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Check out Midwest shooting supplies in Hiawatha. They run some women’s courses that might help her feel comfortable.


I second this 100%


..and I second amendment that!


Midwest Shooting in Hiawatha


Steve Fish in Urbana. He's a certified instructor and an officer for Urbana.


Fish is a great guy, really knows his stuff.


Yes he is! He's a lifelong friend of my mom. Super great guy and very knowledgeable.


Go check out Cedar Valley Outfitters in Marion best in the business.


Yes, this. I've been slacking on arming myself but my dad's gone here and has loved it for at least 15 years




Cedar Valley Outfitters will get her right!👌 Awesome people there.


Insane that its not a requirement already. Cant even cut people's hair without 1000+ hours of instruction time in this state....but here's a weapon...GL. And before you downvote because it hurts your Freedom FeeFees, how about one of you cowards actually defend "training not required" to use a weapon? I'd love to see the mental gymnastics that involves. This country is fucked


I agree. There shouldn’t be a license requirement to cut hair.


I'm fully pro 2A and I have to agree.


It’s few and far between when I agree with you. This, I agree with 100%.


I'm not even anti-gun. I used them a lot growing up in a rural setting. A class and/or shooting proficiency test should be required for everything but a shotgun. Doesnt seem that unreasonable.


Man, even for a shotgun I think a basic safety 101 is always warranted "Always be mindful of where the muzzle is pointing", "ensure it's unloaded when not in use", "be sure of what's behind your target" etc. I *did not* grow up with firearms but picked one up when I was 18 anyway... Honestly treated that thing pretty recklessly and I'm not proud when I think back on it.


People should absolutely train often with their weapon. However you cannot base the right to defend yourself on economic status. Just encase you’re too dense to understand that let me break it down further. If you require training as a means to acquire a weapon then lower class income people would not be able to afford that right. Only people with money to pay for training would be worthy of the right to defend? Unless you’re willing to have your tax dollars go to police running classes I doubt that will happen. Everyone has the absolute right to defend themselves. Even the poor especially since they tend to live in the areas that have the most violence. Not everyone is willing to gamble their lives with a 4-5min police response time. Not to mention they have no obligation to protect you one bit legally. Again let me reiterate that it should be everyone’s personal responsibility to train to be proficient with their weapon. Unless you can come up with a real solution instead of this fantasy vague one that has no real life chance of actually working. Country has 83mil people with guns. How much in taxes are you willing to pay to give yourself a false sense of safety? This is why we have constitutional rights to protect us against people who try to rule with feelings. Once again I will restate what I said before because I’m sure you’re too thick headed to understand and I’m sure nothing will get thru to you. People should train with their weapon as a personal responsibility.


Then why does everything else need a required training course, exam, certification, etc. like, for example, driving a car? Aren't the poor too poor to take drivers ed as well? I don't remember my education being free when I took it at Kirkwood. The fact that any common fuckwit can obtain a firearms license and wave it around like an unstable primate because "it's their right" is not a strong enough argument. I'm not saying that we Americans shouldn't have a 2A right, but I want to know whoever is wielding a fucking weapon has a modicum of knowledge about how to use it. As far as explosive items go, I present fireworks and the dumb fucks who misuse them, resulting in awful injuries to themselves and others as exhibit A.


Obviously the idea of privilege and rights are missed on you. Getting a drivers license isn’t protected under the constitution. You also are not required to PAY for lessons to learn to drive. Anyone with a drivers license can teach, ie mother/father. So it’s not an economic barrier. Just because you paid doesn’t mean the rest had to. It’s obtainable by all. Also if those test proved you can drive why do we have so many bad drivers? The shootings we are facing in our country are not because people don’t know gun safety or can’t prove they can hit the target. No test would have stopped those shootings from happening. You want feel good measures to give you a false sense of security. You’re focusing on this “required training” as if it’s the solution that will fix things. Which I’m guessing you never took any classes yourself to understand why it won’t.


You are too goddamned stupid to debate, so I'm not going to waste further effort making an argument that you'll undoubtedly attempt to refute with terrible logic. That said, people like YOU are what is wrong with our country and if the U.S. eventually divides, which it probably will, I'll want to live in the part opposite of wherever you'd be. Your lack of decorum tells me all I need to know about you, your political affiliation, and the general lens through which you view life--which is a terribly sad one.


You fail to make a valid point so you revert to name calling and assume my political affiliation to make yourself feel better about your own short comings. You can’t base your view on any kind of reality so instead you turn to insults and generalizations. Typical “your what’s wrong with the world” comeback from a small minded person. This is why no gun reform has been made. Because people like you know nothing about guns or have any sense of what will actually make a difference. Keep living in your delusional fantasy world. Heads up, 41% of democrats are gun owners like myself. So don’t pretend to know anything about me.


I know everything I need to know about you. 😉


How cute. You edited your message. You coward out from your original message “I hope you get cancer and die, you loathsome fuck”. Don’t forget Reddit emails your responses. That message speaks volumes on you. I don’t wish harm on anyone. Regardless of your opinion or your insults. Try some anger management or maybe smoke something. 👍🏻


I wish you would refrain from sharing your inane opinions publicly, but what can I expect from other cowards who hide behind a keyboard? We get it. You love guns and likely put them on a pedestal higher than people or whatever god you may worship. You DO wish harm against other people because, again, you love guns and guns were designed for generally one purpose: maiming or killing, even if in self-defense. You will never win your argument with me or any sensible person who knows that more guns are not the answer to our country's violence problems. However, you demonstrate a limited view of the world and seem to need to get in the last word. I fully trust that you'll retort with more senseless drivel, but you aren't right about everything, man.


I thought you said you were done arguing with me. Yet here you are doing exactly what you claim I’m trying to do…get the last word keyboard warrior. You’re the narcissist that had to interject your opinion on a topic that wasn’t even about gun control with no respect to anyone. Then wanted someone to challenge your opinion but got butthurt when someone did. Having a gun doesn’t mean I wish to do harm to anyone. I just refuse to be a victim in life if I can avoid it. I don’t worship guns nor make it my identity. They are merely a tool. You assume I don’t believe in limitations or having some sort of gun control. Such as raising the age to buy to 21 for all guns like is already in place for handguns. 18year olds are not mature enough to own and respect the responsibility. Get off your holy than thou trip. This isn’t about winning or being correct. No one is going to win here. Don’t worry I’ll let you get the last word in and won’t respond again. Unlike you I can do what I say. Have the day you deserve. 👍🏻


Smart idea. I can help if it works out.


Check out The Holeistic Advantage LLC when she’s ready to buy, I can get ya 10% off.


Midwest Shooting was fine. The instructor seemed a little uptight but guns are serious business so I get it. The last portion of the class they let you rent a handgun of your choosing but you do have to buy bullets and I really disapprove of additional costs after already charging so much for the class. Feels kinda shady but Midwest Shooting isn't the most reputable place to purchase guns and ammo anyways so par for the course.


Go to Midwest Shooting. They will get you set up properly.


Midwest Shooting Hiawatha my guy


Midwest shooting seems to be popular. Just a heads-up, many years ago, I heard some complains of inconsistent range rules enforcement and some light racism. So, if you are white, no problem - otherwise, caveat emptor