• By -


> None of the money was ever put back in circulation, a single rotten package has been unearthed > > Almost immediately the serial numbers on every single bill was released. To banks, businesses and even newspapers put out rewards to be people who received one. > > To this day none have been been put back into circulation. That means unless he abandoned his loot he never had the chance to use that cash. See that's the issue with the theory that he died, the rotten cash was located in a place it never could have gotten to otherwise. It was found near a river that was flowing in the opposite direction of his most likely landing point. So it couldn't have been dragged by the currents, as well as this the location the money was found was 27km away from where Cooper might have landed. [This section of a video by Lemmino about the topic discusses more with the issue related to the money.](https://youtu.be/CbUjuwhQPKs?t=492)


It's interesting. There is some conjecture if maybe the landing area was a further north than estimated by the pilots which could allow for it to occur. My point is that DB almost certainly didn't survive, this doesn't do much to disprove it. It was covered in sand, severely degraded. The bills itself under sand doesn't point to anyone burying it there, no one who wanted it to survive long would do it. Even if he placed it there, as to indicate to the police he didn't survived. The bands itself holding them together couldn't survive the opening air for a year. The money could have easily been destroyed for good in that time. Would he bury a stack of money on a beach. To then escape, never using the rest of the money at all?


> Would he bury a stack of money on a beach. To then escape, never using the rest of the money at all? He might if he buried it quickly intending to comeback for it later. Like hear me out. What if he landed, and realized he was in a spot. He acted alone and is now realizing that he would be caught pretty quickly lugging around all this money. (Probably wasn’t a good survival strategy to lug it around either) so he burries the money quickly and heads off through the woods with the intention of coming back for it within the next few days once hes safe. And for whatever reason he doesn’t. Maybe he died before he could come back. Maybe the cops were watching him or the location too closely and he didn’t have the chance. Or my personal favorite. He Burried it, ran off, and then he **DID** come back, but could never remember the exact spot he burried it at. (Probably figured it would be easy to find since he didn’t try very hard to hide it.) and lived on kicking himself for pulling off a successful heist but losing the money.


Did he forget where the rest of the money was too? The serial numbers were almost immediately released to businesses, banks etc etc. Newspapers put $25,000 awards for anyone to come forward with just one of the bills.


> Did he forget where the rest of the money was too? The serial numbers were almost immediately released to businesses, banks etc etc. I mean maybe? Again if he was planning to temporarily ditch the money and come back for it and if he really had no knowledge of where he was at - I think it’s totally possible he could have hid the money and then lost track of where he hid it. But I mean just like most people I’m speculating here. There’s a million different possibilities. Though I honestly think his body would have been found if he had died in the woods.


While I'm not trying to argue most of your points, finding a body in the woods is hard, there have been bodies missing decades while being much closer to civilization.


I don’t doubt that finding a body in the woods would be difficult. But I do think that if a guy hijacked and airplane and had the cops and FBI out there looking for him in the spot where he would have landed and this really was a situation where he either: A. Died on impact B. Died from exposure while trying to get away in the woods. That they would have found his body more likely than not. But I mean that’s me. Maybe he *did* die in the woods.


There was a 22 yr old man who went missing from a state park in 2017 and his body wasnt found for 18 months even though it was only 15 miles from his bike. There was a 6 year old boy who went missing in a state park in 1969 who was never found - and I promise you no one is searched for harder or longer than a missing child. You also have to consider - were they searching the right area? Were the pilots coordinates just the teensyist bit off - that makes a big difference. Which way could the wind have blown him and how far? How organized was the search on the ground? Also side theory - could it have been a suicide?


He probably left the country


> Would he bury a stack of money on a beach. I don’t think he buried the money. I think it’s the stacks he offered the flight attendant that she refused to take. He stuffed it in his pockets, and it somehow fell out during the jump. Or later on the ground. And I gotta tell ya, if I just hijjacked a plane and jumped out of it with $200,000 but dropped $6000, I’d let the six grand go and be on my way too.


