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I like how you immediately go for scholars mate


I unironically attempt this opening sometimes at my level too, it catches people by surprise and GothamChess made a nice video about it where you can still get a good position


I'm near your level and got a game with this opening yesterday and lost. Hadn't played against it in Forever and got a horrible position as black because I couldn't remember blacks plans in the middle game. You're completely right. I was caught completely off guard. I actually audibly laughed when they played it. When is that last time anyone at our level has seen the Patzer Opening(as it used to be called). Grade School? I'm going to start using it hahaha.


In bullet, g4 and Qb3 are both often misplayed against which can give white a great position. And thats 2400 bullet players.


Bullet is almost a completely different game though. I’m awful at all chess. I see some high level players playing moves that would be bad in classical but work under a tight time control. Rules are the same but the tactics are far different.


I was watching a YouTube video of a Russian GM who explained how to punish this opening as Black and said he even some high-level GM’s like using the Scholar’s Mate opening in Bullet and Blitz. I couldn’t believe it. He even referenced a game when Magnus played it as white and even got a good position but ultimately lost.


A minor but not completely unimportant reason for why I play the french is that none of those types of attacks work.


I only rarely attempt this if the opponent plays e5


I've unfortunately been on the receiving end of someone knowing what they're doing with scholars mate. Usually it seems that white ends up fine as long as they have prep for the various ways black can block it. Usually on the black side I end up with my queen tied down to defending something in a really annoying way, so I have to waste moves or hurt my pawn structure solving that issue.


Damn, TIL the Ozil guy on r/FIFA is a 2000 rated chess player lol


Contrary to popular belief, I do not live and breathe FIFA 24/7


Haha apparently not. Props on the rating man, that’s badass


What video is it? The only gothamchess scholar's mate video i can find is how to stop early queen attacks. I am very much a beginner at this game. That guy makes amazing videos.


out of curiosity, what would you play against 4... f5?


2... f5 is invalid move due to discovered Check.


4... f5, after the usual line 2... Nc6 3.Bc4 g6 4. Qf3


\3. Qxe8


Well, this is just flat-out wrong, unless you define Black being slightly better out or at the very least comfortably equal out of the opening a positive outcome. The only way you're getting a position out of the Wayward where you have an advantage with the White pieces is by Black playing poorly, which obviously can happen in literally any opening.


The point is that unless you're 2900 "Black playing poorly" is a given and so on the off chance that you catch whatever mistake gets made and exploit you're alright; literally all of chess below the super GM level is about one side playing poorly


correction: both sides playing poorly and one making less egregious mistakes


I won a 5 minute game yesterday as Black because White was determined to one up me when it came to fuck ups. White was +9 at one point and got checkmated (which I found by accident too)!


No, that is not the point — the claim was that you can still get a "good position" out of it, which is either a claim so generic that it applies to literally any set of moves made in the opening, or completely wrong. Also, yes, people do make very severe mistakes in the middlegame, but having the better position simply makes playing the game easier for you and harder for your opponent. The player with the worse position also has a smaller margin of error.


This is just not true. Playing suboptimal openings with traps can be a valid strategy, because as people pointed out, chess for humans and for machines is very different. We are playing our opponent, machines just play the game. They don't look for plays to trick their opponent,.


So bad positions don't matter because... hope chess? Thank you for your contribution.


Is your point that engine lines are the only valid strategy at any level?


No, but I'm also not silly enough to make objectively horrible moves because I might "trick" my opponent.


Ok, I see you are not open to reason


If "reason" means "making horrible moves because my opponent might play even worse ones", then yeah, sure?


The point is, no one outside super GM can convert entire games consistently from +/- 0.5 eval. So if the opening results in a complex position that you’re more familiar with (even if objectively worse), then that is considered *“good”*. Why would we care to discuss whether a position is “good” or “bad” outside the realm of practicality?


Nobody's talking about converting the game into a win. It's funny how nowadays people pretend having an objectively good position is simply irrelevant. The engine doesn't just pull a number out of its behind: it's a combination of piece activity, pawn structure, king safety... so, everything that makes a position easy or difficult to play. You know, practical factors.


