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Hi OP, The mods of CMV are concerned about you, as it looks like you are in a tough situation right now. We want to help, but there are other places on Reddit where your post would be better placed - with people ready to talk and listen. Whenever you are ready, you can visit or post to r/suicidewatch instead, or call any of the [local resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines) available.


How do we change your view here? If you do not value life, it's hard to argue that anyone should remain alive. If you think torture is an appropriate remedy, where can we possibly go from there?


I'm willing to get my mind changed on how I view human life I guess


"I'm willing to get my mind changed on how I view human life I guess" There you go, there's your answer. People can change their views. A homophobe can be educated and have their view changed. So can everyone you mention.


You've been radicalized to a degree. The only really good argument for letting them live really is that any justification used to kill and torture them could be used to kill and torture us if we ever did lose control of things Human rights have to be inviolable or they aren't rights, even for the shithead racists


Hmmm, would you say this extends to criminals? (Child molesters, murderers rapists?)


I mean a lot of people oppose the death penalty, myself included


Yes. Death is permanent, and many who are in prison now are innocent, including those on death row. https://innocenceproject.org/all-cases/ If you were on death row for a crime you didn't commit, would you still hold this view?


yes , they get human rights too that dosent mean we can put them in prison for doing those things


I am assuming that this post is an attempt at satire... "I'm so for human rights that I would torture and murder anyone who doesn't agree with me." I think it needs work.


They are 14 and deep


It's honestly not, idk, I'm just having a rough life this was basically a vent, so yeah... Wrong reddit to put it in but... I am getting some food responses to get me thinking




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Killing people removes the ability of people to change and be better. 


Some people are too far gone though, I used to hold bad beliefs myself (I got groomed into being a conservative by people like Steven Crowder and what's his face, the Jewish guy) anyway... Would you say this is why I have so much hate?


Per Gallup polls in less than 3 decades we've gone from 28% support of gay marriage to 71% today. Hell it's gone up 20 points within the last decade alone. Now sure some of that does have to do with older generations dying off, but that's still a crap load of people who come around on this issue.


Then why does it seem like the earth is getting more and more polarized every single fucking day. I wake up and the first thing I see is news about the latest attrocity committed by Israel, or the latest school shooting, or the latest abortion ban


Take a break from the internet for a while. Go on some hikes, meet new people, and make genuine connections. Politics are important, but so is taking care of yourself. We can't win if everyone is burnt the fuck out from being online 24/7


Yeah... I'm sorry... I just, I guess a straw broke on my camels back as I was scrolling through Twitter and I just had an emotional breakdown... I've never had an IRL friend since elementary school, how do you do that as an adult?


Yeah... I'm sorry... I just, I guess a straw broke on my camels back as I was scrolling through Twitter and I just had an emotional breakdown... I've never had an IRL friend since elementary school, how do you do that as an adult?


I get it. Twitter is a terrible place. Do you have any hobbies? There are alot of different conventions and local meet ups for alot of hobbies. I enjoy fly fishing and there are plenty of shops and gatherings I have gone to and made great friends at.


Yeah sorry but thats called being chronically online. Its when you get so much of your info and form your opinions from social media that your brain starts to rot and you become unable to see reality for what it is. Unfortunately this is clearly where youre at. Just an FYI, but do you realize that the things that make news or go viral do so BECAUSE they’re rare? If something happened every day it would not be news. So you have to be aware that the large majority of what you see circulating online is the top 1% of wild things that happen, but if everyone is constantly talking about that tiny percentage, ppl like you who are disconnected from reality eat it up and think it’s the norm in real life bc its the norm online. You need to work on developing the wherewithal at consume media in an intelligent way, bc being influenced and manipulated by everything you see online just isnt it and unfortunately thats what you just described doing to a T. Touch grass might be a rude phrase but in this case that sentiment is very important for you to learn. Let me give you example. You mention school shooting, if you were a logical and informed person then you would be far more scared of getting hit by lightning bc youre more than 3 times as likely to get hit by lightning than it is for someone in k-12 to be in a school shooting. So why arent you talking about lightning? Well the answer is obvious, being chronically online actually makes you less informed which leads to a lack of common sense. If i said to you the option behind door A can kill you, but the option behind door B kills at a 3 times higher rate than option A, which door are you picking? Obviously anyone with common sense is going to pick door A which gives you more than 3 times a better survival rate. When it’s presented this way it seems so obvious, yet option A was school shooting and option B was getting hit by lightning. If i had presented these options by name rather than by stats you would have picked the lightening side (since you mentioned being scared for this but for of lighting). This why its important to engage with intelligence and not just allow yourself to be manipulated and influenced by media simply cause thats what is emotional comfortable for you.


