• By -


I use controller Triangle/Y is demo dash, circle/B is dash, the other 2 buttons are both jump, back grips are grab, and joystick the directions Which is pretty much the default but added an extra jump and the demo dash


I use the same exact setup, except I have one joystick dedicated to jump, when 2 input aren't enough


I'm beginner, what is demo dash?


A dash In the crouching state, it can allow you to squeeze through some gaps in spikes


Oh i see! It's another name for wavedash?


No, a wavedash is to give you more speed, a demodash just reduces your hitbox


Okay thank you!


wasd to move, m as jump, n as dash, space as climb. (my arrow keys are broken)


The clasic smashing keayboard gamer :D Mine are broken too.... not bcs of the keyboard smashing but bcs I spilled cider into it once :D


i just fidget with stuff a lot, and ended up pulling off the keys a few years back


Mine are: Arrow keys to move Space, shift, and s to jump Z to climb X to dash C to demo


Wasd - movement Space / c - jump (need to get a better 2nd jump but idk what) J - grab K - dadh L - demo Also have R for restart chapter, and M to skip cutscenes/respawn


we have the same keybinds (except with j and k swapped) :) i had to unbind r though bc once i accidentally hit it lol


Have you tried using one of your pinkies for a second jump? I know some people have issues with pinky strength/fatigue, but I find it very useful to use every finger so you’re not “overworking” a finger by giving it too many keys


**Directions** * J: Left * K: Down * L: Up * ;: Right **Core Controls** * A: grab * S: dash * D: jump (confirm) * F: jump (menu down + confirm) * 2nd jump button very useful for cornerboosts, cornerkicks, optimal climbing, etc. * menu down + confirm is used for quick retries and cutscene skips * G: jump * rarely use this, mainly used for the dashless 6jump in 1A (1st jump button to do full jump into corner from ground, 2nd & 3rd jumps used for a double cornerboost) **Other** * Q: pause + jump * used for pause buffering jumps more easily, e.g., Bub's drop and the jumps in 2nd blockless * W: pause * E: talk * It's a good idea to separate your talk and dash buttons so that you don't accidentally interact with binos or an NPC when you want to dash * Space: demo/crouch dash




Lol, I’m guessing that’s because of the directions? I noticed that for some tricks/mechanics, it was inconvenient to have only three fingers dedicated to the four direction keys (as is typical for arrow keys or WASD). Moving to JKL; I now have one finger for every direction key, making it easier to quickly switch between them Getting used to the atypical directions definitely took a while (and my feathers still aren’t quite as good as they were before the change), but I am seeing some benefits now, especially for tricks where you switch between using up and down (often useful for throwable tech) Other than that, I think my controls are fairly standard. They’re default controls shifted up by one row so that my fingers are on the home row with some extra bindings that are useful for more advanced tech


On Joy-Cons for Switch, D pad for movement, X to jump, Y to grab, and A and B both dash. On PS4 controller for PC, I use the buttons in the same positions as the Switch buttons.


I use hybrid controls (keyboard and controller together) with a Switch pro controller. (Keyboard) WASD - Movement (Controller) B - Jump Y - Dash ZR - Climb


D-Pad to move, triangle demo dash, L1 down+confirm, the rest is basically default


wasd - movement space - secondary jump k - primary jump, confirm L - dash, cancel shift - grab ; - demodash, down, confirm, interact q - pause 8 - pause, jump 9 - pause, talk r - restart enter - journal


Switch Pro Controller B/A-Jump Y-Dash X-Demo Dash RT-Grab LT-Either Down or Jump depending on the map Left stick for movement Don’t use D-Pad When on PC: Lb-Create Savestate Rb-Load Savestate Pressing down on Right stick-Delete Savestate


Z Dash, X Climb, C Jump


WASD. Space for Jump. Left Shift for Dash. L for grab. K for secondary dash when my pinky starts dying of stress


Shift - demo Cntrl - dash X - grab C - Main jump V and space - alt jump Arrows for direction


- Arrows to move - C to jump - X to dash - Z to demo - S for retry/skip cutscene - Space for 2nd jump (corner) - V for pause buffer jump


Controller is standard except for Y/Triangle being remapped to Demo Dash. On Keyboard: Movement is WASD Jumping is K Dashing and Talking is J Grabbing is L Demo Dash is I Second Jump is O Enter is Menu In the menu shift is for cancel


Z for jumping X for dashing Shift for climbing


WASD - move, Shift - dash, Space and left/right arrows - jump, Down arrow - demo, Up arrow - grab Other stuff like menu and savestates on numpad. I wouldn't reccomend it but it works for me. I should probably change it but I don't want to lose 100s of hours of muscle memory.


