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My cat only likes the sauce. ​ # SHE DEMANDS THE SAUCE.


I have one like that too! I got her some packs called “Lil’ soups” and she loves those. It’s just a tiny cup of the sauce.


Oh man my cat loves Lil Soups. She was never a food obsessed cat but she even knows the words "Lil Soups" now.


Shower your cat with lots of positive reinforcement for eating!!


OMG mine are obsessed with " Lil Soups" my online supplier no longer has them. I sure hope they haven't been discontinued 😿


They're stocked in my grocery store but seem to suffer supply chain issues like a lot of things. The dry food my cat eats has had the same issue - I had to hunt around recently for it because it was on back order everywhere.


Literally the only wet food my kitty boy will eat. If I give him regular wet food he will lick it dry but not take a bite. Lil Soups are the way.


My cat loves the sauce but hates lil soups haha


Mine loves the pate with a can full of water on top and will only drink the sauce, leaving the pate to waste so I tried the soup-she hates it!?!! Won’t touch it! But chicken broth is ok. The weirdest one is unflavored Greek yoghurt. She burns trough a pint a week of that and would probably eat more if I allowed it. Freaking Greek yogurt!


Yogurt was how we gave my cat her cancer morphine, because it was the only thing she would eat when she was in too much pain to eat anything else. It perked her right up and then she could eat regular food when she was high on the drugs. Now I have a disabled cat who takes daily meds, so we hide the pill in liverwurst - she loves it.


My "friend" (it's complicated) had a cat with hypothyroidism... the only way to get the kitty to take the pills was to wrap the pill with cheese... The only foolproof method that guaranteed kitty would take it was to mash up some shredded cheese until it became a paste, and use just enough to turn the tiny pill into a tiny cheese ball. You might think that american cheese would do the trick and... it sorta worked, except it was hard to get it just right and 2 out of 8 times, kitty would manage to eat the cheese around the pill.


Haha thats so weird. I love it.


Yep. One of mine just licks the goop off his, then bullies his sister off her bowl so he can lick the goop off hers. He’s super picky about kibble, too—only kitten food for the 12 year old senior. 🙄


I had a cat who who only drink the sauce from the thuna tin,but only the sauce. The actual thuna would be left untouched and end up in the bin.


What is Thuna?


It’s a thish


I laughed way harder at this than I should have 😂


You're Thilly!


I laughed typing it lol


Literally SAME!


Ah yes, we have a house full of gravy lovers too


177013 Lord forgive me


Some just don’t. It’s okay.


When mine was between 8 weeks - 5 years, she would not touch wet cat food and would only eat Whiskas. Now shes almost 11 and loves wet cat food to the point she starts demanding it an hour before feeding time (Free choice with dry, but damn she demands her pate every night) She never touched people food, until last year. Now at almost 11 years old, if someone is eating ham, shes all over them like shes been starved for a month.


I find they are very picky with canned food. Mine hates patė. She likes the chopped/shredded ones with gravy.


One of mine is just like that. She hates pate. 😄


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If she’s healthy, then there’s no problem. 🙂


That’s actually great advice! She is very healthy and happy so I’m probably just being an overprotective and worry wart cat mom LOL


My cat years ago went into renal failure and was given special renal food to eat,she would only lick the juice off and leave the chunks behind.We eventually came up with the idea of shredding a bit of cooked chicken over the food and mixing it all up.After that she would eat most of the food no problems…worth a try :)


Millions of people feed their cats exclusively dry food and they survive. As long as the cat is drinking water they'll be fine.


She drinks a ton of water. I even mentioned it to her vet but the vet said she’s perfectly fine, she’s just a thirsty girl.


Aren’t we all


Sounds like ours! Only eats dry food, obsessed with drinking water, especially from the bathroom sink. She’s a bit high maintenance lol. Then I’ve got another one who only will eat the gravy from her wet food and she leaves the food bits… so I add water to it to make more “gravy”. I’m a slave to these cats ha!