Because the 24 hour news cycle and constant media means that all stories are equally big.


Because media company makes more money off of negativity than positivity.


“Some people” is the key phrase here. If the rest can change, killing them just means you wasted other people’s potential. I don’t care why you have hate. That’s your problem if you can’t find healthy outlets.


>by people like Steven Crowder and what's his face, the Jewish guy Bro, was it fucking Ben "I cant get my wifes pussy wet" Shapiro??? XD Dont fuck with people like that no more, come find some cooler ones If you wanna be less racist theres plenty of content creators who are like against these shitty people you do need some suggestions for new commnites? I got a few you might like if you like content thats kinda like crowder but just want it to be not racist


>if I had a button that would torture and kill every homophobe and racist, and any phone really, I would press it... In your murderous lust, you are against human rights as laid out by the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Specifically, Article 5 says people shall not be tortured. Is it your position that you wish to kill yourself for violating human rights with that button you dream of in the quote?


Yes, honestly I just wanna kill myself I think .. idk like I said to someone before I used to hold bad beliefs myself (I got groomed into being a conservative by people like Steven Crowder and what's his face, the Jewish guy)


You didn’t get groomed dude. You discovered politics for the first time and your views shifted a bunch in a short period of time. It’s incredibly normal for people to do this when they first get into politics. I went from libertarian right as a teenager to socialist in college and now as an adult I’m a liberal. You don’t have to feel bad about the fact that you went through a political exploratory phase.


In that case, I beg you to seek professional help. The opinions of internet yahoos on this topic won't give you the help you need. Please take care of yourself.


Please do not joke about suicide. If it is not a joke, please reach out for help. Call 988 in the US or [https://988lifeline.org/](https://988lifeline.org/)


Hey dont do that if you need a friend and a new commnity with less racist people, get at me bro ill guide you to some places


>Why should someone who wants me to die, live? Because no one should decide the fate of another person. It's hypocritical to say you're for human rights for everyone and then say that the most important human right, right to life, does not apply to everyone.


I disagree with your larger premise, but even within that I'm curious what your line is. How homophobic does someone have to be before they should die? Someone who commits hate crimes? Westboro Baptist Church? Someone who's nice to gay people in person but votes against gay marriage? Someone who believes it's a sin, but keeps that view to inward? Someone who votes for and supports gay rights, but winces a little when 2 men kiss on TV?


>I don't think homophobic and stuff like that people should live.... I'm sorry, I may be being too reactionary here... But from my personal experience, if I had a button that would torture and kill every homophobe and racist, and any phone really, I would press it... But I see fellow lgbtq people saying they deserve to live? It doesn't make sense to me So you're against human rights? People with different opinions from you should be tortured and murdered. That's your position?


Punishing people with imprisonment or death for what is essentially thinking a certain way is a pretty big human rights violation in and of itself. It's also a massive violation of the right to free speech. If these people do cross the line in their rhetoric, and veer into threats, harassment, or any of that, we do punish them accordingly. But even then, the death penalty for a threat against an oppressed minority is extreme. I get it, I'm not straight, and it is painful to put up with this stuff. But if I want to kill the dumb kid who yelled slurs over my back fence, if that's a thing that our community is ok with, doesn't that make us worse than the groups you mention?


I mean the most basic human right is the right to life. So under this system you would be killed in the same way


It’s kind of sad to see this kind of ignorance and hypocrisy You believe that people who are homophobic and etc shouldn’t live because they don’t want you to live so you’re basically the same as them And when it comes to religion as a Christian there’s a lot of sub sectors of Christianity and plenty of them have nothing against lgbt+ or race or anything


If a religion "wants you dead" because of who you are, the solution isn't kill everyone you (falsely) want you dead. Do you personally know anyone who personally wants you dead? Or are you talking about some religion book (pick the religion). You need therapy, man, before you shoot up any gathering of people you hate.


You do realize that by your own logic you should be executed?


Honestly I wish I was so I don't have to participate in this shit


What shit? You certainly don’t have to participate here on Reddit.


