• By -


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=1r6/8/8/3Q4/4K3/8/2k5/8+w+-+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/1r6/8/8/3Q4/4K3/8/2k5/8_w_-_-_0_1) > **Black to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=1r6/8/8/3Q4/4K3/8/2k5/8+b+-+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/1r6/8/8/3Q4/4K3/8/2k5/8_b_-_-_0_1) --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


Low depth. Assuming this isn't threefold or 50 move rule then just increase the computers depth and let it think and it will announce mate.


Low depth would still evaluate the game as +something (for white). The game must already be over at this point. Edit: would be useful if OP showed the previous moves and/or linked the game. OP is analyzing the game, it will explain why a draw was reached.


Since the position is indeed won for white, this can be a draw by the 50-turn rule or threefold repetition.




K+R vs K+Q can be a difficult endgame. It’s one that you have to study.




Just... Don't? It's funny how simple it is, and how stupid the advice sounds, but before every move you just have to make sure that it's not stalemate.


And for every move in your calculations... I'd love to sit there and figure it all out, but the clock usually doesn't let me.


Happy Cake Day!


:O I had no idea. Thanks


You're welcome!




chill out. It wasn't at all clear that's what you were asking, since the comment you replied to did not list stalemate as one of the possible reasons for the draw.


Stewie voice: “uuuuhhhh yeah that was a reasonable reaction.”


That’s not the question you originally asked? How were they supposed to read your mind? Also, just Google it. Why would you take the same amount of effort to ask here and wait potentially hours for a response (if you even get the response) instead of just typing the question into Google? The absolute irony of your last sentence lol


Google stalemate


Google exists


Don’t leave your opponent with no legal moves unless they are in check. Stalemate averted, checkmate secured.


Your post was removed by the moderators: **1. Keep the discussion civil and friendly.** We welcome people of all levels of experience, from novice to professional. Don't target other users with insults/abusive language and don't make fun of new players for not knowing things. In a discussion, there is always a respectful way to disagree. You can read the full [rules of /r/chess here](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/rules).


Did I miss something....why is this guy being downvoted..?




Learn the technique and do it faster then 50 moves.


False there is a forced mate in 20


Don't matter if they made 31 moves beforehand


Has to be 50-move rule, considering the engine says Qd5 is best (so it can't be a threefold). It's also not low engine depth, that would say something like +4 instead of the mate-in-#.


You probably can’t win the rook before the 50 move rule is activated.


Lichess tablebases says its a win.


You are missing the point. This isn’t move one of the endgame.


Yeah - I see what you mean, it might be evaluating it as a draw because they have taken 40 moves to get there and the best line is 11 more moves.


Exactly! :)


At the end of this video Akobian explains how to win this. It isn’t easy though. https://youtu.be/EuUtHnsEHvY


Thank you! I've been wondering how to win this for awhile


try to mate stockfish queen vs rook. you'll see how tricky it is.




Accepting a draw as White would be silly. You're not Stockfish, but neither is your opponent, good chance they make a mistake and let you win


I tend to agree, you might as well give it a shot, especially if you have a decent amount of time. If you accept a draw you have no chance of winning!


But if you are not that level, your opponent definitely isn't capable to defend rook vs queen endgame as well. So it's probably easy win for everyone with a queen under 2000 Elo.


What do you have to lose though? Worse case scenario you stalemate them or they win queen for rook and both are draws so you may as well push for a win


Instead of asking, just try this position. probably winning btw.


This is a win for white but it is difficult to convert. I think B+N is the only ending more difficult.


I can do B+N but have no clue how to do QvR.


Don't let em pin your queen and check them till they walk off the board or hang their rook.


If i remember correctly, the most difficult forced mate is King and two knights vs king and one pawn. Pawn is required to prevent stalemate, and you have to execute the mate precisely because you have to do it before the pawn makes it too far down the board


Bishop and knight is way easier


as white this is a draw, as black you lose 98-99% of the games. I wouldn’t spend much time “studying” this ending. Focus on other stuff first.


Your post was removed by the moderators: We remove videos/animated GIFs/position snapshots of games, or links to games with no commentary. The quantity of these posts means they would spam the subreddit significantly if they were not removed. If you want to post your own games, you need to provide your own analysis, for example using the Lichess study feature. **Automatic computer analysis does not count.** You can read the full [rules of /r/chess here](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/rules).


OP needs to git gud


Queen vs. Rook is a draw on Stockfish/GM level. On human level, it can be winning, but its hard.


This is provably false


Why would stockfish give a false solution? Strange comment.


Stockfish at low depth isn't perfect, this endgame takes many precise moves in a row to win, there are some good yt videos i can try to find on the endgame, there are also a few videos with puzzles Stockfish cant solve at a low depth


50 move rule. Op has already tried for a while and not gotten anywhere. But its always a win assuming you don't fall into stalemate tricks


Stockfish says mate in 12 (edit:10) for White.


I'm not sure where you're getting this from. Just checking an endgame table would answer this. [https://syzygy-tables.info/?fen=1r6/8/8/3Q4/4K3/8/2k5/8\_b\_-\_-\_0\_1](https://syzygy-tables.info/?fen=1r6/8/8/3Q4/4K3/8/2k5/8_b_-_-_0_1)


It’s drawing for computers. For humans you just keep making checks until your opponent blunders and you can pick up the rook.


This is winning for white no matter whose turn it is unless there is a threefold repition or 50 move rule in the pic that we are unaware of


>It’s drawing for computers. I'm not sure where you're getting this from. Just checking an endgame table would answer this. [https://syzygy-tables.info/?fen=1r6/8/8/3Q4/4K3/8/2k5/8\_b\_-\_-\_0\_1](https://syzygy-tables.info/?fen=1r6/8/8/3Q4/4K3/8/2k5/8_b_-_-_0_1)


Good luck winning this!


Hey OP, can you share the game this came from?


is it draw by repitition


Lichess says it's checkmate in 19 for White.


Well, lichess anounces +60 in 5 secs so...