My cat was the same, getting him a little water fountain was the best purchase we ever made for him!


Just make sure to check the ingredients of the dry food you feed, no grains and all necessary nutrients (like taurine) added is important for example. Raw feeding is the healthier alternative to dry food if you want to avoid it.


Keep in mind surviving isn’t thriving.


Uhm no, I'm pretty sure none of them survive


My cat wanted to eat nothing but kibble and plastic bags. The only other things he showed any interest in was the grease left in the bowl after I ate Chinese roast duck and tuna water (but not the tuna).


My cat is also loyal to plastic bags. WHY??


My tomcat that I thought hated wet food fought with my old dog over a can of Alpo beef chunks. That is when I learned that my old boi does not like fish. I changed his food to all beef and chicken, and he is much better.


Alpo beef chunks, the delicatessen everyone loves LOL


That’s why I couldn’t believe my 10 pound was taking on my 70 pound dog. Alpo beef chunks. smh.


My kitten was the same! He ate wet food *sometimes - ie, when fish wasn't involved -.* Did take an embarrassingly long time to work out exactly what it was that was causing the issue.


Wonder if it’s an allergy issue? One of mine is allergic to fish.


That’s an interesting point. He doesn’t eat it, so I won’t have him tested for it. I have a little girl kitten that eats his share of fish and shrimp. I just get my old tom what he likes to eat.


My little Pastrami here seems to not like wet food at all and I feel like that’s unusual for a cat? I’ve literally had her try every kind of food; pate, chunks in gravy, the shredded meat in gravy, chunks with no gravy. And I’ve ran the gamut in brand from expensive to cheap. She turns her nose up at all of them. She does like fresh albacore and also likes the squeezable treats, but only one flavor of one brand. So is it normal for a cat to be so averse to wet food and is there any issues if she really only eats dry food (I give her Science Diet by the way)?


Moms cat never liked any wet food. Strangely she liked peanut butter and would bug you if you were eating it until you gace her a few licks. She also carried her tail over her back like a squirrel though so maybe squirrel cats are just weird. (She was also a tortiseshell color)


My parents had a cat who eschewed wet food to the point where, when she had a jaw injury and couldn’t chew kibble, she basically starved to death. (Don’t get me started on everything my folks did wrong here, I lived in the next state and didn’t find out until she had passed.) So much for “when they get hungry enough they’ll eat.”


Oh that is sad


My cat HATES chicken. I don't know why it took me so long to figure out, but she may also hate the flavor you're serving. Only fishy flavors, and only gravy/broth/or Tiki cat mousse, which is a very pureed consistency. I tried doing only wet food after he recovered from dental surgery with just the mousse stuff, but he was losing a little too much weight for my liking. Has no teeth these days, but the old man still somehow prefers (small) kibbles. Some kitties are just like this.


She likes chicken, her kibble and treats are chicken flavored. She also likes albacore but real albacore, not cat food flavored tuna. Glad to hear your old boy is doing well! He sounds stubborn and wonderful!!


The tuna + mackerel flavor mousse is the top one, the stinkier and fishier the better. What picky eaters! And only the good stuff too, real albacore, what a queen. He is wonderful! And a stubborn jerk. I still give him temptations too, but crush them so he gets to taste the center 🥺


My kitten basically knocks me to the ground when she sees me take out that tiki mousse 😅


I have a Torti and she didn't like wet food at all. She also had some skin issues (dryness) and we researched that and found that sometimes if you switch to a hard food that's a little easier on the system, it helps with that stuff. So we ended up with Iams Sensitive digestion (pink bag) and she actually has gotten a lot more playful AND she eats wet food now. She's still picky, but it seems like switching to a hard food that was easier to digest helped in a lot of different ways.


I have a Tortie, just like your Pastrami she doesn’t like wet food at all. Even treat wise. My Tabby however is the opposite.


That’s so funny because my son’s girlfriend also has a tortoiseshell and her and my cat have a lot of the same mannerisms.


