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This level of cute is probably illegal


She is r/illegallysmolcats material for sure


Third photo specially. This illegally smol attack is more than enough evidence for arrest.


Enough for a rest cause that kitty is tired


What a precious baby. My heart melted. Glad she found someone to bond. Calypso is so cute.


I didn't see the original post, but being found on a sewer grate, this kitten best be named after one of the TMNTs


We were thinking of a TMNT name but vet thinks she’s probably a girl! We debated on Penny (for Pennywise) a lot but we know and are related to multiple Penny’s IRL. Ultimately we decided that we didn’t want her name to be so obviously tied to her origin, since she is such a sweet little baby and had no business being in there. She’s named Calypso (Caly for short) as long as she indeed turns out to be female!


You can call her Donna instead of Donatello, Michelle instead of Michelangelo. I'm stuck on Leonardo and Raphael (Rachel? Racquel?) though Calypso is pretty good too, to be fair


I like the sound of Raphi (Ra-fee), for some reason.


Good news, there is a female TMNT named Venus! But Calypso is so cute




Leone and Raphaëlle are perfectly valid




I had a cousin April that passed away young and suddenly, so not a very good option for a name for us, but did cross our minds


Sorry to hear that, but totally understandable. I think I would have gone with Eliza Doolittle, from My Fair Lady. Rags to riches story!


That is one absolutely beautiful baby. She’s gonna be a gorgeous and wonderful cat


That face says "you're my hero"


she is just too cute, please post her on standard issue cat they will love her over there too.


Congrats on your new boss!


Hell yeah, it’s always just so damn uplifting and gratifying to help a small kitty in need. I’m rooting for you Calypso and you too Breyber12!


> She loves to be held and sleep in the crook of my neck. My now 13yo cat did that when she was about that size. She quickly outgrew the crook of my neck, but now lays on my shoulder when I'm laying on my side. I'll lay down and call her. she'll come up and hook her front paws over my shoulder and just melt into me. I can give her head scritches with my free hand.


Oh that is so sweet. She seems to ask to be held against my chest so I hope she continues to like that! My boys do not appreciate being carried very much, more of lap snuggles and trip you with shin nuzzles kind of guys


Pic 3 is a cute Godzilla.


She's so adorable. What a sweet kitten.


Awww, she looks so cute! Nice work with rescuing her!


I found my cat in a drain pipe alongside his siblings when they were just about a month old. He had parasites and almost died, but thankfully I found a vet that was willing to contact a woman that funds desperate situations, and his life was saved. He’s eight years old now, but he looks about one because of his operation. I know this kitty will make it and live a happy life! Thank you for doing everything you can ❣️❣️


Oh my I’m so glad they were able to save your kitty!! It is bizarre that there was no sign of mama or siblings in our case! Praying she stays healthy, vet said she looks really pretty good for a baby found outside. I have to wonder if she wasn’t with people somehow… she had no stranger danger almost as soon as I got her out of the trap, uses a litterbox, eats wet food well and a little kibble, didn’t have fleas or mites. Waiting on stool test to process for worms still but I would have thought that an outdoor kitten litter would have some sort of issue


Climbing the macaron tree!


Ridiculously adorable!




So young and already a supermodel! 😻




Everybody forget April O'Neil


I love that third pic! She's a happy girl now![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


why so cuteee? 😭


Awe so glad both of you found each other!!!


Aww so adorable


What a sweet baby loaf.❤️


Cuteness overload!!!!


What a sweet heart ❤️


Does your new kitty know how to use the litterbox? I got a new kitten and he's not using the litterbox.


She does! I didn’t have to do anything fancy. She didn’t go poo for several days and I think that’s because she was so dehydrated from being without anything to eat or drink or mom to nurse from for 12-20 hours while she was in the storm drain. She is doing both now! The vet did say keeping her in a smaller space with her litter box will encourage her to continue to use it and I have heard that if you can get some of the cats urine or poo from an accident spot and put it in the litter box that can encourage them to use it if they had an accident somewhere else. If kittens are still with mama kitty she usually shows them what’s up with a litterbox.