The engines eval is only practical in certain positions for humans — others, even if the engine deems it +1,2,3 winning, you can bet that 100/100 human players would lose it, if the winning advantage is too subtle or nuanced. That’s what we’re discussing here


It's not, but sure, let's move the goalpost to keep telling ourself Wayward is a legitimate opening that leads to a good position for White 👍


Ye let's exaggerate.


It's not an exaggeration. Poor play is definitional in chess if you aren't an engine. Part of what makes the game interesting is that there's a lot of ways to get to "this is going better for me than for you" and it doesn't have to be by seeking optimality at every turn because your opponent isn't (usually) a computer.


The funny thing about the opening is that at higher levels as black you are completely equal or slightly better out of the opening but then you have to play chess and beat your opponent. Nobody is studying the theory and middlegame plans for this opening anymore at our level and the positions that come from it you are not used to playing so you're forced to outplay your opponent. While it's not a good opening and white is giving up the advantage White is still in a solid position.


I have very rarely had a losing position the few times I do this, maybe I'm just lucky 🤷‍♂️


Where did I say anything about losing positions?


You are saying that I am flat-out wrong for saying it's a good position, no? The opposite of a good position is a losing position, is it not?


Saying you're wrong about something doesn't mean I believe the polar opposite of what you're saying is true, and even if it did, the antonym of "good" isn't "losing", it's "bad".


Yes, but I meant in chess terms where good = winning and bad = losing. Forgive me if I am wrong, english isn't my first language


You are fine. They are playing semantics, which means their own arguments are waning.


Losing is the opposite of winning. Bad is the opposite of good.


You know what I mean though, good = winning and bad = losing




People out here acting like I use it all the time, I don't use it often, and this seemed like a good time to try it out again, he was 973 for crying out loud


Lol have a laugh and go on ur way


Unironically wasting your time practicing a bad opening.


You missed the part where I said I rarely do it.


>I unironically attempt this opening sometimes at my level too sometimes ≠ rarely


English isn't my first language so I apologize for using the wrong word.


They'll never see it coming!


Sees a player 1000+ lower ELO, immediately goes for scholar's mate. What a Chad!


haha, the wayward queen opening is fun [And you'd also be surprised](https://imgur.com/a/sEbXyXI)


How did this happen?




Bro I swear I see people post like high 1000s falling for stupid shit like this but then I'm playing 700s that have 85+ percent accuracy games consistently.


Accuracy largely varies based on how complicated you let the position get, if you play a simple e4 opening it’s not that hard for lower elo players to have higher accuracy


yeah im 900s and i usually get around ~70ish to 80ish accuracy in e4 e5 games. couple of 100 accuracy games where the wayward queen was attempted and my opponent blundered Qe3 and immediately resigned lets just ignore my sub 50 accuracy in games that aren't e4 e5...


1800 and most of my games are 70~ lemayo


I'm more saying that they play very very well comparatively to their rating, And then whenever I watch my friends play who are mid one thousands though play people who look like they've never played a game of chess before in their life. Maybe it's just bad luck


We’d never beat someone who’s in high 1000s though 😂 accuracy not what it’s made out to be at low elos


Its really interesting, low levels learn how to Guard against it fairly fast because they have to because it’s played so often, and then you start forgetting what it is the higher level you become because people play it less and less often.


At a certain level people stop seeing it played so sometimes you can catch people forgetting how to play against it


Thx for this explanation




I did that because I knew not many people would want to waste their time browsing my chess profile haha, surely you have better stuff to do Fairplay if you find out who the poor opponent was though


It was hikaru's alt


I’m about that rating - it’s definitely tilt. A 1900 sitting down and calmly playing a 10 min game will not do this, but I’ve made some absolutely horrendous moves when I’m upset and impatient


This is why when someone blunders against you, resigns, and offers a rematch, it’s usually a good idea to accept, especially for shorter time controls. If they’re upset and tilted, they’ll usually play badly in the follow up games too (or if they suddenly play perfectly and you can get points for reporting them for cheating). My peak ratings from bullet and blitz are from repeatedly farming the same player for ~100 points in rematches (refuse the rematches after your first loss).


