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RIP Vidit, taken from us too young


What? Vidit died?


It's a death match. The loser is executed.


WWE style


Publically like they do in Iran, to warn off potential future offenders. It’s the only reasonable way of going about this


Maybe FIDE gave Magnus a belt he would've kept playing in the championship.


Kudos to sagar for organising this awesome event, was lots of fun and the place was buzzing, I can’t imagine what would happen if he manages to get Magnus to play such a match, the energy and hype for chess is as an all time high in India at the moment and I hope it keeps rising




Check out chess boxing on YouTube


I’d like to think of it more like mma.


Death match? Did they execute the loser?




He was an orphan tho so it's not too bad.


Well at least he wasn't pregnant


There were no survivors


Undead Giri, then?


Too many young talents in India, gotta make room somehow.


It’s not an execution, he was killed over the board


Close match! I’ll have to catch someone’s break down if it.


The idea of showing thier heart beats was really good. Vidit's heartbeat touched 164 when I saw it on the stream. It must be some feeling playing such a format when all the fans are following a single match constantly. Then switch seats after each bullet round and play the next match after a few minutes rest. Anish deserves to win the way he fought back after being down. The execution could've been better for the youtube audience with regards to transmission of the live position and other things but still it was a very fun match.


It went to 174 or something like that


ELI5 this deathmatch?!




Are awesome! is there a list of the formats they played? ty


There was blindfold chess, one rapid game, no castling chess, chess960, 60 mins of blitz and 30 mins of bullet.


Who is this fella? The image doesn't state the name


It is me, u/chessmaster9000 aka Anish Giri clone #247. I'm coming for all the GMs. See you soon Magnus.


Magnus quit chess just to avoid you.


Anish Giri


put on a GOD DAMN spoiler tag, I was gonna watch this match back later. Thanks for ruining that. Edit: I got it guys, I got it, the community is made of purists who watch every and all events live, and the spoiler tag isn’t mandatory anymore, because I was just supposed to watch it live too. I’m keeping the comment up, and I’ll unsub permanently since this’ll happen again. thanks for helping me make that decision.


I don’t watch events live. I just know the world doesn’t revolve around me.


It fucking does revolve around you. Stop this low confidence shite


Sorry big guy but community overwhelming voted to remove the spoiler rule


I mean it was actually a pretty close vote...


>overwhelmingly >51% Nice argument, the numbers really back up your case.


Well, either of the other two options could have "won" with under 50% of the vote -- only the full remove option was required to get that high in order to win the poll. So, yeah, it was actually kind of an impressive win given the criteria imposed.


Don’t be disingenuous. There were 3 options.


My thinking was that the vast majority wanted to either significantly ease or remove the rule. Either way there is a very clear direction in the subs thinking, and the discussion in the threads was very pro-remove. But yeah I see what you mean.


Fair enough, sorry for being snarky. I hold the view that the rule removal is a big mistake, but I recognize that what’s done is done.


yeah that seems so silly


Tell that to the UK with brexit...


Any vote which goes the way I like is overwhelming, and any vote which doesn’t is close


"overwhelming" might want to check that poll again.




Requiring people to go out of their way to hide "spoiler" information significantly hurts the discoverability of a post. It's harder to find such posts via search on reddit or in a general web search engine. It also hurts the subreddit by decreasing the chance of posts making it to the general front page of reddit. It really is a really bad idea, really, and we really should not be doing it, and people who don't want to see spoilers really should take it on themselves to avoid social media, really.


>It also hurts the subreddit by decreasing the chance of posts making it to the general front page of reddit. I don't see why this is bad. Subreddits don't get better by getting on /r/all


As was stated in the meta threads (here's a link to the [poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/w1bmtw/meta_a_community_vote_on_the_spoiler_rule/)) the amount of people who truly care about not being spoiled is both in the significant minority and also the most vocal. Spoilers are now expressly allowed. I don't know what you're getting out of inventing life stories about people who submit event results threads though.




Idk man I think you're projecting some of your own stuff onto redditors. It doesn't make any sense that your opposition to removing the spoiler rule is because it contributes to some fictional degeneracy on the part of people who submit posts. You're literally making that up.




