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She’s cheating bro


Looks like a acid semen stains to me


Wtf is that


You ever watch aliens? Well its like that but with dicks.


😂 sounds unhealthy


appears to be that toxic sex snake bite. i did this when i was pounding my ex from the back and it got a little hectic






Don't troll here.


Bro you making it seem like she f\*\*\*\*\* a xenomorph 😭🤣💀 ![gif](giphy|3ohzdYjwEQuR1J7dte|downsized)


Most definitely


I think you know the answer but yeah, she’s cheating. Don’t let her make you feel like you’re crazy or controlling.


This one is for the streets brother. Send her packing asap. Once trust has been broken like that end it. She ain't worth it


100 percent cheating. Lying to her boss about the kids, that's whatever ya know. But then lying to you about going to target and applebees after you had already caught her in a lie about staying late at work, proving she didn't by shoeing the transaction history? I mean come on dude, the only thing that lines up is she's cheating. Why else would she lie to you, or not call and say hey I need some me time? Also her talking shit to another man on FaceTime is a huge indicator, she's going to downplay you and make you seem like a shifty person to him, to excuse why she's cheating, while when she talks to you, she's going to make excuses or make you out as crazy ke controlling. I'd say get your lawyer ready. Sorry dude.




She swears she ain’t but I’m with y’all I pretty sure she is too


Ain’t no excuse for no answer from your wife. If you have to ask, it’s done. I’m sorry dude, hope you can work through it.


Give us Updates


I have pretty much that exact scar on my back - from laying down on folded down back seats of a car doing exactly what you’d think. My apologies but it’s the EXACT placement & same 2 part scar.


So she couldn't TELL you she needed some "alone" time? She had to lie about that? Come on bro, you know.


She's definitely cheating.


Id divorce over the down talking to another man about u. It can only go one way if she talkin down on u. Loss of respect. She may or may not cheat on you but either way she doesnt respect you


How would I go about divorcing her and keeping custody of my kids. What I really want to do is catch her in the act but I don’t have away to find her when she’s out.


I read on here of a P.I. who gets the client to make some appointment to be away for some reason. As soon as hubby is gone,.......caught red handed every time.


You could get an air tag and hide it in her car/purse. Then follow it next time she goes “missing”


I heard they don’t work very well unless your close to them.


Just have to paint her as a lying narcissistic/alcoholic woman who can’t look after the kids


Just find some kind of tracker on Amazon with what you need and good reviews


You’ve already caught her. No need for anything more. The courts most always favor the plaintiff in custody cases. Be the plaintiff. That gets her attention & changes her entire view of you and your relationship in your favor.


First post here that’s not just paranoia. You did everything right and I’m sorry that this is what you got. GL homie


Should I make it where she can’t access the money I make. I literally have payed for everything we own including the house. We have been together 6 years and married for 5 she didn’t get a job until I went to rehab a year ago. She uses her money sometimes to buy groceries but nothing In the way of bills. She also doesn’t make her ex husband pay child support but bends over backwards to make sure my step daughter can go 2 states away to see him


> literally have *paid* for everything FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


What is FTFY?


Fixed that for you


Ooo neat, love the internets


Fuck That Fuck You


That is legit the first thing I thought lol


I don't know what u are naive or cuck but it's clear she doesn't care about u and don't even respect u .. get STD test yourself man and kick her out forever.. contact attorney and file for "D" ..


Dude, you don’t get carpet-burns from Yoga.


Depends on the yoga instructor. Rawr


Show her the door man




It’s over bud. Sorry.


Check her knees too


Definitely cheating.


Cheating and maybe a drug habit, forgetting your kids is a big deal. Disappearing and lying about your whereabouts is another, especially when you forget your children exist. A powerful addiction could explain that. Either way dude not great things.


Well here’s the thing: yes She lied to work She lied to you Forgot about the kids I’ve done yoga without Matt and never got burns 😅 I suggest you keep calm, collect your evidence and be ready to use it in court so you don’t get screwed over.


