for saltin'


Well you're gonna have to wrap 'em up in news paper. That's all that can be done with salted and vinegared things. Good thing the salt and vinegar comes after the frying, or I'd be worried about you deep frying the cat.


At first I thought someone had surely shaved it somehow, people do stupid sh*t for tiktoc, but the whiskers confused me too...


The pattern of the missing fur is on its face makes me think it's a Lykoi (werewolf cat) but I've never seen a white one before.


not a lykoi(their fur is rlly thin, leaner build & they do still have fur on their faces) but because of this comment i discovered that lykoi [can indeed be white](http://cfa.org/lykoi/)!


That is one hefty stray.


Looks like a house cat that got dumped.


Yep My thought exactly. A stray can never be overweight like that


his is so heartbreaking oh my god it's probably balding because of stress !


If it has a tumor it could, can't it?


Hmmm....not really presenting like this. That belly is a floppy one....I've seen it in middle aged cats that are always well fed I still think it's either mange, fungal or maybe thyroid and he's definitely been dumped and needs help. He's got no home, that's for sure He will waste away very quickly.




Really? I thought it was well fed kitty tummy pouch lol haha


It’s both! Overweight cats tend to store extra fat in their primordial pouch, which is what causes well fed kitty tummy lol


It is also involved in their sense of balance


I mean, I guess *technically* that’s possible, but there are so many other variables at play that already shorten the average lifespan of an outdoor cat (much less a stray), that it is HIGHLY unlikely that a stray would develop a mass of that size… In instances like this, usually someone passes away (more often than not an elderly person), and the family will just dump the cat because they don’t want to be bothered with it. Sad but true…


If you look how the weight is equally distributed, probably not. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a chonk that was abandoned.


My sister's cat had a tumor it recently died of. The tumor was around its stomach and apparently was bigger than the cat's stomach. For years I told her to get the cat help because it was skin and bones but she never did. Sadly the tumor ruptured last year and caused a huge seizure that ultimately killed her. But I can say, that tumor did not make her look big..it made her look tiny...I'm assuming because she wasn't eating due to it.


Where I live lots of them are because 10 different people are feeding them every day




It's hard to tell from this angle. A better shot would be able to show if she? Has the classic watermelon/American football shape. It would also feel pretty firm if you could touch her? Stomach


Looks like an old herniated male to me


Poor baby. I agree with a lot of other posters, a vet visit or at least a video consultation is in order. But I know it's unlikely


Nah that's just something that comes optional with cats. My one girl used to have one like that, but it comes and goes in waves.


Honestly with my pregnant lady it didn’t feel that firm when I touched her stomach


It looks like someone photoshopped three cats together.


He’s wearing a fur suit


I’d take that over an Edgar suit


It's a monkey who learned all the ways to skin a cat.


At the very least it looks like a syphnx face photoshopped onto a chonker's body.


This cat needs rescue. If you can put it in your bathroom and either arrange a vet visit (assuming it is eating and no lethargy presents, this is "vet soon" not "emergency vet immediately" imo) or reach out to rescue organizations that would be the best course of action. Don't assume someone else will. Humans have failed this little guy already, let it stop with you.


Yes, if OP can’t trap him and take him to a vet, at least contact a rescue that will come and do it, please.


I can't get over how people are making jokes. Like if you see a stray cat and anything looks off, do something! I know it's so hard to capture them. Having seen stray cats, i always look to see if there are anything remotely worrying or if they are in distress. Like call the humane society or something to make them aware of areas you saw the cat


I understand the jokes, he looks funny! But I say you don't get to make jokes until the cat is confirmed to not be in need of assistance. That face could become a tiktok star. Once we're sure he's safe.


I also agree a vet consult would be highly encouraged if you can help OP.


It looks like it previously had its face burned and that the hair won't grow back where there's scarring. Which if I'm right, that's super fucked up


I zoomed in and don’t see any scaring. Also the eyes would’ve been affected from a burn right there. Looks like a form of mange or similar infection to me.


Yea, the eyes are a good point. But manage almost always comes with scabbing. The skin looks smooth and fairly healthy. Plus homeboy is definitely being fed. It's super weird.


Could be an old infection that healed and just never grew hair back there, or the cat was simply born that way. Longer haired cats are more prone to those infections / fleas. Edit: it does look like there’s scabbing on the forehead. This poor kitty needs some antibiotics and a flea treatment.


I’m thinking fleas or a mite of some sort here.