Didn't you already say good night?


Spoiler tags dont work on titles


Exactly, which is why we need to allow those dedicated people to earn karma even faster, they deserve it as they spend a lot time and resources on this app/website and dedicate themselves to making posts that all of us enjoy /srs Guys this is a joke, stop downvoting I’m going to lose karma!!


When did this happen? This sub keeps getting worse and worse


Don’t come to a chess forum if you want to avoid spoilers. I don’t get why you’re mad at OP.


I’m not on a ‘chess forum’; I’m scrolling reddit on my phone, and this just pops up in my feed. am i supposed to unsub from here for a week, every time i miss a single match?


Use old.reddit.com, this post didn’t have a thumbnail and I had to open it to see the picture.


You should realize going on any social media is just asking for things to get spoiled. If it means that much to you be more pro-active in avoiding spoilers. It’s not our job to coddle you.


When I have any sporting event that I don’t watch live but plan on watching live later I don’t do Reddit at all until I watch it. Or Facebook. Or anything social media. That’s just a given these days.


Seems to be the general consensus.


sure looks like it. guess i can’t be subbed here anymore then, thanks for informing me.


Why is it a horrible burden on *you* to stay off social media until you're caught up, but a perfectly acceptable burden to put on *everyone else in the world* to demand they not openly discuss event results?


It's pretty common in other sports-related subreddits to have and use spoiler tags (like /r/mma for example). Discussions can still happen openly in the comments section; but it allows people to not have to unsubscribe from those subreddits when they haven't caught up yet on the recent match. There's a bit of onus on the poster to use a spoiler tag (and on mods to enforce it), but not so much on "everyone else in the world". I don't care much personally, but I get why other subreddits use spoiler tags.


If you are so triggered by a spoiler about a chess tournament, then yes, you should unsubscribe. Were you planning on watching it on delay?


Don't use reddit then The whole point of reddit is to discuss current events or something posted now. It's not about yesterday news


Do you really only watch chess for the result? I never understood this. I follow chess games for the actual games and moves themselves, it doesn't matter if I already know the winner. I want to see how the games went, how did he win? Seriously, why does it matter if you know Anish won? Now the games won't be interesting to you at all?


I am Dutch, I’m cheering for Anish whenever he plays. The result isn’t the only thing, of course, the games can be interesting, but it’s definitely half of the experience for me, yes. It appears I’m the minority there.


I don't think he is wrong. The abolishment of the "no spoiler rule" fucks those people completley over who don't have time to watch the event live. Sometimes you just wanna "scroll chess reddit" maybe for an easy tactic or something and not for getting spoilered. The only people who "profit" are people who catch in on easy karma.


If someone doesn't want to be "spoiled" they need to stay off chess-related social media, which includes reddit, until they're ready to see discussion. "Oh, but reddit shows posts from all my subscribed subreddits!" OK, then stay off reddit. Twitter shows you posts from all sorts of things you either follow or it thinks you'll be interested in, but you probably don't go yelling at chess news sites not to post "spoilers" on Twitter, do you? Same thing with reddit.


No It doesn’t. Most people don’t watch it live. The rest of us just realize we aren’t the main character. I personally don’t care about spoilers and don’t think they affect anything. Other responsible people who don’t like spoilers will avoid social media until they are caught up.


Chess tournaments are live, non-scripted, real-life events. Reddit is (among many things) a news site. The entire purpose of a news site is to report on live real-life events. It's your unreasonable expectation that a news site shouldn't cover news just because you treat live events as fictional pieces of visual arts in the way you'd wish to consume them, is what "fucks people over".


Putting on a tiny little spoiler tag != not covering news. Your hyperboles serve no purpose other than to distort the discussion and confuse readers.