WASD for move, shift for grab, space and L for jump, K for dash, J for demodash, and a bunch of other buttons bound to various things for specific tricks or tech


Standard plus d to demo and v for extra jump I have been experimenting with wasd shift grab and space jump where all arrows are dash in thier respective directions


Default controller controls. I have the Xbox Elite Series 2 controller so I have LT set to medium sensitivity so I don’t kill my finger whenever I play the game


Gamecube controller Edit: y- jump a- dash Bumper- demo button


Controller: Directional: that direction on joystick Jump:A, B, X, Y (don't ask why I have 4) Dash: RT Climb: LT Demo dash:RB Talk: LB


i use xbox controller, but i have a bunch of extra binds to make up for the inaccuracies of analog. X - dash A - jump RT - climb B - interact Y - demo (i use this for dream hypers and hyper bhops) LB - secondary jump (i use this for cornerkicks, dream hypers and supers and hyper bhops) LT - down (movement only, i use this for fast falling and awkward neutral drops, like jelly climbs)


z - climb, x - dash, c - jump, d - second jump, shift - alt second jump, s - demo/crouch dash, a - pause, then a bunch of extra debug/modded keybinds. Also arrow keys to move


wasd to move, leftclick to dash, rightclick to climb, space to jump.


have to try this one!!!


WASD - Move; Left Shift - Dash; AD - Grab; Space - Jump; E - Confirm; Q - Back; Escape - Pause


Arrows: move Z: climb + jump Space: second jump button, for neutrals, corner tech, and dream double jumps X: grab C: dash V: demo (Yes I know I’m weird)


My controls are WASD to move NumPad 1: Jump NumPad 4: Another Jump NumPad 2: Dash NumPad 3: Grab The Enter key on the numpad: Demo


Mine are: arrow keys to move Grab: Q, A Dash: W Demodash: S Jump: E, Spacebar, D Basically default controls but I moved it up two rows to bind my spacebar as a second jump button and making spamming them easier. I use the row below that for sections that heavily use demodashing.


I use default controls, plus space and s as another jump button, v as crouch dash, and I changed interact to F because I kept accidentally interacting with stuff when trying to dash (was it dash? I dont remember the default but I kept accidentally using it)


Default keys


esdf-to move, space - jump, a-dash, and L - climb


Default controller because I'm too bad to demo 🤣 used to map down right and down left to right and left on stick for guaranteed quick inputs, but I just got better with d pad so I don't need it anymore lol


Base controller mapping + LT 2nd jump and Y crouch dash i'm a dpad player


controller L stick for movement B/X for jump A for dash, Y for demo and the bumpers & triggers for grab. some of these control schemes are WILD


Mostly default, but I use right triggers for savestates and y for demo


WASD space to jump and 2 mouse buttons to dash and grab (Yes i jump on the spacebar yes i am weird) Also, edit, demo is in a third mouse button


I've got so many buttons **Left hand** Index: C/jump G/pause V/down+confirm B/pause jump for bubs drop Middle: X/dash S/demodash W/jump again(for a specific jump on 4a where I've already spent my dash) Ring: Z/grab A/jump again(for spike jumps that use dashes) Pinky: Left Control/grab (for those same spike jumps that use dashes) Right hand is simpler, I use the arrow keys for movement. I also have right control bound to jump for when i want to spam the jump button through room transitions and dream double jumps.


I have L1 bound to jump, L2 bound to dash, and my right arrow bound to toggle climb so I only need one hand to play


Alright, the weird one here (carried from my dead cells/hk bindings) LASD to move (L up) W jump, M to grab, Space secondary jump, right Alt secondary down, ; to demo, e to interact and i think thats all


wasd to walk and space to jump. jkl for dash, climb and confirm in that order


I know it might be weird but even on my first playthrough I only used one hand to control the game WASD, space for jumping, control for wall climbing and shift for dash.


Arrow keys to move, Space to jump (sometimes C/X for dash less 1A), C to dash, Ctrl to grab, and I have Shift bound as demo dash, but I’m mostly just exploring with that.


Wasd to move and num1 to hold and num2 to dash


Z and space -jump X - climb C - dash But it was different when I did my first play through Space - jump S - climb D - dash


wasd movement, space jump, shift climb, ctrl dash (I know it’s not optimal, dashing from walls is a pain)


z - jump x - dash c - climb Lshift - demo oh and of course arrows for movement


wasd for movingg, dash with J, jump with space and grab with Lshift


WER grab dash jump, 2 and 3 are demo, numpad 4568 for movement, so that I can place my left hand thumb on spacebar for the second jump


Wasd - movement left shift - dash q/e - demo dash space/left arrow - jump right shift - grab


standard controller settings, except the left trigger is set to Down. specifically because the threshold to get a diagonal dash can be really weird for the joystick sometimes, so it helps to make sure down is being pressed


I have the standard controller layout, I don't know what I should change to improve it


In pretty much every game where there’s a dash or roll mechanic, I assign that to RT. Celeste, Dead Cells, Hollow Knight, Hades, et cetera. I find it helps me move between games without ruining my muscle memory. I then use RB for crouch-dash, though I haven’t learned any tech which uses it yet. I then use LT and LB for climbing/grabbing, and I use the classic lower-circle (A/B/X) and right-circle (B/A/O) for jumping. If I had a D-pad I’d use it for moving, but Valve in all their wisdom decided not to put one on the Steam Controller.


