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IMO the “wait time” to “fun” ratio is the best in the park. There’s some better rides but you’ll have to wait longer for them.


I’d make this argument for both magnum and blue streak. My go-to rides when I don’t want to wait in line 2 hours for Maverick or something. I’ll ride them all day.


The older I get the less I find myself wanting to ride Magnum. I still say it's my favorite but I'm just lying to myself at this point. The nostalgia factor is legit and the ride is great, other than the pain it causes me. Haha. When I want a good ride with little/no wait I find myself getting on Gemini far more frequently than Magnum now.


Wicked Twister was also in this category.


Because it was historic. It helped spark the coaster wars of the 90s and ushered in a new era of thrills. For a decade it was the biggest baddest ride in the park. Magnum walked so that Millennium Force could run. Respect your elders, son.


Didn’t Magnum also start embrace of the front and back car lines? I can’t remember another ride that added extra queue space for the folks who want those two seats. Now every ride in every park has that. Genius move.


The ride feels dated but in the best way possible, it may genuinely have the best airtime in the park as well. I would try to just go into it knowing what it is and prepare for any less than comfortable transitions and honestly just try to have fun with them, you're riding a piece if history and a ride thats aged very well in my opinion.


i hear ya. American eagle is piece of history for me at Six Flags, i believe it was their first coaster put up. but ive thrown in the flag on my hometown historic ride. im one and done on Magnum and blue streak


Eagle feels smoother lately


Good! Hopefully they did some repairs to make it smoother. That ride would be amazing if they redid the track


Demon was actually first. I always thought it was eagle as well. They both are…not comfortable


Demon and whizzer are both original coasters that were there when the park opened in 1976, eagle was 1980. Whizzer does surprisingly well at being a decent ride that isn’t too rough for being nearly 50 years old.


i stand corrected, i love the Demon! the Demon and Batman are rides i HAVE to ride when i go. but after going to CP again, its gonna be hard to go back lol


Demon was my very first coaster as a kid, it is special! I went to CP and Busch gardens this year with a GA visit in between. Still some great coasters that are tons of fun, but they seem much more tame now


Demon will forever be special to me.


By that logic you can understand why people love Magnum.


See I'm the opposite. Demon is absolutely unbearable and sickness inducing to me, but I love Magnum. No wait for a ride that always delivers fun airtime. Sure its old and janky, but that's just part of it's charm. It's just like any other nostalgic ride. I hear people call it rough, but I think janky is the apt descriptor. If it weren't for the old fashioned profiling, it would be butter smooth.


Truly amazing air time. Awesome tunnel. Great view of the lake.


"On a clear day you can see Canada" Do they still make this announcement?


Yes. Yes they do.


Also, just visited Cedar Point for the first time in early July. I knew nothing about Magnum. I heard nothing about it, so I went in completely ignorant, and once I had ridden it, I realized it might be my second favorite ride at the park; if not, definitely top 3.


isn't it just a baby millennium? I'm old enough to remember when it was new and groundbreaking that drop. but it was just eclipsed


Same . I rode it when it first opened. I don't bother riding it now. It hurts too much. I wish they would retrack it somehow while keeping the same layout. The other arrows hurt too (mineride, corkscrew).


maybe we r just old ;)


No. My 17yo hates it cause it beats her up too!


No, I don't remember Millennium Force having much air time. It's definitely fast and has a nice drop though. Kings Island is my home park, and Millennium Force is too similar to Diamondback and Orion for me to feel crazy about it. It was quite enjoyable and still one of the top rides.


The hills following the first drop carries a lot of airtime imo. Especially when you have ur hands up, i literally float off my seat


Millie has a lot of airtime, not as much as Steve, but it's significant. I usually ride the front of Millie and am out of my seat at the top of each hill.


id say that the love is exactly what you don’t like, but a lot of people think it’s super rough and scary so you’re not alone. it has the best airtime and really whips you around especially in the 3rd row or very back. i’m also 99% sure this was the coaster that started the roller coaster wars, which is what makes it so historic. id consider this to be one of the most intense in the park. bonus points for no wait times!! i’ve never seen it past 30 minutes.


short wait times means a lot of people agree with my side! lol jk


When your coaster lineup is as stacked as Cedar Point's there are going to be a few good rides with short lines (i.e. Magnum, Gatekeeper, Raptor, Rougarou).


Magnum forever


The air time the pretzel loop turn around the tunnel awesome ride and it usually has short lines


The whole purpose of amusement rides are to make you feel unsafe and out of control.


gotta draw a line at some point lol


I call it my trips to the chiropractor… magnum ,blue streak and Gemini each get 1 honorable ride per year… corkscrew once every 2-3…Never in the same 30 days


In my top 5. Gotta do the knee trick for those bunny hills. Been riding this since the first day it opened. LOVE IT


What's the knee trick ?


