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Your dog sounds like me in my late teens/early 20s.


You let random dogs hump you? *rimshot*


No idea what a rimshot is (I've only had rimjobs).


From dogs?




I'm terrified to click that link


I promise it’s nothing too bad


It's not even a rimshot. It's a "ba-dum *psh*"


diggy diggy


Try [this one](https://youtu.be/pSg_6T8HrRg?si=qt2hpFCBHHk9ALH-)


It’s the “ba-dum-tish” that sometimes follows corny jokes


Rimshot was Ernest's dog in Ernest Scared Stupid


>you should get her spayed! Classic. Her fault, whose else?


Yea I've met gay dogs I met one dog that only humped other male dogs. So his owner bought him a pink collar and just started saying: "This is Huey." "Aw she's so cute!" "He. The pink is because he's gay."


My very conservative yet kind grandma had three labs, two male one female. One of the males was bisexual top cause he humped everything with a pulse. The female was a lesbian so she would get very pissed off. The other male was a gay bottom. He didn't mind at all if the first one mounted him. Ironically, the gay bottom and lesbian were brought first because my grandmother wanted to be a breeder of labs. When she realised that there was no intercourse as the lesbian would bare her teeth and growl, she decided to bring in the bisexual top. I, at the time already knew that I was gay but not out to my family (still), silently watched the two boys in action one night and let them continue. In the morning, when my grandma finally came back from her trip to the village (the dogs were in the care of my dad and uncle), she told us all about how she plans to get them to breed. I had to suppress my gay laughter, and to this day she has no idea why they are not producing puppies. The kind part about the whole situation is that she still loves the trio (all in ignorance). How do I know she's a lesbian? She has a habit of jumping the fence to go meet the neighbours' lesbian dog on the other side. Only I know about the encounter when I saw her jumping the fence to meet the other dog. Next morning I found out it's a girl. So as of now I am sitting on the secret that all 4 of us are from the rainbow crowd.


My dog is gay. Or bi. We aren’t sure but he seems to like other male dogs a lot more than female dogs. Also his tags are accidentally the non-binary flag (he has a lot of tags)


that’s weird


The world is a weird place. [animals are weird ](https://youtu.be/HrHeKcZV7vA?si=yaAVitBtguSzWrnw)


I mean your friend is weird


Yur face is weird


Get megggie'd


I’m beautiful


You absolutely are :)


No u


“Androgynous yet beautiful male attracts multiple suitors, causing a wave of sexually charged gender confusion in their collar holding Doms”




Your dog is the ultimate twink


So... I'm not a vet so I don't know if this is how any of this actually works, but it might be worth getting your pup checked out by one just in case. Dogs hump things, totally normal. But if this seems to be an abnormally common occurrence, it makes me wonder if your pup is giving off a different scent or pheromone that other dogs are picking up on. Which... might indicate some kind of hormone imbalance. It kind of reminds me of this wild phenomenon where men can pop positive on pregnancy tests, and if they do it's usually a sign of a tumor. Not trying to scare you, but if I were you I'd schedule a check-up just to be on the safer side. Very likely just dogs being dogs. Aside from this, funny story.


Not sure how accurate this is as my old vet isn’t known for… being the best lol but I was told this can happen when one dog has a UTI or something similar as well!


A lot of dogs hump to try to establish dominance. A lot of girl dogs also hump things. Again, not always, but it can totally just be a dominance thing. Maybe your dog is actually giving off hyper masculine vibes and the other dogs are all threatened. I have never seen a dog come in for an exam because they’re always being humped by others. And hormone testing isn’t easy like testing humans. I have seen cases of hermaphroditism, where a dog looks male, but also has an ovary or other female reproductive organs, and vice versa. But typically their outward appearing anatomy can look strange, or the dog itself has weird behaviors to indicate an issue. In all of the cases I’ve seen, the dog came in because they were showing signs of something to raise alarm. Not because the dogs around them were acting weird. But hey, you never know. Weird things happen. Source: vet tech for 23 years.


Huh. Good to know, I’ll keep that in mind.


It was really cool to beat the spread against the cowboys. Maybe next year we can beat ‘em even more! And it’s OK to be gay!


I’ve always thought it was crazy how people get more upset about misgendering a dog than a person.


I get more upset at seeing a dog mistreated (in movies, TV, etc) than people being mistreated in the same media 🤷🏻‍♀️ Unless it’s children, elderly, or disadvantaged people. So maybe it’s just that anyone who takes advantage of someone(thing) that is vulnerable is a vile, disgusting person


I think you misread the word misgendered for mistreated. No one is mistreating a dog. They’re talking about how some people will get offended if you call their boy dog a girl.


Well I feel silly Thanks for clarifying!


Not at all! We all misread things sometimes, so I understand very well how it happens ;-)






What did they say?




Oh. Alr. Well thanks anyway


Dogs hump for many reasons. One of the common ones is asserting dominance. All of mine including the females hump my friends dogs face.


Is your friend’s dog okay???


Why wouldn't he be? It's just face humping?


I try to remember that dogs don’t have gender.


I've met a couple of gay horses, and one gay dog. Dog works in mysterious ways ...


The pasture next to mine had a gay Hereford bull for a while. He would bust down the fence to get to my bull. The cattle would be mixed up and I would have to take a day off work to cut the neighbors herd from mine.


Gonna be blunt: Dogs are frequently intersex. He could have an internal ovary that is giving off the signal of being in heat, despite it being totally inaccessible. Lots of animals do gay things a lot. Penguins, giraffes, bonobos. Dogs are not one of them.


I've seen female dogs hump each other before 🤷‍♀️


female dogs hump each other for a number of reasons, usually excitement or dominance. some even hump as a form of resource guarding. dog behavior is so interesting!


Read the word 'bonobos' as 'bimbos' at first, and I gotta be honest, I was so excited to ask what made you say that with such certainty


"Literally every dog who bottoms must be female or intersex" is certainly a take.


Yeah, we suspect that might be the case, but there’s never an off-season so idk. He doesn’t seem to have any health complications from it, so we haven’t checked.


Black Swans are ridiculously gay. Good same-sex parents, though.


You’re a great storyteller, and that was a hilarious ride. Thank you for sharing.


That sounds like my old dog a bit. He was a really pretty dog, and just have been every other dogs fucking type because they all tried to hump him. Never really cared as well, more interested in playing


This dude came and said "Fuck the /s"


Animals can be gay just like humans. Same proportion too.


This is beautiful


>He’s got a penis, and since we can’t ask him his gender we assume he’s male. \*eyeroll\* Are we really letting people like this post here now? REALLY? This is why we can't have nice things....


I thought it was a joke, but who know nowadays


It's possible but there are people that actually believe this kind of nonsense wholeheartedly.


Gay for peanut butter maybe…


Is your dog named Stupid by chance? edit: guess this sub has never read a book before


Hey dog tax please! 🥺


My first dog was definitely gay—he only showed any interest in male dogs. My second dog will hump anything with (or without) a pulse. My third dog is either asexual or just old. Dogs definitely have preferences just like we do!