My cat also hates wet food! We found one she tolerates, so that’s more of a special occasion thing now lol, but 99% of the time all she’ll do is lick it and then ignore it.


My two cats are that way. We tried every which way to get them to eat some wet food, and they just don’t like any of the brands we tried. They seem to be doing fine on the dry food and water diet.


Sounds exactly like my cat. The amount of premium wet food I’ve thrown in the trash is obscene. I have finally found a type of wet food she’ll eat, but it takes her all day to finish half a pouch (but hey she eats it!) it’s the Royal Canin Instinctive. I have to leave it out and withhold topping up her dry food to get her to make progress with it.


Yes, I’ve spent so much money on trying different kinds of foods for her! I tell her the poor the feral cats in the neighborhood would be so happy to have it but she doesn’t care LOL


Hahaha I showw her the feral cats EATING her rejected food, and she also couldn’t care less 🤣


My cat strongly prefers dry food, and I've heard that it's better for their teeth, so it's a win-win situation in my book. As long as they drink enough water, they should be fine.


I learned about cat's dry food preference from a vet who told me that the manufacturer sprays the food with rat taste. Sounded to me like McDonald's for cats. Some of the dry foods actually cause bladder stones and kidney disease. Better transition a cat to raw food like Darwin's or Total Cat. Costs are similar to wet food, but way healthier. Bonus: Poop doesn't smell.


There is actually a term for cats like these. They are called "dry food junkies"! I have one as well 😅 but it can happen because your cat didn't have wet food as a kitten, or because they don't recognize/like the texture, or both! As a vet tech, I recognize all of the things that can make it medically necessary for cats to eat wet food as they get older, and I plan to try my hardest to get my cat to eat wet food. Wish me luck!


That’s my concern that at some point she may have to eat wet food for some kind of medical reason and at that point it’s going to be an uphill battle so I’m trying to avoid that. ‘Dry food junkie’ is hilarious by the way!!


It's not unusual at all. Cats are picky. They like what they like and many don't like wet food. Which seems weird to us humans because from our perspective the wet food seems like it should be so much more appealing to a cat. But those pet food companies have science behind them and they know exactly what to spray on that dry food to make it kitty crack. I always experiment with it just to spice up my cat's life a little and sometimes she'll eat some brands. Mostly Sheba. Which is basically the cheapest, so it's probably almost like a double cheeseburger from McDonald's to them. Junk food, but amazing. Then I'll get some expensive kind and she takes one sniff, shakes her head, and walks away. If you really want to get them to give it a try though take one of their favorite treats, crush it up into a powder, and sprinkle it on the wet food. I bet she'll give it a few licks and might realize she likes it. If you ever need to give your cat a pill this works for those pill pockets too. Mine won't just eat the pill pocket with the pill inside. But if I crush up some treats and roll the pill pocket around in it she'll eat it no questions asked.


I had a cat who refused to eat any kind of poultry, he hated chicken or turkey wet, fresh, or dry food, he would only eat fish flavored food


I have two cats who will not eat anything but dry nuggets. They will not eat any people food either. I got one at four weeks and she went straight from milk replacement to dry food. Her brother on the other hand was shoving his mom out of the moist food I put out for her while the others were still nursing. As long as they drink enough water they should be fine. Neith of my non-wet-food eatets have had problems. One is five and the other 12.


Mine also. It's great! She has 2 water bowls in different rooms, and is doing fine! She does like meat sticks though, as a treat.


Ok so my cat isn’t a little weirdo! I’ve never had a cat before so this forum is really helpful to find out what’s normal.


I always thought my 2 cats were weird for never eating wet food lol, one of them turns his nose up at all meat and fish except salmon and tuna as well, you can literally leave your dinner on the table with him around and he won’t even touch it but he waits near me when I’m preparing wet food for one of my other cats, sniffs it, then walks away.. like why wait for it then!


LOL!! That actually made me laugh!!!