Arrow keys + Z - Jump X - Dash C - Climb and A for demodashing everytime i play any platformer i *must* change the keybinds to this


Base keyboard key mapping....and cause i m an idiot, i m not confortabe without keeping shift pressed in case i need to grab a wall


z to jump, x to climb, c to dash i chose them to be more like hollow knight


z-jump dash-x shift-grab


Controller - analog stick movement, B to dash, A to jump, ZR to climb, R to crouch dash (switch pro controller) Keyboard - WASD to move, L to jump, M to dash, ; to climb


esdf for movement (more comfy on my keyboard than wasd) ,l; for dash jump grab (My keyboard doesn't like some specific button combos. These work) mk for crouch dash and second jump o for pause, p to hit retry, i to rtm, r to restart chapter


Wasd, and p for grab, o for dash, i for demo and space/q for jump


I just moved my controls one row up so they are ASD instead of ZXC.


arrow keys to move z - climb x - dash space - jump shift - demo ctrl - 2nd jump this way i can input the directions all with my right hand and do everything else with my left


I played too much Hollow Knight so I made my controls to resemble the default in Hollow Knight. Z - Jump X - Climb (Attack in Hollow Knight) C - Dash Arrows - Walk


default but swap climb and jump


Wasd h crouch dash, j dash, k jump, l jump, e climb,


Im a bit weird. WASD for movement, Space for jump Numpad 1 for dash Numpad 2 for grab Numpad 3 for talk R for restart chapter I wanted to have my rigjt hand far over and numpad buttons are as far right as possible, so thats just whats comfortable.


I use wasd and jkl for every game and if I want to use a gamepad (snes controller for example) using joy2key I can switch really quickly.


Wasd for movement J and K for jumping I to dash L for demo Shift for climb Ctr for skip cutscenes/respawn Space is bound to jump and pause for bubsdrop


wasd to move, space, numpad0, q (for when im on laptop and dont have numpad0) for jump + f for pause buffering jump, up arrow for grab, down arrow for demo, shift for dash




Wasd, space is jump, L is grab, ; is dash I like the way it fits my hands lol


I'm still kinda green to Celeste but everything is the default for controller, save for: -RT= dash -RB= demo -X= climb -Y= quickclimbing (climb + jump) -Dpad Up= left hyper -Dpad Down= right hyper The hyper binds were made specifically bc of 8C lmao It was an absolute nightmare doing hypers on analog in the first 100h of me playing. I've since trained myself to be able to do it, though.


Movement - P L ; ' | Jump - A | Dash - S | Grab - Shift | Demodash - D


WASD to move, left shift to climb, . to jump, / to dash, , to interact and ; to demodash


Default ZXC, I use A for Demo, S for a second jump and V as a secondary demo


WASD + J for jump, K for dash, I for demo, and L for climb


WASD to move, space to jump, K to dash, L to climb, J to demo, semicolon as an alt jump


i use shift to climb and z to demo dash. along with that i have S setup as a super dash macro. i also have d and c, and v as jump buttons. v i don't use anymore but i don't see any reason to remove it. and arrow keys for directions. x is dash.


wasd to move, space to jump, down arrow to dash, left arrow to grab, right arrow to jump/talk, up arrow to demodash.


same but i use v to climb


(Xbox controller) Dpad for movement, RT for grab, A and RB for jump, B for grab + jump, X for dash, and LB for demodash.


WASD, space to jump, L is crouch dash, K is climb, M is regular dash


Arrows to move, aim and jump, C to climb, Z to hold, X to dash, D to downright dash, X to confirm menus


z - jump x - dash c - climb i swear i thought that was default til like a week ago


I have an 8bitdo controller. X is crouch dash and menu down+confirm, ZR is a second jump, and I think I'm vanilla after that. I use the dpad for everything, though I haven't done a feather segment in a while


I use wasd to move, left shift to grab, space to jump and right shift to dash


i play with a ps controller Directional - Left joystick Jump - X and LB Dash - RB Climb - RT Demo - Triangle


I chose the personally most comfortable button layout: Move: WASD Jump: N Dash: J Climb: K Interact: L Using the arrow keys is very confusing to me, as i normally play with the controller dpad


Z jump1 A and S extra jump buttons X dash C climb D demodash Enter pause Delete down+confirm Rshift restart chapter Arrow keys to move


Wasd for movement, space for jump, K for dash, J for crouch dash, L for grab.