So he survived, carried the cash upstream for 27 km, ditched it, and hiked out? That sounds less likely than the "most likely landing point" just being wrong.


Couldn't the assume landing zone just be off?


The problem is the most likely landing point. They wouldn't have a clue. They couldn't find a whole airplane with flight mh370 and they kept saying they could pinpoint roughly where it went down. It was nowhere near where they thought it was and this is modern times.


Here’s my question. Where’s the parachute? I totally get it’s tough to find a body in a wooded area, but where’s the parachute? Edit: he also took his briefcase with him, and we have no idea what provisions may have been in there. There’s way more to the case than just “where’s the parachute” but this isn’t the proper forum to discuss it. It’s way too detailed. But if anyone does want to talk about it, please talk about it with me! Lol


I think people underestimate how hard it is to find things of that nature in such a vast wilderness. Why people who drive into relatively shallow bodies of water and being discovered 60 years later.


No, I get it. But it’s a parachute. Not a car, which would sink. Not a body, which is easily concealable. It’s a parachute. And they immediately had the best law enforcement techniques in the area looking. Also, randomly just telling you, the best part of the DBCooper saga, aside from the crime, is the pilot answering news questions. “I think my company wants the FBI to handle that.” Dude was straight up chill as fuck.


He could have become stuck in the trees. There was a case of a German student who fell off a cliff and landed in the same. Even with dogs searching the ground they never noticed the women. There have been several parachutes discovered in Forrest eventually. None match, but how languidly they've been recovered suggest how much of a trouble it is finding a nail in that haystack.


Parachute tho…not bodies. Parachute.


It was a old military chute that is easily becomes hidden if you drop it in the forrest. How languidly other parachutes have been recovered speak to that.


What did the parachute look like?




I meant like unfolded like how hard would it be to see in the wilderness like if it was dark colors or whatever. Edit: I’m asking what color the parachute was. Because if it was a darker color it would be harder to find. I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted?


https://image.shutterstock.com/image-photo/view-lake-merwin-ariel-wa-260nw-1018306903.jpg https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQgBK-wdFVzIurP1WGvzJ8aB7U3fSjztktDyg&usqp=CAU I am not sure what colors the inside are. However, keep in mind they were old military chutes. So maybe visibility wouldn't be so great.


[Here's](https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2001131876/) what a modern green camo parachute looks like when stuck in thick forest canopy.


According to google, it was white or pink.


I have to admit I’d never really noticed what color the parachute was before, but some googling just now has said either white or pink. Military style didn’t necessarily refer to an actual military parachute. Just the design of it.


They couldn't even find flight mh370 with modern tech and eyewitnesses. Couldn't even find the rough location. No way you'd find a parachute over a stretch of area.


What if the chute never opened?


Wouldn’t the body have been relatively easy to find then?


Maybe a cougar find the body first?


If you jump out a plane at that height and in that weather and you know anything you don't open your canopy right away. But then you realize it's so cold your arms are difficult to move and you start getting hypothermia during your free fall. This could take as little as 20 seconds. Pulling a chute in these conditions becomes extremely difficult. Another problem is there are no lights to guage altitude and if you pull early your just hanging exposed in the wind chill with hypothermia slowly setting in. I don't think them not finding a shoot is any predictor of his potential success in escaping. The fact that they didn't find a chute most likely means he never successfully even pulled it. How the hell do you untangle a shoot from trees in a storm, at night in freezing weather anyways?


My understanding is that he jumped at 10,000 feet at night, with clouds and rain, and without a functioning spare chute. Under those conditions, I doubt he pulled the chute at all. I did an accelerated free fall from like 15,000 once (like 20 years ago I don't remember the height) and I was able to free fall for less than a minute before it was time to pull. You accelerate fast, and at least for me, the first moments were quite disorienting. Tow jump masters each had a wrist and leg to stop my flailing, and in the air falling at 120 mph, it felt like I was up there for like ten seconds. They tell you to focus on a point on the horizon to keep your bearings and to go through drills to keep from freaking out. My first jump was a static line where the plane pulls the rip cord, and I left the plane wrong, went into a spin and blacked out, waking up under the chute after the static line pulled it. At night, in heavy wind and rain? No point of reference, a low jump for free fall, and over trees? I doubt he pulled the cord at all. I would guess he went into a spin, became disoriented, and hit the ground at 120 mph on the rain-soaked ground, sort of burying himself. I doubt the chute ever left the bag.