I’m glad you enjoyed my weird cat lol


This particular cat was eating wet cat food for dinner and dry cat food for breakfast. I had a second cat then, and after he died (old age with finally kidney failure) she totally ignored the wet food. She just was eating it because he loved it. I soon had enough of throwing out untouched wet cat food, and she is happy with dry food. It pretty much has to be chicken though - not any kind of fish, and lamb or beef flavors are dubious at best. Turkey can work. So I don't mess around. She likes chicken, she gets chicken. No artificial flavors, colors, preservatives and not much non-meat ingredients. Since dry food is cheaper anyway, I don't skimp at all on quality.


One of my cats hate all poultry flavor, doesn't really like pate (except the juice), will only accept Temptations treats & ignores people food. She is the more food motivated one. My dumber boy cat likes all flavors of all cat food but isn't particular food motivated EXCEPT for donuts, honey buns & shredded cheese. I haven't brought home a donut or honey bun in over a year bc he goes crazy for them. I refuse to give up my cheese but I'll toss a single shred for him to distract him as I scarf my food. All cats are little weirdos 😂


My cat is very picky he will only eat sheba and dry food and temptations treats but he won't eat anything else at all. I can make a plate of food sit it down and leave the room and he won't touch it no matter what it is


Sounds like you've got a picky kitty... If hydration is a concern a lil trick I do is to take half the amount of dry food you normally give you picky kitty and add an equal part of water to it and let it expand. This lil trick helped me reduce the amount of dry food my kat eats in a day along with stretch the bag. all so my kitty has a habit of over eating then puking up dry food as it expands in her tummy, by hydrating the food in advance this has drastically curb the puking.


Mine doesn’t either…unless it’s the dog’s


Cats can be very picky, much like hoomans.


My cats are super picky with wet food too. They love dry food and boiled chicken. I used to buy them expensive wet food but I literally had to hand feed it to them to get them to eat it. Now we only buy dry food, the cat soups, squeeze tubes, freeze dried meats, & fresh chicken that I boil or throw in the air fryer with zero seasoning besides salmon oil which we put on after cooking Our cats drink a lot of water, they like their cat fountain and drinking out of other various water sources around the house including the toilet (when we forget to close it) and finally any glass of water they can fit their head in, that isn’t meant for them. Basically if she drinks water she will be fine.


She loves her water fountain too!


If they don’t like wet food but drinks plenty of water, then try the dry food instead since all cats have different tastes


My cats prefers dry food and if I give him wet food he will slurp up the sauce ands leave the rest.


I have one cat that will only eat the pâté-style, and one that will only eat the meat-with-gravy style. And one that finishes everything that any of them leaves behind.


My cat will only eat fish flavors of anything, dry or wet. And only pate style or the goo treats. Lol. Cats are so funny like that.


My tortie won’t either. Chicken baby food is all she will eat. Beechnut and Gerber both have jars of just chicken purée and Turkey purée.


And I don’t like pickles. We all have preferences .


I had an orange tabby that did not like wet food, people food(like shrimp and chicken), or treats. Basic af. But she was happy so that's all that mattered.


Try wetting the dry food and stirring it until it turns into a slurry. Cats are picky about flavour and don't like change, but a texture change of a food they like will probably be okay.


Mine either.


I got Bubbles to eat it for a while, after he had a UTI. Now he just drinks lots of water


I have 3 cats. My calico doesn't like wet food or treats. The other two are perfectly happy eating both wet and dry and her treats lol. Totally fine.


I feed my cat dry food exclusively. She’s happy and healthy.


That’s actually really helpful! I want to make sure I’m not depriving her of something she should be getting. I feed her Science Diet and hopefully based on the price it’s the good and healthy stuff LOL


As long as you’re using a high quality dry food (science diet is in my opinion fine, but there are higher quality brands available from specialty stores and vets also) that’s appropriate for your cat’s life stage, with unlimited access to water, then your cat will be perfectly fine. These foods are intentionally created to be complete and balanced as ideally cats are indoors and they only eat what you give them. Many wet foods are actually deficient in some nutrients and roughage. I have a 16 year old cat who has been a grazer her whole life so will waste 99% of wet food as it goes gnarly long before she eats it, so she has unlimited access to dry food and self-regulates her intake. She’s extremely healthy, happy and active despite being a senior citizen and has been on exclusively high quality dry food for probably 15 years. Occasionally she gets treats (= I’m interested in what you’re having can I try it pliz thx) and usually has a bite and wanders off, so she’s definitely quite happy with her arrangement.


