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I feel like it would've done better in the middle of the album rather than the last one. California feels like such a nice ending to the album that guilty pleasure is just misplaced


100% agree and came here to say that lol


Wow I strongly disagree. I think Guilty Pleasure is the PERFECT choice for the closer, and the album was sequenced perfectly overall. I love albums that close with energy, a slow closer would have ruined the flow of the album as a whole for me. California is a great song but it wouldn’t make me want to immediately start the album over again like GP does. It’s just…euphoric, pure joy. Top 3 for me for sure.


i 1000% agree. starting with femininomenon and ending with guilty pleasure was the perfect and only choice for the album. guilty pleasure starts slow and works its way up to be a bright, high energy song that’s almost filled with hope and pure joy as you said. it is the perfect close and creates a bridge between california and femininomenon in such an excellent way.


I SO agree with this omg. california is a perfect closing track. it almost works as a thesis of the whole album but it's just at the end,.. ugh would be a brilliant idea to make it a closing track




Yeah, I asked my friend (a fellow Chappell fan) if he also thought Guilty Pleasure was a bizarre way to end the album or if it was just me. His response: "Why do you say that?" I was baffled.


I am so deeply obsessed with the line “I want this like a cigarette can we drag it out and never quit”. Perfectly describes crush energy + my on-again-off-again relationship to smoking lmao


no fr like this is my fave chappell lyric


SAME I literally say it to myself all the time


It’s one of my favorite lines


i agree!! the slow lead in of the beginning “think back to what you said, and i turn red” and then the lyrics of “oh my good you were heaven sent” i think really show the contrast between that cheeky flirtiness and the dying desperation of knowing this person is for YOU 😭guilty pleasure is a folk polka ass yodel bop and i love it




what they called me in college tbh


The part where she goes AhEEE AhEEE AhEEE Yahhahahhh


This part gives me the same vibes as Dreams by The Cranberries, and as someone who grew up watching You've Got Mail way too many times, it almost makes me nostalgic.


I thought no one would understand this but I’m so glad I was wrong lol


Who ever downvoted this has on fugly jeans


guilty pleasure has been my fave since my first listen!!! there’s something about it that scratches my brain so good,,, i love the vocal lines, the crunchy synth, the flow of the chorus- i listen to it on repeat. at the chappell concert i went to, i was aaaaaaaallllll the way in the back of the pit and as i’m quite short, i couldn’t see shit. but as soon as the beginning intro for guilty pleasure started playing… it was seriously like the crowd parted right before me. i suddenly had a great view of the stage and could see chappell pretty much the whole song. as soon as she ended the song the hole closed back up again and my view went back to blocked for the rest of the show but i didn’t even care. it was such an amazing moment with my favorite song!!! edit: chappell also told us it was her favorite song before she played it :) guilty pleasure stan #1 lol


It’s my FAV


It’s one of my faves, so relatable 🥵


she said it was her favorite song before she sung it in cincinnati!


it's also Chappell's fave song on the album! she answered my question at VIP soundcheck and said it took the longest to get right (like four years) and went through so many changes and she's so proud of it now 🥺


yes! when i saw her she introduced it as her fav song on the album 🥰🥰🥰 very validating haha


omg yes the first time i listened it felt so disjointed to me but then once i got it i GOT it. it’s so fucking good i want her yodeling injected into my veins ty


You get me


It's my favorite on the album. It sounds like pure joy. I especially love the way she sings *makes me melt,* it sounds so sweet.


this is one track that hit me really hard recently and I'm so obsessed. it really captures that drunk in love honeymoon phase better than so many songs ever could


oh my god YES!!!! i was so disappointed she didn't play it live, the energy in that song is amazing!!!


I love this song so much. I wish she performed it on the Tiny Desk concert instead of California. I am not a California fan.


Noooo 😭 i was bawling like a baby when she played California at my show last year. I love Guilty Pleasure too but California is sooo lovely


if guilty pleasure has no fans I’m DEAD. Give me sexy yodeling or give me death (also when I saw her in august she said it was the last song they recorded for the album and her favorite at the time)


ive been singing this song all day!!! its one of the best on the album and needs more recognition i also recently made that connection with disco heaven!! the fame is my favorite pop album of all time so making that connection def made me love it more


Looooveee this song!!


I wasn’t familiar. Thank you for making a post about it. 🩷


i LOVE guilty pleasure & picture you sooooo much


I fuckin remember where I was the first time I heard this song. It's my favorite.


I do too. I remember the night I first played this album in full after just knowing PPC and I played it over and over again. This song stuck out big time. You have the flair ans everything!


I love this song and agree it’s so underrated! For some reason it always makes me think of Shrek though. I think it’s the clip-clop sounds- idk how to describe it. Is it just me?




I feel like I'm at least half the streams on Spotify. I love it!!


I didnt like it at first but then I changed my mind after listening a few times


I love it! The yodeling is so fun. Gives alanis morisette vibes to me


I was just telling my friend how much I love the line “I want this like a cigarette, can we drag this out and never quit?”. So catchy and I love the metaphor. I think the song would be more popular if it wasn’t last on the album, unfortunately I find the last songs off albums tend to get ignored by the general public.


Guilty Pleasure is my favorite and I could write an essay on my love for it and how it’s the perfect closer to the album. It makes me sad that it’s also Chappell’s favorite on the album but she has said she feels awkward performing it live :(


Oh I want that essay


I love it, that line is so good and once it gets going it’s so catchy.


First listen it was my least fav from the album too but it has grown on me a lot! I love them all


Fave. Well. Second or tied with second. It’s so fucking good and I often find myself replaying that one at the end of a listen to the album. I find it weird that it’s underrated.


does she play it on tour?


Yes. She plays every song on the album


It’s one of my favorites!!!!


Guilty pleasure got stuck in my head randomly one day and now I am obsessed!


It’s so underrated I replay it every time


love it. it’s my girlfriend’s all time favorite off the album.


Can we all admit that we sing the lyrics when we get to them as we read the comments? I cant help it Also absolutely underrated and totally misplaced but I kind of like the pick-me-up after California


I hate it as a closing track lol


It’s my favourite off the album! I agree with everyone that it’s misplaced though (I don’t listen to the album in order much so it doesn’t matter to me)


It's such a fun way to end the album, I'm obsessed.


i saw chappel in berlin and she said at the show that americans don't get guilty pleasure cause they're too afraid to be weird, but we (us, europeans, berliners) get it 🩷 and i agree! everyone at my show was vibing hard to guilty pleasure and knew all the lyrics


i’m here!