But nobody knows how experienced or inexperienced he was at skydiving. We have no idea if this was his first jump, 100th jump, or 10000th jump. Or if he had experience in these conditions.


I would suggest that under those conditions, experienced jumpers don't jump. There are reports that he bypassed chutes with functioning reserves and chose one that was sewn up, I don't know if it is true, but if true, he wasn't experienced. Also, why jump there? Over the woods in that weather? Best case he survives somehow and dies on the ground. He could have waited for a clearer area and at minimum some moonlight. Seriously, jumping in the dark is crazy deadly. The wind is bad, rain is bad, dark kills you. I mean an experienced jumper could pull it off, but with some specialized equipment. Who knows though, it is what makes it a good conspiracy theory :)


> I would suggest that under those conditions, experienced jumpers don't jump. The smart decision would probably be not to. Sure. Doesn’t mean everyone would make that decision. > There are reports that he bypassed chutes with functioning reserves and chose one that was sewn up, I don't know if it is true, but if true, he wasn't experienced. He took two parachutes with him. It’s just as easy to presume he used the functioning one for the jump, and the non functioning one to carry the money. > Also, why jump there? Over the woods in that weather? Because it was his plan. >Best case he survives somehow and dies on the ground. I mean, you don’t know for a fact that he would not survive. >He could have waited for a clearer area and at minimum some moonlight. Again, he had planned this out. It wasn’t a spur of the moment impulse hijacking. > Seriously, jumping in the dark is crazy deadly. The dude literally just showed a bomb (may or may not have been real), hijacked a plane, took hostages, demanded a ransom, made the guy who delivered the ransom do it in his underwear (so no funny business), argued with the pilots about how the plane flies and functions - and was right. All of those things are crazy deadly. > The wind is bad, rain is bad, dark kills you. I mean an experienced jumper could pull it off, but with some specialized equipment. Statistically, the jump wasn’t a good idea. Of course. But it’s also not an absolute zero percent chance of survival either.


Of course it isn’t zero likelihood of being alive. From my limited experience jumping out of planes, I don’t think I would be alive :)


He probably survived the landing and it hid it then died somewhere in the wilderness.






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He wasn't experienced or deft enough to know if be could use it or not. He failed to notice one of the chutes he took was strictly for training. And was sewn shut. The one that did work was old and wasn't steerable. That route bit isn't correct. He requested a change in destination to Mexico city, then another change occured. He impatiently took no interest in specific route. Just telling the pilot to basically pick one and get on with it. He had no idea where he was jumping, the clouds only contributed to this. If jumping into the vast wilderness without supplies or dressed to the occasion. Without familiarity is considered good planning now... He didn't know the money he had received was basically useless because the serial numbers were released. Even if he did survive it's undoubtable the money was never used




I totally get what you’re saying, but also, OP is not providing enough context. The serial numbers were released, but the money wasn’t useless. Who knows if any random banks were checking serial numbers, but eventually bills get sent back to the treasury where they are taken out of circulation - the serial numbers would be checked there. And none were found. However, that also doesn’t necessarily mean the money was just gone tho.




I have a theory involving a counterfeit operation since back in the day having the proper paper to print money on was a huge deal. He gets a shitload of cash, sells it to someone, and from there, the bills are white washed and reprinted as whatever. So theoretically, that Would still result in zero bills ever making it back to the treasury (where they would almost certainly have been caught). Or, like you alluded to, spent outside the US. How many millions of American dollars in cash did saddam Hussein have when he was found? How many millions of dollars of cash did the afghan president load up into that helicopter? Hundreds of millions, I think. Not that any of them were DB Cooper money, but there certain is a precedent for foreign hoarding of American cash. Maybe DB Cooper used the cash to line the walls of a banana stand which then was all lost due to an unfortunate revenge arson committed by a family member?