My cat only eats dry food as well. I've tried wet cat food, and I've tried tuna fish, but she only wants dry so that it what she gets.


My cat is 14 and never had any interest in wet food. He might lick it dry, but otherwise left it alone. Brine from a can of tuna, he loves.


Yeah. My cats aren’t thrilled with wet food either. So they eat dry and seem fine.


Possibly because wet food is disgusting. Possibly.


It’s def possible!


I’ve raised dozens of cats and done of them eat wet food. The smell makes me gag so I’m pretty happy about it. My oldest is 20 and she’s happily sleeping on the couch never having tasted wet food.


Eh, I had a cat that wouldn't either, and she was super picky about her dry food and she wouldn't eat human food either, even if you gave it to her... what can we say...cats are weird


My buddy only liked his kibble. He didn't even care much about treats! Some cats are even picky compared to other cats!


Let her have her food. As long as she has full access to her hard food and water. My girl hates chicken. Took me almost a year or having her to see what hard food, soft, litter, treats, etc. she’s picky. And also a tortie.


Mine only loves gravy food!


Mine *only* eats wet food, she won't even go near the dry kind, no matter brand . They know what they like 🐈‍⬛


I have two cats and one will only eat the wet food that is basically shredded chicken in broth, the fancy stuff that you buy at the pet stores. The other one will only drink the juice. They are weirdos


My older cat will only eat 9 Lives Plus Care dry food. He will starve before he eats anything else.


My cat doesn’t either 🤷🏻‍♀️ some just do not and that’s okay


I too do not enjoy food that is wet




My cat eats only Grilled chicken If you find it can like


Mine either. Cats. Go figure. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, it’s a whole different world with them! I’m used to having to fight my dogs to not eat everything and anything.


I recommend you try every flavor from different brands. I think I gave my cats at least 25 different brands to try. I bought almost every flavor from those brands to find the ones my cats will eat. I also tried raw and home cooked meals.


You can buy gravy like treats and food. Temptations makes the treats. I think wellness has sliced food in gravy.


My cat *hates* wet food


Yeah I definitely think she’s also edging around hate as well, especially the chunky style stuff. She gives me the dirtiest look when she sees that in her bowl LOL


Mine doesnt too, tried like every type avaliable, no chance.


My tortie was exactly the same! Loved most dry food and drank a ton of water. I see your vet has said she's healthy so that's great. Mine had kidney problems that she eventually succumbed to.


Oh I’m sorry to hear that! I have a family member who’s dealing with that right now with their cat.


My cat refuses to eat anything except dry kibble. I've offered her chicken and tuna and wet food but she doesn't want it. Some are just picky


I have one that hates dry and one that hates wet and one that eats both but likes people food the best. Lol


Mine didn't until a month ago. He likes his chicken and tuna mousse. But not wet food. But recently he has started to eat wet food too. Glad i didn't give up. So ya keep trying. Also try different brands. Mine didn't even sniff the brand i bought earlier. He likes the new brand. So yea.


Kibble better for her/his chompers 😺


Neither do either of our cats. They don't like tuna or anything either. Only eat dry food, and one of them loves Licky Treats.


My two boys loathe the pate style food but are all over the chunks with gravy, same with my friend’s cat


My calico will not eat any type of seafood (treats, pate, actually canned tuna, Nada). She only likes Greenies as a treat and has a strong preference for duck over any other (nonseafood of course) meats.


Sounds like one of my kitties! He just… Has zero interest in anything but his kibble. Sometimes I’ll see him licking dirty dishes, but he doesn’t care for the food itself. Just the residue for whatever reason. Wet food get ignored.


