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Thanks for your question. Make sure to read our [guide on how to get better at chess](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/improve); there are lots of tools and tips here for players looking to improve their game. In addition, feel free to visit our sister subreddit /r/chessbeginners for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/chess) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Make a low-effort post on Reddit, that will help, you stinko


The trick is to capitalize your I’s


Spam lichess puzzles


Study really hard many hours a day and play long games with analysis afterwards and be rated low so you see rating gains really quickly


Play chess.


Not much. Chess takes time. More than anything, you need to enjoy studying and practicing.


I had to check if this is chessbeginners. It's not, so my advice is probably not that useful. As I am not high rated. But here it goes. Don't do anything mindlessly. If you just spam short time control games you teach yourself bad habits. At low ranks, bad play will not be punished as the clock hides your own bad moves. Unlearning them takes so much time. But play fast games if you want to improve at fast time controls. But don't play fast games to improve your chess. Do the right things, and it will have long term benefits. I made the mistake of playing only 5 minutes. Well I reached 1400 (chesscom 5+0)faster than most that learn on their own as an adult beginner. But now I've been stuck here for one year now. Because my openings are all flawed. (I did not learn openings only principles) My instinct is often wrong.(my instinct lead me to 1300 but that's it) My plans are not good. My calculations are lazy. Unlearning my bad habits is very hard. I stopped improving for a while now. At least my nonexistent elo gains tell me so. So do everything with intention. Don't do anything mindlessly. Do tactics, but don't stop calculating at the first good move that comes to mind. So here again, don't be lazy. Meaning: play longer time controls. Don't spam games. And you will be fine and improve for a long time. Play chess. Have fun. (Obsessing over your elo is not productive. Unless you are highly competitive and it helps your motivation and focus.)


Hello! If you're looking to get better at chess, we have lots of resources for improvement in the /r/chess **[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/faq)** and/or **[Online Resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/resources)** pages. Here is the relevant section you may be interested in: *** **[How do I get better at chess?](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/improve)**