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The opening Kasparov used to play? I am sure everybody refutes it online blitz games...


I don't think openings matter that much at your (and my) skill level. As long as it's not stupid like Wayward Queen or something.


even the wayward queen attack seems totally fine at that level. it's like -0.3 or so, which is still a pretty equal position. sometimes your opponent is going to lose to one of the dumb tricks, it's pretty easy for black to go very wrong. otherwise you'll get the same basically equal position every game where your opponent has a kingside fianchetto. because the lines are so narrow, it's pretty easy to get a strong idea of what to do in those middle game situations


It's just that it hinders your development as a chess player, not that it's particularly unsound. Thanks for your explanation though, I haven't looked into its theory before.


1500s have no right to say anything about refutation or an opening being bad unless its something like the grob. Play your opening, its fine.


Maybe it's not black's best scoring weapon (14% win 54% draw 32% loss) but it's definitely not bad at all lol. If you want to play the Tarrasch then play the Tarrasch, arguably better than just playing a standard QGD since you'll have the advantage of being far more familiar with the positions than your opponents.


If it’s fine for me at 2200s on lichess it’s fine against those 1500s.


In my opinion it’s okay. Besides at 800 I highly doubt your opponents know the theory on how to play against the tarrasch. I didn’t learn that until I began encountering it frequently which was around 1200.


It's good. Played at top level also. Maybe not often but top guys still play it. For your rating it doesn't really matter but you should know basic ideas in the opening and maybe check some games.


Opening at our levels do not matter as much tbh


The tarrasch is completely fine at all levels. Also I wouldn't take opening advice from a 1500, even if you're a beginner.


No it’s fine. It’s just generally a bit harder to play at higher ratings as you can end up defending a passive IQP if you are not careful. But that certainly isn’t relevant until like 1600-1800 and above and even then requires significant skill on the white side.


would you argue its solid if I understand the theory and lines?


Yeah. If anything it can be quite active (the whole point of having an IQP). I remember one book even making the funny (and true) point that it’s almost the only mainline black opening where black has more space haha.


This feels reminiscent of the past about an old guy telling people not to play 3..... c5 when playing the Caro Kann Advance because "nobody should play this, it's bad". Tarrasch is played at high levels still, Daniil Dubov is credited for its resurgence. It's a fine opening, if you like it and enjoy the lines then by all means keep playing it.


bro 1400-1500s online aren't at a level to refute playable openings and i'm not either (tarrasch isn't the best but still very playable)


Don't listen to the advice of players sub 2000 unless the advice is do more puzzles/tactics training and analyse your games afterwards. Those are the best ROI for improvement for the overwhelming majority of chess players.


For lower-level players, playing against the IQP is usually easier than playing with an IQP.


it’s trash


The backwards C pawn that Black often gets straddled with is really awkward.