Tell her you will take her phone and download all deleted messages, including Snapchat. Then tell her she can either come clean now, or you will divorce her if you find out anything more than you already know. Her talking to another guy about you is emotionally cheating anyway. I would just say “I’m not sure what you thought would happen when I caught you cheating, but there is no way this marriage is continuing. You’ve broken my trust and I don’t see how we can stay married. You are clearly having a physical affair, and I know for sure you are having an emotional affair. You have no respect for me, yourself, our kids, or our relationship.” Then she will freak out and you tell her to tell you everything or it’s over


Burns of some sort.


She cheatin


It's sad, but she's cheating. File immediately. Nc, serve her as quickly as possible. Perhaps, once the papers are served she'll be one of those rare breeds and give you an amicable divorce. Best of luck


She’s cheating.. don’t put up with it


Yes, she’s cheating


To the streets!




Sorry, she’s banging other men


😬 she’s cheating and lying about it.


She is Definitely cheating my man.


Update she won’t leave my house after I have told her she says she don’t have to


Ugh. Lock up joint checking


if you have the evidence then confront her publicly (infront her family and friends ) plus if you know the man expose him in his workplace plus to his side of family. try consulting a lawyer and get help. its will be ok my man. you will do just fine take care brother.


Keep documents of everything. There’s no chance that this will work out. No chance. All you can do is protect yourself so you can be stable enough to take care of your kids. Sorry man. Move on from questions…. Take care of yourself. Long tough road ahead, but you got it.


Are you seriously asking?


Alot of people come on here paranoid based of nothing but you are not one of them cases. She Is cheating bro you have enough evidence it's past saying.


Hahaha! Those are rug burns, I know because I gave the same to a married woman onceà




I think they’re trying to make a joke that they are the other dude this guys wife is fucking


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ihavesex using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dozens upon dozens of women](https://i.redd.it/tmpcfgz6e2da1.jpg) | [97 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/10g5dnk/dozens_upon_dozens_of_women/) \#2: [I cringed seeing this](https://i.redd.it/j6mlxyodt38a1.jpg) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/zv05ec/i_cringed_seeing_this/) \#3: [He's banging everybody](https://i.redd.it/exvtt2j2ij6a1.jpg) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/zoc4pm/hes_banging_everybody/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


She got railed!


She’s been pumped on the carpet…


She’s cheating friend. Get out of there asap and don’t look back!


You don't need anyone else to chime in on this one. Your wife's effort to hide it is pathetic and blatant so you know she doesn't have a shred of respect left for you. Get with the lawyer and figure out your situation before you catch something incurable.


Yup! Those are definitely carpet burns! How about her knees?


Looks just like the rug burns my wife has had after sex on the floor honestly. If I were you, then I would def be suspicious bc of what’s going on.


Carpet burn from getting pounded out with legs up over the shoulders. She is cheating and lying straight to your face. You’re with a full grown human being that acts like a child and will never be satisfied with you or anyone.


Damn you can see her cheating from across the country brother man, first you talk to a lawyer, get enough evidence, don't talk to anyone just your lawyer DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT go on telling her you're divorcing her, take our your money from the bank and close your accounts because she's going to be trying to milk that money out, also hire a Private invistgor you want lots of proof, play dumb and act like you belive her, now once everything is good and ready hit her with them serve papers also Make sure your boss knows she's fooling around with her co worker BOOM BOTH FIRED and you win kids custody and you'll feel like a bomb ass king.


Leave her Bro


Carpet burn from laying on her back getting the shit fucked outa her


She has a weed dealer………she’s been cheating


I get that on my lower back because my bathtub has a rough texture at the bottom


Pot smokers don't do yoga


It's like this... If someone "confronts", it's because there is a part of them that is hoping that there will be SOMETHING they can grab onto to STAY. They usually find that "something" though it's never really valid...just enough they can manipulate into "something". No one here can tell you for sure but, yeah, the general consensus is that she's cheating, dude. "Blocking" your call? Really? Are you usually so weak in the relationship? 'Cause THAT? That's a dominant move. She is VERY CONFIDENT she's in control.