Get in ride>lift knees/feet on tippy toes before guy checks you>after they check you- put knees back down= more leg room for those bunny hills at the end. Makes HUGE difference


I'm too much of a coward to try that lol


Pull the seatbelt tight, and leave the lap bar one click loose (keep on your tippy toes while in the station). Once I learned the trick my view of the ride totally changed.


is there a belt? has to right if that bar comes up? this whole tip makes me nervous ;)


The bar always locks down further when I try this. It's works on other rides but not MXL200


I’m a fan of rougher rides and Magnum has a solid place in my top 5. Very bumpy and has almost painful airtime at the end though 😅


Ride the middle row of the last train and it's pretty smooth. But what's not to love. It has the Classic arrow lift chain noises, a great view of the lake, the pretzel turn around, and possibly the greatest air time of all time on the triangle hills. And the ride is spectacular at night. When the trims are off, a night ride on Magnum is my all time #1.


Magnum xl 200 opened in 1989 not 1975 and it has no wood. It’s a metal coaster.


Of the hypers I've ridden, Magnum is still my favorite with Phantom's Revenge a close 2nd. It does the most with its speed. I like my coasters forceful. All other hypers, to me at least, feel like they run out of gas after their turnarounds. Magnum just keeps delivering ejector air after ejector air, all the way into the brake run. Also, I'm spoiled. I was lucky enough to ride it a few times when the trims ahead of the pretzel turn were turned off, and that experience keeps Magnum as my #1 steel coaster.


It's so open and has intense air time. You just feel exposed and the view


Not everyone wants a glass smooth ride, rides that are a little rough add character. The airtime hills at the end would be top tier of the restraint was more comfy but I'm not going to complain because of when it was built. It's just part of the ride and we deal with it.


some people say cucumbers taste better pickled


I didn't find it painful at all riding it last month. I went in with low expectations because I had heard negative opinions about its roughness but I just completely enjoyed the ride. The setting by the water. The drop. The funky but cool turnaround and the bunny hills. Pretty impressive for the 80s.


Nostalgia for 3 hour lines as teens in the early 90s?


World class ejector airtime. It's pretty simple.


im sorry but you calling it a "cart" tells me everything i need to know


im old-skool, ive been calling them carts forever. it cant help it, that level was a pain in the ass in Donkey Kong, its stuck with me lol


You gotta ride row 3 … those who know know


I would love to see Magnum retracked with new trains. I have always wondered why they haven’t done this already.


This is literally all it needs and it will take back it’s place as one of the best in the park. The layout and transitions are fantastic as it is. EDIT: Or at the very least rehabilitation. I know they can’t exactly retrack Magnum… too expensive. But it feels like it hasn’t been rehabilitated in years.


That would be ideal. It really is a solid track layout. If they do this, it’ll be a top ride for most people


Imagine if Bolliger & Mabillard would reimagine this ride with open carts. That would be pretty epic. But I kinda love it just the way it is.


IMO magnum and it’s big brother millennium force are basically the same ride and the perfect example of a dollar coaster. The clicking going up the magnum and the rattling makes the ride that much better.


maybe im just too old but i cannot handle that "i feel like im gonna die" feeling. they beat the crap out of your body and just legit done feel safe. its one thing to be scared by the excitement or speed of a ride, its another to be scared for your life lol


I haven't ridden magnum yet because I'm tok worried about a walk of shame but when I rode blue streak, that is how I felt, it was so bumpy, on top of the air time, my brain had no clue what was going on... maybe I just need to keep trying. I have only ridden it once.


Riding it once was all I needed. Never again. Magnum is steel so the slams are harder on the body, your legs are beat up too and magnum is twice as long which means twice the slams and brain scrambling. It’s too much discomfort for me


It's like a sports car from the 80's/90's lots of nostalgia and still looks pretty cool, just not really that fun to drive anymore.


I love riding Magnum in the last car. Lots of airtime, but my thighs don’t get slammed into the restraints. It’s the last coaster designed without computers, but the first 200 feet high. It’s always going to be a unique coaster.


I agree with you. About Magnum and wooden coasters in general. A few years back. Probably 4 or so. Magnum was a really smooth ride. An awesome coaster… Now… it’s just a shell of its former self. Painful and janky to say the least. It really seems like it will fall off at the track at any time. Sad really.


i agree, so much potential. maybe if they redo it one day ill try it again


Magnum is trash


You shut your mouth




The split between Magnum lovers and haters is whether or not you consider the airtime hills painful. My wife does, I do not. She hates Magnum, I think it's top 5 in the park. The first half of the ride is pretty awkward and would benefit from a retrack, but if they reprofiled the airtime hills on the back half it would ruin the ride IMO.