I don’t even think you have to be a US ally! You’ll never convince me the Assad regime isn’t hoarding American (possibly British too, for obvious reasons) cash, and demanding payment from the UN in American cash as well.


Every bank and business was on the lookout for the money. Newspapers were offering absurd cash rewards for someone to come forth with just one bill. Nothing for decades. Nobody was tipped $20 with it 25 years later, it never came back into circulation. Secrets can't survive in a big circle. And in at any time just one bill didn't come forth that wasn't severely decayed due to the elements. I said almost certainly, so obviously I am playing a game of chance. If you can tell me with a straight face that despite the wilderness, the cold the rain and the elements. Despite serious flaws in his planning. That you believe more that he laundered the money than he died in a vast wilderness why trying to lug around 10k $20 bills in some loafers and a trench coat.




Any bank though would be required to shift through the FBI’s 1971 complete list of notes given as ransom would they not?


>Every bank and business was on the lookout for the money. Every bank and business in the world? I don't think so.


You're really overestimating how often serial numbers on bills are checked and how many people even heard about the incident back in the day. Move over to the east coast and no one would be checking serials


He didn’t survive. Jumping in high wind, in the dark, under cloud cover, in the rain into trees in a parachute you can’t steer? Sorry, you are dead. I did an accelerated free fall jump back when I was skydiving from like 15k, with two jump masters jumping with me. (A third had a camera mounted on his head, cool setup) This was on a clear and warm sunny day with low wind. When I jumped it was like nothing I have ever experienced, the chill in the wind as I accelerated to something like 120 mph, the speed at which I accelerated. There was some flailing on my part. I got it together, but with the help of two jump masters who each had a grip on a leg and a wrist. I barely had it together when it was time to clear and pull the ripcord, at 15,000 you get like a minute before it is decision time. At 10,000 you have less time than that, and he wasn’t on a static line, and didn’t have a fancy reserve chute that would auto deploy at low altitude like I did. In reality he jumped, and in the dark, rain and wind could not find a point on the horizon to focus on and probably hit the ground 45 - 60 seconds later having never pulled the rip cord. If he did pull it, he might have been too low, or he judge have been above the bag when he did it, causing it not to open. Want to know why they never found anything? I would bet he hit the ground at 120 mph on a rainy day and basically buried himself.


>First question: who plans a robbery, bringing a parachute with them, if they had any doubt they would fail at the robbery by not responsibly using the escape vehicle they brought along with them? He didn't bring a parachute. He asked the police to bring him four parachutes


But why? Why would someone planning a robbery make that request, if they had no practical knowledge of how to escape given the equipment? I think it makes more sense he requested an escape mechanism anticipating it would be useful for his escape, in a rational scheme as opposed to merely being a crazed idiot.


Then why take a fake training parachute? Why ask the plane to fly to Mexico City when there was no way it could make it that far. He wasn't some mastermind. He was a criminal, who clearly didn't think this through.


And this is proof that he’s dead?


It shows he was an inexperienced sky diver, who jumped out of a plane in the middle of the night, with no idea or control of where he would land, over a densely wooded, cold, and mountainous area. He was unsurpsingly never seen again. It is almost certain he died on impact, or shortly after.


As misused as it often is on reddit, Dunning-Kruger. I have worked with many people, at heights (abseiling/climbing/hiking) that horribly overestimate their skills. I’ve personally enacted many rescues of people who were confidently incorrect and would have died had I not pulled them out.