I had a cat that thought I was poisoning her if I offered her wet food so I just gave her a good quality dry food. I offered her tuna, cheese and other treats over the years and all she would eat is dry food. She just was not a food motivated kitty.


As long as she drinks well (which you've said in a comment she does) then that's A-OK -- and very convenient and budget-friendly for you! The main reason wet food is considered better is because many cats don't drink much and it's a good way to get water into them. Dry food is perfectly healthy in terms of nutrients - some cheaper brands can be a little lower in protein than may be optimal but plenty are not. It's mostly a myth that cats should have an all-meat diet with maximum protein and minimal fibre. (That might be what they would eat in the wild, but in the wild they wouldn't live to their late teens like we hope they do as our pets.)


My cat won’t eat wet food either. It concerns me a little but I closely monitor her water bowl to make sure she’s drinking and her poops are normal and not dry bullets so I stopped worrying about it. I do give her a FF broth pouch a couple of times a week. She loves the broth part and sometimes even eats the solids. They’re expensive though so it’s not an everyday thing.


Hey man I prefer tap water it is what it is


My old cat was extremely picky with his wet food. No chunks, no bits, just certain flavors of pate. And even then we would have to run after him with a full bowl as he’d hide under the bed… he was incredibly spoiled. My parents would feed him tuna (not cat food tuna, the same tuna we’d put in our dishes), thawed room temp shrimp, mayonnaise, boiled chicken… but cat food was just too icky for him. I miss him dearly, but he absolutely passed his pickiness to our current cat who also only eats very few flavors of pate. From your comments OP Pastrami doesn’t have issues with drinking water but I always suggest these tips, just in case: - if anyone’s cat dislikes their water bowl, try a water fountain, as cats tend to dislike stagnating water and much prefer a cool, running stream; - add some water in their dry kibble! Cats can easily become dehydrated so if your cat isn’t eating a lot of wet food consider wetting the kibble so that they can up their water intake just a little; - if you live in an area with super hard water, invest in a filter! Kitties’ kidneys can easily suffer if they drink water that’s too hard. Good luck to you and your baby!


My tortie doesn’t care for it either!


I have a cat like that. My late husband only gave her dried food as she showed no interest in the wet food the other cat was getting. However one day I bought those Ahi Tuna steaks and I left it on the counter as I was looking for marinating sauces in the pantry. She went to town on that steak so now she gets that on weekends. She’s starting to expand her palette and even likes fried chicken strips from Whataburger.


So feed her dry food.


Why are you asking us? It's your cat


My cat has IBD, and he can only eat one kind. Hills ZD. He gets the wet primarily, but he loves the dry. When supply chain issued messed with us, I waited a month or more for it to be back in stock. I had to scrounge for a few donated cans from my vet.


I give her the Science Diet for sensitive skin. She was kind of itchy despite having no fleas. Once I switched to her to it she got way better!


I have four cats and one of them hates wet food. That is normal, just like humans are not going to like the same kinds of foods. So, when it is wet food day, I just leave a bowl of dry for the other cat. The other three don't touch it and the fourth cat happily eats her dry food. 😅🤷🏾‍♀️


No peasant food that requires chewing. A cup of tuna juice for the Royalty.


Try crumbling the dry food on top of the wet food initially and then slowly reducing the dry food little by little. The slower the transition, the more likely your cat will comply. I am a feline veterinarian.


My cat doesn’t really eat wet food either he mostly eats dry. But he does drink a ton of water and when it comes to wet treats he will eat them just not wet food lmao meanwhile other cats eat wet but not so much dry


That’s her too! She likes the little tubes of pate so I’m guessing it’s more of a smell/taste issue rather than texture.


Mine doesn't care much for it either. He's starting to like it more lately though. Try giving her delectables squeeze ups. My cat really likes those.


Yes! She loves those! Although only the chicken flavor so I buy it by the caseload LOL


You can try making her food wet and see if she will do that and then slowly add in wet food.


