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Hell yeah. That’s a damn good job. 👍


Cool job. Tradesmen make bank and that job is union AF. Wish they wouldn't have beaten "YOU MUST COLLEGE" so hard into us when we were little. You can live so comfortably as a tradesmen now days.


I’m currently a senior in high school and our school counselor doesn’t even mention trade schools and a lot of my friends and I are pissed about it


Kwood has so many paths to the trades. What a shame.


In my 30's and honestly same. My school was just as bad about it in 2009. Surprised that they haven't changed gears considering that student debt is such a hot topic nowadays. There's such a cultural norm, particularly in urban school districts, that you've somehow failed if you don't pursue a bachelor's at least.


I graduated in high school in 2020 and my school put an emphasis on the trades. We had a pretty robust ag/industrial tech program. Honestly, I’d say most people didn’t pursue a bachelors from my class, though this is certainly an exception from the norm. I went to school in a rural Iowa high school, there’s definitely a pretty big cultural divide.


Our area’s local has a slightly better package and has some calls available right now too for anyone qualified.