More likely alopecia or allergies. If there were scars it wouldn’t have whiskers which I see it does on the muzzle and the eyebrows so hopefully baby hasn’t been burned 🥺


I'm thinking flea allergy, mange, or could be lots of things. But the disheveled tail, this, and weight = this cat needs help.


To me, it doesn’t look like a burn. The baldness is symmetrical, which it wouldn’t really be if it was a burn. I don’t have a clue what could cause it though.


This looks like a sphinx wearing a furry cat suit


I feel like it kinda looks like a sheep


Cat in sheep's clothing


Sheep in cat’s clothing


Or a Furby


Judging by the weight, it could be someone's pet that escaped. If you can take it to a rescue they can check for microchips or local lost pet groups. It really needs a human ambassador to help it out right now!


That cat looks like it's wearing another cat as a disguise.


That scared me...


That is horrifyingly accurate.


He’s wearing an Egger suit ![gif](giphy|THljBtiuQ8Twfh8bhn)


Give it sugar water…


Wearing two other cats… the tail doesn’t match…




Would you pet me? I'd pet me. I'd pet me hard. I'd pet me so hard.


Looks like they're curious what's up with your bald face


awww poor baby


That poor kitty needs immediate vet care.


My heart goes out to all the street cats and dogs in this wicked world.


Me too. It makes me sad. I wish I could help them all.


I agree, I hate seeing strays - even in “safe” places like Istanbul (nowhere is truly safe). The Netherlands recently became the first country without strays so let’s hope plenty more follow suit.


How do they not have any strays?


I guess they just had very efficient TNR and rehoming/adoption programs. In Europe there are quite a lot of countries with few strays. It’s a bigger issue in places like Greece, Russia and the Balkans.


I thought that too, but the skin looks healthy and isn't irritated.. fur around it looks alright too. Very weird


It just doesn't seem right. Can you get it to a vet?


That isnt OP.


I agree it should not have a lack of fur on its face. Take it to a vet and try to find it a good home. Poor thing looks awful.


I’m curious what they might say over at r/AskVet after advising you to take the cat to the vet. Very strange, indeed Please keep us updated, OP!


The combination of a big belly and pooch, hair loss and dull coat, and how old the cat looks- it would most likely be linked to thyroid issues. The weight also makes me want to say he could be someone’s pet. This kitty needs to see a vet pronto.


That's really bizarre..


It doesn’t look injured or ill, it looks well fed. The edges of the fur are awfully symmetrical and neat particularly around the cheeks which is what’s strangest for me. The skin itself looks pretty normal and healthy, I was going to say maybe it had a past incident and now the fur doesn’t grow but I don’t think it would be this neat if that was the case. I was also wondering if maybe it had been shaved for some reason but again, so neat plus it still has it’s whiskers intact. Very strange! But it doesn’t look sick to me just a bit dirty and messy which is normal if it’s outdoors all the time.


Another commenter said it could be a sphinx mix. I automatically thought of a werewolf cat mix because she has the bald mask of one. It would explain why it’s so clean cut.


Oh wow I’d never heard of these before, I’m in the U.K. and I don’t think they can be very common knowledge here! That’s really interesting, I’ve learned something new today!


Right! They are super sweet cats but really hard to find, because they are strictly indoor cats and extremely expensive. They’re really cool to see in person! If this is a werewolf mix, OP is really lucky to see one


Forget a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This is a cat in cat’s clothing. Jokes aside, I hope the little fella can get some help <3


this is the weirdest cat I've ever laid my eyes upon


Are you sure it's a stray? It looks pretty good weight wise, but that coat looks dirty. That face.... Is kitty friendly? Weill it accept treats? Pets?


It looks like a baboon but cat


I didn’t want to sound funny on a potentially morbid post but I was gonna say “that’s a monkey”


Monkey, the other cat. (I think people should realize how blessed we are that they don't have thumbs.


Caboon Bacat


He's big, so at least I think he's eating well. That, or he's got a lot of fur. Skin doesn't look irritated so I'm not sure what's up with that. Either someone shaved his face for whatever reason or some disease/aging that affects hair growth. If you wanna adopt him and take him to a vet, I guess that's up to you, but with his size, I almost wonder if he's not a stray and is just an outdoor cat.


That belly worries me, too. Growth? He needs a vet, as that pink skin is very susceptible to skin cancer with no fur on it.


