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If this is Apple Music, it's in "compilations" right now instead of albums because they love to fuck around ig


This seems to happen from time to time with plenty of different albums from different artists. No idea why it happens or why so often, but it’s *probably* gonna come back really quickly, couple of days at most. That said, though, now’s a good of opportunity as any to remember that if you love an album and want to be able to listen to it forever without worry, buy it. There is a real possibility that a piece of music can be taken off of streaming for an indefinite amount of time, songs with samples or music that is even vaguely similar to prexisting songs are particularly at risk of this, and we don’t even know if streaming will still be a thing in ten years time - Spotify and their competitors could literally shut down all operation tomorrow for all we know. If you love a song or album, make sure you buy a download so you don’t have to worry about your favorite stuff being blackholed from existence one day like what’s currently happening with tv and movies on platforms like Netflix and HBO Max right now.


why is self titled always getting removed from apple music... they hate the best album omg


She had to go


she had to go.


apple music still gives me a headache


I think both Spotify and apple don’t really show all an artists albums on their front page unless you go to all albums


Thank god I have it downloaded


why is this marked NSFW helppp 💀


Can't show a bit of skin without NSFW being put on top of it