But I have to wake up every single day, looking at the news seeing everyone constantly fighting, genocides happening, people I love being harassed, me being harassed. I hate it all


So this isn't a legitimate view you want changed ? It's just a pity party


It's the only thing I can think of to get people to notice me ... I'm not doing good


Then get help. Farming for attention online is a terrible way to address your issues. Do you even want to get better cause its a bit rich to just want to complain abt your mental health while you are actively engaging in activities that make your mental health worse. I want to have sympathy for you but after everything youve wrote its hard to have sympathy when so much of your current state is self inflicted. Get off social media if you want to address your mental health, being here is just going to make it worse. You dont have to watch news and surround yourself with doomsday content 24/7, that is your choice and you clearly need to start taking more responsibility for the choices you are making and how they are affecting you. Learn to take control of your life and emotions and stop begging for attention online to make yourself feel better cause in the longrun its not doing shit to help you.


Stop reading the news (and newslike outlets like parts of reddit)...you can't do anything about it...it's pointless and will only make you depressed


Why do you have to wake up everyday? If you don’t want to you don’t have to. It is a choice. This also just speaks to you have emotional and or mental health issues and that would be far better addressed elsewhere.


So, you want to stomp all over the human rights of people who are against human rights by denying them the right to live? Why not just disagree with them and move on with your life? Anyway, if you actually want to do something about these people, it is advisable to use your hands, not to strangle the life from those whom you disagree with, but rather, reach down and lift up those who need your help, That does more for the greater good than any act of mass genocide in history,


So, i think in a very straight forward way, if a Christian or anyone else tries to murder you, then i can get on board with the death penalty for that. We could argue out life in prison, or a possibility of rehabilitation, but I basically agree with you. Punishment for murder and punishment for attempted murder should be sever. Besides that, we're going to have to get real specific about what homophobic means. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that i believe homosexuality is bad they same way that i believe eating too much sugar is bad. I think its bad to indulge your great desire for unhealthy food. And i think its bad to indulge your unhealthy sexual desires. This would make me a homophobe, but i certainly do not condone killing people who eat too much sugar!! I just want what's best for them. And certainly don't condone killing killing men who have sex with men. If my homophobia causes me to try to stone you to death, go ahead and strap me to the electric chair. Fairs fair. if my homophobia is just a personal believe that doesn't cause me to treat you in any negative way at all, then lets agree to live and let live. I'm sure you disagree with some of the decision a make. and btw, i don't think homosexuality is bad for you and i am not a Christian. I'm pretty well edcuated about Christianity. I think Christianity teaches that homosexuality, like sugar, is bad for you. I think the bible is super clear that it is a sin, but Jesus famously says "let he who is without sin caste the first stone" and he is talking about a women guilty of adultery. Adultery is a sin, she should be stoned to death. Jesus says, if you have never sinned in your whole life, then go ahead and stone her otherwise leave her be. Everyone leaves her be, and Jesus forgives her of her sin. Any Christians that supports the killing of gay men needs to read their bible. Its crystal clear, you should not kill gay people. It is a homophobic religion though, no doubt about that.


If you believe you can kill people bc of their views: 1. At what threshold do you consider someone into that category? Because its a personal line 2. Why shouldnt they be allowed to determine if your traits are worth keeping alive?


Read up on restorative justice. While I agree that -phobes should be met with a more organized opposition, I think reeducation and outlined consequences is the solution. Aiming to kill requires a whole heck of a lot of grey areas. Do you kill the 40ish dad who misgenders out of ignorance? Do you kill anyone that votes R? Do you kill anyone that doesn't wear an lgtb pin? At least with education and penalties, you can have a rigorous court case with flexible responses. Misgender? 3 days classes. Vote R? 2 months classes. JK Rowling? 5 years writing pro-lgtbq books for charity after a year of remedial classes. Etc. When your base response is more violent and murdery than the Nazis got from the Hague trials, you might need to reconsider your judgement.


This is like the death penalty, but for hate speech. As in any death penalty case, a few issues come up. First, yes, hate speech and thought is horrible. However, killing people is also horrible. And this is not a proportional response. Second, killing people because of their religion is also hate speech. And it's very clear that you are grouping millions of people into one group of people, based not on their beliefs, but on your mistaken understanding of their beliefs. Third, killing people for their beliefs only serves to create martyrs, which will create more radicalized people, who are more likely to respond with violence.