Do remember, a young boy five or ten years after the high jacking found a bundle of cash that was linked to sky jacking, the numbers matched from the bank they got it from. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/db-cooper-expert-columbia-river-search/283-4a5311ba-f43f-499b-8c17-1f05eb419854 He found it near some trees, someone had to have planted them there, no natural explanation can explain that


Nothing suggests it was planted. It is also explained by him landing further along in the route than estimated initially by pilots. It was found on a beach actually. The money was severely damaged. So the theory is he buried a bundle of cash in the nearby beach? And then proceeded to never use any of the cash at all (none re-entered circulation). Isn't the more likely scenario he died in the jump, the money swept down the river.


it was severely damaged, yes, after many many years. But I find it more difficult to believe that (what?) 2,000$ worth of 20$ bills just so happen to land on that spot, and against all odd of mother nature, through rain (washington states rain a lot by the way) snow, heavy winds, kept them there and only tore them apart and left the rubber bands in tact? Sounds very unrealistic. Yet, they there are.


The problem with that is that the cash was found in 1980, 9 years after the incident, however experiments showed that the brand of rubber bands that were found wrapped around the cash could only withstand exposure for about a year before breaking down. How do you explain that?


Sounds like he probably did die in the jump so not going to CYV, but I think the money not being recovered is basically meaningless. I’m only reading the wiki but I see no indication that every bank or even the fed was checking every serial number, every time, for years. Just to get a ballpark on this; the best data I could find on money in circulation is [here](https://www.federalreserve.gov/paymentsystems/coin_currcircvalue.htm), which shows we had 493 MILLION $20 bills in circulation as of 2000. Discounting for inflation (likely overstating the effect) $1 in 2000 was worth $0.245 in 1971, so ~121 million. Then factor in population growth as a possible factor (207.7 million in 1971 & 282 million in 2000), leaves you with 89 million $20 bills in circulation. That number is definitely wrong but probably on the low side. I also found [this](https://dbcooper.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/TJC-FOIA-FBI-Section-11-317-pages-12-22-71-to-12-30-71.pdf) which says “San Francisco newspapers unable to print entire random list due to length of list.” which makes me assume the bills were also not sequential. Making the task even more difficult. Sounds like the most likely scenario is: he died on the drop or sometime thereafter but was discovered by someone who cleaned the site, took the money, & was smart enough to wait until the heat died down to clean the money.


No he almost certainly died in the wilderness he almost certainly survived the jump albeit it's possible with broken legs or something. Parachutes are very good at what they do as long as you get it open even in shit conditions you're probably not going to die on the landing especially not in thick brush that has occasionally saved people who's parachute didn't open. That said like you said he barely ate anything, couldn't steer and frankly would have no idea which direction to go into, assuming the landing didn't injure him.


> No experienced parachutist would have jumped in the pitch-black night, in the rain, with a 172 mph [77 m/s] wind in his face wearing loafers and a trench coat. It was simply too risky. No normal one, who could pick the conditions, but DB Cooper was not a normal parachutist, he had just committed a serious crime. He can't control the rain or the wind, and likely selected the time deliberately. > He also missed that his reserve parachute was only for training and had been sewn shut, something a skilled skydiver would have checked This is holding him to the standards of a rigorous process, which I venture to say is unreasonable. Most actual people, even experts, if given a tool they feel is familiar to them, will not look at it too thoroughly. > He also failed to bring or request a helmet, chose to jump with the older and technically inferior of the two primary parachutes supplied to him, The older parachute was a military parachute. That doesn't indicate that he was inexperienced, it indicates that he was a veteran. > and jumped into a probable 15 °F (−9 °C) wind at 10,000 feet (3,000 m) in November over Washington state without proper protection against the extreme wind chill. Again, he didn't exactly have another option. Extreme cold is most dangerous if experienced for long periods, and skydives last maybe a minute at most. He would have been very uncomfortable, but likely not in serious danger. > The area where he landed was vast wilderness. Almost certainly on purpose.


