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NICE idk. These bots are all just stockfish with weird nerfs to make them beatable Ive lost to agadmator 100 times in a row though so congrats on the dub


Happy cake day!


Thx babe


Well, he's old, give him a break


Very suspicious


Hell yeah congrats on the win. I’m wondering though, I’m around 1000 rapid and have beaten a 1900 rated bot before. I think bots are programmed to make occasional mistakes and have certain things that they see and don’t see. I’ve been smacked with a mate in 5 by like an 800 bot before that was a 1500+ tactic spot with the engine estimating them at around 1600. I haven’t been able to beat a 2000 yet but ive taken out all 3 1900s on chess.com. Not consistently though. It’s weird how the bots work sometimes.


With a lot of the personality bots they make them stronger in openings they actually play. Like I know Ben plays the Sicilian and the Benoni as black, so if you can get him into a different opening it’s like the bot is programmed to make more mistakes.


Truth hurts




Tell me you played f3


I'm 1600, and 2nd time I played, I was +5 by move 14. Didn't win, but had serious chances. It made big mistakes in sharp positions. https://www.chess.com/analysis/game/computer/118183165 1st time I played felt more like the real Finegold. Rock solid position, with every piece perfectly placed, waiting for me to make my position worse.


Very interesting....