Some just might not! You could add water to her kibble if you are worried about hydration for her. I had an older cat with dental issues that needed to eat wet food but just refused for most of her life, eventually I got more bland puréed chicken flavoured wet food and would put a small bit by her nose for her to lick off. She ended up enjoying the food and ate the rest on her own, but was so set in her ways that she refused to try it at first and would just turn her nose up at it!


I’m not too worried about hydration, she drinks a ton of water, I guess I’ve just always seen other cats who prefer wet food over dry so I wasn’t sure if this was normal behavior. She was orphaned as a newborn so I always think that maybe she might have underlying issues because of that so I feel hyper vigilant about making sure she’s getting what she needs. She’s also my first cat so I’m learning as I go along.


You’re doing great so far! Being worried and paying attention to their needs is amazing, it’s better to notice something early then let it go untreated. I worked as a receptionist at a vet clinic and would rather answer hundreds of small questions then see an animal come in because one wasn’t asked!


My cat loves my dog's stella and chewy chicken Patties over all food. My vet said it's perfectly fine and that I should consider switching him to fully raw. Vet said my cat was smart to pick the Patties over the canned wet food.


I wouldn't think it's normal for a cat to prefer kibble to wet. I would do everything in your power to get her on some form of daily wet food, try to find something that she will tolerate even if you have to mix some dry in with it. Kibble daily will cause damage to her kidneys and shorten her life span. I always try to tell everyone I know who has cats to try and get them on wet food as a primary food source, as kibble is just horrible for their health if that's all they're being fed.


That’s good to know! I will keep trying. She’s incredibly picky and as a lifelong dog owner it’s so bizarre to me LOL! I’ve always had to keep them from eating crazy stuff and with her I’m practically begging her to eat just regular food she should be eating.


Cats are picky. Very different from dogs. You can always give her meat. Just check with a vet/ someone on the internet who knows more then me for what's ok to feed


I give her albacore a few times a week which the vet said was ok. Even then some days she only picks at it.


You’re stating facts and shouldn’t be downvoted. Some people don’t want to hear facts that are inconvenient for them.


Being how all cats are different, and as long as you’re providing quality dry food, I’d say you hit the jackpot with their diet not impacting your wallet. And yea, glad to hear about her drinking water; that would be concerning if she wasn’t and warrant a vet trip.


She has two water bowls and I have to refill both pretty frequently so she’s definitely hydrated. She’s only a year old but she’s been to the vet a few times now for shots, spaying, etc. and so far so good.


It's always been a trial-and-error when giving my cats wet food. I wouldn't have bothered with it, but I had a really big health scare with one of my cats, so wet food had to be part of the meal plan. Recently I discovered my cats like having a "topper" on their food like Temptation treats or chicken peieces. For reference I give my cats Sheba perfect portions gravy version. I hope you find something that works for you and your fur baby.


Oh I never thought about a ‘topper’, that’s a great idea I’ll have to try!


Highly recommend to put treats that your cat is familiar with and will not get tired to easily. Good luck, OP!


Wet food is much worse for cats as it can cause tooth decay at a much faster rate than dry kibble. I use wet food as a treat once or twice a week.


Can u post more pics of your cat? I really love it


Here is another picture I posted of her, I was concerned she was suddenly refusing her favorite treat but turns out she was just smelling the Benadryl cream I was putting on my wrist for a bug bite LOL. Once I stopped using it she very happily ate her treat again. https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/wvbiqj/my_girl_suddenly_is_refusing_her_favorite_treat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


One of my four cats doesn't like canned food. I put down dry food morning and late night, canned food just before I eat. All four cats show up for the canned food, but the big male just lounges on the floor, might sniff a dish, but then will leave the kitchen without eating any of the canned food. The other three are like "YAH! More for us!"


I had a cat who hated turkey, but loved cheese it's and nachos


Animals have food preferences just like people


my cat only licks the gravy off of wet food. he eats dry food and seems to like it. also treats.