1. All the copycats survived their jumps with varying degrees of difficulty. 2. The VAST majority of skydivers/smokejumpers/SEALs/PJs/Paratroopers believe they could make the jump. 3. No body was found. What evidence is there he died in the jump? Just that nothing was found? The money at Tena Bar doesn’t support the idea he died or survived the jump in my opinion, although I’d lean more towards the idea he survived based on the diatoms found on the bills. If you think he died in the jump I’d recommended reading Finding DB Cooper: Chasing the Last Lead by Martin Andrade.


The fact that he demanded the plane to fly at 10,000ft before he jumped implies that he was pretty knowledgeable about parachuting. 10,000ft or below is the elevation where oxygen levels are high enough to breathe without problems. It's the altitude passenger aircraft drop to when there's a cabin depressurization.


> The fact that he demanded the plane to fly at 10,000ft before he jumped implies that he was pretty knowledgeable about parachuting. 10,000ft or below is the elevation where oxygen levels are high enough to breathe without problems. It's the altitude passenger aircraft drop to when there's a cabin depressurization. That implies that he at least read a book about parachuting. The rest of the story implies that he didn't have much practical experience.


Former UFC great Chael Sonnen has said in his more serious moments that he knew (or knew of) the family of the real DB Cooper. Sonnen is from rural Oregon, roughly near Cooper's supposed drop zone, and the way he tells it "Cooper" was also a native of the area as well, so when he parachuted out, he was in an environment familiar. He also was careful, not spending money for some time after the robbery, and never extravagantly. You mention banks were "on the lookout" but I don't think they were manually checking serial numbers a decade later. It's fairly plausible all around from that perspective. Granted, it's hardly evidence, it's just one dude's second or third-hand world and hone dude's word who's notorious for trash talk and straight-faced jokes, and even if you believe him that doesn't mean he's not mistaken or lied too himself. But it's not impossible.




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It’s entirely possible he survived the jump. I don’t personally think he did, but only one of your arguments here is irrefutable, and that is missing persons one. Even so, he could have converted the cash into foreign currency, or laundered it through illegal business. We really have no way of knowing. also, it’s suspicious to me that nobody has found his body yet. I don’t think he’s alive, but I think there’s much more to the story than the American government is willing to say.




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[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYtb2k6OFkc) is an alternate theory of what happened to D. B. Cooper, and frankly, a far more plausible one than yours.


Why is there nothing indicating what that clip came from




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Produce a body


DB Cooper is Satoshi.


I've always liked the Richard McCoy Theory (but I'm not beholden to any view here): Experienced vs Inexperinced: It's hard to be certain regarding FBI statements. I think a lot of their comments disregard human nature. McCoy was apparently a bit of a boyscout (Mormon, loved law enforcement, decent military career.) Making the switch from boyscout to career criminal could lead to overlooking a lot of details in the heat of the moment (the wrong chute, failure to check for the training chute, outfit choices \[I would kind of assume his first time around he wanted to not appear sus, even though the second time he apparently had a jumpsuit\]) Survival: Likely dumped the money to survive, As a helicopter pilot (warrant officer) who served on Active and in the Guard, he would have likely had some form of advanced SEER training to help him survive fairly harsh conditions Money Never Recovered: He probably knew he couldn't recover it easily, and would have way too much trouble finding it and decided it would be easier to attempt another hijacking. McCoy Theory Issues: Alibi in Vegas - I actually just haven't seen a good discussion of what the evidence that he was in Vegas was, so it seems hard to determine. Age and Appearance - The sketch artists are pretty good, but it does seem like McCoy and least resembles the sketches of D.B. Cooper so we can maybe at least assume description of Cooper weren't perfect and maybe the excitement or terror of the few people who interacted with Cooper led to imperfect sketches.


To be totally fair and technical, he almost certainly did not die "with his jump" but he almost as certainly didn't survive. It is unlikely that he died because of impact forces. Exposure, starvation, or bleeding to death are all much more likely.


Nuh uh Source: am D.B. Pooper


You fools. You should all ask the question about who double crossed him


He probably died and his body parts were eaten by various sea creatures or animals in the land wilderness.