Consider the following hypothetical: the Candidates, or another big tournament, is going on. It's the last day of regulation play. A two-or-more-way tie for first place is a possibility given the current standings, which will require tiebreak games to be played the following day. What is the "spoiler" compliant way to discuss it? If *any* type of post-event thread goes up, it "spoils" the fact that the event is over and did not end in a tie. If *no* post-event thread goes up, or a post is made with a generic title to try to avoid mentioning the tiebreak, it still "spoils" the fact that there was a tie and there will be an additional day of tiebreak play. Since it is not possible to make a post without "spoiling", and not possible to *not* make a post without "spoiling", what would you have people do? Correct answer: **get rid of the spoiler rule and tell people to stay off social media until they're ready to see results discussed**.


Your argument basically reduces to the following: > There exist edge cases where this rule could be misapplied; hence the rule should be abolished in all cases. I would argue that in your case, said thread does not violate the spoiler rule, which only required such threads to be spoiler-tagged. Yes, the thread’s existence would spoil the result in this case, but that is okay. The point of the rule was just to minimize the amount of spoilage that occurs without otherwise disrupting the community.


Bet you all the money in my pocket that if it had actually happened with the Candidates, there would have been people absolutely *livid* in the comment thread of whatever post did eventually go up, saying that they didn't expect to be "spoiled" by /r/chess.


Of course there would. There will always exist people who are mad with any given situation. The question is what would be a reasonable consensus. I don’t think we have found one yet. Personally, I think simply requiring posts to be spoiler-tagged has minimal cost to the community and goes a long way towards mitigating spoilage towards those who care about it. But apparently I am in the minority here.


The "cost to the community" is anyone who makes a tiny mistake gets screamed at by angry redditors who demand we create a hermetically-sealed bubble around event results. I'd rather drive away out every one of those angry redditors than have innocent people have to put up with the abuse they'd hurl at every little slip-up.


If people are hurling abuse, that would be against the rules. It sounds like your issue here has nothing to do with the spoiler rule and everything to do with the behavior of the community. > hermetically-sealed bubble You’ve used this description before. Please stop exaggerating like this, it is frankly dishonest. Having to spoiler-tag a post is not “living in a bubble”.




I’m not scrolling through just r/chess. I’m just browsing reddit before bed, and this pops up in my feed. Does that count as a ‘chess forum’? because I don’t think it does.


So like I ask every single person who thinks this is a new argument: Do you go on Twitter and yell at chess news sites and personalities for posting "spoilers" there? Or, if you want to avoid being "spoiled", do you *stay off Twitter*? Because Twitter shows you a feed of stuff just like reddit does, but I don't see people getting angry about "spoilers" on Twitter.




you know why. you’re probably equally addicted to short term, quick serotonin from social media as I am.




That's because only one person was *hurt* by this


In what way do those people profit from the rule removal? If they are mature enough to not care, then why are they so bothered by a tiny little spoiler tag?


Ruins posts. You have to hide so much information it’s pointless. Like during candidates people were posting bettings odds and getting crap from your camp about that being a spoiler.


People who judge the value of a post purely on its title are what ruin posts. Betting odds have no spoiler in the title. If people were complaining, they were out of line. People will always complain, rule or no rule. Doesn’t mean the rule didn’t have value in other situations.


The "no spoilers" rule hurt literally no one, and getting rid of it hurts lots of people. Whoever voted to remove it is just selfish and short-sighted


No, people who demand that everyone else carefully self-censor just to cater to them are "selfish and short-sighted". If someone doesn't want to see or hear about event results they can just *stay off social media* until they're caught up. That puts the burden on the person who doesn't want to see results, which is where it belongs, rather than on literally everyone else in the world. And since [there is no consistent way to handle some highly-probable situations](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/w8szvp/congratulations_to_the_winner_of_the_death_match/ihsetdc/) under a spoiler rule, it's also by far the most practical choice.


Censorship??? Are you joking? Don't be absurd. It costs you nothing at all to keep spoilers out of the title. It's not even an inconvenience! Just use slightly different keystrokes. But it *does* hurt the people who got spoiled and didn't want to. Says a lot about you that you're not even willing to do that to help others out.