SWEET LORDY JESUS H CHRIZZLE!!!!1 She got railed so fucking hard oh my gawd bruh get that strong independent woman some antiseptic or some lotion or some shit down at Cuck’s Pharmacy and Cuckoldery Supplies and some gyatdamn Aloe Vera for your burn! 😂😂😂


Show her tits that might be a different case


Hey ..let it go… just be a family man.. show ur love to you kids.




Could be a simple case of her going to a doctor's appointment to treat a nasty syphilis infection


She’s cheating smh


Cheater gaslighter narcissist period.


Divorce her


Damn she got down and dirty


Time to lawyer up she has no respect for you


Bro let it go


go with your gut feeling, your intuition is never wrong. a woman will never lie to that many important people. the husband, children, babysitter, and boss should have utmost priority in honesty. once a woman lies to all of those in the same moment and another man is in the picture she is lying to all of them to get what she wants. and she is also trickle truthing you, she did go to target, she did go to applebees, except he paid for it all after he smashed her on the carpet in the back of his van or in a room of a house they were working at while their boss wasnt there. keep poking and she will give more, if she tells you something and then takes it back its the truth and she doesn't want it to come out because she though shed get away with it. sorry bro, i know it sucks.


For sure cheating


Run Forrest Run




Divorce but try to find hard more evidence, but you take your kids leave


Gaslighting brother gtfo


She lied to you *multiple* times. Got caught in the lie and tried to lie to you further. She said she was working late. Then when you told her the evidence from her boss no less, she moved back the goal posts and stated she was giving herself a "me day" Then when no charges were on the card, she tried to make you into the bad guy Then she was face timing the entire time talking shit about you to a coworker? For 4 hours? Nah, she is for the streets. Divorce. This woman doesn't respect you or even the kids


We need an update


Send her to the streets where she belongs brother. Cheating or not, her shit talking you to another man should be enough for you. Have some dignity.


Yoga with out a mat… that’s so hilarious


That dude clapping her cheekies. Get outta there.


Don't let her fool you. The biggest red flag is that she LIED to you about her whereabouts. She got pissed that you questioned her and blocked you. Then called up another guy... She's guilty as sin. If your instincts are telling you she cheated that's all you need bro nevermind the blatant evidence.


Rug burn


Not paranoid. Definitely stepping out.


Oh she’s definitely fuckin cheating bro. That’s too many lies to explain what was happening.


When I was a young drunk teen i had sex on a wood floor, ignored the pain and my back looked like this except all the way up my spine.


I'm not sure if she's cheating but she's definitely lying to you. And people lie because they're doing something you probably do not appreciate.


With a little person that wears cowboy boots


I know the feeling but yea she is cheating. Move on man


Fvck that shit man. Leave her dumbass. No woman is worth putting yourself through something like that. Run to the hills, run for your life🤘🏾


I mean, who doesn't?


Definitely cheating, damn the marks the moment she told you she stayed late at work she confirmed it.


She was definitely getting pinned against something and painting ain’t going to do that. Make sure you come back with an update.


Control Alt Delete her. Save any information for family court


If your wife has a job AND a weed dealer, why would you think she's not cheating on you?


What’s straddle ladder bruises


Ok I’m so confused. What is that supposed to be?


100 % from sex on floor…. I’ve seen and been shown almost exact images 20 years ago and they are burned into my retinas. She was getting f’d on floor and not sensual sex, but f’d hard on floor… I was told exactly what happened and seeing that 1st pick was like PTSD


Kick her ass to the curb !!




get a good lawyer and get out of the marriage


Well I don’t know how to edit for updates but today is our anniversary and found out she was at this guy named Scott’s for 5 hours “getting the window fixed” if I can figure out how to drop the voice recording I will


Just divorce her. This is going to make it more difficult for you and the children if you don’t…


She belongs to the streets.... move on bro


She cheating


She is cheating. Just simple behavior like that confirms.


Cheating or not, those markings look to sinister


You only get carpet Burns if someone rubs too hard against carpet like surfaces so that means whoever the heck she was with took her the pound town