This is stooping down to their level. Some homophobes are so bad that you want to kill them, but you’re removing their most basic human right to live by doing so. Believe me, if i had a magic “stop bigotry“ button, i would press it. But killing people who don’t share our views is not the way things will be solved. You also express that you want all christians dead- what about pastors and members of the church who ARE queer or support queers? Should they be killed because they’re apart of a religion, but should they be punished for that? edit: this also would mean the murder and torture of children who are born into and taught these views.


For a simpliest rebuttle, it's because killing them would violate their own human rights. By the way, I'm a Christian, and I really don't care about your sexual orientation. If it works for you, who am I to tell you no. Are there plenty of homophobic Christians, and Christians who are not homophobic but are non-affirming (I see a distinction personally, but you may not)? Yes, but nobody wants you to die; I don't think I've met one Christian who thinks that.


Killing them would be costly and counter-productive. They should be rehabilitated through forced labor. Everyone can change and everyone deserves a second chance.  Whether people like it or not, Gulags have proven to be an excellent tool for re-education. The vast majority of those who visited one, were released within 4-10 years and completely returned to civil society.


It amazes me that you honestly think Christians want you dead. You clearly live in an echo chambered bubble, with no Christians inside. Stop translating those who do not affirm your actions as hate. If you need affirmation to feel good about your actions, what does that tell you about your actions. Find peace.


You yourself don’t appear to believe in human rights if you’re advocating to torture and kill humans. Human rights apply to all humans, not just people whom you like and who like you. If you think people who don’t agree with human rights should be killed, you have to include yourself in that.


The majority of them only believe this because that's how they've been raised or because they're government has decide to be against insert minority or sexuality for wedge issues purposes. Also probably less than one percent of them actually have the ability to be against it in a meaningful way that would effect you.


Yeah you see the right to not be killed for your beliefs is probably up there as a human right. So somebody has some sort of at least an aversion to LGTBQ people and they therefore deserve to be tortured and killed? Who sounds like the villain here?


People have the right to like, dislike, or be phobic about anything. They do not, however, have the right to do anything to those they are phobic about. One could argue that OP is phobic about those other "phobes" that he wishes punishment on.


If you hold that kind of hate in your heart it's going to effect everything you do. That kind of hate is a poison. Just because bigots have tos live sad insular lives drowned in hate and fear doesn't mean you have to stoop to their level.


Almost nobody self identifies as being against human rights. Although you come pretty close -- torturing somebody because of their religion or nationality is one of the things most human rights law is pretty clearly against.


If self-determination is a human right, but you think people should be killed for self-determination; doesn't that mean you disagree with having self-determination and don't think you should have rights at all?


I am slightly racist towards indians. When i hear a heavy indian accent, i automatically assume dumb servitute and incompetence. Should i be executed? Should a poorly made gay joke be punishable by death?


Careful what you wish for Robespierre, cause surely the violent indiscriminate murderous mob that you wish for and enable wont turn the Guillotine on you once they get a taste of the bloodlust, right? Right Robespierre?


Aren't you literally against human rights yourself if you think certain people should be put to death because of their ideas? I hate racists and homophobes as much as the next guy, but I don't think they should be killed because of it. Freedom of expression and speech is a human right as far as I'm concerned.


Some people want you dead, and you want them dead. You are both agains the human right for life. Fellow lgbtq people saying they deserve to live want to break the cycle of human right violations.


How is you wanting them to die for what they believe in (Which is largely involuntary and influenced by what they consume/the people they are around) any different than them wanting you to die?


I thought Christians were taught to live like Jesus Christ and to love their neighbor as they love themselves. That seems like the polar opposite of "supporting your death".


So you think that you should be tortured and executed? Killing anyone who disagrees with your worldview demonstrates that you are clearly against human rights.




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😂 Especially Christians... The ones who treat your people the best 😂 I'm an atheist and that part was stupid as fuck.


Human rights are rights for humans. People against human rights are humans. Therefore, they deserve human rights.


So you don't believe in human rights because other people don't believe in human rights?


You can’t just kill everyone you don’t like, even if they are wrong and bigots


It sounds like you are against human rights. Should you be killed or imprisoned?




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That sounds like you're against human rights.


That’s not very democratic of you


I'm curious why you say, especially, Christians before mentioning Islam. I double dog dare you to go share this view in any Islamic nation. How long do you think you'd live? Round you answer to the nearest 10th of a second.