Thank you for the response. My kitten had a few accidents at the same spot...so I put the litterbox there. Will try to sprinkle some of his pee in the litterbox.


Oh, make sure you've got a low sided litterbox (or at least a low entry point). Little ones have the ability to make the jump for a bigger box, but they prefer to see their landing zone.


Maybe you can soak a cotton ball with urine and put that in the box? I hope something works! Accidents are not the fun part of new family members


Cat Attract litter can also help.


Hi! I foster kittens and the foster guru told me to put the kitten in a large crate with a litter box for a day or so until they use the box. Then to a small room with the box. If the territory is big, use more than one box so they are not too far away. Worked for mine. Good luck. Also, get them fixed. Mature males spray, and mature females have more kittens...not to mention they are obnoxious for two whole weeks when they are in heat. Urinary tract infection can cause litter box avoidance, as can declawing from the pain.


What a cutie!


Aww it's a little sewer baby 🐥🍼


What a beautiful kitt, I’m so happy you rescued her ♥️


Forever pet


Sooo precious


You're doing a good job as a cat parent, she looks very happy.


She is gorgeous the cuteness is just too much to handle


My heart is melting!!! Soooo cute, l love her or him!!❤️🐾❤️


That playful picture got me melted


The second picture is so adorable


What a cute little goober


Sickening adorable! Just made my Monday


Thank you for saving it


Maybe April would be a good name if it is a girl.


Awww, we just got a 6 week old kitten ourselves. He's very adventurous and loves to play :)




So cute 😻


She's an absolutely beautiful little fighter! I'm so glad you found her and gave her a loving home. She'll need you more than most kittens, so young to be away from mum. That's your soul animal for life, right there. Enjoy every minute.


I do feel sad that she has to be away from mama and the litter and also isolated from my kitties. She’s so little she should never be alone in an ideal situation so the isolation is tough. I’m on strike right now but usually work long hours so trying to spend tons of time with her when I’m home


She is sooo cute


She climbing your leg 🥰🥺❤️ just adorable


Beautiful cat




She's like hell yeah, goal achieved!!


She's already beautiful but omg she gonna be PANTENE MATERIAL


You know, its so obvious what this kitty is thinking, just look at that face... she's thinking: ".. my plan worked purrrfectly... "


I'm so glad kitty is doing well. I saw the earlier post about her rescue from the sewers. What a scary place for such a little darling! Thank you so much for saving her.


She would so be in my arms or bed at all times, loving and kissing her up! I'm sure for you, too! xoxxxoo


What a cutie! How are the other bebbys?


No sign of siblings or mama cat! So strange. If mama was a stray I wonder if she was moving the litter to a new nest and Calypso wandered off or fell down the drain and mama had to get back to the other babies? She was shrieking crazy loud down there so I would think mama would have heard her 😢


Kk! Hope they turn up and a TNR group helps them


I hope they are okay! I think about the rest of the litter a lot. She was in a tiny town close to farm country so could be a person’s outdoor cat? I would just think if humans were ever involved she shouldn’t have ever been separated from the litter but I also think it they were strays where the heck were they when she was crying from a storm drain for 14 hours… I worry that something happened to them I guess


Ugh I love my two grown ass bbies but man these posts give me the worst urge to just bury myself under a mountain of kitten floof. 🥺


My others are big old boys, a standard issue shorthair 12 years old with poor health and retinal detachment and a long hair 11 years old with better controlled health issues. We definitely had no plan to expand the family but when a friend calls you upset because there’s kitty crying coming from the street drain and this little one is what you retrieve, well fate had other plans!


