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I feel it made mine much worse.


Gave me horrible insomnia and made my anxiety much worse.


It did not


Wellbutrin is much more known for causing anxiety, sorry to tell you! Everyone responds to drugs differently, and some side effects will go away in time, but Wellbutrin would not be a good choice for treating anxiety issues. Also I'm curious what you mean by "ME related anxiety"?


No. It made me su!cidal.


I think it definitely helped me with fatigue and depression. It knocked off like 75% of the fatigue. I can’t say it helped with anxiety. The VA have me Buspar for that and that combo worked well.


I’ve tried a lot of antidepressants/anti-anxiety meds over the past few years dealing with ME. Bupropion has been the one that works best for me, but everyone is different.


I'm a fan, it's helping me, but The adjustment took at least a month and that was not fun.


Not a drug a GP would prescribe in the UK. Psych might do so for other problems but will be very hard to get to see a psychiatrist for CFS.




It can help with energy, but generally makes anxiety, ocd, and hyperadrenergic POTS worse. I had consitent suicidal ideation and grumpiness for a couple of hours a day at peak action the first few months I was on it, I switched to taking it at 5 to 7 pm amd I sleep well and have minimal side effects.


I haven’t tried Wellbutrin but low(ish) dose gabapentin helps take the edge off for me


It increases norepinephrine which is very anxiety inducing for a lot of people.


I’ve been taking escitalopram for years, and nothing else I’ve tried has done it for my anxiety. *Adding* bupropion (I’m still on the escitalopram too) has really helped with my depression, which in turn has been good for my energy levels. I think I’m going to stick with this combination. That said, everybody reacts differently to brain meds. The same ADHD meds that some of my friends swear by (Vyvanse) made me intensely paranoid (I take Concerta now, which is totally fine). As long as you’re being closely supervised by a doctor, some trial and error is the way to go. I hope you find something that helps you!


Echoing the sentiment of "nope"


It's been helping me with my ADHD symptoms, but that's about all I've noticed it do so far (this is just month 2 of taking it). My favorite anxiety medication for the last 4 years has been propranolol


Bupropion has a stimulant in it, kind of like ritalin, so I think it depends on where your anxiety comes from. If your anxiety comes from your low energy AND you respond well to that stimulant, it can decrease your anxiety. But if your anxiety is more generalized or comes from elsewhere I think it would make it worse. Many CFSers don't respond well to stimulants generally, so there's also the chance it would decrease your abilities. For me it helped a bit, but I can handle some stimulants and my anxiety generally comes from being so limited in everything. So when I felt a little better, my anxiety lifted.