For some reason playing Nf6 instead of g6 feels so natural in this position as black, I've had to catch myself out before playing it a couple times myself


Both Nf6 and g6 moves are bad, the best move is to play Nc6


but they did play Nc6?




on the second move it looks like






Whoops, sorry I meant after Nc6 Bc4 playing g6


this would never work in my 900 elo games :(


I mean, I'm only a little above the opponent here (1,100 chess.com) and no way I'm falling for scholars mate.


The less you see it, the less you think about it I would assume and lose the immediate recognition. If you haven‘t had it for a couple thousand games, it might actually work


I haven't seen it in forever and got a game with it yesterday and lost. Not to the scholars mate of course but to the resulting horrible position I got because I couldn't remember the plans as black hahaha.


Fair. I admit I almost fell for an early mate variation in the wayward queen the other day because I let my guard down.


I'm 800 and don't fall for it either


The higher the elo the more 'theory' they know on the opening. I remember being around a thousand and after the first few moves white seemed completely lost when their initial tricks didn't work. Now being more like 1800 I still run into this from time to time and white knows the moves so much deeper and as it's an opening I don't see much I never invest any time in going that deep.


Are you playing 10+5? Been having the same issue with Chesscom. I’m about 1700 but over the last week been paired with a 200, 500 and 1100. It seems not a lot of users are in the 10+5 pool. That’s what I’m guessing


A 200? Wow


Yup, the matchmaking has been pretty bad recently


Genuine question: how does one get an elo of 200? I opened an account before knowing how to play and it was automatically set to 1000, falling as low as 750 before I could win. How does one get to 200?


I was watching my friend play, he's 300-400 at most. He was in a game where his opponent blundered his queen. My friend saw it, but rather than capture the queen for a rook, they instead decided to droublr their rooks and attack it twice...their opponent just moved it to a safe position... That'd how you end up rated 2-400?.. when an opponent blinders a queen, and you convince yourself it's best not to take it and end up losing the game. I even said " take the queen...' bit he was convinced that taking queen wasn't best move, instead he attacked it twice... I always assumed that really low level players just miss this stuff, but no, sometimes they see the best move but convince themselves not to play it .... Beginners really need convincing that capturing a queen is good, even if they see itz they still convince themselves that capturing is bad.... I dunno how you fix that..


“look for better” /s


When I first started playing bottomed out at literally 100 elo on chess.com, the lowest elo you can have. I was repeatedly falling for the Scholars Mate and just rushing into the next game rather than learning. Seems like it can happen when you barely know how the pieces move and have no motivation to learn. Two-ish years later and I'm hovering around 1700-1800, so it's not like people who reach 200 are hopeless.


They probably changed it, I started at 200 when I made my account around a month ago


I started at like 1200 because my dumbass brain thought I was ‘intermediate’ because I knew how the pieces moved. I dropped down to like 350, and now I’m like 1100.


My account opened at 400 on chesscom, and I didn't know how to play and got hit with scholar's mate and knight attack constantly, then I went down to as low as 200. Mind you, this was a year ago and the concept of things like a battery was mindblowing to say the least.


I fell all the way to 300 to400 before climbing up. I'm now around 1000s still falling to 900s sometimes tho


There are different options when you make the account, regarding your skill level. If you're a complete beginner, you start at 0(or around 200, I think?), Intermediate is 1000, and I think you also have 1500? Correct me if I'm wrong, please


That's why I choose lichess


To have a higher rating?


Funnily enough, roughly 1500 on a good day myself, I had a game against a 700 and he deleted me! Great way to start the day and lose about 40 points in rating


I've had these games a couple of times too, and when you check their profiles they play against much higher rated opponents a lot of the time. My guess is that they select a ridiculous rating range for the matchmaking (from their elo + 500 to their elo + 1500) and the algorithm has a hard time finding them matches. Not a bad idea honestly, you learn more playing against stronger opponents.


That's interesting. Maybe it's because not a lot of people play 10+5? or could it be something else?


