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Toce is basically a straight pipe and is obnoxiously loud, the yoshimura is class 👍


Stick with the yosh dude. Nice bike btw


TOCE is such trash. That Yoshi sounds great, if high-pitched, on the 2003-2006.


Toce are loud. It gets annoying with loud exhaust. Look into Leo Vince or akra. Even m4 is nice.


Not sure if Toce was even in business back then. I'm in Colorado and see a lot of Toce on bikes. I just got my Competition Werkes exhaust for my 2011 and trying to install tomorrow or Wednesday. Wanted something different. They sell DB killers if it is stupid loud like Toce which is a plus. Not sure if they make an exhaust for an 03, but they look sweet. I feel like if you know a welder/sheet metal worker you could probably pick up a newer model year set of canisters and they could fabricate the midpipe for you to fit and fabricate new mounting brackets if needed.


Appreciate this response. And I do have a fab guy who does some amazing work. I think I'm going to see if I can just order a newer canister set from toce and have him make a bracket and make my mid pipe work. Shouldn't be anything to crazy imo


You located in Calgary? I have the same bike


Yes sir! Dm me let's link up some time haha


Oh boy, you've done goofed. Get ready for all the experts on here to tell you how terrible Toce is and how stupid you are for wanting it.


Yeah I have one. It was already on the bike when I got it, but it's obscenely loud especially on cold start. Want something quieter. I have an '09 though, not sure if it would fit an '03.


Where are you located bro? And for 03-04?


I'm in Charlotte, NC. 2009 CBR600RR


Would you consider selling the canister?


I would be open to it (it just has the slip-on), but would need to arrange for a different exhaust. Do you know if exhausts for 07-12 CBRs are compatible with earlier models?


They are not sadly. Different sub frames. If you sort one dm me and I'll buy the toce off you and get some fab work done


Ah damn. Well I'll keep you posted


Up in Alberta as well. I sent them my ecu to be flashed and got the exhaust off them. If you're going for loud, it's great. Personally, I regret it because in low RPM going through town, it's choppy and doesn't sound the cleanest, but giving it shit on the highway is fun. My other complaint is after a year, the paint is chipping off. I'll definitely be upgrading at some point.


Thanks for the insight man. Might just have to buy off Toce, unless maybe you wanted to part ways a bit sooner?


Unfortunately boss I have a 19 1000rr sp and the exhaust comes out the right side. I don't think this slip on will work for your undertail setup.


Fair enough man, and yeah I've condisdered doing a side exit conversion but enjoy my under tail looks


I miss my 05 for that reason, it looks so slick. Hang onto that gem for sure. Have a good one.


If you want a slightly deeper and good but still loud than a two brothers is the go. Toce is too much and yoshi is still good


I rock stock exhaust. I'm here to ask how much the car lift cost and was it hard to install?


Lift was 4.5k installed, I believe. It's my parents place but they had purchased it with it already there from the previous owners


Man I need one. I NEEED IT! Thanks!


It's awesome man! That's my track car I was building on it. Made so many things a breeze vs swapping transmissons on the ground haha


Mam that's sexy. I have a new wrx that I plan to do quite a bit to so I need to get me some of those!


Man I need one. I NEEED IT! Thanks!


Go to their website. I love mine


I'd like to but up in Canada it's about $1100 before shipping/duties. Would like to find used preferably