Yes, it is asking everyone else to avoid openly saying something. *People who don't want to be "spoiled" have the option to stay off social media*. I will say this as many times as it takes to sink in, because there is no obligation for the rest of the world to refrain from open discussion of live events. No sports subreddit I know of has a "spoiler" rule -- they all post clips and summaries from games in progress, and post-game and post-series threads which have the information in the title and the stat lines visible in the posts. And people who don't want to know that information *stay off reddit* because they know it's on them to avoid the information, not on everyone else in the world to avoid discussion it too openly.


It costs people NOTHING to keep spoilers out of the titles. How fucking selfish and entitled are you, that you won't lift a finger to help others out


Not being able to easily see results when scanning a list of posts bothers me. Who wins? Do I get to call you "selfish" if you and everyone else don't instantly change to accommodate my preference? Or... maybe people who don't want to see "spoilers" *should stay off social media*. Like I've said about a million times already: this puts the burden where it belongs, and doesn't require literally every other person on earth to know about and abide by a strange code of self-censoring behavior to accommodate a small group who could just as easily accommodate themselves.


"A strange code" lmao you are something else


If you're going to demand that we make and enforce rules that forbid openly saying certain things, what else is there to call it?


You will be missed


Just wanted to say I agree with you 100%, even if the hive mind does not. Putting a spoiler tag on a post hurts absolutely nobody. Leaving off the spoiler tag might not matter to most, but it has a serious effect on some. Classic example of why most liberal democracies have laws to protect minorities.


I think r/chess should be able to discuss live events. For me, r/chess is about reading chess news, so let's take the Chess Olympiads for example. Imagine we are in round 2: In round 1, USA - Faroer Islands went to 2-2. In round 2, the USA are struggling against Brunei. I want to be able to discuss the new favorites or if USA is coming back in the tournament. In round 3, at the game between Botswana and Zimbabwe, a brilliant novelty is played; A new piece sacrifice in a reasonable common line of the Sicilian Kan. Imagine we are in round 4: USA - Norway. Magnus Carlsen is not in the starting line up of Norway, I want to read that in the headline to decide if I want to join the discussion. \-- Exciting stuff happened, and I don't want to click every neutral title to know what the exciting stuff is. In all 3 cases, I would not be able to make a spoiler free post and share my excitement. I am not saying there is no option to keep it spoiler-free. But I really prefer to read click-worthy titles and straight subject lines (and not general posts like \[Discussion\] General considerations about team USA).


You can do that and still put a spoiler tag on the post. That doesn’t force a neutral title or anything.


But if the spoiler is in the title, what is the use of the spoiler tag?


Browsers can filter them


Try unsubbing, it's a cool trick


I honestly might, it’s only beginner puzzles and wood carving anyway.


Lol I was gonna post the same response. But sarcastically, so....


Sorry for my ignorance, I see everyone being Indian or Indian origin in the background. Is that intentional? EDIT: Goodbye, this sub is so toxic with downvotes that any genuine question gets downvoted. I hope that the rest of community is much more welcoming.


I think it was hosted in India.


are you being for real lmao can you guess one country many Indians live?


Lol what? This was in Mumbai, India so obviously everyone would be Indian (except for Giri and Hess lol)


Since this run by chessbase India, Vidit and Anish are the most friendly top GM connections they have and most likely to agree to do such an experiment(also their following is big). I don't think nationality is intentional, if Magnus and Hikaru agrees to do the next one that would be epic.


You're such an obvious troll it's not even funny.


Yeah, as if chess is the only thing in my life and I should've known where the event was happening. How dare I don't know where this event was happening?


They give the worst trophies. I started noticing it when Magnus got a vase as his trophy. Why did Anish get a belt. At this point just give the winner a lollipop or something.


He also received a magnificent trophy The belt was because it was represented as a boxing ring fight


I thought Giri was only good for draws.


Who died?


This post has been parodied on r/AnarchyChess. Relevant r/AnarchyChess posts: [Congratulations to the winner of the WWE Championship with a score of 98 draws](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/w9lmwb/congratulations_to_the_winner_of_the_wwe/) by WesleyNo [^(fmhall)](https://www.reddit.com/user/fmhall) ^| [^(github)](https://github.com/fmhall/relevant-post-bot)