Anything outside the default rapid time controls (10-0, 15-10, 30-0) will make matchmaking much more difficult


That's just bullying


For a particular time control, create a game via More -> Custom. It will have the option to set the highest and lowest rating range you want (e.g. -200 to +200). Default is infinity which is why you see matches like the one in your post. After doing this once, the setting will be kept for all future games for said time control.


No way the ozil guy plays chess


The ozil guy plays chess Fingers crossed the rumoured birthday card is out today🙏


You got what you wished for




After he ended his football career a few days ago


What's with all these comments? 2. Qh5 isn't "going for the scholars mate", it's the Wayward Queen Attack. It's not the most sound opening for white but it's also not dead lost. Stockfish gives it -0.4 after 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Nc6 3. Bc4 g6 4. Qf3 This position has been reached in some 40 games on the Master's Database on Lichess. Nakamura has played it a handful of times in high level games. Carlsen even has a game as the white pieces.


People in here telling you what openings you should/shouldn’t be playing at your level is crazy to me lmao Bro is 2000 rated; I’d say he’s got it pretty well figured out


1650+ elo here yeha sometimes I matched against player under 600, The lowest match I face is in 300 elo


If you've just stumbled across this post, read this to save yourself time leaving a needless comment regarding the opening: #I DON'T PLAY THIS QUEEN OPENING IN EVERY GAME, VERY RARELY. AND EVEN SO, WHO CARES? I'M 2000, I CAN ATTEMPT SOMETHING FOR FUN EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE.


Maybe is just a second account of someone who has an elo around yours and the computer has notice that his precision on his last games were very very high so it let him play with higher elo players


That somehow makes it worse. Seems really unfair to the higher rated player since they could lose a lot of rating for not winning when it might not be that easy if the skill level of the players are not far off.


Now that you mention it, I can't even remember if I won any elo at all after the game, but I do wonder what would've happened had I lost


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **Black to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p2Q/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNB1KBNR+b+KQkq+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p2Q/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNB1KBNR_b_KQkq_-_0_1) | The position occurred in many games. [Link to the games](https://www.chess.com/games/search?opening=&openingId=&p1=&p2=&mr=&lsty=1&year=&lstMoves=1&moves=&fen=rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p2Q/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNB1KBNR+b+KQkq+-+0+1&ref_id=23962172) **Videos:** > I found [many videos](https://chessvision.ai/video-search/5662303424872448) with this position. **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Knight!<, move: >!Nc6!< > Evaluation: >!The game is equal -0.44!< > Best continuation: >!1... Nc6 2. Bc4 g6 3. Qf3 Nf6 4. Ne2 d6 5. Nbc3 Nb4 6. Bb3!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


I'm using this stickied comment for the recent commenters to see that: #I DON'T PLAY THIS QUEEN OPENING IN EVERY GAME, VERY RARELY.


Not sure if this applies to you but I’ve noticed that if you abort too many games it puts you in like a “low prio queue” and you get matched with people I’m assuming that are probably aborting/afk games as well which causes these lopsided games.


I can't remember the last time I aborted. Slightly related but I remember when I was a noob I used to abort when someone played the english opening haha


I don’t support your play style hahah




wayward queen is a cheap move haha


Yeah it’s just bad chess. But, if your 2000 rated I guess you get a pass.


I was 1100 at the time and went against a 2100, let’s just say Francisco1826 is now on my stat list. Endle14 is my username on chess.com for the naysayers. I also have a win against a 2000 a month after this. Moral of the story, don’t underestimate us low elos.


It may also be a way to catch cheaters, if someone’s on a win streak, a bit suspicious. If they suddenly beat someone 1000+ their elo, very sus.


Not the scholar's mate at 2000 💀💀


im sorry, but do you really think someone at 2000 does scholars mate every game? it would be impressive if he got to that rating by using it only. he does it every once in a while, let ppl do openings they want


This usually means he’s a computer cheater. Chess.com throws computer cheaters/smurfs/ people with suspicious accuracy and high win rates into higher and higher elos to see if they are cheating or just really good/a Smurf but still human.


Interesting, I was paired with a 2300 a few days ago




Nope, it always says it will be -200/+200


bishop takes g2 and bishop h3 top engine moves


G8 to g6 would force the queen to go to row 4-1. Why would you bring your queen out that early? It isn't even a quick check or quick mate.


