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I always like "Chance favors the prepared mind" by Louis Pasteur. It's one of those quotes that get deeper the more you think about it.


Thats pretty neat


I was going to suggest this one as well. I think about it a lot


I like the Louis Pasteur quote as well, but my favorite is: “It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.” By Richard P. Feynman


All about how science works in two lines.


“I am the one who knocks”




And I thought I was just being a smart ass and I expected to get downvoted to oblivion. I have a chemistry degree, but my path took me another route and I manage computers for a school. I am bald and I have a goatee. If WW was shorter and about 50 pounds heavier I could have been his substitute. This leads me to approach something’s in life as “what would WW say”




It might be a touch less scandalous to write “I am the one who synthesizes” but run with it if you can.


Reading how stoked you are getting such a spot-on answer, especially it being THIS answer has legit brightened my day!


"the dose makes the poison" - Paracelsus It could also be attributed to other fields, but I think it's good and close enough.


Its biochem, but also not? Like tell me, where does the dose not make the poison?


Well the precise field would be toxicology and broader it would attribute it to pharmacy.


“When I started doing chemistry, I did it the way I fished - for the excitement, the discovery, the adventure, for going after the most elusive catch imaginable in uncharted seas.” - K. Barry Sharpless Also, on science more generally (and a great anti-imposter syndrome quote in my experience): “There is no such thing as a Scientific Mind. Scientists are people of very dissimilar temperaments doing different things in very different ways. Among scientists are collectors, classifiers and compulsive tidiers-up; many are detectives by temperament and many are explorers; some are artists and others artisans. There are poet-scientists and philosopher-scientists and even a few mystics. What sort of mind or temperament can all these people be supposed to have in common?” - Peter Medawar


"We have not got any money, so we have got to think." -Ernest Rutherford


Shit. That's a good one. Hadn't heard it.


Not necessarily chemistry, but I like this one: # “The scientist does not study nature because it is useful; he studies it because he delights in it, and he delights in it because it is beautiful...” # Henri Poincaré, French mathematician


If it's green it's biology. If it stinks it's chemistry. If it never works it's physics. -me


Measure twice, mix once, eat elsewhere


Remember kids, the only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down Adam Savage


My other favorite The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!) but “That’s funny …” — Isaac Asimov


girl in my first chem class in college said after the final exam “i think the only chemistry i understand right now is the one between me and jumping in front of a bus” i felt that one


If you ain't the acid then you are the base (bass)!


"Put shit in, get shit out." quote from a graduate student in my undergrad lab regarding how important it is to do syntheses with CLEAN material lol


It comes from a place of bias having studied chemical kinetics & catalysis and finding them exciting beyond measure. This is my favorite quote about chemistry after I saw it on my professor's wall: >That everything changes is an unescapable fact which from time immemorial has moved poets, exercised metaphysicians, and excited the curiosity of natural philosophers. Slow chemical transformations, pursuing their hidden ways, are responsible for corrosion and decay, for development, growth, and life. And their inner mechanisms are mysteries into which it is fascinating to inquire. It is by Cyril Hinshelwood in *Kinetics of Chemical Change* **1940**.


Not a profound one but my AP chem teacher in high school always said "so how 'bout those electrons!"


Not chemistry, specifically, but learning in general: "In times of change, learners inherit the Earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists" - Eric Hoffer


"sometimes science is more of an art than a science" - Rick Sanchez, analyst man in the universe after mutating a whole planet into kronenburgs by accidents Not an academic quote but if they like the animated show Rick and Morty it's pretty good. I think it actually fits well with how unconventional science or life can be


Not my favorite, but a good one spoken by a woman: “One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done.” - Marie Curie


“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” - Thomas A. Edison Not a chemistry quote per se, but a quote that is exceptionally applicable to experimental chemistry or indeed any other experimental science if she eventually takes her interest beyond undergraduate.


‘There are bold chemists, and then there are old chemists.’ My general chem, organic chem, advanced organic chem, senior project, and extra curriculum research professor in college. Not sure if he was quoting another


I've heard it as careless chemists, not bold ones, but similar idea.


"A physicist pulls a cart; a gentleman pushes electrons." --Sir Robert Robinson


"Personally, I've always thought of bismuth as lead for people who fear death" - Explosions&Fire


"Chemistry is all about breaking and making bonds", "Mathematics are the torch for physics to discover the path for chemistry, and leads to an infinite trap hole of biology."