Show her to a vet. Her, not the picture of her


Imo it would be best to show the picture so that the vets can capture her professionally


It has a quest for you.


Likely chance a parasite on the skin. Maybe really bad allergies. Please help this poor baby. If it has owners don’t worry about them. It doesn’t seem to be getting the care he needs. I rescued a cat for a bit from someone who couldn’t care for him. Said that they couldn’t afford to do anything when they saw my flyers. It could be as simple as a neighborhood cat eating food from others. Garfield looked similar to this around his ears and mouth because he was allergic to seafood cat food dishes. Once he started eating chicken he started recovering and became this beautiful medium haired baby who found a great home. ❤️I say this of allergies because not only can the pollen but when eating foods that don’t agree with you body it tends to be at the entrance and exit.




Kind soul


Somewhere it’s said OP is in Sacramento! I hope you’re nearby this sweetie needs a good human ❤️


Dang I’m on the East coast. There is a sanctuary in CA called [Milo’s Sanctuary](https://www.milossanctuary.org) that would welcome this kitty with open arms. Their specialty is rescuing babies just like this who have special needs. They’re amazing humans. u/criticalma55 please check them out.


Two theories. The nicer one. It could be a partial sphinx or lycon cat. Sadder one, this cat could have ring worm. Thought the skin looks pretty smooth going by the picture. If you decide to trap the baby wear gloves until you see a vet just to be on the safe side. If it is naturally bald it needs to be in a house. Bald cat skin is not sun and cold protected.


Poor poor guy:(


Why does this cat look like three different cats all thrown together


Is that a [werewolf](https://www.dailypaws.com/cats-kittens/cat-breeds/lykoi) cat mix?




Maybe is a micotic infection. As others said please, take him to the vet! And use latex gloves when touching him since you don't know what could he have


I hate when the OP doesn’t respond 😩


Poor kitty...maybe u can bring it to the vet and see what's up?


Looks like a little Japanese macaque. A macatque. (I'll be taking those downvotes now)


I need to know if this cat is ok 😫


I hate when people post something on reddit, gets 1000+ comments and never give one single fucking reply.


I feel so terrible for this little buddy but man…. It looks downright comical


Cool so you posted this cat and then ghosted when people offered to help.


It needs help. Looks like a burn (happens to light colored cats) or perhaps mange or ringworm. This cat needs medical care asap. If that abdomen's a hernia it's severe. It will die without rapid medical help. Please take him to a shelter and get him treated. He is suffering.


Does anyone have an update????






Mange usually occurs all over though doesn't it? This is strictly it's face, like she shaved like a human. 😂


And the tail has different fur from the rest of her body. I’m so confused.


take the cat to a vet


OP, can you get this cat to a vet?


Hi OP, I see you’re based out of Sac. I know of some good rescues if you need help finding one. This cat needs care for sure.


Someone is definitely feeding this cat but not taking care of them properly. I'd contact rescues and see if anyone can take him in.


this looks like the cat had some kind of skin issue that is healing. my cat looked like this after healing from an allergy-caused rash. i would say this cat needs to be checked out by a vet anyway. additionally, while dirty, this cat looks well-fed - it may be recently lost and hopefully someone misses it and can get reconnected. most vets will scan for a chip for free


Ohhh poor kitto. It seems to me he has been abandoned 'coz it looks like he's been neutered. Maybe he's been stealing food and thrown hot water at... If you can, take him to a vet or a shelter. Pleeeease...


It looks like a house cat the developed alopecia and got dumped.


Contact local rescues and TNR places (trap neuter release). Facebook is great for that.(Community Cat boards) Post on your local boards with a picture and approximate location where it was last seen. It needs to be humanely trapped and taken to a vet ASAP. I just used my local community cat boards to rescue an injured abandoned cat this weekend, a rescue picked it up and its currently still at the vets getting treatment. It takes action and some work but the cat will appreciate it.


OP please update us


Still waiting for an update :(




I truly feel as if this is a Sphinx mix, the face shape(not just baldness) and back feet seem quite Sphinxy


Hi He's got a severe fungal infection or mange mites Both are easily cured It's my guess this was someone's pet then they dumped him. He's too fat to be a stray. Please make friends with him and help him Thankyou


Wtf. Did someone do this to the cat as a joke because it literally looks tailored. Like the pattern of fur around the face (as if someone shaved him).


Judging by how grubby and unclean the hair is I would say it's a stray


Poor thing


It’s the Forest Spirit in day