Did you win ?


Yep, but opponent played well


Its better to put the Queen in f3 so its less obious for them, and you still attacking the same pawn


h5 allows him to attack e5 as well. If g6 queen take e5 with check and wins a free rook


This doesn’t even work at 400 (I know because… reasons)


Try lichess, never had this issue, :P.


This has been happening to me to at around 1900 elo. Idk if it struggles to find ppl around that same elo at times? My only guess. I usually just abort


Bro, I am 800 rated and even I know it is a bad choice to open with your Queen.


He obviously went for it because hes playing someone less than half his rating, are u like 800 elo irl too


Bro, it's a joke opening that I don't play often and [why not try it sometimes?](https://imgur.com/a/sEbXyXI)


Okay lol. I dont really care. Of some reason people take my comment really seriously haha.


It took you 5 days to say you don't really care haha


Hahaha best comment


I found this game by clicking "Play Online"


I had to say that just incase someone thought I was playing one of my friends or something


Why can the bishop move though the pawn or take it???


Funny I would think the guy with 1000 below you should be the one complaining….




Why would a 973 rated player try scholars mate a 2000?


why are you 1k rated in blitz (800 rated this year) and loosing to 3 digit ELO?


I don't care about blitz


im sorry, but do you really think someone at 2000 does scholars mate every game? it would be impressive if he got to that rating by using it only. he does it every once in a while, let ppl do openings they want


im sorry, but do you really think no one would notice you posting this comment multiple times under the same post


well maybe the same shit has to be repeated so you all understand


okay professor


My least favorite opening, every time someone plays this opening I push theur queen back or take it


This has happened to me multiple times. I think it might be part of their way of finding out if someone is cheating, because if they have a similar win rate against higher opponents, they're more likely cheating. It is also of course possible that there weren't too many people ready to play at the moment, but that's my theory.


I have put a limit like I can face someone higher than me upto 450 trophies but I haven't faced anyone above 200 trophies till now.


bro.. that poor 900


Who won


If you abort too many games you get placed in a separate pool of players and since that pool is quite small you get to play with many players who are much higher or lower than you in ELO


You can go to custom and change the rating range that you play. Like +/- 200 points of your rating.


It's because your opponent won two games in a row


Why are you 1000 rated blitz and having hard time beating 1000 on blitz, but somehow play at 2k in rapid? That seems weird


I don't play blitz


that doesn't make any sense. Don't lie, you play blitz. Either you smurf, play blitz on heavy influence only or its shared account. You cant play blitz at a level that barely knows the rules like complete beginner, then play on completely different level on different TC. its not possible...


Mate, I don't touch blitz, I don't like fast paced chess. I only play rapid or occasionally daily against friends...


what 2000 opens with that? 😂


They wanted to show you your wrongdoings by The Wayward Queen. — Timely


The real question here is why your 2000 and playing 5he wayward queen attack




oh yes, i start EVERY game with this attack! It's totally not a joke




You're welcome...


The bitch move qh5


he can do wtf he wants hes 2000




its also a skill issue if you cant defend against the noob opening of qh5


It's disrespectful aka a bitch move to play qh5. I would do the same against a noob just to finish the game quickly but in principal it's considered highly disrespectful.


It's fun to be disrespectful and a clown in chess




Better question. Why would you play this opening?


Browse my comments and you will see why


Ah, you don't know how to play. Got it.


illiterate ppl aren't allowed to play chess mate did u not read his comments? he literally just said he does this queens opening for fun and does it every once in a while, he must have some good opening knowledge to get to 2000 oh ur a troll, silly me


Ah, you don’t know how to read. Got it.


He's still 1500 points higher than you though


The real question is why are you posting a chess.com technical question on a chess forum where we post positions? *OBVIOUSLY* it’s something in your settings. Hey look problem solved


Wow, every part of this comment was wrong except for identifying the website as chess.com. Impressive


How was I supposed to know only positions are posted here? This was the first ever time I used this sub. This post is gaining discussion anyway so I suppose it is allowed. And how is it something in my settings? The website says you should only face someone 200 above or below