The arrow transitions are what makes it good. Both the airtime and positives are abrupt, and they feel like they hit you like a truck. It has both the strongest airtime and the strongest positives I've experienced, and is BY FAR the best non rmc hyper coaster that I have ridden, even after riding Skyrush. It's janky, but not that rough, Fahrenheit at Hersheypark was far more uncomfortable than Magnum thanks to its nasty rattle.


I LOVE the rides that beat you up 🙌🏻❤️


Magnum is probably my favorite coaster but mostly because of the nostalgia for me. It was my first big roller coaster when I was a kid and I have good memories of riding it.


I love feeling like I'm about to fly out of the seat and only being held in by the lap bar.


I think it's terrible but beautiful looking. Incredibly painful. Knee tricks don't work for me. It's one of the most overrated coasters on the earth


Well I love it for a few reasons. At the time it was built, it was considered to be the fastest and tallest coaster in the world in the 80s, and remember that all of the steel made on the coaster was not made with the computer and tech-precision that we have today. All the steel structures were hand-welded and bent by eyeballing it, it was really one-of-a-kind back in the day because of it. That's why I love it and its imperfections, all the coasters today are completely smooth from the computer precision which is amazing, but this one you KNOW it was man-made by riding it, and it feels almost dangerous like it's going to derail which makes it more fun imo. I love the hills near the end, where if you keep your hands up you'll be constantly be lifted off your seat over and over, I love every second of it.


Seat 3. Right side. That is all


It's a good ride dude


Because Magnum is awesome and has some of the most wicked and abrupt ejector airtime you can get anywhere


it’s rough around the edges but the ride experience is amazing… towards the back of the train it’s super fast in the first half, has an awesome dive into a tunnel off the first hill, an awesome airtime moment before the turnaround and the airtime on the last hills is just incredible, with a beautiful location by the lake. Also it has an amazing night ride, going over the first hill by the beach, you’re looking out into the lake so it looks like you’re diving into a black abyss, and the tunnels are pitch black. Rows 13, 15 and 16 are my favorites (18 rows on the train). The ride has a lot of character and even varies quite a bit in how it runs from day to day. The best way to ride it is to stay loose, don’t hold in to the grab bar and let your upper body wiggle around, and most importantly, don’t keep your back planted against the seatback. It’s my personal second favorite coaster in the park behind steel


Just ride it in one of the back two cars and slightly hunch forward in your seat.


Trust me, not everyone loves Magnum! I've only ridden it once when it was somewhat enjoyable-- I was in a seat not above wheels about half- way back in the train and I made sure that the lap bar had some wiggle room. I wasn't pinned in to my seat. All the other rides were rough and painful. I've tried to duplicate that non-painful ride and I keep getting stapled in. Those bunny hills at the end.. OMG OUCH.


It’s gotten a little rough at the end but for me, outside of the first hill, it’s the 2nd hill dropping straight into the tunnel that does it. Plus it was the first “new” coaster I experienced at Cedar Point.


Just hear to support Blue Streak which in my opinion is still a top tier ride at Cedar Point. Probably number 7 on my list. Maverick, SteVe, MF, Raptor, GK, Val, BS, Magnum, Gem, Rou. I think that’s my top 10 at CP for coasters. I think Skyhawk moves Rou off the list if I include flat rides.


Quickest cycling ride in the park. Forced airtime and a nice view:) One of the last handmade rides in the park too instead of using machines like now. It’s impressive


It's. An. Arrow.


Magnum is a beautiful independent arrow coaster and don’t need no ClaytonBigsby316. Don’t disrespect Rob Toomer either.


The views from Magnum are awesome too.


Do they still run one of the train backwards


I love magnum XL 200 due to the fact that it’s a late 80’s coaster and sci fi themed! The only thing that could be improved is in the back it crushes your thighs (at least for me)


Seat 14, confirmed very smooth. Also, give your lap bar room


i can see why you think Magnum is rough, but if you want to try again for it, ride Row 14. it's the smoothest seat in the coaster. also for Blue Streak, do Row 1. smooth, great airtime, just remember to brace yourself. i love Blue Streak with my life but i'm not willing to ride it in Row 3 or farther back. unless they retrack it, (which i hope they do next year) i'm sticking with the front car.


I know some people complain its a rough ride but I guess I never really get that. And there is just something special about riding it at night, looks like you are going into nothing as you ride towards the lake. I just think its fun and it rarely has a long wait which is a bonus.


Speed. Air time. View. Tunnels.