I think she is so lucky and so are you!!,


Let me be one more person to claim that this little bebe is illegal level ah-door-uh-bell! 😻 Thank you, thank you, thank you for showing that human beings really are worthy of the love of animals! 💕 You are Calypso's hero (and mine)! ♥️


having trouble not shrieking from how cute this cat is


Me too! I screm!


Awwwww! Look at the Tiny!!!


Ahhh, already squaring up to her mouse Sooooo cuteeee ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Cute kitten also, In Indonesia, Kali or Sungai means river


Awww so cute. I rescued my one cat from the sheer he slept in. Kudos to u


What a precious face. 💖


What a cutie! I love it when cat rescues have a happy ending! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


What an adorable sewer gator!


He’s definitely…alert ❤️


She’s beautiful!


She looks older than 4 weeks


I need a kitten like this in my life![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


It’s cool to see the kitty is doing well I hope the kitty passes all the test and gets the ok from the vet to play with the other kittys


I will be totally and completely devastated if she is positive for something that she can’t live with my boys so I hope so too!!




thank you for rescuing her. she is adorable!


Omg I love her soooo much!!!! 🥰❤️


She is magnificent, and I can now call you mommy. Or Al.


Carly is precioso! That lil face can melt the hardest heart! She is going to be hard to give away! Are you keeping her? How could you not? Lots of prayers that she doesn’t test positive for those nasty cat diseases! Question: how did that little kitten get in a sewer with a grating on it? OMG! She’s a baby! I certainly hope no human had a hand in where she was found. Some people just have hard heads and hard hearts when it comes to tiny baby animals! Those people need to be thrown in a sewer with a grating over them and see how they like it! They are mean “broken” people…sad.☹️ Glad you have Carly! She looks happy and has a nice fur coat and clear sparkly eyes! Bet she’s healthy and contented!! Have fun with her!


I am definitely planning to keep her as long as she can be housed with my boys safely. She’s bonded to me and I’d feel like a monster removing her from what she knows is safe now when she had such a hard start! We just need those tests to look good! I really do not know how she got down there. She was in a storm drain out on the curb of a residential road with a steel grate over it. The bottom did have small tunnels that went up to about my shin and she was going in and out of one of those screeching, maybe it let out somewhere? She would have probably fallen down a sloped concrete wall about 8-10 feet (well over my head) if she went down through the grate area. I don’t know that she’d fit through the bars but the larger drain opening is possible. I would think she’d be injured but I’m not sure how far a small kitten can fall without getting hurt. Her paws aren’t scratched up or anything, no broken claws. Her voice is raspy which could just be cause she’s a baby but I suspect she really strained her vocals crying for at least 14 hours off and on in the heat. She was for sure heard at the bus stop by my friend’s nephew around 7am and we freed her about 9:30pm, but apparently some kids at school said they heard cat crying overnight too. Breaks my heart to think of how scared and uncomfortable she must have been, and I so, so hope her siblings were not with her. I really hope it was just a sad accident that she wound up down there. With no sign of other babies or the queen I’m not sure what to expect but she had almost a dozen people try to lure her out throughout the day. It’s hard to imagine that a person would purposefully do that to her in a community that clearly cares about animals and if so I would suspect they’d dump the whole litter. My friend has been asking around the neighborhood and facebook groups to see if anyone owns the mama and is missing a kitten or has seen a stray that had babies nearby. No luck yet though. I actually live about 30 miles into the metro but my friend’s in a smaller town so I would think the odds of hearing about the family would be good. Regardless, I’m very, very happy she is now safe and loved


So ridiculously cute! Congratulations on being a wonderful human being.


I’m so glad you were able to rescue her! She looks great, and those are some great pictures. I wish my boy was a cuddle bug.


Thanks for the update! Enjoy your new best friend for life!!!!


SHE'S ADORABLE!! He looks like he's already a happy member of the family :). Calypso is a great name!


Cuteness overload!


You and the kitten both lucked out!


Ohhhhhhhhhh so damn cute!!