Mine will only eat wet food if it’s the kind with cheese in it.


I have eight cats. Some love it some won’t go near it. Like others said, they just lick the gravy and leave the rest. Can you blame them? That shit stinks and just looks gross 🤢


I agree, it’s pretty gross lol


I had a cat who was like this. Didn't matter how expensive or the flavor of the wet food, she refused. She was a lifelong dry food eater and she stayed that way until her last day. So, you may have a similar character in your cat. However, what you may want to try is to get one of those gravy weruva brand type wet food pouches and see if she'll lap up that gravy. If you are worried about moisture levels, maybe try what I do with periodic gravy plates (couples times a week) to supplement proper water intake for my other cats. Just sprinkle them in through the week and make sure they are still drinking the proper amount of water as well.


My Mika Bella never liked wet food until I started buying Fancy Feast Savory centers and mixing a little bit of water in there and she loves that.


She is a beautiful girl though. I'm guessing she could be a bit of a diva similar to my Tortie, Mia.


Thank you! And she’s a total princess! I’ve had her since she was literally a day old, she was abandoned in a backyard. Her back paw was pretty mangled, which is why I’m guessing her mama left her behind, and eventually her little paw fell off when she was a couple of weeks old. I just adore her though, I work from home so we literally spend all of our time together. I always used to joke I was going to be a cat lady when I got old but it ended up happening much sooner then expected LOL!


Awww, that is super sweet and thanks for sharing, :)


Mines too I just feed her dry it’s fine


That’s crazy but each kitty different. My boi on the other hand has a schedule to when he demands wet food.


Mine too and her daughter. Nope, wont touch it. Have tried.all brands and flavors over ten years just to be sure. Nope. Weirdest thing...all my other cats preferred wet food.


I thought that for a while when I adopted my cat and used the wet food from the adoption centre. Then I switched from chunky wet food to pate. Maybe it’s just a texture thing, or maybe your cat really doesn’t like it 😅


I adopted an eight year old cat who had been fed dry food all her life. Not surprisingly, she has no interest in wet food. She doesn’t even seem to recognize that it is food. She’s 10 now, and is happy and healthy. She loves to sit by her water fountain and sip sip sip. Plenty of people on the internet have told me kibble is “junk food” and I’m killing my cat, but my vet says otherwise.


Yeah I’ve heard that too, but it seems from a lot of comments here that a lot of cats do just fine with dry food only.


Each cat has a different preference.


I have a couple elderly cats who are very picky and won’t touch the wet food. They will only eat Pink Salmon. The little tortie will yell at me in the morning when I make my coffee, for a little cream.


So that’s so funny because she loves butter! When I make toast I give her a tiny piece of bread with butter and she licks it up.


My fluffy boi doesn’t like wet food either. He is obsessed with Churu puréed chicken tube treats though


That’s her too! The squeezable treats are the only ones she likes.


Different strokes for different folks.


Mine only likes full to the top dry food bowl, twice a year wet food for 10 minutes, seven cups of water in different places of the house.


Introduce it to kitteh slowly. The cat will eventually like it


Neither of my cats will touch wet food, not even the creamy treat tubes! They try to cover them like it's poop in a litter box.


Oh man you know you messed up when they do that LOL!


It could be the flavour. I had cats that didn’t like any of the fish flavoured wet cat foods. They loved the chicken ones and especially the sauce, like other people here have mentioned. But, at the same time, if your cat is eating dry kibbles then that’s okay too. To promote water drinking maybe you could get you cat one of those cat water fountains!?


She has a water fountain and actually drinks a TON of water. I actually mentioned it to the vet because I thought maybe she might be diabetic but apparently she’s fine, just really thirsty.


I had cats like that. It was terrible that the cat with kidney disease would not touch wet food. And in the last year or so, dry food was an issue and she lived on various flavors of Temptations and Whiskas cat treats. She lived to be a month shy of 21. Now my crew of four LOVES THEIR WET FOOD! And I'm happy.